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Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 3– Unit 7: Are these his pants?

Lesson One Words

 To identify different clothes
 To understand a short story
 Language focus: reading, listening
 Vocabulary: dress, socks, T-shirt, pants, shorts
 Extra vocabulary: clothes, his, help, her, these
Resources and materials
 Student Book p. 48
 Workbook p. 48
 Audio Tracks 70, 76–78
 Story poster 7
 Flashcards 61–65
 One Word Spinner per pair
 Worksheet 1: Coloring dictation (one copy per child)
 Coloring pens or pencils
 A reader of your choice

Weather report: Ask the class about today’s weather.
 Sing In my family from page 42 (Track 70) to warm the class up and review the words for family.
 Ask children what they can remember about the last story. Ask them if they can name all of the family members who
appeared in the story (Rosy, Billy, Tim (Rosy’s cousin), Mom, and Grandma).
 Use Flashcards 61–65 to elicit the vocabulary for this lesson. Hold them up one at a time and ask What’s this? Model
any words that children do not know.
 Say the word pants. Children who are wearing pants point to them. Repeat with the other items of clothing.

Listen, point, and repeat. (Exercise 2)
 Ask children to open their Student Books and look at the pictures of the different clothes.
 Play the first part of the recording (Track 76, Listen and point) for children to listen and point to the appropriate
 Play the second part of the recording (Track 76, Listen and repeat) for children to repeat.
 Play the recording all the way through for children to listen and point and then repeat the words in chorus.
 Put the flashcards in different places around the room. Say the words for children to point to the cards and repeat.
Transcript (Track 76)
Listen and point.
dress, socks, T-shirt, pants, shorts
T-shirt, pants, shorts, socks, dress
Listen and repeat.
dress, socks, T-shirt, pants, shorts
Listen and chant. (Exercise 2)
 Play the recording (Track 77) for children to listen to the chant.
 Play the chant a second time for children to say the words. This time they can point to any clothes they are wearing
when they hear the word. Repeat (more than once if necessary).
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Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 3– Unit 7: Are these his pants?

Transcript (Track 77)

dress, socks, T-shirt, pants, shorts

Make me move!
 Ask five children to come the front of the class. Tell each one that they are wearing a wonderful new dress/T-shirt, or
wonderful new socks/pants/shorts. They are very proud of their new clothes.
 Ask the class to say the chant again. When the children hear their item of clothing mentioned, they show it off to the
class (e.g., the girl with the dress might do a twirl or hold out the hem, and the child with the socks might lift up
his/her leg and point to his/her feet).
Listen and read. (Exercise 3)
 Use Story poster 7 to present the story. Point to Mom and then Dad and ask Who’s this? Ask children to name as
many things in the picture as they can.
 Talk about each frame with the class. Ask What’s happening? Encourage predictions from different members of the
 Ask children to look at the poster while you play the recording (Track 78) for them to listen. Point to each speech
bubble as you hear the text.
 Ask comprehension questions, e.g., Which clothes are Rosy’s/Billy’s/Dad’s? Where does Mom put Rosy’s/Billy’s
 Ask children to open their Student Books. Tell them to listen and follow the words in the story as you play the
recording again.
 Ask children to find and point to the words from Exercise 1 that appear in the story.
That’s my word!
 Give Flashcards 61–65 to five different children. Play the recording again. Each time that child hears his/her item of
clothing mentioned, he/she holds the flashcard in the air.
 Repeat with five more children.

Worksheet 1: Coloring dictation
 Give each child a copy of Worksheet 1. Give out coloring pens or pencils.
 Dictate the following sentences, leaving time for coloring and repeating as necessary. Color the socks yellow. Color the
pants blue. Color the T-shirt green. Color the dress red. Color the shorts orange.
Ÿ Children check their coloring together by asking and answering questions, e.g., What color are the socks? Yellow.
(Worksheet 1: Coloring dictation – outlines of 5 items of clothing – a pair of socks, a pair of pants, a t-shirt, a dress, and a
pair of shorts. The rubric reads Listen and color.)
Spinner game
 Divide the class into pairs. Give each pair a copy of the Word Spinner.
 Children take turns spinning a pencil or pen.
 When the spinner stops, the child looks at the picture and says the word.
 The winner is the first child to say all the words.
Smiley face
 Think of a word, e.g., dress and draw a short line for each letter on the board, one next to the other (e.g., _ _ _ _ _).
 Ask the children to guess the letters that are in the secret word, one by one.
 If a child guesses a letter correctly, write the letter on the correct line.
 If a child guesses incorrectly, write the letter on the board with an X through it, and draw a large circle to represent a
face. With each letter that is guessed incorrectly, add another feature to the face (two eyes, a nose, a smile, two ears,
a neck, and hair).
 The game continues until either the word or the face is complete. If the word is completed, the class has won; if the
face is completed, the teacher has won.
Exercises: Workbook page 48
Story time: A reader of your choice
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Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 3– Unit 7: Are these his pants?

