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Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 2– Unit 10: A new friend!

Lesson One Words

 To identify adjectives for describing hair
 To understand a short story
 Lesson focus: reading and listening
 Vocabulary: black, curly, long, short, straight
 Extra vocabulary: over there, hair, new, friend
Resources and materials
 Student Book p. 68
 Workbook p. 68
 Audio tracks 101, 106–108
 Story poster 10
 Flashcards 86–90
 One set of Student Picture cards and one set of Word cards per pair of children
 A reader of your choice

Weather report: Ask the class about today's weather.
 Sing Open my lunchbox! from page 62 (Track 101) to warm the class up.
 Ask children to tell you what they can remember about the last story.
 Tell children that today’s story is about friends. Ask several children to tell you the name of one of their friends.
 Put your hands on your own hair, or point to the hair of one of the children. Say the word hair and write it on the
 Use Flashcards 86–90 to elicit the vocabulary for this lesson. Hold them up one at a time and ask Long or short hair?
Red or black hair? Curly or straight hair?
 Hold the flashcards up in a different order and repeat.

Listen, point, and repeat. (Exercise 1)
 Ask children to open their Student Books and look at the pictures of the different kinds of hair.
 Play the first part of the recording (Track 106, Listen and point) for children to listen and point to the appropriate
 Play the second part of the recording (Track 106, Listen and repeat) for children to repeat.
 Play the recording all the way through for children to listen and point and then repeat the words.
 Hold up Flashcards 86–90 one at a time for individual children to say the words.
Transcript (Track 106)
Listen and point.
long, short, black, curly, straight
curly, long, black, straight, short
Listen and repeat.
long, short, black, curly, straight
That’s my word!
 Play the recording again. Each time a child hears a word that describes their own hair, they stand up.
© Oxford University Press 2015
Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 2– Unit 10: A new friend!

Listen and chant. (Exercise 2)

 Play the recording (Track 107) for children to listen to the chant.
 Play the chant a second time for children to say the words. This time they can point to someone who has this kind of
hair when they hear the word. Repeat (more than once if necessary).
Transcript (Track 107)
long, short, black, curly, straight
Human Flashcards
 Ask five children to come to the front of the class. Give each child one of the flashcards from Exercise 1.
 Play the recording again. The children at the front stamp their feet when the hair type on their flashcard is mentioned.
 If you wish, ask five different children to come to the front of the class and repeat the activity doing a different action.

Listen and read. (Exercise 3)
 Use Story poster 10 to present the story. Ask children to name as many things in the picture as they can.
 Look at each character in the story and ask children to describe that person’s hair.
 Talk about each frame with the class. Ask What’s happening? Encourage predictions from different members of the
 Ask children to look at the poster while you play the recording (Track 108) for them to listen. Point to each speech
bubble as you hear the text.
 Ask comprehension questions, e.g., Who’s Rosy’s new friend? What does Alice have? Who’s Tim’s new friend? Are the
new friends cousins?
 Ask children to open their Student Books. Tell them to listen and follow the words in the story as you play the
recording again.
 Ask children to find and point to the words from Exercise 1 that appear in the story.

Claps and stamps
 Ask the children to stand at their desks. Tell them that they can have their books open in front of them to look at.
 Say a sentence about the story (see suggestions below). If the sentence is true, children clap their hands. If it is false,
children stamp their feet.
1 Rosy’s new friend is Alice.
2 Alice has straight hair.
3 Alice has green eyes.
4 Tim has a new friend.
5 Adam has curly hair.
6 Adam has brown eyes.
7 Alice and Adam are cousins.
1 True (clap)
2 False (stamp)
3 False (stamp)
4 True (clap)
5 True (clap)
6 False (stamp)
7 False (stamp)
Concentration game
 Divide the class into pairs. Give each pair a set of Student picture cards and a set of Word cards.
 Children place all the cards face down on their table, with the Picture cards and the Word cards in two separate areas.
 The first child turns over one Picture card and one Word card. If the two cards match, the child keeps them. If they do
not match, he/she must turn the cards back over.
© Oxford University Press 2015
Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 2– Unit 10: A new friend!

