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Multidisciplinary diagnosis and management of orofacial pain

Article  in  General dentistry · March 2002

Source: PubMed

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1 author:

Henry A Gremillion
Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center New Orleans


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Multidisciplinary Diagnosis &

Management of Orofacial Pain

by Henry A. Gremillion, DDS, MAGD

Dentistry has enjoyed a remarkable period of tech- Inadequate pain relief is associated with enormous
nological and scientific growth over the past several socioeconomic consequences, so much so that pain
decades. With the increase in life expectancy, the is now viewed as the fifth vital sign.2,3 The Joint
number of individuals seeking dental care also has Commission on Accreditation of Health Care
escalated. One of the most common reasons for Organizations recently adopted standards directed at
seeking care is because of pain and/or dysfunction, ensuring all patients the right to appropriate assess-
usually involving the teeth or periodontal tissues. ment and management of their pain.
However, musculoskeletal, vascular, and neuropath-
ic causes of orofacial pain occur frequently. The need Orofacial pain occurs frequently in the general popu-
to understand pain and all of its ramifications is of lation. A study by Lipton et al of 45,711 households
utmost importance in diagnosis and case-specific, revealed that 22% of the U.S. population experi-
evidence-based management of conditions afflicting enced orofacial pain on more than one occasion in a
the masticatory system. This article reviews current six-month period.4 Certainly it comes as no surprise
concepts with regard to the multiple etiologic and/or that the most commonly experienced orofacial pain is
perpetuating factors now thought to be associated odontogenic in nature. Dworkin and Massoth report-
with myogenous and arthrogenous orofacial pain. ed that the most prevalent non-odontogenic orofacial
Important distinctions between acute and chronic pains are musculoskeletal in origin.5
pain are discussed. The rationale for consideration of
multidisciplinary evaluation and management is high- Temporomandibular disorders (TMDs) comprise a
lighted. broad subgroup of musculoskeletal disorders that
affect the temporomandibular joint (TMJ), the mus-
Received: January 3, 2001 cles of mastication, and/or the associated struc-
Accepted: February 20, 2001 tures.6 TMD has been identified as one of the most
commonly occurring non-odontogenic pain com-
The new millennium heralds an exciting time in den- plaints.4 Recent studies indicate the prevalence of
tistry. Technological advances coupled with a rapid- TMD-related pain to be 12%.7 It has been reported
ly growing foundation of scientific knowledge have that 10 million Americans suffer from TMD-related
brought the field of dentistry to the forefront with complaints each year.8,9 One general population
regard to the provision of evidence-based care. Over study indicated that 75% percent of those evaluated
the past several decades, the general population has exhibited at least one sign, such as joint noise or pal-
gained a greater appreciation for the importance of pation tenderness, and 33% of this non-patient pop-
quality oral health as a significant component of opti- ulation exhibited at least one symptom that potential-
mum overall health. The number of individuals seek- ly would prompt that individual to seek evaluation
ing dental care on a routine basis has increased and and care.10,11
continues to rise. However, the stark reality is that the
primary reason for patients seeking care in medicine Signs and symptoms in the general population have
and dentistry is due to pain. been found to occur more frequently in females than
in males, at a ratio of approximately 2:1.11-13 However,
Pain is the most frequent cause of suffering and dis- females are three to nine times more likely to be rep-
ability. It is estimated that 20% of the United States resented in patient populations with an age range of
population experiences significant acute pain and 15-45.10,14,15 The age-sex prevalence patterns of TMD
33% experiences chronic pain each year.1 are consistent with a possible etiological role for
Unfortunately, health care professionals may lack female reproductive hormones in these pain condi-
essential training that would facilitate accurate recog- tions. Several peripheral and central mechanisms
nition, detailed assessment, and effective manage- through which estrogen could operate to increase
ment of many acute and chronic pain conditions. pain have been postulated for TMD and other painful