Lesson Two Grammar

 To make sentences with his and her
 To ask and answer questions with his and her
 To act out a story
 Language focus: listening, speaking, writing
 Core: This is his/her T-shirt. These are his/her pants. Are these his/her socks? Yes, they are. / No, they aren’t.
Resources and materials
 Student Book p. 49
 Workbook p. 49
 Audio Tracks 78–79
 Story posters Starter to 7 (optional)
 Flashcards 61–65
 Worksheet 2: Squares (one copy per pair)
 Worksheet 3: Memory game (one copy per child)
 A reader of your choice

Weather report: Ask the class about today’s weather.
Song: Play a warm-up song.
 Review the clothes words from the previous lesson using the Flashcards 61–65.
 Draw three stick people on the board. Invite a child to come to the front of the class to “dress” the first stick person.
 Say Draw a T-shirt. Draw some pants. Repeat with the second and third stick people so that all of the items of
clothing children learned in the last lesson appear at least once. Other children can also give instructions.
 Point to the different items of clothing for children to say the words in chorus.
 Point to Story poster 7 and ask children what happened in the story.
 Cover the poster and ask children to name the items of clothing that appeared in the story (Rosy’s dress, Rosy’s socks,
Billy’s T-shirt, and Dad’s shorts).

Listen to the story and repeat. Act. (Exercise 1)
 Ask children to turn to the story on page 48 of their Student Books. They check how many things they remembered
correctly from the lead-in activity.
 Play the recording (Track 78), pausing for children to repeat.
 Divide the class into pairs. One child is Mom and the other is Dad.
 Ask children to look at the different actions that Mom and Dad do in the story. Ask the class to decide on the actions
for the story (see suggestions below).
 Children practice acting out the story. Monitor the activity, checking for correct pronunciation.
 Ask some of the pairs to come to the front of the class to act out the story.
Story actions
Picture 1: Mom pulls Rosy’s dress down from the line. Dad holds up a sock in each hand.
Picture 2: Dad passes a T-shirt to Mom. Mom is holding a basket.
Picture 3: Mom holds up Dad’s shorts. Dad reaches his hands toward Mom.
Picture 4: Dad takes the shorts, smiling. Mom is taking down another piece of clothing from the line.
Story recap

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Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 3– Unit 7: Are these his pants?

 Tell children that you are going to look at what has happened in the story so far. Put all the Story posters up to Unit 7
around the classroom.
 Divide the class into eight groups. Assign each group a Story poster. Ask children to talk about the corresponding
episode of the story. They should say as much as they can about the story in English.
Listen and say. (Exercise 2)
 Look at each picture one at a time and ask children what they see.
 Play the recording (Track 79) all the way through for students to listen.
 Play the recording again, pausing for students to repeat each line.
 Hold up a clothes flashcard and substitute it for the first sentence on page 49, e.g., This is her T-shirt. Students repeat
 Continue with the other sentences and different flashcards.
Look and say. (Exercise 3)
 Ask children to look at the pictures in their Student Books. Model the question and answer with a child in the class.
 Ask children to work in pairs. They take turns asking and answering similar questions about the other pictures.
Monitor the activity, helping where necessary.
 Go over the activity. Ask different pairs to ask and answer questions about the different pictures.
1 Are these her pants? No, they aren’t.
2 Are these his shorts? Yes, they are.
3 Are these his pants? Yes, they are.
4 Are these her socks? No, they aren’t.

Write. (Exercise 4)
 Write three or four incomplete sentences on the board, e.g., This is T-shirt. These are socks.
 Give the T-shirt flashcard to a boy. Ask him to stand up. Elicit the sentence This is his T-shirt. Write the missing word
in the blank.
 Give the dress flashcard to a girl to elicit This is her dress. Write in the missing word. Repeat with the other sentences.
Alternatively, use stick people to demonstrate.
 Ask children to look at the pictures in their books. Ask one child to read the example sentence for the class.
 Children look at the rest of the sentences and write down the missing words. Check the answers as a class.
1 These are her socks. 2 This is his T-shirt. 3 This is her dress.

Let’s Practice!
 Ask students to look at the picture and speech bubble.
 Have two students demonstrate the question in the speech bubble and the answer in the picture.
 Have students work in pairs to ask and answer the question. Tell them to use other vocabulary words on the page.
Worksheet 2: Squares
 Put children into pairs. Give each pair a copy of Worksheet 2.
 Children take turns to fill in an untaken line between two dots. They should aim to draw lines which will complete
 If a child completes a square, he/she has to make a sentence by reading the sentence formed by this square. The
child then “owns” the square, and writes his/her initials inside it to show this. The child then makes another line.
 When all the squares are completed, the child who has the most squares is the winner.
Worksheet 3: Memory game
 Give each child a copy of Worksheet 3: Memory game. Fold it so that they can see the pictures on the top half, but
not the questions on the bottom half.
 Children look at the pictures of the two children and their clothes in the top half of the paper. Give them two minutes
to remember what is there.
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Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 3– Unit 7: Are these his pants?

