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Dela Gente, Wency F.

Chapter 1- Activity 2 

Instruction: Answer the following comprehensively. 

A. To test whether you have learned about the basic concepts and principles in non
traditional assessment, complete the table below to indicate the differences of
traditional  and alternative assessments. (5 pts) 
Areas Traditional Assessment Alternative Assessment

Definition Use of traditional assessment  Alternative assessment is any

strategies or tools to provide  classroom assessment practice
information in student learning that focuses on continuous
individual student progress.
A performance tests or authentic
assessments, are used to
determine what students can and
cannot do, in contrast to what they
do or do not know.

Tools Paper and Pencil Test Performance Test, rubrics,

portfolios, and collaborative testing.

Focus Knowledge HOTS/ Students Performance

Orientation Outcome-Based Performance-Based

Assessor Teacher or External Teacher and Learners

B. Differentiate the different non-traditional assessment models by completing the table 

below. (9pts) 
Model Description Critical Element Things to

Authentic Based on students‟ Requires a sense of

Assessment abilities to perform meaningful tasks that  Able to do/
meaningful tasks they students would need students can.
may have to do in the to be able to do after  Time
“real world.” Evaluate they leave. Typically
students‟ abilities to relies on using a
complete the criteria rubric (or some other
of the task(s). Ex. E- scoring guide).

Developmental Looks at students‟ Requires a theory of To collect

Assessment progress in developing how students develop information
skills, abilities, values, the knowledge, skills, necessary to make
etc., rather than abilities, and/or important
evaluating students‟ values you intend to decisions about
final products. Based measure. Requires students‟
on relevant principles some sort of a pre- development and
of development in post- assessment educational needs.
your discipline. design. Must serve in
ways that enhance
opportunities for
optimal growth,
development, and

Emergent A model based on Assessors need to be Consider the

Assessment Michael Scriven‟s competent in the necessarily
(1967) goal-free subject of intrusive nature of
evaluation model. assessment. this type of
structured using Assessors need to be assessment. This
“effects” rather than aware of and model needs to be
learning outcomes. conscientious of their both balanced and
bias. Need to be unbiased. This
Critical. requires
knowledge from
the assessors of
their natural

C. Choose one (1) of the key principles in assessing learning using alternative  
assessment. Discuss it by presenting a specific case or experience with your past 
teachers in basic education. (6 pts)
Assessment should reflect real-life or real-world contexts.

This assessment is defined as learning that is designed to enable students to carry out
activities and solve problems in a manner that is representative of the nature of such
tasks in the real world. In 2018, our history teacher took us to the Provincial Museum.
He allowed us to investigate and learn about historical events (e.g history, customs, way
of living, and etc. of South Cotabato). Following that, he gave us an activity in which we
would reflect on what we had learned and observed, and he asked us to answer an
open-ended question, "If I were in the past, what things could I have done for my
community?" ” So, this was a fantastic experience that our teacher was able to provide
for us.

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