conditions, including joint laxity, enhanced inflamma- Diagnosis of painful conditions involving the head
tory responses, and actions of prostaglandin release and neck frequently is complicated by referred pain,
or serotonin receptors.16 which is characterized by the site of the pain differing
from the actual source of the pain.19 When assessing
Primary headache (tension-type and vascular) the orofacial pain patient, it is important to remember
occurs commonly and frequently is associated with that the site in which the patient reports the pain is
TMD. Approximately 45 million Americans experi- based on perception and interpretation and may not
ence headache pain on a recurrent basis. Some of truly reflect the area in which pathology is present.
the mechanisms associated with these conditions Several hypotheses have been proposed regarding
may overlap those mentioned above. For example, this commonly experienced phenomenon.
the increased rates of occurrence of migraine
headaches during the menstrual cycle and the Central excitatory effects resulting from ongoing
adverse effects of oral contraceptives on migraine peripheral nociceptive input may occur. Nociception
are well documented in clinical studies.16 Other mal- refers to electro-chemical impulses that are transmit-
adies that commonly are expressed in the orofacial ted from the periphery and are interpreted as pain in
region include trigeminal neuralgia, trauma-induced the upper brain. Continuous and/or recurrent noci-
neuropathy, herpes zoster (shingles), and post-her- ceptive input into the central nervous system (CNS)
petic neuralgia. Autoimmune disorders such as may promote the release of neurotransmitter and
rheumatoid arthritis, scleroderma, systemic lupus vasoactive substances in the spinal trigeminal nucle-
erythematosis, and psoriatic arthritis also are associ- us (subnucleus caudalis).20,21 This central excitation
ated with symptoms in the head and neck region. may decrease the threshold of adjacent second
order neurons that receive input from sites other than
The diagnosis and management of TMDs and other nociceptive sources. As signals on excited second
non-odontogenic orofacial pain complaints may be order neurons are transmitted to the higher centers
one of the most challenging yet rewarding aspects of (thalamus, limbic system, and somatosensory cor-
dental practice. Recent expansion of knowledge with tex), nociception is interpreted as pain.22 Nociception
regard to the many ramifications of the pain experi- from deep structures (muscle, vasculature, and joint)
ence has generated an explosion of inquiry into the is nontopographic in nature and often difficult for a
complex arena of pain mechanisms and pathways. patient to localize. When central excitation sensitizes
This has resulted in a dramatic paradigm shift in the adjacent second order neurons, the site versus
diagnosis and management of pain. Therefore, it is source of deep tissue nociception may be even more
mandatory for dental professionals to develop the difficult for the individual to distinguish.
necessary clinical expertise and a scientific knowl-
edge base on which they may determine case-spe- This shared neurologic circuitry may make the true
cific diagnostic and management approaches. source of pain difficult to diagnose.23 Confusion with
regard to diagnostic and clinical decision-making is
The complexity of understanding orofacial pain may compounded by the fact that signs associated with
be related to underlying neurophysiological mecha- TMD occur quite commonly in the general popula-
nisms such as activation of peripheral receptors, tion. TMD also is associated with a number of signs
alteration of the size of receptive fields, neurotrans- and symptoms affecting other areas of the head and
mitter release, transmission and projection of noci- neck. Headache and ear-related symptoms are fre-
ceptive information, and convergence of nociceptive quent complaints among TMD patients. A recent pub-
afferents onto common central neurons.17 Orofacial lication found that 75% of a TMD patient population
pain can be classified into four categories – myoge- also reported concomitant neck pain, 72% indicated
nous, arthrogenous, neurologic, and vascular. that they were experiencing pain in areas of the head
Mechanisms implicated in the pathogenesis in each other than the masticatory region, and 72% reported
of these subgroups involve the communication of a back pain.24
multitude of neurotransmitters and neuromodulators,
which may play key roles in the perception of and The trigeminal convergence-projection theory (Fig. 1)
response to pain.18 is based on the fact that nociceptive input from virtu-


Figure 1 - Convergence of primary small fibers subserving nociception.

