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Caring for Oneself

Content Standard: household chores and h

of the basic concepts of w it
Demonstrote an understandirng
contnbute to ane's personality development
Ferformance Standard: develop care of
different household chores that will oneself
one's skills of the
earning C'ompctcncics
Observe health habits to maintain good personal appearance
Demonstrate the proper way of clearing the body
and them properiy
Ldentify the different grooming aids

personal appearance?
Think-What factors affect

to observe proper
health habits?
Why is it important
How does proper hygiene affect our personality?
How can we maintain cleanliness and good grooming
with our day-to-day busy activities?


What can picture? How do they look? What con

you soy about the two chidren in the
you soy about their clothes? How do they stand? Do they look confident? Why
do you thik
what is ood
Good grooming meansgrooming?
neat cean. trimmedprocticng goodygene
hygjene techriques.
techrques. It ncludes showerng
S,rd and brushed
brushed teeth clean clothes.
teeth andd

Why is d
1. t shows that you
grooming importont?
respect yourself
2. It helps you relate with
3. It boosts your
4. It makes you look and feel
5. It helps you gain and keep a bt of
Here are some reminders on how we shoukd
take good care of oursev

Taking Core of the Body

Proper Bathing
Bathing or showering ensures a clean body.
1. Wet your body with dlean
2. Lather the bath soap and apply onto
your whole body.
3. Scrub your face, neck, arms. legs. and
other parts of your body with a smal
4. Rinse your body thoroughly with lean
5. After rinsing. dry your body with a
clean bath towel.
. You may opply body powder for a fresh
and pleasant smel.
. Put on clean underwear and cothes.
Skin Care
Our skin is our body's's biggest
biggest e
A clear and smooth complexion is part of good looks.
It covers and protects everything inside our body. Hence,
we should fake canre Our .lskin by
of oun

following these routines: like vegetables and.

1. Eat nutritious food d fruts
to nourish the
Drink lots of water to keep the skin health
3 Get eight hours of sleep.

4 Wash your face with soap and water.

D 5. Use s u n s c r e e n to protect your skin
ultraviolet radiation.
6 Avoid using strong ordryingssoap on your fa
7. Take a bath every day.
8. Exercise regularly.
9. Consult a dermatologist for any skin problem

10. Wear clean clothes always.

Hair Care
Taking care of your hair is as important as any other part of your body. Your hair is
exposed toa lot of polution, dirt, and chemicals found in your surroundings. Here are ways
to have a heathy hair:
1. Know your hain type. Hair types may be dry or
2 Determine the type of shampoo that is right
for the type of your hair. There are plenty of
available shampoos for normal, oily, or dry hair.
3. Shampoo your hair every other day or as
needed and thoroughly rimse it.
4. Treat your hain once a month.
Apply oive or
coconut ol from roots to ends. comb, and wrop
your head with towel for an hour and rinse if
thoroughly with shampoo and water.
5 Keep your hair implements otther people
use your hair brush and such ascombs
combs ando brushes clean. Do not let
Determine the hoirehmbs to
combs to ovnd
. etermine hoirstye that fts the
dseseose of the hoir. haircut.once
in a while or as needed shopeofof your
your face. Have a regular
Hand Care

Our hands re the most used hands for

Lanst everythng That we do foryet mistreated
port of body. We our

They do so

work that they shoukd be given moving, touching. and and feeling things.
healthy and beautiful: extra care. Here are easy
e tips to keep your

Wash your hands

thoroughly before
after meals and especialy after and
the toilet. Rinse and using
dry your hands
2. Use ahand lotion or
moisturizer to
prevent your hands from drying
3. Use sunscreen to protect your hand skin
from the sun.
4. Wear goves to protect your hands when
doing household chores ike washing the
dishes and doing yard work.
5. Remove dead skin or caluses on your
hand by using a scrub of sat mixed with
olive oil.

Nail Care
Taking care of your nails is important because it does not only improve your looks but also
helps you stay clean and heathy.
Here are some tips to keep your nais in good health:
. Keep your fingernails clean and dry fo prevent bocteria from growing under your

2. Wear gloves when doing household
chores or handing strong chemicals.
3. Use short clipper when
you trim your
nais. Cut your nails across and round the
tips in a gentle curve.
4. Eat protein-rich foods like beans, fish, and
nuts for stronger and clearer nails.
5. Avoid biting your nais.