 The second child then takes a turn.

 Continue playing until all the cards are gone. The winner is the child with the most cards.
Exercises: Workbook page 68
Story time: A reader of your choice

© Oxford University Press 2015

Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 2– Unit 10: A new friend!

Lesson Two Grammar

 To make sentences with has / doesn’t have to describe appearance
 To act out a story
 Language focus: listening, speaking, and writing
 Vocabulary: He/She/It has blue eyes. He/She/It doesn’t have black eyes.
Resources and materials
 Student Book p. 69
 Workbook p. 69
 Audio tracks 107–109
 Story poster 10
 Flashcards 86–90
 Pictures of people from magazines – one per pair
 One piece of paper per child
 A reader of your choice

Weather report: Ask the class about today's weather.
Song: Play a warm-up song.
 Review vocabulary from the previous lesson. Put Flashcards 86–90 on the board. Say the words for children to point
to the appropriate flashcards.
 Play the recording (Track 107) and say the chant from Lesson 1 again. Each time children hear a word describing their
own hair they stand up.
 Hold up Story poster 10 and ask children what happened in the story.
 Cover the poster and ask children questions about the story, e.g., Does Adam have curly or straight hair? Does Alice
have blue or green eyes? Who are brother and sister – Alice and Adam, or Rosy and Tim?

Listen to the story and repeat. Act. (Exercise 1)
 Ask children to turn to the story on page 68 of their Student Books. They check whether their answers from the lead-
in activity were right.
 Play the recording (Track 108), pausing for children to repeat.
 Divide the class into groups of four to play the parts of Rosy, Tim, Alice, and Adam.
 Ask children to look at the different actions that the children do in the story. As a class, decide on the actions for the
story (see suggestions below).
 Children practice acting out the story. Monitor the activity, checking for correct pronunciation.
 Ask some of the groups to come to the front of the class to act out the story.
Story actions
Pictures 1 and 2: Rosy holds up a photo (the child could use a piece of paper or a book). Tim looks at it.
Picture 3: Tim points to Adam. The other children all wave at each other.
Picture 4: The children smile and put their hands in front of their faces to show they are laughing.
Listen and say. (Exercise 2)
 Play the recording (Track 109) all the way through for students to listen.
© Oxford University Press 2015
Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 2– Unit 10: A new friend!

 Play the recording again, pausing for students to repeat each line.
 Look at each picture one at a time and ask children to describe what they can see.
 Ask children to look at the pictures in their Student Books. Ask different children to read each box aloud for the class.
 Ask children which sentences say what the person looks like, and which sentences say what the person doesn’t look
like. Point out the box showing the full and contracted forms of does not have. Show children how we make the
contracted form doesn’t by writing the words separately and then together on the board.
 Call a boy to come to the front of the class. Say, e.g., He has short hair. He doesn’t have long hair.
 Call a girl to the front of the class and do the same.

Look and say. (Exercise 3)
 Ask children to look at the pictures. Say curly hair, black hair, straight hair, short hair, brown eyes. Children point to
the appropriate pictures.
 Model the example with a child in the class.
 Ask children to work in pairs. They take turns pointing to the pictures and saying what each person has / doesn’t have.
Their partner guesses the number.
 Ask some of the children to tell the class about what the children in the pictures have / don’t have. The other children
say the number in chorus.
Who is it?
 Ask children to work in groups of four to six. They take turns describing a member of the group while the rest of the
group guesses who it is.
 Ask some of the children to describe a member of their group for the class to guess.
Look again and write. (Exercise 4)
 Put three of the flashcards on the board and write an incomplete sentence next to each one, e.g., She _____ long hair.
He _____ black hair. She _____ straight hair.
 Point to each sentence for children to tell you what goes in the blank: has or doesn’t have.
 Ask children to look at the pictures in their books in Exercise 3. Ask one child to read the example sentence in Exercise
4 for the class.
 Children look at the rest of the sentences and write down the missing words.
 Go over the answers with the class.
He has black hair.
She has straight hair.
It doesn’t have blue eyes.
He doesn’t have curly hair.