ally the entire head and neck (cranial nerves V, VII, example, light touch or wind blowing across hair is
IX, and X and cervical nerves 1-4) converge on the conveyed by proprioceptive nerves. Neuroplastic
trigeminal spinal nucleus (subnucleus caudalis).25-27 changes at primary receptors and second order neu-
This area is where primary nociceptive nerves rons may allow input from such sites to be interpret-
synapse with second order neurons. This concept ed as painful.
suggests that it is in this area where central excitation
occurs. The number of primary pain-transmitting neu- The extent to which neuroplastic changes occur is
rons is far greater than the number of second order controlled by the excitatory and inhibitory pain mod-
neurons. Therefore, sensory input from multiple ulating systems. Continuous nociception may stimu-
regions, including the cervical region, may project late excitation and increase the patient’s pain experi-
onto the same second order neuron for transmission ence. However, nociception also stimulates descend-
to the higher centers in the pain pathways where pain ing pathways (serotonergic, adrenergic, and
localization, interpretation, and response occur. enkephlinergic), which modify the spinal trigeminal
nucleus and regulate sensory input into the nervous
Currently, it is recognized that chemical changes and system. Whether excitation or inhibition prevails may
alterations in neurotransmitter receptor systems take be largely dependent on accurate diagnosis and
place in response to pain. This may result in a expeditious case-specific treatment. This may be the
decreased tolerance to pain, compromised sleep difference between a quick resolution of the patient’s
quality and/or quantity, depression, and other behav- pain problem and the development of a potentially
ioral changes. Over the last decade, a tremendous devastating chronic pain condition.
amount of insight regarding neural plasticity in the
peripheral and central nervous systems has been Pain is defined as an unpleasant sensory and emo-
explained.28,29 Neural plasticity refers to how the tional experience associated with actual or potential
transmission properties of nerves are altered due to tissue damage or described in terms of such damage
peripheral and central excitatory effects. When neu- (see Table 1).30 Acute pain serves a protective func-
ral plasticity is induced, input on non-nociceptive tion by warning the body of imminent danger.31 It is
nerves may be interpreted by the brain as pain. For characterized by a sudden onset, usually recogniza-


Table 1. Differences Between Acute & Chronic Pain

Clinical Acute Pain Chronic Pain

Definition Unpleasant sensation associated Sensation that persists when the other aspects
of the disease/disorder have been resolved

Duration Limited to normal healing time required Beyond the typical time for healing; not self-limiting
to overcome the causative mechanisms

Implications Serves as a protective mechanism No useful purpose; may become self-perpetuating

Implications Associated anxiety but no persisting Frequently accompanied by psychological changes;
psychological reactions appears to be permanent

Management Respond predictably to traditional May be refractory to traditional modalities;

approaches requires a multidisciplinary approach

ble pathology, short duration, predictability of treat- Data indicate that the face, head, and neck are one
ment outcome, and if present, reversible psychologi- of the most common regions of the body in which
cal distress. chronic pain is experienced.37 Von Korff et al report-
ed that the risk of developing chronic head/facial pain
Chronic pain may be defined as pain that persists a is 24.3% by age 50 and 33.8% by age 70.38
month beyond the usual course of an acute disease Importantly, McKinney et al suggested that chronic
process or the reasonable time of healing for a spe- TMD pain patients with a symptom duration of more
cific injury.22 Chronic pain is characterized by its than six months are behaviorally and psychologically
extended duration, poorly defined pathology, poor similar to non-TMD chronic pain patients. However,
response to treatments, and associated disability.32 they differ in their perceptions of their disorder, ren-
Whereas acute pain usually may be managed effec- dering them less handicapped by their problems.39
tively by traditional monodisciplinary approaches to Unpublished data regarding comparison of patients
care, chronic pain typically requires a multidiscipli- in a facial pain center, spine pain center, and anes-
nary approach to management involving biologic and thesia pain center found no statistical differences
psychologic components. Chapman and Gavrin between patients with regard to pain levels, depres-
recently postulated that severe, chronic pain is an sion, and anxiety.40 Therefore, understanding the clin-
extended and destructive stress response character- ical relevancy of central excitation, trigeminal conver-
ized by neuroendocrine dysregulation, fatigue, dys- gence, and neural plasticity may allow the practition-
phoria, myalgia, and impaired mental and physical er to coordinate care most effectively.
performance.33 It has been stated that chronic pain
may become self-perpetuating and may be consid- Disruptive Factors
ered a disease in itself.34,35 A functional homeostatic balance exists between the
various components of the masticatory system,
The implications of chronic pain in the United States including the teeth, periodontium (hard and soft tis-
are enormous. Recent estimates suggest that one- sue-supporting structures), masticatory and cervical
third of the population (97 million Americans) suffers musculature, TMJ structures, and the psyche of each
from chronic pain.36 It has been found that chronic individual. This adaptive balance may be disrupted
pain disables more Americans each year than cancer by a number of factors acting alone or in combina-
or heart disease and that the cost of chronic pain in tion, resulting in the expression of signs and symp-
diagnosis management and all factors related to it toms associated with TMD. New scientific informa-
are greater than both heart disease and cancer put tion has provided an enhanced understanding of
together.22 Lost workdays, direct and indirect health pathogenesis, those cellular events and reactions
care costs, and worker’s compensation benefits and other pathologic mechanisms occurring in the
account for approximately $79 billion annually.36 The development and maintenance or recurrence of
impact on individuals and their families may be even TMD. Slavkin has stated, “Understanding these inter-
more devastating. relationships should improve how we promote


