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DEC-17-2009 16:38 Tarten Equipment Limited 905 670 4790 P0106 ZF — TRANSMATIC MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS WSK + TRANSMISSION @ Ga WWW.TARTEN.COM DEC-17-2009 16:38 4 MAINTENANCE ‘or combin: Depending on the type of installation — separ ed converter clutch unit and main gearbox — converter clutch unit and gearbox have a separate or common oil circuit 4.1 Oil grades Only oil grades conforming to the valid 2F list of lubricants may be used for filling ZF gearboxes and auxiliary units. The applicable lists are: Converter clutch unit and main gearbox separate (separate oil circuit): List TE-ML 03 or TE-ML 10 for converter clutch unit List TE-ML 02 for main gearbox Converter clutch unit and main gearbox combined (common il circuit: Uist TEML 10 ‘These oils ensure efficient operation even at low temperatu- ras down to -25 °C. Lists of lubricants are available through any ZF servi tion (see page 41 for addresses). sta. 32 4.3. Oil filling and oll level check ‘The manner of oil filing and the oil level check is also depen- dent on the installation and version of converter cluteh unit ‘and main gearbox. The vehicle should be on level ground in oil and checking the oil level. Note the follow- 1. Oil should be filled in and the oil level checked in the ‘specified manner and sequence. Only in this way ie it ‘possible to ensure that the converter clutch uni bbox and heat exchanger together with connecting lines are completely filled by the oil pump and the correct, oil level reached. 2. Check the ofl level at regular intervals, To avoid faulty readings, e. g. due to expansion of the warm oil, do not ‘check the oil level immediately after # journey but only when the oil has settled and cooled down (at lea 30 — 40 °C). When checking the ol level, examine the ‘converter clutch unit and gearbox for leaks (so-called leak oil points). Tarten Equipment Limited 905 670 4790 P0206 42 Oil capacity ‘Tha quantity of oil required for the initial filling in the vehicle or for changing the oil depends on: the converter clutch unit version (with or without retarder) the main gearbox version WE the heat exchanger version and arrangement Correct filling procedure and accurate checking of the oil level are decisive for the amount of oil required. ‘The quantity of oil required stated on the name plate attach- ed to the gearbox cover or to the converter clutch unit is only approximate. More oll willbe required if the gearbox or converter clutch unit has undergone repair. 4.3.1 Filling and check with common oil eirouit of WSK and ‘The location of the oil plugs of the particular combination is shown in Fig. 13. Converter clutch unit with main gearbox (Fig. 13 2, 13 b) Tofill: 1. Add approx. 16 dm? oil through filler open ing of converter clutch unit (18) with engine stationary. 2. Add oil at 18 with engine running (idling speed), vehicle firmly braked and 6th or 8th speed engaged until it overflows at the gear- box (107). 3. Close plugs 18 and 107, shift gearbox into ‘neutral, run engine at approx. 1 200/min for about 2 to 3 minutes (this is necessary to completely fl lines with oil). 4, Repeat operation 2. Ensure that opening 107 is not closed until no more oil flows out. Approx. 1 dm more oil is required for version with retarder. hheat exchanger and connecting DEC-17-2009 16:38 @) Converter clutch unit + six-speed ‘gearbox ‘gearbox @ 9 ae ff. b) Converter clutch unit +eightspeed Tarten Equipment Limited 906 670 4790 rain tor WSK filler opening 30 Suction filter 2 104 Breather Ed 106 Oil overflow bore for all-wheel transfer case 106 Oil drain for main gearbox 107 Oil overflow bore for main gearbox. 109 Oil drain for all-wheel transfer case ©) Converter clutch unit + six-speed ‘gearbox withall-wheel transfer case 4) Converter clutch unit + eight speed. gearbox with allawheel transfer case Fig. 13 Location of oil plugs with common converter clutch unit and main gearbox oil circuit 34 Check: Select neutral at gearbox and allow engine to run at ing speed for about 3 minutes. Then check. level at 107 with engine running, 6th or 8th speed ‘engaged and vehicle firmly braked. Top up oi level has dropped below edge of opening. oll Converter clutch unit with main gearbox and all-wheel trans- ‘for case (Fig. 13.6, 13d) To fill: 1. Add approx. 25 dm? to filler opening of conv ter clutch unit (18) when engine stationary. 2, Add oil at 18 with engine running (idling speed) ‘and main gearbox in neutral until oil overflows at allwheel transfer case (105). 3. Close plugs 18 and 105, run engine at approx. 1200/min for about 2 to 3 minutes (this is ‘necessary to completely fill heat exchanger and connecting lines with oil). 4, Repeat operation 2. Ensure that opening 105 is not closed until no more oil flows out. Approx. 1 dm? more oil is required for version with retarder. Check: Select neutral at gearbox and allow engine to run at idling speed for about 3 minutes. Then check oil {evel at 105 with engine running. Top up oil if oil eval has cirnmmeri halcay arion of enanine. 43.2 Filling and check with soparate oll circuit of WSK and main gearbox ‘The location of the appropriate oil plugs on the converter ‘clutch unit and main gearbox is shown in Fig. 14, Converter clutch unit (Fig. 14 a) To fill: 1, Add oil (approx. 18 dm?) at filler opening (18) ‘with engine running (Idling speed) — gearbox in neutral — until oil overflows at opening 135. 2. Close plugs 18 and 135, allow engine to run at approx. 1 200/min for about 2 to 3 minutes (this ‘is necessary to completely fill the heat exchanger ‘and connecting lines with oill. ‘3. Repeat operation 1. Approx. 1 di? more oil is required on version with retarder. Select neutral at gearbox and first allow engine to run at idling speed for approx. 