Let’s Practice!
 Ask students to look at the picture and speech bubble. Ask What word goes in the blank? (has).
 Have a student read the sentence It has black eyes.
 Have students work in pairs and take turns saying the sentence. Tell them to use other vocabulary words on the page.
Musical statues
 Place the pictures of people from magazines to each group.
 Play some music and encourage children to pass around the pictures.
 Stop the music suddenly. Pairs freeze and then point to the nearest picture.
 Children take turns describing the people in the pictures, e.g., She has red hair and green eyes.
Who am I?
 Write the following beginning of sentences on the board:
My name’s…
© Oxford University Press 2015
Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 2– Unit 10: A new friend!

I have…
My best friend is…
He / She has…
 Children complete the information on a blank piece of paper.
 Collect the pieces of paper. Choose one piece of paper at random and read the information aloud, omitting the child’s
 The class guesses who is being described. Continue until you have read all of the papers or as time allows.
Exercises: Workbook page 69
Story time: A reader of your choice

© Oxford University Press 2015

Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 2– Unit 10: A new friend!

Lesson Three Song

 To identify shapes
 To use shapes in the context of a song
 Language focus: listening and speaking
 Vocabulary: square, circle, triangle
 Extra vocabulary: side, the same, smooth, round, just
Resources and materials
 Student Book p. 70
 Workbook p. 70
 Audio tracks 110–111
 Flashcards 91–93
 One piece of paper for each student
 A selection of colored shapes (squares, circles, and triangles) and a glue stick for each group of four to six (optional)
 A reader of your choice

Weather report: Ask the class about today's weather.
Song: Play a warm-up song.
 Play Simon says to warm up the class, using instructions children have already learned.
 Ask the children to stand by their desks.
 Explain that you are going to give instructions. If the instruction begins with the words Simon says… , children must
do as you say. If not, they should stand still and wait for the next instruction. Any child who gets this wrong is out of
the game and has to sit down.
 Give an instruction, e.g., Simon says point to your nose; Simon says point to something red; Simon says eat an apple.
 Intermittently insert an instruction which is not preceded by Simon says… (e.g., Point to something red.) to see which
children are really paying attention.
 Continue the game until there is one winner left standing, or a group of winners if you prefer.
 Use Flashcards 91–93 to introduce the three new words. Hold up the cards one at a time and say the words for
children to repeat.
 Put the flashcards on the board and point to them in a different order for children to repeat again.
 Draw one of the shapes on the board, with one side missing (in the case of a circle, leave about a quarter of the shape
undrawn). Ask a child to come to the front and draw the missing side/part. The class calls out the name of the shape.
 Repeat with the rest of the shapes.

Listen, point, and repeat. (Exercise1)
 Ask children to look at the pictures. Play the first part of the recording (Track 110, Listen and point) for children to
point to the words.
 Play the second part of the recording (Track 110, Listen and repeat) for children to repeat the words.
 Play the recording all the way through for children to listen and then repeat.
 Hold up the flashcards one at a time, for individual children to say the words.
Transcript (Track 110)
Listen and point.
© Oxford University Press 2015
Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 2– Unit 10: A new friend!

square, circle, triangle

triangle, square, circle
Listen and repeat.
square, circle, triangle
Shape drawing
 Play the recording again. Children draw the shapes in the air as they hear them.
Where do you see a square?
 Elicit the names of things that are in the shapes of a square (e.g, a window), a circle (e.g., the clock), and a triangle
(e.g., a student’s scarf).
 Put children into groups. Give children a few minutes to make a list of objects that come in the shapes of a square, a
circle, and a triangle.
 Ask each group to read their lists. Give them one point for each item they have. The group with the most points is the
Listen and sing. (Exercise 2)
 Ask children to look at the pictures. Point to the different shapes in the pictures one at a time and ask children What’s
 Play the recording (Track 111) for children to listen and point to the pictures when they hear the three new words.
Then play it again as they follow the words in their books.
 Recite the words of the song with the class, without the music or recording. Say each line and ask children to repeat.
 Play the recording again for children to sing along.