health, reduce disease, and enhance diagnosis and largely be responsible for gender differences in the
treatment.” The following interrelating factors may TMD patient population.56,57 TMD appears to peak in
disrupt the dynamic balance of the masticatory and incidence during the reproductive years, suggesting
orofacial region. that either biologic or psychosocial factors unique to
women in this period of life could increase the risk of
Gender Differences developing and maintaining this condition.58 Studies
Data indicate that there is a significant sexual dispar- have linked female reproductive hormones with the
ity in the TMD patient population and, more globally, occurrence of migraine in some females.58 It has long
in the vast majority of human pain conditions.41 been recognized that females demonstrate greater
Behavioral factors such as the more stoic nature of pain sensitivity during the menstrual cycle, at ovula-
males, social conditioning, and care-seeking patterns tion, and following menses. The relationship of estro-
have been proposed as being responsible for gender gen and, to a lesser degree, prolactin to pain sensi-
differences. Studies in which age-matched males tivity has been explained. It has been reported that
and females were exposed to laboratory stressors the use of estrogen supplement significantly
have found that anxiety has an effect on both sexes. increased the odds of having TMD.58 Studies have
However, a significant difference in the levels of var- shown that although functional estrogen receptors
ious psychophysiologic responses in males and have been identified in many synovial joints of males
females was revealed.42 Females demonstrated a and females in equal concentrations, a definitive dif-
more robust response, exhibited by a greater ference exists in the number of estrogen receptors
decrease in pain tolerance and threshold, more dis- within the TMJ. Male TM joints have been found to
rupted self-control strategies, increased electromyo- have few if any estrogen receptors while female TM
graphic activity of the facial musculature, and more joints exhibited significant numbers of these recep-
pain behavior than the male subjects.43 Other tors.59-61
researchers also have identified gender differences
in response to anxiety as well as laboratory-induced Implications regarding hormonal variables relate to
pain.44-46 their potential to modify the adaptive capacity of the
TMJ. Haskin et al reported that:62
Physiologic factors related to sexual structural differ- • estrogen may inhibit glycosaminoglycan
ences have been reported. The propensity for degradation and synthesis
females to exhibit a greater ease of masticatory mus- • estrogen may promote degenerative changes
cle fatigue has been suggested.47,48 This phenome- in the TMJ by increasing the synthesis of spe-
non has been attributed to gender differences in the cific cytokines (polypeptide hormones, which
concentration of fast twitch, easily fatiguing white can evoke a variety of cellular responses)
fibers versus slower twitch, more endurant red • estradiol enhances the synthesis of interleukin-
fibers.49 Fibromyalgia, a chronic skeletal muscle con- 1 (IL-1) and interleukin-6 (IL-6) by peripheral
dition that is associated with disruption in pain mod- blood mononuclear cells, whereas testos
ulation, commonly is found to co-exist with TMD. An terone may inhibit the release of these
increase in the number of red, ragged fibers (a patho- cytokines from stimulated monocytes
logic fiber state) in areas approximating diagnostic • prolactin, released from the pituitary in
tender points is reported to occur in fibromyalgia.50,51 response to estrogen, exacerbates cytokine
This finding also is noted in postexercise muscle production by lymphocytes and macrophages.
soreness and myositis.52 Class II skeletal subtypes
(high angle cases) have been reported to demon- Nerve growth factor (NGF) is expressed during tis-
strate greater propensity for masticatory muscle sue injury. It is recognized that NGF is capable of
fatigue.53 It has been suggested that individuals with activating nociceptive nerve endings in the peripher-
a history of systemic joint laxity or certain collagen al as well as the central nervous system. NGF levels
vascular diseases are predisposed to the develop- also have been found to be elevated in synovial fluid
ment of arthrogenous TMD.54,55 from joints of arthritic patients and have been associ-
ated with hyperalgesia (exaggerated pain response)
Recent data also suggest hormonal factors may in humans.