 Ask children to turn over the worksheet so they are looking at the questions but cannot see the pictures.
 Children answer the questions from memory. They then work in pairs, asking and answering the questions to check if
they have the same answers.
 After they have finished, children can unfold the paper and check their answers with the pictures.
1. Yes, they are.
2. No, they aren’t.
3. Yes, it is.
4. No, they aren’t.
5. No they aren’t.
6. Yes, they are.
7. No, they aren’t.
8. Yes, it is.
Exercises: Workbook page 49
Story time: A reader of your choice

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Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 3– Unit 7: Are these his pants?

Lesson Three Song

 To identify more words for clothes
 To use clothes words in the context of a song
 Language focus: listening and speaking
 Vocabulary: shoes, coat, hat
 Extra vocabulary: every day
 Recycled vocabulary: clothes words
Resources and materials
 Student Book p. 50
 Workbook p. 50
 Audio Tracks 77, 80–81
 Flashcards 61–68
 Worksheet 4: Every day! (one copy per child)
 A reader of your choice
Culture note: Dress codes
In the United States there are public schools (free for everyone) and private schools (families pay for their children to
attend). 90% of students in the US go to public schools. In private schools, students have to wear school uniforms. In
public schools, students usually don’t have to wear uniforms, but there is a dress code.

The dress code is different in different public schools. In most schools, students cannot wear very short skirts, shorts,
and tank tops (tops without sleeves). Many schools do not allow children to wear T-shirts with inappropriate pictures,
such as guns. Students usually cannot wear hats in class.

Weather report: Ask the class about today’s weather.
 Ask children to turn to page 48. Play the recording (Track 77) and say the chant together to review all of the clothes
words they have learned so far.
 Use Flashcards 66–68 to introduce the three new words. Hold up the cards one at a time and say the words for
children to repeat.
Put the flashcards in different places around the room. Say the words for children to point to the correct flashcard
and repeat.

Listen, point, and repeat. (Exercise 1)
 Ask children to look at the pictures. Play the first part of the recording for children to point to the words.
 Play the second part of the recording for children to repeat the words.
 Play the recording (Track 80) all the way through again for children to listen and point and then repeat.
 Ask individual children to say the words for the class.
 Put Flashcards 66–68 on the board. Point to the different cards and ask individual children What’s this?
Transcript (Track 80)
Listen and point.
shoes, coat, hat
coat, hat, shoes
© Oxford University Press 2016 6
Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 3– Unit 7: Are these his pants?
Listen and repeat.
shoes, coat, hat
Listen and sing. (Exercise 2)
 Ask children to look at the pictures. Point to the items of clothing and ask different children What’s this?
 Play the recording (Track 81) for children to listen and point to the pictures when they hear the three new words.
Then play it again as they follow the words in their books.
 Recite the words of the song with the class, without the music or recording. Say each line for children to repeat.
 Play the recording again for children to sing along.

Sing and do. (Exercise 3)
 Ask children to look at the pictures to see what the actions should be for this song.
 Practice the actions with the class.
 Play the recording for children to sing the song and do their actions.
Song actions
In each verse, children mime putting on the items of clothing. At the end of the song, they wave goodbye.
Change the verse.
 Tell the class that they are going to sing a different version of the song.
 Put the T-shirt, shorts, and shoes flashcards on the board.
 Point to the first flashcard and say (or sing) Every day I put on my T-shirt. Then sing the first verse of your new song
with the class.
 Point to the flashcard of the T-shirt and then the flashcard of the shorts. Say or sing Every day I put on my T-shirt.
Every day I put on my shorts. Sing the second verse of your new song with the class.
 Finish the song by using the flashcard of the shoes in the same way.
Simon Says
 Ask the children to stand by their desks.
 Explain that you are going to give instructions. If the instruction begins with the words Simon says… , children must
do as you say. If not, they should stand still and wait for the next instruction. Any child who gets this wrong is out of
the game and has to sit down.
 Give the instructions (Simon says) put on your coat/socks/shoes/hat/dress/pants/T-shirt/shorts. Children pretend to
put on the item of clothing stated.
 Intermittently insert an instruction which is not preceded by Simon says… (e.g., Put on your coat.) to see which
children are really paying attention.
 Continue the game until there is one winner left standing, or a group of winners if you prefer.
 Mime the action of putting on your shoes to elicit Put on my shoes.
 Ask a child to come to the front of the class. He/She mimes putting on another item of clothing. If necessary, help the
child by showing him/her a flashcard.
 The other children guess the sentence. The first child to guess correctly comes to the front of the class and mimes
putting on another item of clothing.
 Continue to play in this way.

Worksheet 4: Every day!
 Ask a few children what clothes they put on every day, e.g., pants, shoes, T-shirt. Tell the whole class to think of three
items of clothing they put on every day. Tell them it does not matter if it is not always every day, most days are fine.
 Give each child a copy of Worksheet 4: Every day!
 Children fill in the blanks with items of clothing they put on every day or almost every day. They then illustrate the
worksheet with relevant pictures. If possible, display the songs around the classroom.
Exercises: Workbook page 50
Story time: A reader of your choice
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Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 3– Unit 7: Are these his pants?