Sing and do. (Exercise 3)
 Ask children to look at the pictures and decide together on what the actions should be (see suggestions below).
 Practice the actions with the class.
 Play the recording for children to sing the song and do their actions.
Song actions
It has three/four sides – hold up right number of fingers
It doesn’t have sides – shake heads
It’s a square/circle/triangle! – draw shapes in the air

Shape pictures
 Tell children that they are going to make pictures out of the shapes in this lesson.
 Teach any new shapes you want to use, like rectangle.
 Divide the class into groups of four to six. Give each child a piece of plain paper and each group a selection of colored
shapes and a glue stick.
 Children make pictures by sticking the shapes onto their piece of paper, as in these examples:

 Children label their pictures with the name of the thing they have drawn. Underneath, they can write about the
shapes they have used, e.g., This is a house. It’s a square and a triangle. The windows are squares.
My cat has two (pink) circles, four (blue) triangles, and an (orange) rectangle.
This is a woman. Her head is a circle. Her body is a triangle. Her arms are squares.

© Oxford University Press 2015

Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 2– Unit 10: A new friend!

I spy.
 Think of something around the classroom but do not tell children what it is. Say I spy with my little eye something
which has three sides / has four sides / doesn’t have sides. Children guess what the object is. The object must be
visible in the room or in a picture on the wall.
 Ask the first child to guess correctly to think of the next object and take a turn.
Exercises: Workbook page 70
Story time: A reader of your choice

© Oxford University Press 2015

Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 2– Unit 10: A new friend!

Lesson Four Phonics

 To pronounce the sound /æ/ on its own and in words
 To identify the letter a in the middle of words and associate it with the sound /æ/
 To blend the vowel with consonants to form simple CVC words
 Language focus: listening, speaking, and reading
 Vocabulary: cat, fan, man
Resources and materials
 Student Book p. 71
 Workbook p. 71
 Audio tracks 103, 112–113
 Phonics cards 36–38 (cat, fan, man) and 1, 3, 6, 13, 14, 20
 A reader of your choice
Language note: CVC words
“Blending” is saying individual sounds and then running them together in order to “sound out” a word. CVC words
are three-letter words which follow the pattern consonant-vowel-consonant. The last three phonics lessons will
teach children how to blend consonants and vowels to form simple three-letter words.

Weather report: Ask the class about today's weather.
Song: Play a warm-up song.
 Ask children which pair of letters they looked at in the previous phonics lesson (th) and which sound these letters
represent (/θ/).
 Play the recording (Track 103) and say the chant from page 63 to review the sound /θ/.
 Tell children that they are no longer looking at sounds at the beginning of words; they are now looking at sounds in
the middle of words.
 Hold up the cat, fan, and man phonics cards one at a time, saying the words for the class to repeat. Ask children what
today’s letter is (a) and what sound it makes (/æ/).
 Call three children to come to the front of the class. Give them the phonics cards for c, a, and t. Ask children to stand
a short distance from each other. Point to the letters for the class to name them.
 Ask the children with the cards to move closer together. Encourage the class to say the sounds again and run them
together to pronounce the word cat.
 Tell children that saying the sounds separately and putting them together can help them say and read new words.
 Use the same process with different children holding new cards. Children say f-a-n and m-a-n.
 Ask children What’s the vowel? to elicit a.

Listen, point, and repeat. (Exercise 1)
 Ask children to look at the words that contain the vowel a in their Student Books.
 Play the first part of the recording (Track 112, Listen and point) for children to listen and point to the pictures.
 Play the second part of the recording (Track 112, Listen and repeat) for children to repeat the sounds and words in

© Oxford University Press 2015

Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 2– Unit 10: A new friend!