Petty et al have reported that when human skeletal ship between depression and both the physical and
muscles were injected with NGF, diffuse myalgia was psychosocial functioning of patients with facial pain
induced.63 The onset of myalgia occurred in six to has been reported.69 Additionally, a depressed mood
nine minutes; peak pain levels were reached in four is associated with a decrease in the concentration of
to six hours and lasted two to nine days. In some CNS neurotransmitters norepinephrine and sero-
cases, the pain persisted up to seven weeks after a tonin. Decrease in these neurotransmitters is associ-
single injection. It was found that women were signif- ated with impairment of endogenous pain inhibition
icantly more sensitive to the effects of NGF than and disrupted sleep patterns. Anxiety and stress
men. have been found to cause compromise in the
immune system, lowering individual host resistance.
Measurement of TMJ pressure differentials in the
superior joint space on patients experiencing several Importantly, a relationship has been suggested
subtypes of internal derangement revealed tremen- between a history of physical and/or sexual abuse
dously elevated pressures associated with clench- and a range of psychological, functional, and physi-
ing.64 These elevated pressures, which far supercede cal factors. Abuse history has been identified as a
the end capillary perfusion pressure, can slow or stop significant feature in TMD chronic pain patient popu-
the flow of vital nutrients into the TMJ, resulting in a lations as contrasted to non-chronic TMD patients.
hypoxic condition. Decreased oxygen saturation Riley et al found that an abuse history was likely to
with a subsequent reperfusion, the return of flow to increase an individual’s tendency to dwell on, ampli-
the area, has been reported to stimulate the produc- fy, and over interpret somatic symptoms.70
tion of tissue-degrading substances such as free rad-
icals and cytokines.65,66 A trend toward significantly The vast majority of individuals suffering from
greater TMJ pressures associated with clenching TMD/orofacial pain may be managed successfully in
was found to occur more frequently in female sub- the private setting when evidence-based principles of
jects than in males.64 This finding is interesting in light diagnosis and treatment are followed. However, the
of the fact that males routinely have been found to complex patient may not be discerned so readily. It
develop greater biting forces than females.67 Further has been reported that when patients have both a
study in this area may provide additional explanation somatic complaint and a co-existing psychological
with regard to the preponderance of female TMD problem such as depression, the psychological dis-
patients. tress will be overlooked in most cases.71,72 Key fea-
tures of the complex patient profile include a history
Psychosocial Issues of multiple failed procedures, polypharmacy, biomed-
Psychosocial factors are suggested to be related to ical mentality, nonspecific clinical features, and a “fix
TMD/orofacial pain. There is little doubt that some me without my participation” attitude.
psychological factors are associated with every pain
experience. However, the relationship of these psy- Nutrition & Exercise
chologic factors as a cause, either direct or indirect, In today’s health-conscious society, the value of
must be determined on a case-specific basis. proper nutrition and exercise is recognized.
Additionally, the degree of response must be However, many patients with TMD/orofacial pain
assessed since psychological response in acute pain have withdrawn from normal activities of daily living,
states typically is a short-lived, normal reaction. It is which may compromise not only their mental well-
well recognized that anxiety, stress, negative affect, being but also their neurophysiological well-being.
and depression may compromise physical and men- Exercise on a regular basis boosts the body’s natural
tal well being. Catastrophizing (thinking the worst) pain defense mechanisms by enhancing the produc-
has been identified as a significant impediment to tion of endogenous opioids (enkephlins, dynorphins,
successful management of pain conditions. Brown et and endorphins).
al found pain severity to be significantly related to
degree of life interference and to negative affect Likewise, balanced nutrition can enhance the body’s
(depression, anxiety, and anger).68 A direct relation- pain defense mechanisms by maximizing anti-eicosi-