Caring for your Feet

Everyone wants to have beautiful feet. If you want to keep your feet beautiful you h.
to take the ave
following steps to look their best.

1. Wash feet daily. preferably twice a day -

at the beginning and end of the day -and
dry them thoroughly especially between
the toes.
2. Wear comfortable. well-fitting shoes.
Shoes that are too small and tight moy
cause you bisters and corns.
3. Regularly trim your toenails to prevent
broken and ingrown toenais. However
toenais cut too short may cause you
4. Massage your feet with a good foot cream
FOOT or use a natural oil like coconut oil. Coconut
CREAM oil may be used to massage, soothe, and
hydrate tired feet.
5. Prevent smelly feet by wearing sandas
whenever possible. Avoid wearing the
same shoes every day. Wear clean socks
for your Teeti
C&rong and heaithy feeth help order to
you chew food and clearly. In
dental needto
practice good wfood speak
good oral hygiene. You clea good a

by developing9

care routine.
gene. You can
o do this

1 Brush your
tee two to three
Brush for at least two minutes to times a day.
to get give you time
get to all the surface of your teeth.
Use a soft-bristled toothbrush. Replace your
toothbrush every three months.
3 Use toothpaste with fluoride because t
the enamel of your teeth and protects
prevents cavities.
u Avoid eating sugary or starchy food. These
produce the most acids which can lead to tooth
5. Visit or consuif a dentist at least once every six months, or more ot fenI t ' s importan
oral problem such as bad breath, crooked teeth, and bleeding gums. 0

have regular checkup and professional


Caring for your Eyes

They say that our eyes are the windows to our soul; hence we should not take them for
granted but keep them strong and healthy. We need to keep our eyesight healthy especIauly
at this age when we are constantly gued to our computer and phone screens.
. Good eyesight starts with eatinga well-
balanced diet. This includes beans, citrus
fruits such as oranges.
2. Protect your eyes from the suni's
ultraviolet (UV) rays by wearing the right
pair of sunglasses.
3. Visit an eyedoctor or ophthalmologist
regularly. They wil help protect your
eyesight and provide generdl eye care.
4. Get enough rest and odequate sleep every
not strained.
gnT so your eyes are rested and
kof getting dio
the risk of g
5. Maintain a healthy weight. Overweight
which con lead to loss of vision.
and obesity

or in
front of a computen
6. Take a break when you spend
spend long hours reading
long hours minutes scre reen
Oredk 20
es refresh your
to retresh eyVes q
your eyes
and hey
trom your book or s c r e e n for
reduce eyestrain. a moving
moving vehicle
read in the dark
or in d vehicle
7. Have Never
enough light when you read.

Caring for your Ears

to hear is a precious gift
gift just
just lke the
Ears are a part of our body. The abilty
our ears healthy.
abity fo see. Hence, we should take extra care to keep
Here are some ways to protect our ears:
in your ears. This may
1. Never insert any object
to damage in your eardrum, infection and deafne

Nose, and Ihroat) doctha

2. Consult an ENT (Ear,
ear problem.
you have any
cotton buds to clean your ears. The
3. Avoid using
may cause abrasion and intection. If your ean
are wet, use a piece of soft cotton or towel to dry

4. Protect your ears from blaring noises. Use acoustic earplugs to protect your ears

5. Avoid slapping anyone on the ear for this might cause a ruptured eardrum.
6 Wipe the outer ear with a soft cloth or tissue.

Caring for your Nose

Our nose is an important part of our body. Besides being part of the respiratory system
that inhales oxygen and exhales carbon dioxide, it also
contributes to other important functions, such as hearing
and tasting. Hence we should take good care of our nose
and follow these easy steps:
1. Keep your nose clean by using a clean and soft
cloth on tissue. The nose is in constant contact with
allergens such as mites, molds, and pet dander.
2. Avoid puting any object inside your nose.

ayoid blov
Avoid blowing your nose too
hard, especialy when you
you have colds.
4 Co your
nose while
passing by a dinty road.
Consult an ENT doctor if you
5. have nose problems.