 Play the recording all the way through (more than once if necessary) for children to point to the words and then
repeat them.
Transcript (Track 112)
Listen and point.
/k/ /æ/ /t/ cat, /f/ /æ/ /n/ fan, /m/ /æ/ /n/ man
man, fan, cat
Listen and repeat.
/k/ /æ/ /t/ cat, /f/ /æ/ /n/ fan, /m/ /æ/ /n/ man
Sound it out!
 Hold up Phonics cards 36–38 one at a time for individual children to sound out the letters and say the words.
Listen and chant. (Exercise 2)
 Ask questions about the pictures with children to establish what they can see. Then play the recording (Track 113) for
children to listen to the chant.
 Play the recording again for children to say the chant. The children point to the pictures in their books as they hear
the words. Repeat (more than once if necessary).
 Play the chant once more for children to follow in their books.

Say and do.
 Ask the class to decide on actions for the chant and then to recite the chant again as they do their actions.
Read the chant again. Circle the a in the middle of the words. (Exercise 3)
 Ask children to look at the chant again. Focus attention on the circled a in the middle of cat. Ask children to find and
circle other examples of a in the middle of words.
 Go over the exercise with the class.
The cat has a hat.
The cat has a hat.
a, a, a, a, a.
The man has a fan.
The man has a fan.
a, a, a, a, a.
Write. (Exercise 4)
 Ask children to look at the pictures. Point to each one for children to say the word.
 Write t h a on the board. Ask a child to come to the front of the class and write the correct word (hat).
 Children complete the items individually.
 Go over the answers with the class.
1 hat
2 man
3 fan
4 cat

Let’s Practice!
 Ask students to look at the picture and speech bubble. Say The cat has a hat.
 Have a student read the sentence.
 Have students work in pairs and take turns saying the sentence. Tell them to use other vocabulary words on the page.
Tongue twister
© Oxford University Press 2015
Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 2– Unit 10: A new friend!

 Write the following tongue twister on the board and ask children to practice it: A sad man has a fat cat and bad hat in
his bag.
 Hold a tongue twister tournament. Put children into groups of four or five. Tell them that each child should say the
tongue twister and they should then choose the child who can say it the best.
 Ask the winners from each group to come to the front of the class and say the tongue twister. Ask the class to vote on
the winner.
Exercises: Workbook page 71
Story time: A reader of your choice

© Oxford University Press 2015

Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 2– Unit 10: A new friend!

Lesson Five Skills Time!

 Reading: read and understand a descriptive letter; match children to their descriptions
 Language focus: reading
 Recycled: vocabulary and structures seen previously
 Extra vocabulary: dear, picture, tell, from
Resources and materials
 Student Book p. 72
 Workbook p. 72
 Audio track 114
 Flashcards 86–90
 Worksheet 1: Join the sentences (one copy per child)
 A piece of plain paper for each child
 A set of colored pencils for each group of four to six
 A reader of your choice

Weather report: Ask the class about today's weather.
Song: Play a warm-up song.
 Play Slow reveal with the class using Flashcards 86–90 to review vocabulary from the unit.
 Put a flashcard on the board and cover it with a piece of paper or another card.
 Very slowly move the paper to reveal the picture, little by little.
 Ask What’s this? or another appropriate question, such as What is his hair like? The first child to guess correctly
comes to the front to choose the next card.
 Continue the game until you have practiced all of the words from the vocabulary set.
 Talk about writing letters with the class. Ask Do you write letters? Who do you write to? What do you write about? Do
you prefer letters or emails?
 Ask children to look at the page and tell you what they can see (a letter and a picture). Ask them to look at the
bottom of the letter to see who wrote it (Oanh).
 Ask children to look at the picture and tell you what they can see. Ask Where are the dolls? What are they wearing?
 Ask them to predict what they think the letter is about (Oanh is describing her dolls).