Lesson Four Phonics

 To pronounce the sound /ʃ/ on its own and in words
 To differentiate between the sounds /ʃ/, /s/, and /h/
 Language focus: speaking, listening, and reading
 Vocabulary: shoes, sheep, fish
 Extra vocabulary: want
 Pronunciation tip: The difference between /ʃ/ and /s/ can be very difficult for some children to pronounce. Get them
to practice the /s/ sound by mimicking a snake, and the /ʃ/ sound by putting a finger to the lips and making a shush
noise for quiet. Encourage them to feel the tip of their tongue at the back of their top teeth for /s/, and then above
their top teeth for /ʃ/.
Resources and materials
 Student Book p. 51
 Workbook p. 51
 Audio Tracks 82–83
 Phonics cards 27–29 (sh)
 Worksheet 5: Color by letters (one copy per child)
 A reader of your choice
Language note: digraphs
Distinct sounds that are represented by a combination of letters, such as sh, ch, and th are called “digraphs.” These
are different from consonant blends, which will be covered in Level 2. Digraphs should be treated as if they were
letters of the alphabet in their own right.

Weather report: Ask the class about today’s weather.
Song: Play a warm-up song.
 Say the alphabet around the class.
 See how many words students can remember that start with each letter (except for x).
 Tell children that although they have learned all the letters of the alphabet, they haven’t learned all the sounds in
English. Some sounds are represented by more than one letter (see the note on digraphs above).
 Tell children that today they will be looking at the letters sh that represent the sound /ʃ/.
 Write sh on the board in large letters and explain that this is a new sound. Model the sound for children to repeat.
 Hold up Phonics cards 27–29 one at a time, saying the words for the class to repeat. Hold them up in a different order
and repeat.

Listen, point, and repeat. (Exercise 1)
 Ask children to look at the words that contain the letters sh in their Student Books.
 Play the first part of the recording (Track 82, Listen and point) for children to listen and point to the pictures.
 Play the second part of the recording (Track 82, Listen and repeat) for children to repeat the sounds and words in
 Play the recording all the way through (more than once if necessary) for children to point to the words and then
repeat them.

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Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 3– Unit 7: Are these his pants?
Transcript (Track 82)
Listen and point.
Ss and Hh say /ʃ/.
/ʃ/ shoes /ʃ/ sheep /ʃ/ fish
/ʃ/ fish /ʃ/ sheep /ʃ/ shoes
Listen and repeat.
/ʃ/ shoes /ʃ/ sheep /ʃ/ fish

Listen and chant. (Exercise 2)
 Ask children to look at the picture. Tell them that this girl is named Shirley. Ask what she has (a fish and a sheep). Ask
what she has on her feet (red shoes).
 Play the recording (Track 83) for children to listen to the chant.
 Put the three phonics cards in different places around the room. Play the recording again for children to point to the
cards as they hear the words.
 Repeat the chant line by line and ask children to repeat after you. Then play the chant again and pause after each line
for them to repeat.
 Play the chant once more for children to repeat and follow in their books.
Read the chant again. Circle the sh sounds. (Exercise 3)
 Ask children to look at the chant in Exercise 2.
 Focus attention on the circled sh at the beginning of Shirley. Ask them to find and circle other examples of sh at the
beginning or ending of words.
 Go over the exercise with the class. Read the text together, emphasizing each of the /ʃ/ sounds in the words.
Shirley’s shoes are red,
Her T-shirt is blue.
She has a toy sheep,
And a toy fish, too.
The sheep is white,
The fish is blue.
Shirley wants to play,
With me and you.
Optional activity
 Divide the class into four different groups. Assign an action to each group, e.g., Group 1 – jump in the air, Group 2 –
clap your hands, Group 3 – wave your arms, Group 4 – turn around.
 Do the chant together. The groups do their actions when they hear the sound /ʃ/.
 Swap the actions between the groups and do the chant again.
Look at the picture and circle the correct sound. (Exercise 4)
 Point to the first picture. Ask What’s this? to elicit a sheep. Ask What’s the sound? to elicit /ʃ/. Show children how the
/ʃ/ sound is circled.
 Ask children to look at the rest of the pictures and circle the letters that the words begin with.
 Go over the answers with the class. Write the words from Exercise 4 on the board. Invite different children to come
to the front of the class to circle the letters that represent the sounds they begin with.
1 sh 2s 3h 4 sh

Let’s Practice!
 Ask students to look at the picture and speech bubble. Say The fish is blue.
 Have a student read the sentence.
 Have students work in pairs and take turns saying the sentence. Tell them to use other vocabulary words on the page
and color words they know.
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Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 3– Unit 7: Are these his pants?

