Eced 300 Reflective Journal wk6

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Professional Dispositions Self-Assessment

Name: Brianna Gitchuway

Course Number/Title: ECED 300 Professionalism in Early Childhood Education

Date: February 18th, 2022

1. Identify 3 dispositions that you feel you currently possess and are able to demonstrate. For

each disposition

provide a justification for your response.

Disposition Justification

(Include # and Title)

#1. Professional Demeanor & I believe that I am prepared for every

Responsibility class that I am in because I have a lot to

offer even when I am still learning. Most

of the child development classes I take

are definitely challenging because I learn

something new every day. I have met

every deadline so far for all of my classes

because I keep a calendar that shows

everything that is due for the week. If I

do miss an assignment, I take full

responsibility for the grade that I have

been given. My greatest achievements so

far is getting my degrees and making sure

I create a fun and safe environment for

the children in my classroom.

Disposition (Include # and Justification


#2. Commitment to Learning When children come into my classroom, I

for ALL Students introduce them to the other children and make

sure they are feeling comfortable in their

environment. I also make sure I get to know

the child in order for me to make crafts that

they may enjoy. I’ve had a child who came

into my classroom who didn’t like sensory

arts and crafts and I discovered this when he

didn’t want to touch the paint. I asked him if

he likes to paint and he shook his head.

Because I know he doesn’t like paint, I

decided to try putting paint in a ziploc bag

and having him move around the paint with

his fingers. He enjoyed it. I noticed that it

wasn’t the paint he didn't like, he didn’t want

to get dirty.
When it comes to diversity in the classroom, I

make sure I am culturally appropriating arts

and crafts that I do for the week. For example,

I taught the children about Chinese New Year

and therefore, I made sure I taught them the

culture. Tigers, Chinese fans, dragons and

lanterns is usually what is appropriated in

their culture.

Disposition Justification

(Include # and Title)

#6. Ethics I believe that ethics is important because

it guides us to make the right decisions

therefore creating positive impacts on

parents and children’s lives. When

teachers communicate with parents about

their child’s behavior, it helps the

classroom to become a fun and safe

environment for the child. I’ve learned

that confidentiality is important because

if a child bites another child and the

parent is mad that their child was bit,

they can lash out at the child’s parents

who bit. That puts the parents at risk and

our job is to create a safe environment for

everyone who walks into the center. In a

college setting, ethics is important for

being honest and having respect as well.

As a student, we have to make sure we

are citing sources correctly and making

sure if we quote from someone else, we

are giving them their credit in the paper.

2. Identify 2 dispositions you would like to improve. For each disposition provide a justification

for your response

and a plan for improving in those areas.

Disposition Justification Plan for Improvement

(Include # and Title)

#3. Communication Communication is very My plan is to listen to

important and I believe understand, instead of

that I can communicate listening to respond. I’ve

to the best of my ability, noticed that when

but I noticed that if I get parent’s get upset, it’s

too overwhelmed I will because they are

freeze up and stop passionate about their

talking. I’ve had parents child’s well being which

who would yell because is important. I’ve also

their child kept getting noticed that I have to

reports of bad behavior. allow the parents to

She wouldn’t let me talk express their feelings

and continued to yell at because they have been

me and I remember at work all day and have

walking away and other things on their

letting my boss know mind as well. Parent’s

what happened. need to vent sometimes

and most of their anger

isn’t directed towards


Disposition Justification Plan for Improvement

(Include # and Title)

#4. Collaboration I have a very hard time I can improve by

collaborating with other actually listening to my

people because I work peers and seeing things

well alone. If I do it from their point of views

myself, the only person I instead of my own.

can get mad at is myself When it comes to

if I do something wrong. expressing myself, I feel

I’ve noticed that I can be as though I don’t do a

very closed off if I’m good job because I get

uncomfortable in a self conscious all the

situation and I hate time. I know I need to

being in a closed, small work more on myself

space. I don’t have an because I have a lot to

issue with accepting offer.

other people’s point of

views, but it does get

difficult with people

who don’t want to see

different perspectives

and when that happens, I

tend to bottle up my


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