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Liracen is a powerful sorceress, proficient in spells that affect the mind, reshaping entire

mental landscapes to her liking and walking through strangers’ dreams as if they were home
to her. A trained former dancer, she has retained the lithe, willowy build of her younger years
and moves with precision and grace, testament to her having maintained much of her training
regimen even now. Taught the art of conversation, she holds herself ever at a polite distance,
quick to flatter and compliment, even if few of her smiles ever quite reach her eyes.

Dream magic, by AnaLuizaCG

A wearer of many masks and weaver of illusions, it is easy to forget what power lies behind
the pleasant exterior and gentle manner.
Face Delicate, doll-like, heart-shaped, youthful, pointed
chin, high cheekbones, slightly upturned narrow

Eyes Bright, eerie, long dark lashes, corrupted yellow,

dark green borders, sculpted delicate brows

Mouth Generous lips, often curled into a smile

Hair Black, glossy, curly, wild, untamed, wilful

Body Willowy, long-legged, lean, slender, a dancer’s

Skin Pale, creamy, alabaster


Hands Slim, long-fingered, manicured, elegant

Legs Leanly muscled, long, surprisingly strong,

Portrait by Karimatts
Her most striking features are her creamy, pale skin, kept meticulously throughout years and
battles to make her appear much younger of age than the thirty years she’s been alive, her
wealth of dark curls, usually tamed into intricate up-dos and braids to keep from spilling into
her face, and her corrupted eyes--once the deep green of the jungles of her homeworld, now
tainted with the sulphuric glow of the dark side, verdant canopies set ablaze.

Stemming from a line of slaves bred for looks on her mother’s side, her features are exquisite,
almost doll-like in their delicate perfection, appearing youthful and charming even in the garb
of a Lord of the Sith. Her chin is pointed and face heart-shaped, with high, wide cheekbones
and large, long-lashed eyes. Her nose is narrow and very slightly up-turned at the end. Her
lips are quite full and often painted, accents to them and her lids highlighting the contrast of
her porcelain pallor and her black locks. Her eyes glow eerily, yellowed corruption having
banished all but slivers of the former deep green colour and partially extending towards the
whites of her eyes--a sole blemish that twists her beauty into something unearthly and strange,
like a creature of nightmare rather than dreams.

Her hair often seems an entity unto its own, rebellious and wild and barely tamed, no matter
how many pins, combs, twists and braids she applies, several stubborn curls always find their
way back bouncing in her line of sight. She brushes them aside, frequently, tucking back stray
strands and rarely keeps her hair entirely untamed, at times bound into a thick braid that
dangles down her back or wound around itself and fastened tight. When loose, it hangs down
past her waist--though rarely cooperates to do so as prettily as she’d like.
Portrait by Pinkmaster
Mirrored truth by Darwin Figueroa
Her build is slender and lean, long-legged and dainty. She can exude sultriness, but is rarely
overtly sensual. Training daily, she has kept in great shape, with finely muscled legs and
straight posture. She is no powerhouse, by any means, relying on her magic to see her
through, but has trained to evade blows and has an excellent sense of balance, able to keep
her footing under most circumstances.

Her day-to-day clothing consists of robes befitting her status as a Lord, tailored gowns styled
as form-fitting with little fluff or armouring and fully covering her where possible. Any skin on
show will be covered in lace or sheer material and she prefers classic ball-gown and mermaid
cuts, usually in dark Imperial tones: black, red or purple. Many of her gowns--being custom
made--feature hidden compartments of pockets where possible, usually in the flowier skirts or
near the neckline. She often wears jewelry: rings, earrings, chokers and adornments in her
hair, though never any pendant necklaces.

Elegant, by AnaLuizaCG
In combat, she is lightly armoured, her company having specialised in tailoring lightweight
bodysuits for her. These tend to hold much more room for gadgets and trinkets of all shapes
and sizes, certain parts reinforced against blows and generally blade- and blaster-proofed to
the highest possible extent. Here, too, she prefers darker colours and skin tight fits.

She is in fact, rarely entirely unarmoured, often sporting at least a light combat suit under most
garments that allow for such, the Force-imbued design and runic protection woven through
garments and the ink in her skin allowing for a certain amount of protection from harm.
Covering almost the entirety of her back, up to her nape and down past her tailbone is an
intricate, runic tattoo of pearlescent ink and powdered ivory crystal, that shimmers and
sparkles whenever it catches the light but remains otherwise unseen in its entirety. The design
combines alien, almost technological elements, inspired by Rakatan designs, dream-like
twisted components reminiscent of the Vossian Nightmare Lands, a place that influenced
much of her magic as well as more traditional ancient Sith symbolism. A complex, hard-to-
read piece the purpose of which isn’t quite clear to any who don’t know her power.

Dreamcatcher, by Shari
Tattoo design, by Shari
In a dreamscape of Kaas City, by Cyan Orange (cropped), full version: here
Her magic is of the Dark Side: powerful, dangerous and alluring. She weaves it from dreams
and stolen emotion, and it often manifests as nightmarish chimaeras or twisting tendrils she
casts at her foes to assault or debilitate them. While she is very proficient in its use, it is almost
as dangerous to her as it is to any who’d oppose her, known to enact a steep price for the
power it offers should she lose control.
Mystery, by avoyagerinspace

Mood: Pinterest board:

Music: Halsey - Control
Billie Eilish - Bury a Friend (Zed’s Dead Remix)
Gris OST Komorebi -
The White Violin Remix -
Gris OST Gris Pt 1 -

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