Tongue Twister
 Write the following tongue twister on the board and ask children to practice it: Shirley’s sheep sits on the sofa eating
Shirley’s shoes. Make sure that children pronounce /ʃ/ and /s/ correctly.
 Hold a tongue twister tournament. Divide the class into groups of five. Tell them that each child should say the
tongue twister, and they should then choose the child who can say it the best.
 Ask the winners from each group to come to the front of the class and say the tongue twister. Ask the class to vote on
the winner.
Worksheet 5: Color by letters
 Give each child a copy of Worksheet 5. Give out coloring pens or pencils.
 Point to the picture of the hat. Ask What’s this? (a hat), What letter does hat start with? (h). Ask children to look at
the Color key. Ask What color is the hat? (blue). Tell children to color the hat blue.
 Ask children to look at the picture of the sheep and then the Color key again. Ask What color is the sheep? (green).
Tell children to color the sheep green.
 Ask children to look at the picture of the socks and then the Color key again. Ask What color are the socks? (red). Tell
children to color the socks red.
 Children color the rest of the pictures, using the Color key. When children have finished, go over the answers.
Hat – blue
Sheep – green
Socks – red
Sofa – red
Hands – blue
Shoes – green
Exercises: Workbook page 51
Story time: A reader of your choice

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Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 3 – Unit 7: Are these his pants?

Lesson Five Skills Time!

 Reading: read and understand a story; read for specific details
 Language focus: reading
 Recycled vocabulary: vocabulary and structures seen previously
 Extra vocabulary: try on, team
Resources and materials
 Student Book p. 52
 Workbook p. 52
 Audio Track 84
 Worksheet 6: Fill in the blanks (one copy per child)
 A set of colored pencils, a pair of scissors, a glue stick, and a large piece of paper for each group of four to six children
 Magazines with pictures of clothes
 A reader of your choice

Weather report: Ask the class about today’s weather.
Song: Play a warm-up song.
 Check that children can remember the colors by asking, e.g., What color is Mai’s T-shirt / Kim’s pencil?
 Ask individual children What’s your favorite color?
 Check children’s memory by asking, e.g., What’s Lam’s/An’s favorite color?
 Ask children to look at the pictures. Point to the picture of the boy and explain that his name is Minh. Point to the
lady and ask the class who they think she is (Minh’s mom).
 Children try to predict what the text is about (Minh is looking for new clothes in a store with his mom).
 Ask children to tell you what colors they can see in the pictures.

Point to the clothes. Say the words. (Exercise 1)
 Ask children to look at the pictures again. Point to different items of clothing for children to say the words.
 If you wish, ask children to work in pairs, taking turns pointing to different clothes and saying the words.
 Point to the different items of clothing and ask Are these pants orange/blue? Is this T-shirt green/blue/orange?
pants, coat, socks, T-shirt
Listen and read. (Exercise 2)
 Ask children to look at the pictures. Tell them that they are going to hear a conversation between Minh and his mom
in a store.
 Play the recording (Track 84) for children to listen and follow silently in their books.
 Play the recording a second time. Answer any questions children have.
 Ask simple questions to check comprehension, e.g., Which clothes does Mom/Minh like? What is Minh’s favorite
color? Why does Minh like orange?

Read again. Circle the wrong word and write the correct word. (Exercise 3)
 Ask children to close their books. Copy the sentences from Exercise 3 onto the board. Explain that in each sentence

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Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 3– Unit 7: Are these his pants?

there is one word that is wrong and that the class has to tell you which word it is.
 Look at the first sentence together. Ask children which word in the sentence is incorrect (girl). Ask what the word
should be (boy). Draw a circle around the word girl on the board. Write boy at the end of the sentence. Point out the
example answer in their Student Books.
 Ask children to look at the exercise in their books. Allow time for children to individually circle the incorrect words
and write the correct words at the end of the sentence.
 Go over the answers. Ask different children to come to the front of the class, circle the incorrect word in the sentence
and write the correct word at the end of the sentence.
1 Minh is a girl. (boy)
2 All Minh’s shoes are orange. (clothes)
3 Minh’s favorite color is green. (orange)
Worksheet 6: Fill in the blanks.
 Give a copy of Worksheet 6 to each child.
 Point to the first blank in Picture 1 and ask What are these? (pants). Point to the second blank in Picture 1 and ask
What’s this? (coat). Ask children to write down the two words.
 Ask children to fill in the rest of the words.
 Children check together by reading the dialogue aloud.
Role play
 Ask children to think of their favorite colors and sports.
 Put children into pairs. Tell them that one child will replace Minh, and one child will be the Mom or Dad.
 Write Look at these pants, ______. And this coat. They’re nice. Elicit from one pair the name of the child playing
Minh’s role, and write it in the blank.
 Write I like these pants, ___________. Elicit Mom or Dad from one pair of children, depending on the gender of the
child playing the parent.
 In their pairs, children substitute Minh’s name for their own and the colors in the dialogue. While they are working on
it, write the dialogue with blanks on the board to help.
Oh, ________. They’re ___________. All your pants are ___________.
And I like these socks. And this T-shirt.
They’re _____________, too!
But I like __________, _________. It’s my favorite color.
____________, try on this _____________ T-shirt and these ___________ pants. __________ and __________ are
nice colors, too.
But ______________, _________________ is my ____________ team’s color.
 In pairs, children now practice the dialogue.
 Ask one or two pairs to read their dialogue to the class.