noid effects and aiding in the production of antioxi- Class III malocclusion.77 Therefore, only 31% have
dants, which limit the damage caused by destructive what would be considered “normal” occlusion. One
free radicals in both joint and muscle disorders. may ask whether these occlusal relationships truly
Chronic muscle pain disorders such as myofascial are aberrant or whether this simply is a static rela-
pain and fibromyalgia have been associated with a tionship.
decrease in serum magnesium. Magnesium deficit
also is associated with an enhanced inflammatory An association between open bite, posterior cross-
process, enhanced free radical (superoxide) forma- bite, and deep bite and the occurrence of TMD has
tion, an enhanced excitatory state in the CNS, and been reported.53 Additionally, a multiple logistic
enhanced calcium mobilizing potential (abnormal cal- regression analysis of 11 common occlusal features
cium handling). Travell reported that B-vitamin defi- in asymptomatic controls and five different TMD sub-
ciency is a common perpetuating factor of myofascial groups found that five occlusal factors demonstrated
pain.73 an odds-risk ratio of at least 2.78,79 These occlusal fea-
tures included anterior open bite, overjet greater than
Trauma 6.0 mm, centric relation/intercuspal position slide
The role of various types of trauma in the etiology of greater than 4.0 mm, unilateral lingual crossbite, and
TMD has been debated for many years. A study of five or more missing posterior teeth. No other
400 consecutive TMD clinical patients assessed the occlusal schemes were found to be statistically sig-
incidence of jaw injury in relation to onset of symp- nificant.
toms.74 Only 24.5% of the study population could
relate the onset of pain and dysfunction directly to an These studies may not reveal the total story. While it
identifiable macrotraumatic event, primarily exten- may be said that the manner in which teeth fit is
sion/flexion injury. Similarly, a study of patients with important, what patients do with their teeth may be
degenerative TMJ disease found that only 31.6% more important. Dynamic occlusal function affects
reported previous trauma to the head and/or neck.75 multiple interfaces, including tooth interface,
These data indicate that the vast majority of patients tooth/supporting structure interface, TMJ relation-
with TMD experience a more insidious onset of their ship, and muscle activity (functional and parafunc-
symptoms, likely related to microtrauma or a repeti- tional). Mechanical stresses at each of these inter-
tive stress response. Putative microtraumatic factors faces have been shown to be associated with a com-
include bruxing/clenching, postural dysfunction, and promise in the integrity of tissues. Additionally, we
other habitual repetitive behaviors. must consider the various case-specific factors that
may affect adaptability, such as variable directions of
Occlusion muscular loading forces, selective action of multiple
One of the areas of greatest debate relates to the dental and articular components, the length of time
association between occlusal factors and TMD. that the load is imposed, the amount of load, and the
Although occlusion has been recognized as an individual’s host resistance.
important etiologic or perpetuating co-factor, the
degree to which it plays a role has not been defini- It may be more appropriate to view TMD cases
tively delineated. where occlusal function serves as a significant factor
in TMD as a maladaptive occlusion. This term takes
Few terms in dentistry are used in as broad a context into consideration peripheral and central sensory,
as malocclusion. Malocclusion is defined as any motor, and autonomic nervous system factors
deviation from acceptable contact of opposing denti- involved in masticatory system pathofunction on a
tions or any deviation from normal occlusion.76 This case-specific basis.
definition begs the question, “What is normal occlu-
sion?” An average of the results of 14 studies regard- Posture
ing the prevalence of malocclusion reveals that 42% Postural imbalances have been suggested as an eti-
of the population displayed a Class I malocclusion, ologic variable in TMD.80 While there is little doubt
23% exhibited a Class II malocclusion, and 4% had a that craniocervical dysfunction is common in the


