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AU - Perry, James L.
TI - Introduction to the Symposium on Public Service Motivation Research
JO - Public Administration Review
VL - 70
IS - 5
PB - Blackwell Publishing Ltd
SN - 1540-6210
UR -
DO - 10.1111/j.1540-6210.2010.02195.x
SP - 679
EP - 680
PY - 2010
ER -
AU - Perry, James L.
AU - Hondeghem, Annie
AU - Wise, Lois Recascino
TI - Revisiting the Motivational Bases of Public Service: Twenty Years of Resea
rch and an Agenda for the Future
JO - Public Administration Review
VL - 70
IS - 5
PB - Blackwell Publishing Ltd
SN - 1540-6210
UR -
DO - 10.1111/j.1540-6210.2010.02196.x
SP - 681
EP - 690
PY - 2010
AB - How has research regarding public service motivation evolved since James L
. Perry and Lois Recascino Wise published their essay â The Motivational Bases of Pub
lic Serviceâ 20 years ago? The authors assess subsequent studies in public administr
ation and in social and behavioral sciences as well as evolving definitions of p
ublic service motivation. What have we learned about public service motivation d
uring the last two decades? What gaps in our understanding and knowledge have ap
peared with respect to the three propositions offered by Perry and Wise? This es
say charts new directions for public service motivation scholarship to help clar
ify current research questions, advance comparative research, and enhance our ov
erall understanding of individualsâ public service motives.
ER -
AU - Wright, Bradley E.
AU - Grant, Adam M.
TI - Unanswered Questions about Public Service Motivation: Designing Research t
o Address Key Issues of Emergence and Effects
JO - Public Administration Review
VL - 70
IS - 5
PB - Blackwell Publishing Ltd
SN - 1540-6210
UR -
DO - 10.1111/j.1540-6210.2010.02197.x
SP - 691
EP - 700
PY - 2010
AB - As public service motivation research gains momentum, important questions
emerge regarding its origins and consequences that are not addressed by existing
research. The authors identify some fundamental public service motivation assum
ptions, including critical gaps in our current understanding of its basic tenets
. The authors then discuss specific research studies that, by virtue of their fi
ndings and designs, may fill in and inform such apparent gaps. Their aim is to c
hart new concrete directions for scholarship that complements and advances exist
ing public service motivation research.
ER -
AU - Kim, Sangmook
AU - Vandenabeele, Wouter
TI - A Strategy for Building Public Service Motivation Research Internationally
JO - Public Administration Review
VL - 70
IS - 5
PB - Blackwell Publishing Ltd
SN - 1540-6210
UR -
DO - 10.1111/j.1540-6210.2010.02198.x
SP - 701
EP - 709
PY - 2010
AB - As public service motivation research grows qualitatively and quantitative
ly, some scholars question its appropriateness for international applications. T
his essay sets out a strategy of convergence for international research and meas
urement approaches. Studies that assess commonalities in public service motivati
on content internationally are analyzed in order to develop a broader conceptual
and more operational definition as well as consequently a more universal public
service motivation construct. Public service motives, according to this review,
are based on self-sacrifice and fall into three categories: instrumental, value
-based, and identification. The dimensions of the public service motivation cons
truct are refined along the lines of attraction to public participation, commitm
ent to public values, compassion, and self-sacrifice. Researchers are urged to i
nclude all of its dimensions within their empirical studies to advance contempor
ary public service motivation studies.
ER -
AU - Paarlberg, Laurie E.
AU - Lavigna, Bob
TI - Transformational Leadership and Public Service Motivation: Driving Individ
ual and Organizational Performance
JO - Public Administration Review
VL - 70
IS - 5
PB - Blackwell Publishing Ltd
SN - 1540-6210
UR -
DO - 10.1111/j.1540-6210.2010.02199.x
SP - 710
EP - 718
PY - 2010
AB - Despite growing evidence about prosocial motivations and their effects on
employee behavior, how can new public service motivation research translate into
more effective management practicesâ which, so far, regrettably remain underdevelope
d? Increasingly, public service motivation studies have moved from understanding
what motivates public servants to exploring how public service motives influenc
e performance. Similarly, greater attention is now paid to the practices of tran
sformational leadership. Drawing on concepts from transformational leadership, t
his essay explores how managers can harness the positive aspects of public servi
ce motivation to enhance employee and organizational performance and outlines st
rategies that can help managers incorporate public service motivation values acr
oss management systems.
ER -

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