Good Grooming ols and Aids healthy

wan to feel
We want tobe
We good and look good every important
important need to
build our self- andconfda every day. This goal impor aids that
i is
huid our confidence. Here are some
Some basic grooming
feel and look good,
hOve to
1. comb

2. hairbrush

3. bath soaop 2
4. face towel Lotion
5. bath towel
6. toothbrush and toothpaste
7. nail clipper
8. nail file
9. shampoo
10. deodorant
11. lotion or moisturizer

How to take care of the grooming tools:

1. Keep soap in a soap dish.
2. Keep your towel cean and dry.

3. Wash your comb or hairbrush often.

4. Wash your toothbrush and keep it in a clean, dry place after use.

5. Keep your toothpaste cap tightly closed.

. Store or keep your grooming tools in a clean and safe
How to Maintain Good Posture

Posture refers to the way you cary or position your

body while sitting,
standing, w

or lying down.
posture. you need to be
aware of alwoys
hokding yourself in
way thi
hove good
are dong
puts the least strain on your bock whatever you
Cervical Spine
Having good posture means: - (neck)
a. Your bones and joints are in line so
that musces can be used properly
b. Your spine has its three normal
curves Thoracic spine
c. Ligaments hokding the spine together (middle back)
are not stressed
d. You don't get tired quicdy
e. You dont feel pain on your bock or LumbarSpine
other muscles (lower back)

side view
f. You look good

to practice the following:

To have good posture, you need
A. Cormect Standing Posture
heels and the balls of your
1. Stand with your weight evenly distributed between your
2 Don't ock your knees.
3. Tuck your tummy in.
4. Keep your shoulder back: don't let them hang
naturaly from the sides of your body.
5. Relax your arms and let them hang naturally
from the sides of your body.
6. Hold your heod up and straight with your chin
tucked in.

7. Shift your weight from one foot to the other

if standing for a long period of time.
B Correct Sitting Posture
1. Keep feet lat on the
2. Avoid crossing knees
a smal gop
between the bock of
the knees ano the
4. Relax the shoulders.
Hold elbows at the
sides creating an
6. Sit up straight and look L-shopeinin the arms.
forward without straining the neck.
7. Keep the back
against the choir.
8. Take at least a
l0-minute break for
every hour of stting
C. Stand from Sitting Position
1. Thrust your body
sightly forward. Ploce your whole weigh 0n
your feet as you rise.
2. Feet should stay fat on the floor
to maintain balance.

D. Wlking Posture
.Move legs forward alternately. Your knees shoud sightly
touch each other.
2. Keep your back straight.
3. Swing your arms gently at the sides.
4. Look straight forward.

E. Picking Up Things
1. Stand to the right of the object you wont to pick up.
2. Bend your right knee whie your left knee is half-bent to the
3. As you lower your body, extend your right hand downward to
pick up the object.
4. Go up to a standing position.
our ives.
Good grooming is an important aspect of
Our skin is our body's biggest organ.
loo smal shoes maycause you blisters and
from having cavities
having covihe.
Puoride protects the enamel of your teeth which prevents
while sITTIng. sfanding, and
Posture refers to how you carry or position your body

Werd Power»
abrasion an area damaged by scraping or wearingQuway.
blisters small bubble on the skin filled with serum and caused by friction.
burning. or other damage
buttocks - the back of a hip that forms one of the fleshy parts on which a

person Sits.
chap - a crack in or a sore roughening of the skin caused by exposure to wind

or cold.
dermatologist - a doctor who studies and treats problems and diseqses of the

earplug a small piece of soft material, such as wax, cotton. or plastic, that
you put into your ear to keep out noise or water.
fiuoride-a chemical that is sometimes addedto drinking water and toothpaste
to help keep teeth healthy.
hydrate - to add water or moisture to (something)

hugiene- conditions or practices (as of cleanliness) conducive to health.

ophthalmologist a doctor who studies and treats problems and diseases of
the eye.
radiation - t h e p r o c e s s o f Giving o f f energy in the form o f w a v e s o r particles.

rupture -a breaking or tearing apart of the body tissue.

sunscreen-a preparation applied to the skin to prevent sunburn.

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