Favorite clothes poster
 Divide the class into groups of four to six. Tell children that they are going to make a poster with pictures of their
favorite clothes.
 Give each group a set of colored pencils, a pair of scissors, a glue stick, a large piece of paper, and some magazines
with pictures of clothes.
 Children write the title My favorite clothes at the top of their paper. They cut out pictures of the clothes they like
from magazines and stick them on the paper.
 They can then label each item of clothing, e.g., green T-shirt / white shorts / red socks.
 Collect in the posters and display them on the wall.
Note: You may wish to use these posters again in the next lesson.
Exercises: Workbook page 52
Story time: A reader of your choice

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Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 3– Unit 7: Are these his pants?

Lesson Six Skills time!

Ÿ Listening: identify pictures from their descriptions
Ÿ Speaking: ask and answer questions about colors
Ÿ Writing: identify and write ’s in a sentence; match full and abbreviated forms with the contraction ’s and write about
favorite clothes (Workbook)
 Language focus: listening, speaking, and writing
 Recycled: vocabulary and structures seen previously
 Extra vocabulary: what about
Resources and materials
 Student Book p. 53
 Workbook p. 53
 Audio Track 85
 Color pictures of different types of clothing from magazines (at least two pictures for each child)
 A Your Ocean and an Enemy Ocean Battleship grid per child
 Colored pencils
 A reader of your choice

Weather report: Ask the class about today’s weather.
Song: Play a warm-up song.
 Play Do it! with the class to review colors.
 Assign each child a color, e.g., blue, green, red, yellow, etc.
 Give instructions, e.g., Yellows, jump! Blues, stamp your feet! Children who have that color assigned to them do the
 Point to the different items of clothing you are wearing. Ask What’s this? What color is it? / What are these? What
color are they? Repeat with children’s clothing.
 Ask children how many items of clothing they can remember from the story, and what colors they were. Write their
answers on the board. Allow children to look back at page 52 to check.
 Ask children to look at the pictures on page 53. Point to each item of clothing for children to name it.

Listen and number. (Exercise 1)
 Explain that you are going to play a recording of a girl and her mom talking about the different clothes. They have to
listen and number the items in the order they hear them.
 Play the recording (Track 85) the whole way through. Children point to each picture as they hear the word.
 Play the recording again, pausing after item 1 to show the example answer in the children’s books. Ask questions to
check that they understand. Continue listening, pausing after each person has spoken for children to number the
 Play the recording a third time for children to complete their answers.
Transcript (Track 85)
1 Mom: This blue dress is nice. Try it on.
2 Girl: But I like this red dress, Mom.
3 Mom: What about these pink pants? They’re nice.
4 Girl: But look at these red pants. My favorite color is red.
5 Mom: OK. Well, these shoes are red. / Girl: Yes, I like them too.
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Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 3– Unit 7: Are these his pants?
(in order on page) 2, 5, 3, 1, 4
Look at the pictures again. Point, ask, and answer. (Exercise 2)
 Draw attention to the questions and answers in the book. Read the first speech bubble aloud for children to repeat,
and then the second. Model correct intonation for the class.
 Ask a pair of children to read them aloud for the class.
 Ask children to take turns pointing to the different pictures in Exercise 1 and asking and answering the questions in
 Ask pairs to ask and answer questions for the class.
 Children work in pairs again. They take turns pointing to their own clothes and asking and answering the questions.

Magazine pictures
 Divide the class into groups of four to six. Give each child at least two pictures of different clothes from magazines.
 Children take turns holding up a picture and asking What color is this… ? What color are these… ? for the rest of the
group to answer.
Picture Race
 Divide the class into groups of five.
 Give ten magazine pictures to each group.
 Working individually, children will compete to write brief descriptions of as many pictures as they can in 5 minutes.
 Children then share the ideas with the class.
Draw and write about your favorite T-shirt. (Exercise 3)
 Ask children to look at the writing exercise on page 53. Give out sets of colored pencils for children to share.
 Write What’s this? It’s a ___________. on the board. Say I’m writing about my favorite T-shirt and write T-shirt in the
first blank.
 Then tell children they are going to write about their favorite T-shirt. Ask a few students what color their favorite T-
shirt is. Tell students they will draw a picture of the T-shirt.
 Have students complete the drawing and the sentences individually.
 Have students share their work with a partner.
Circle ’s. (Exercise 4)
 Write What’s on the board. Ask children to tell you the long form for What’s. Write What is next to it. Repeat for It’s.
 Ask children to look at the exercise in their Student Books. Allow time for children to find and circle the ’s in each
sentence in Exercise 3 and count them. While they are doing the activity, write the sentences on the board with your
own information in the blanks.
 Go over the answer with the class. Ask individual children to come to the front and circle the instances of ’s. Then
count the total number together.
There are 3 instances of ’s.