How many friends can you see? (Exercise 1)
 Ask children to look at the picture again and to count the dolls in the bedroom.
There are four dolls.
Listen and read. (Exercise 2)
 Explain that children are going to listen to Oanh reading her letter. Play the recording (Track 114) for them to listen
and follow silently in their books.
 Play the recording a second time. Answer any questions children have.
 Ask questions for individual children to reply to, e.g., Who is the letter to / from? Which is Oanh’s favorite doll? Where
is Oanh in the picture?
© Oxford University Press 2015
Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 2– Unit 10: A new friend!

Read and complete a chart.
 Ask children to draw a chart in their notebooks. They make five rows and three columns.
 In the left-hand column, they write the names of the dolls and Oanh. Above the other two columns, they write the
words hair and eyes.
 Children read the letter again and complete the information for Oanh and her dolls.
hair clothes
Oanh long, black yellow
Thi long, red blue
Khoa short green
Nhan curly, brown purple
Thanh straight, black red
Read again. Write the names. (Exercise 3)
 Ask children to look at the picture from Exercise 2 again. Point to the doll on the left. Ask the class to describe her
(She has long, red hair). Ask Who’s she? (Thi).
 Ask children to look at the pictures in Exercise 3. They read the letter again (or look at the information in their charts
if they did the optional activity) and write down the names of the other dolls.
 Go over the answers with the class.
1. Nhan
2. Thanh
3. Oanh
4. Khoa
5. Thi
Worksheet 1: Join the sentence.
 Give each child a copy of Worksheet 1. Ask them to look at the picture on page 72 and the chart they drew in their
 Point to the name Oanh on the worksheet. Ask What’s Oanh’s hair like? (long, black) What color are her
eyes? (brown). Ask Where is the sentence about Oanh? Children look and find the answer (C). Tell them to draw a line
between Oanh and Sentence C.
 Children continue to read and draw lines. Go through the answers once they have finished.
(Worksheet 1: Join the sentence – Names on the left of the page – Oanh, Thi, Khoa, Nhan, Thanh. Sentences on the right a)
has short hair and blue eyes. b) has straight, black hair and brown eyes. c) has long, black hair and brown eyes. d) has long,
red hair and blue eyes. e) has curly, brown hair and green eyes.)
Oanh – C
Thi – D
Khoa – A
Nhan – E
Thanh - B

Picture Dictation
 Do a picture dictation with the class. Give out blank pieces of paper and colored pencils to each student.
 Read a description of a boy slowly, e.g., He’s short. He has blue eyes. He has short, curly hair. It’s brown. Children
listen to the description and draw and color what they hear.
 Repeat with a description of a girl. Children turn over their papers and use the back.
 Once they have finished, children compare their pictures.

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Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 2– Unit 10: A new friend!

Exercises: Workbook page 72

Story time: A reader of your choice

© Oxford University Press 2015

Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 2– Unit 10: A new friend!

Lesson Six Skills Time!

 Listening: number items in the correct order
 Speaking: ask and answer questions about appearance
 Writing: match full and contracted forms with the contraction n’t; write sentences with ’ve and ’s; write about friends
 Language focus: listening, speaking and writing
 Recycled: vocabulary and structures seen previously
 Extra vocabulary: sweater
Resources and materials
 Student Book p. 73
 Workbook p. 73
 Audio track 115
 Flashcards 91–93 (optional)
 One large piece of paper per small group
 One set of colored pencils per small group
 Several small pieces of paper per group
 A reader of your choice

Weather report: Ask the class about today's weather.
Song: Play a warm-up song.
 Ask a child to come to the front of the class. Ask the class to describe him/her, e.g., She has black, curly hair. She has
blue eyes. She’s tall.
 Repeat with other children.
 Ask children what they can remember from the reading text in the previous lesson. Ask children the names of Oanh’s
dolls and what they look like. Allow children to look back at page 72 to check. Write their answers, or draw the dolls,
on the board.
 Ask children to look at the picture on page 73. Point to the different children for the class to describe them.