TMD patient population, a cause-and-effect relation- Management

ship has not been definitively established. Studies Management of TMD/orofacial pain must be viewed
indicate the existence of a dynamic relationship on a case-specific basis. To achieve optimum treat-
between the cervical and masticatory musculature. ment outcomes, practitioners must address the spe-
Injection of local an esthetic into the trapezius cific pathophysiology. The traditional model of
myofascial pain trigger point not only was associated monodisciplinary management has proven to be
with a decrease in the electromyographic (EMG) effective in cases in which definitive cause-and-effect
activity in the injected muscle, but also with relationships can be established. However, the multi-
decreased EMG activity in the masseter muscle on faceted nature of these conditions, combined with
the same side.81 Results from a study of patients in the associated features of recurrent and/or chronic
motor vehicle accidents suggest that TMJ or masti- pain, add a significant degree of complexity to man-
catory muscle injury may be associated with various agement decisions. Utilization of a multidisciplinary
postural relationships.82 Therefore, it appears that the model of diagnosis and management encourages
complex innervation of the head and neck creates an the integration of a management plan with input from
environment in which sensory and motor systems all team members. This approach would enhance
may interact to result in musculoskeletal compromise outcomes by addressing physical, somatic, psycho-
involving the masticatory and cervical regions. logical, environmental, and behavioral factors in a
well-orchestrated fashion.
Sleep Quality & Quantity
It is estimated that one in seven Americans suffers The goals of management include reducing or elimi-
from a diagnosable sleep disturbance.83 Disturbed nating pain, halting the disease process when possi-
sleep has significant physiological effects and a num- ble, normalizing function, improving quality of life,
ber of psychological relationships. It is well-recog- and reducing the need for long-term care.
nized that a number of sleep-dependent processes Implementation of this multidisciplinary model
are necessary for health maintenance. requires the team to first arrive at a complete diag-
nosis encompassing all physical and psychological
During the deeper, restorative stage of sleep, growth factors. Goals must be established regarding treat-
hormone is produced. Growth hormone is necessary ment duration, pain management approaches,
for repair and regeneration of damaged tissues such patient involvement, and a plan for the patient to
as joint or muscle. Additionally, T-cell and lymphocyte return to activities of daily living. Success is depend-
function is enhanced by quality, restorative sleep. A ent on regular communication between the team
compromise in the amount of the deeper stage of members.
sleep also results in a decrease in serotonin in the
CNS. The ramifications of diminished serotonin lev- Key members of the clinical service team for multi-
els are widespread involving altered pain modulation disciplinary diagnosis and management of TMD/oro-
and mood. Unfortunately, disturbed sleep patterns facial pain are dentist(s), physical therapist(s), clini-
are common in TMD patient populations. Associated cal and health psychologist(s), and a network of con-
with these disrupted sleep cycles may be an increase sultants in various disciplines of medicine. Table 2
in nocturnal masticatory system parafunctional activ- delineates the roles of the various key members of
ities such as clenching and bruxing. Nocturnal brux- the team. The network of consultants typically
ism has been reported to be carried out at levels includes pharmacy, neurology, otolaryngology/ENT,
three to four times more forceful than the maximum rheumatology, internal medicine, neurosurgery, and
voluntary force during waking hours due to the reduc- anesthesia pain disciplines.
tion in inhibitory controls while sleeping.84 Because of
the significant implications of impaired sleep and Conclusion
nocturnal bruxism, it is essential that the sleep histo- The prevalence of orofacial pain mandates that
ry of each patient with TMD/orofacial pain be greater emphasis be placed on educating all health
reviewed thoroughly. profession students and practitioners in appropriate
pain assessment and management protocols to


Table 2. Roles of Core Team Members in the Diagnosis &

Management of TMD/orofacial Pain

Dentist Clinical & Health Psychologist

Evaluation/Diagnosis Evaluation/Psychometric testing
Patient education Identification of underlying & resultant
Pharmacologic management psychological problems
Dental care Cognitive-behavioral therapy
Occlusal orthosis therapy Pain & stress management
Coordination of appropriate consults Team interaction
Team interaction

Physical Therapist
Team interaction

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Department of Orthodontics at the University of mandibular disorders. NIH Technol Asses State
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