 Divide the class into pairs. Give each child a Your ocean and an Enemy ocean grid.
 Both players place their six “ships” on the Your ocean grid by copying the drawings at the top of the grid.
 Children attack enemy ships by calling a square. The first child asks a question e.g., Are you wearing (a red T-shirt)?
The other child says either hit or miss depending on whether one of his ships is in the given position (red T-shirt in the
 The child who asked the question marks a hit with a check mark or a miss with a cross on the Enemy ocean grid to
keep track of the attacks. If the shot is a hit the child takes another turn. Otherwise, the other child takes a turn. Once
a child has “sunk” all of his/her opponent’s ships, he/she is the winner.
Exercises: Workbook page 53
Story time: A reader of your choice
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Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 3– Unit 7: Are these his pants?

Worksheet 1: Coloring dictation

Listen and color.

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Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 3– Unit 7: Are these his pants?

Word Spinner

Spin a pencil or pen. Say the word.

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Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 3– Unit 7: Are these his pants?

Worksheet 2: Squares

is is is

dress This T-shirt This

her his her

These pants These are

are are socks

her shorts his These

These These are

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Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 3– Unit 7: Are these his pants?

Worksheet 3: Memory game

picture of a boy on one side and a girl on the other

Each child has a pair of shorts, a pair of pants, a pair of socks and a t-shirt

1 (A picture of the boy’s shorts) Are these his shorts? Yes, they are.

2 A picture of the girl’s pants Are these his pants?

3 A picture of the girl’s t-shirt Is this her T-shirt?

4 A picture of the boy’s pants Are these her pants?

5 A picture of the girl’s socks Are these his socks?

6 A picture of the girl’s shorts Are these her shorts?

7 A picture of the boy’s socks Are these her socks?

8 A picture of the boy’s t-shirt Is this his T-shirt?

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Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 3– Unit 7: Are these his pants?

Worksheet 4: Every day!

Every day!
I put on my ,
I put on my ,
Every day.
Every day,
I put on my ,
I put on my ,
Every day
Every day,
I put on my ,
I put on my ,
I put on my ,
Every day.
Goodbye, Mom!

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Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 3– Unit 7: Are these his pants?

Worksheet 5: Color by letters

Look at the color key. Color the pictures.

Color key

Color words that start with Hh blue.

Color words that start with Ss red.

Color words that start with Sh green.

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Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 3– Unit 7: Are these his pants?

Worksheet 6: Fill in the blanks

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Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 3– Unit 7: Are these his pants?


1. Draw in 2 of each boat in your ocean.

2. Attack enemy ships by asking a question about a square (Are you wearing a red T-shirt?).

3. Sink all the enemy ships to win.

Your ocean

red yellow blue green pink black white purple brown









Enemy ocean

red yellow blue green pink black white purple brown









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Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 3 – Unit 7

TOEFL Primary Listening

1 Listen and look at the pictures. Circle A, B, or C.
Transcript (Track 25)
Girl: What’s this?
Boy: It’s a T-shirt.
Man: What are these?
Boy: They’re my shorts.
Boy: Are these my socks?
Girl: Yes, they are.
Girl: Are these her pants?
Boy: No, they aren’t.
2 Listen. Which sentence or conversation sounds correct? Circle A, B, or C.
Transcript (Track 26)
Girl: This is my pants.
Boy: These are my pants.
Boy: These are my pant.
Girl 1: What’s this?
Girl 2: It’s mom’s dress.
Girl 1: What’s this?
Girl 2: They are his shoes.
Girl 1: What’s this?
Girl 2: It’s blue.
Girl: Where’s my T-shirt?
Woman: They’re on the bookcase.
Boy: Where’s my T-shirt?
Woman: It’s on the chair.
Boy: Where’s my T-shirt?
Girl: It’s red.
Girl: What color is her coat?
Girl: They’re blue.

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Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 3 – Unit 7

Man: What color is her coat?
Woman: It’s her coat.
Boy: What color is her coat?
Girl: It’s pink and blue.
3 Listen, read, and circle A, B, or C.
Transcript (Track 27)
Girl: Are these your shorts on the chair?
Boy: No, they aren’t. Are they your shorts?
Girl: No. Are they Mom’s shorts?
Girl: No, they aren’t.
Boy: Oh, they’re Dad’s shorts.
Girl: Yes, you’re right. They’re big and blue.
Boy: Where are my shorts?
Girls: They’re under the table!
Boy: Oh yes, I can see them. Thank you.
4 Listen and answer the question. Circle A, B, or C.
Transcript (Track 28)
Girl: Look at all these clothes in the box, Son.
Boy: Yes. I can see two T-shirts. I like this T-shirt. It’s blue. Do you like it, Tam?
Girl: Yes, I do. And I like this T-shirt. It’s red. I like red best.
Boy: Is this your coat?
Girl: No, it isn’t. But, look, this is my coat. It’s purple.
Boy: Is this mom’s red dress?
Girl: Yes, it is. It’s nice.