Listen and number. (Exercise 1)
 Tell children that they are going to hear a recording of people describing the people in the picture. They must number
the children in the order that they hear them described.
 Play the recording (Track 115) the whole way through once.
 Play the recording again, pausing after the first description to show the example answer. Continue playing, pausing
after each description for children to find and number the child.
 Play the recording again for children to complete their answers. Go over the answers with the class.
Transcript (Track 115)
1. Can you see Oanh’s friends? This friend has long, black, straight hair. It’s Vy.
2. Can you see the teacher with curly hair? It’s Miss Chi.
3. This friend is a boy. He has short hair. It’s Son.
4. This girl has short hair. It’s straight. It’s Mi.

© Oxford University Press 2015

Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 2– Unit 10: A new friend!

1. Vy
2. Miss Chi
3. Son
4. Mi
What’s the next word?
 Play the recording again, this time pausing before the name is said at the end of each item. Children say the name of
the person being described.
Shapes review
 Review shapes vocabulary from Lesson 3 (using the flashcards if you wish). Ask children to identify the squares,
triangles, and circles that they see in the picture on page 73.

Look at the picture again. Ask and answer. (Exercise 2)
 Ask children to look at the question and answer in the speech bubbles. Read the first speech bubble aloud for children
to repeat, and then the second. Model correct intonation for the class.
 Ask a pair of children to read the dialogue aloud for the class.
 Ask children to work in pairs. They take turns asking and answering similar questions about the children in Exercise 1.
Monitor the activity and help where necessary, checking specifically for intonation. If needed, write the names of the
children on the board.
 Ask some of the pairs to ask and answer questions for the class.
Circle n’t. Then draw and write about you and your mom. (Exercise 3)
 Copy the example sentences I don’t have blue eyes and She doesn’t have black hair onto the board. Ask children what
the long forms are for don’t and doesn’t. Write the sentences with long forms next to each sentence as in the Student
 Have a student come to the board and circle the n’t in don’t. Repeat with doesn’t.
 Write I don't have __________ eyes. on the board. Point to your eye and say I have black eyes. Then ask Do I have
green (or any color that your eyes are not) eyes? (No) Write green in the blank.
 Ask children to look at the exercise in their Student Books. Tell them they are going to draw a picture of themselves,
circle n’t in the sentences, and write what their eyes and hair do not look like in the blanks. Help with any words if
 Have students share their work with a partner. Ask a few students to share their answers with the class.
 Ask children what letter is missing in n’t (o). They fill in the answers in their books.
Children’s own answer
n’t = not

Our group poster
 Divide the class into small groups. Give each group a large piece of paper and a set of colored pencils.
 Ask the group to draw themselves playing outside, in a picture similar to the one on page 73.
 At the bottom, children write a description of each child in the picture. E.g., This is Minh. He has short, black hair and
brown eyes. He is tall.
 Children walk around the class and try to match the children in the picture to the written descriptions.
Art gallery race
 Put children into groups and give them a small pile of paper.
 Write 5-10 descriptions on the board, e.g., He has curly, red hair and green eyes.
 Children have to work in their group to draw all the faces, accurately, in three minutes.
Exercises: Workbook page 73
© Oxford University Press 2015
Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 2– Unit 10: A new friend!

Story time: A reader of your choice

© Oxford University Press 2015

Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 2– Unit 10: A new friend!

Concentration game: Student picture cards

Concentration game: Student phrase cards

long short black

curly straight

© Oxford University Press 2015

Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 2– Unit 10: A new friend!

Worksheet 1: Join the sentence.

a) has short hair and wears a green


b) has straight, black hair and

wears a red dress.

c) has long, black hair and wears a

yellow T-shirt.

d) has long, red hair and wears a

blue dress.

e) has curly, brown hair and wears

a purple T-shirt.

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