3 minutes. Then ‘check oil level at 135 with engine running. Top up. Clif oil level has dropped below edge of opening. Check: P.03706 DEC-17-2009 16:38 Tarten Equipment Limited 905 670 4790 P0406 O@ @) Converter clutch unit separate Installation 17 OW drain for converter eluteh unit 18 OI iter opening for converter chutch unit eather for comvarter clutch unit 30 Suction fi 104 Breather for main gearbox 108 Overflow hole ll dipstick for allswhoel transfer ease 106 Ot rein for man gearbox 107 OW titer opening and overflow b 109 Ot dain tor allo transfer cas 135 Overflow hole for converter clutch unit Fig. 14 Location of oil plugs with separate clutch converter unit and main gearbox oil circuit (installation) 0) Sixspeed gearbox with attach- ‘ed allawhee! transfer case Eight-speed, nin Ecosplit gearbox ed oF ) Eight speed, nine-speed or Ecosplit gearbox with integrat- ed allaheel transfer ease 36 Main gearbox — without all-wheel transfer case — (Fig . 14 b, we) To fill: Add oil at filler opening (107) with engine stationa- 1 until it overflows (oil overflow measurement) ‘Check: Add oil at 107 if oil level has dropped below edge of opening. Main transmission with allawheol transfer case (Fig . 14d, we Tot ‘Add oil at filler opening (107) with engine stationa- ry untit it overflows at all-wheel transfert case (105) or the ower mark on dipstick (105) is reached. ‘This is dependent on gearbox version. Check: First allow engine to run at idling speed approx. ‘a minutes. Then check oil level at 105 with engine stationary. Top up oil if oll level has dropped below Se ee ane 44 Oil change intervals For converter clutch unit — installed separately, and In com- bination with main gearbox — the following oil change inter- vals apply: First oll change after max, 6000 km or 125. operating hours ail further oil changes after max. 40.000 km or 1.000 operating hours but at least once a year (matched to vehicle manufactur ‘maintenance intervals). ‘Tha tame ol change Intervals apply to the separately in- stalled main gearbox. DEC-17-2009 16:38 45 Oildrain Before filling with fresh oll the old oll must be drained off. First run the vehicle for a short period to warm up the oil (operating temperature) so that it will drain off more quick- ly. In addition, the oll will absorb any condensate water which may be present. To drain the oil, unscrew the appropriate plugs on the con: verter clutch unit (17) and on the gearbox (106 or 106 and 109, resp.) refer to Fig. 13 or Fig. 14, resp. Before screw. ing the magnetic drain plugs in again, remove any metallic particles from the magnet and replace the seals on the plugs. ‘The oil in the converter cannot be fully drained. It is possib- le, however, by unscrewing the pressure measuring plug (6) ally drain approx. 7 dm3 and to reduce the quantity of oll remaining in the converter to approx. 6 dim? (see Fig. 15; Item 6). ‘on the converter clutch unit contro! to addi Depending on the version and arrangement, a certzin quant ty of oll remains also in the heat exchanger and in the con- necting lines which cannot be drained off. 38 48 Cleaning filter ‘The suction filter installed ing (see Fig. 16, Item 30) should be cleaned every time the ofl is changed. The filter is cleaned with petroleum or diesel fuel ‘and blown dry with compressed air. If a brush is used, this must only be a special filter cleaning brush (the inside of the {iltor must not become dirty when cleaning). ‘the converter clutch unit hous Tarten Equipment Limited 905 670 4790 P0506 Fig. 15 Pressure measuring plug on converter clutch unit contro! | the filter element is severely fouled, it should be replaced. Remove the filter pan for cleaning or replacing the filter. Clean filter element or replace and re-insert in the same posi- tion. The sheet metal cover must point toward the outside (Fig. 16 aand 16 b). Replace the flat gasket each time the filter is cleaned. Fig. 16 Inserting suction fier DEC-17-2009 16:38 Importantt {1 inserted wrongly, risk of fouling since filter in reverse direction. Fit oll sump with deep end above intake opening (channel ‘next to filter element). flows through 47 Breather When the vehicle is driven and braked with the retarder, the cil in the converter and in the gearbox heats up. An ove pressure builds up which is continuously reduced through a breather. It is therefore essential to keep this breather clean {0 ensure that it operates satisfactorily. The location of the breather Is shown in Fig. 13 and Fig. 14, respectively. {the breather is sill protected by a plastic cap, as installed before the gearbox is painted, remove this cap before operat- ing vehicle. Tarten Equipment Limited 905 670 4790 P0606 4.8 Maintenance of compressed air system ‘To ensure perfect operation and long life of the pneumatic, section of the converter clutch unit control and also for the pneumatic shift system of gearbox and auxiliary units, itis essential to maintain the compressed air system at regular interval ‘A certain amount of condensation forms in all compressed systems depending on climate and weather conditions. The compressed alr tank must therefore be drained once @ Week, and every day during the winter. Rust, water and other Impurities blown from the alr tanks into the valves or shift cevlinders cause malfunctions or even failure of the control or shift system, For this reason, is extremely important to drain the vehic- le's compressed air system regularly. If the compressed alr cleaner with water trap is not drained automatically, it must be drained together with the compressed alr tanks, ‘The electrical connections of the components are of water- proof design. The location of the components is specified ex. ‘Works. Their location must not be altered when they are re- placed. Always ensure that these components are not affoct- ed by any work performed close to them, such as build-up of hheat or splash water. TOTAL P.O6

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