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Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 3 – Unit 7

Worksheet: Extra writing

 Colored pencils
1 Write the words.
 Ask children to look at Exercise 1. Draw their attention to the pictures. Divide the class into pairs and ask children to
name the clothes they see in the pictures.
 Draw children’s attention to the first picture. Ask them what the picture is (a T-shirt). Ask children how to spell T-shirt
and write it on the board as they do. Ask them to cross out each letter in the picture as your write. Show children the
answer on the line.
 Draw children’s attention to the second picture. Ask them what the picture is (pants). Ask children how to spell pants
and write it on the board as they do. Ask them to cross out each letter in the picture as your write. Tell children to
write the answer on the line next to the number 2.
 Write numbers 1–8 on the board. Ask individual children to come to the front of the class and write their answers on
the board for the class to check.
1 T-shirt 2 pants 3 hat 4 dress 5 coat 6 socks 7 shorts 8 shoes
2 Look at the white clothes. Write. Then color.
 Distribute colored pencils but ask children not to color yet. Ask children to look at Exercise 1. Draw their attention to
the pictures. Divide the class into pairs and ask children to name the white clothes they see in the pictures.
 Draw children’s attention to the first picture. Ask them what the white item of clothing is (pants). Say His or her? (his).
Show children the answer on the lines. Ask children what color the pants are (blue). Tell children to color the pants
 Draw children’s attention to the second picture. Ask them what the white item of clothing is (a hat). Say His or her?
(her). Ask children to write Her hat on the lines. Ask children what color the hat is (pink). Tell children to color the hat
 Children complete the exercise individually.
 Divide the class into pairs. Children check their answers together.
1 His pants are blue. (The pants should be colored blue.)
2 Her hat is pink. (The hat should be colored pink.)
3 Her socks are red. (The socks should be colored red.)
4 His shorts are yellow. (The shorts should be colored yellow.)

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Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 3 – Unit 7

Worksheet: Values — Warm clothes and cool clothes

 Colored pencils
1 Draw.
 Mime being hot. Ask what clothes you should wear (e.g., shorts, a dress). Mime being cold. Ask what clothes you
should wear (e.g., socks, a hat).
 Ask children to look at Exercise 1. Draw their attention to the T-shirt. Ask them to point to where they should draw
the T-shirt (under the sun). Children check with others around them. Tell them to draw the T-shirt under the sun.
 Draw their attention to the pants. Ask them to point to where they should draw the pants (under the snowman).
Children check with others around them. Tell them to draw the pants under the snowman.
Cool clothes (under the sun): T-shirt, sun hat, shorts, dress
Warm clothes (under the snowman): pants, woolly hat, coat, scarf, gloves, socks, boots
2 Read and color.
 Ask children to look at Exercise 1. Draw their attention to the pictures. Divide the class into pairs and ask children to
name the clothes they see in the pictures.
 Distribute colored pencils but ask children not to color yet. Ask children to read the first sentence. Ask them to point
at the item of clothing they should color (the girl’s coat). Ask them to hold up the correct colored pencil they need
(red). Tell them to color the girl’s coat red.
 Ask children to read the second sentence. Ask them to point at the item of clothing they should color (the boy’s
pants). Ask them to hold up the correct colored pencil they need (blue). Tell them to color the boy’s pants blue.
 Children complete the exercise individually.
 Divide the class into pairs. Children check their answers together and describe their pictures.
the girl:
The girl’s coat should be colored red.
The girl’s hat should be colored pink.
The girl’s pants should be colored yellow.
The girl’s socks should be colored pink.

the boy:
The boy’s pants should be colored blue. The boy’s socks should be colored green.
The boy’s hat should be colored orange.

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Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 3 – Unit 7

Unit test 7
Testing and evaluation
There are twelve one-page Unit tests which cover the vocabulary and grammar content presented in each core unit.
Each test contains vocabulary activities and grammar activities. The Unit tests can be administered at the end of each

Administering a test
Testing is an important part of the teaching/learning process. Students can become anxious about tests, so it is
important to create a calm and supportive environment. Before giving a test, have a quick warm-up session on the
language to be covered in the test. Explain the scoring system to the class so that they feel responsible for their
own learning process. All the Unit tests in American Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 3 have a total of 15

Grading for Unit tests is as follows:

14–15 Excellent
11–13 Very good
7–10 Good
4–6 Satisfactory
0–3 Needs further work
1 Complete the words.
1 hat 2 T-shirt 3 shoes 4 pants 5 coat
2 Circle the odd-one-out. Write.
1 hat 2 socks 3 dress 4 pants
3 Complete the sentences with his or her.
1 These are her shoes.
2 This is his hat.
3 This is her coat.
4 These are his shorts.
4 Order the words.
1 Are these his shoes?
2 Yes, they are.
3 Are these her socks?
4 Is this her hat?
5 No, they aren’t.
6 Is this his coat?

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