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firmed by other authors (Brogliatti et al.

The protective effect of citicoline on the 1991; Porciatti et al. 1998; Campos, 1997;
progression of the perimetric defects in Parisi et al. 1999).
The aim of this study is to evaluate the
glaucomatous patients (perimetric study effects in glaucomatous patients of re-
peated cycles of citicoline to verify if the
with a 10-year follow-up) retinal sensitivity improvement translates
in the long term into a protective effect
M. Virno, J. Pecori-Giraldi, A. Liguori, E De Gregorio on the visual field.
Institute of Ophthalmology, La Sapienza University, Rome Materials and Methods
A prospective study has been carried out
over 10 years on 23 glaucomatous pa-
Introduction no et al. 1989; Pecori-Giraldi et al. 1989). tients (23 eyes) with precocious or moder-
The use of citicoline in ophthalmology Later, its effects on retinal sensitivity and ate perimetric deficits.
was proposed by our school in 1988 (Vir- on electroretinographic traces were con- Eleven patients were treated with citic-
oline administered intramuscularly (1 g
for 15 days repeated every 6 months),

while 12 patients received no neuropro-

I tective treatment at all. They all had an

ocular pressure normalized by topical
pharmacological treatment.
Excluded from the study were patients
with elevated myopia (>8 dioptres), mac-
ulopathies, uveitis, diabetic retinopathy,
amblyopia, corrected visus <8/10 and
opacity of the crystalline lens or other di-
optric means. Furthermore, no patient
was to be under treatment with miotics,
nor have had any neuroprotective treat-
0.2 ment within the 6 months preceding en-
All the patients were clinically tested:
visus examination (every 3 months);
0 I
4 io
biomicroscopy of the optic nerve head
(every 3 months);
Time Log Rank test: tonometry (each month);
.__________ P=0.007 Video Screen Perimetry (every 6 months).
TREATED CONTROLS As chief variable of efficacy, we con-
Fig. 1. Analysis of the survival curves. End point: VF worsening (increase of NPA -300mm2). sidered the worsening fraction of the vis-
ual field, evaluated by the non-perception
area (NPA), a perimetric index obtained
12000 I I by means of the Video Screen Perimetry
ANOVA: (Accornero et a]. 1984), a perimetric
P4.001 analysis technique used habitually in our
department. NPA may be considered an
indirect retinal sensitivity measure and is
closely correlated with the MD index of
conventional automatic perimetry. A vis-
ual field was deemed to be worse (end
point for the survival curve) when an in-
crease of the NPA >SO0 mm2 was found
P4.05 and confirmed in at least 2 consecutive
2000 examinations.
The data were analyzed by applying
the Log Rank test on the survival curves
of the two groups (treated and untreated
subjects) and a variance analysis for re-
peated measurements with SNK multiple
comparison test.
The size of the experimental sample

was such that a visual field worsening fect, it is probable that there is both Citic- sitivity and visuallyevoked potentials of am-
fraction S10% in the treated group and oline's neurotrophic, amply exploited in a blyopic subjects. Curr Eye Res 141-148.
neurological field in treatment of the se- Campos EC (1997): Future directions in the
250% in the control group with a=0.05
treatment of amblyopia. Lancet 26,349
and l-P=0.8 could be found. quelae of ischaemic, traumatic or de-
(9060): 1190.
generative events of the central nervous Parisi V, Manni G, Colacino G & Bucci M G:
Results system (Clark et al. 1997; Caamano et al. (1999): Cytidine-5'-diphosphocoline (citico-
Survival curves show that the visual field 1994; Eberhardt et al. 1990) and its line) improves retinal and cortical responses
worsening fraction is greater in the un- haemodynamic properties, capable of in- in patients with glaucoma. Ophthalmology
treated patients group (Log Rank test: creasing the cerebral (Caamano et al. 106(6): 11264134.
p=0.007) (Fig. 1). 1994) and ocular (Virno et al. 1993) Accornero N, Berardelli A, Cruccu G & Man-
The citicoline-treated patients ex- blood flows. fredi M. (1984): Computerized video-screen
hibited a significant improvement of reti- perimetry. Arch Ophthalmol 102: 40.
Clark WM, Warach SJ, Ikttigrew LC, Gam-
nal sensitivity (NPA reduction) at the first References mans RE & Sabounjian LA. (1997): A ran-
check (1 year) (SNKtest: pc0.05) which Virno M, Pecori Giraldi J, Grechi G, Covelli domized dose-response trial of citicoline in
then remained stable for the next 9 years GP & De Gregorio F (1989): Valore terapeu- acute ischemic stroke patients. Citicoline
(ANOVA for repeated measurements: p= tico della citicolina nel paziente glaucomato- Stroke Study Group. Neurology 49(3): 671-
0.19). so (indagine perimetrica computerizzata). 678.
In the control group. there was an evi- Boll OCUI68 (SUPPI.2): 251-258. Caamano I, Gomez MJ,Franco A & Cacab-
dent tendency towards progressive retinal Pecori Giraldi J, Virno M, Covelli GP,Gmhi elos R. (1994): Effects of CDPtholine on
sensitivity reduction (NPA increase) G & De Gregorio F (1989): Therapeutic cognition and cerebral hemodynamica in pa-
(ANOVA for repeated measurements: value of citicoline in the treatment of glau- tients with Alzheimer's disease. Methods
coma. Int Ophthalmol 13: 109-115. Find Exp Clin Pharmacol 16 (3): 211-218.
p<O.OOl) (Fig. 2).
Brogliatti B, Rolle T, Cantatore A & B m c o Eberhardt R, Birbamer G, Gerstenbrand E
M (1991): Citicolina vs Gangliosidi vs GMI Rainer E & Traegner H (1990): Citicoline in
Conclusions effetti sulla sensibilitd centrale in pazienti the treatment of Parkinson's disease. Clin
Repeated cycles (every 6 months) of in- glaucomatosi. Boll Ocul 70 (suppl. 1): 263- Ther 12(6): 489-495.
tramuscular injections of citicoline seem 269. Virno M, Pecori Giraldi J, Pellegrino N, Tav-
to prevent the progression of perimetric Porciatti V, Schiavi C, Benedetti P, Baldi A & erniti L, De Gregorio F & Sedran L. (1993):
deficits in glaucomatous patients. Campos E (1998): Cytidine-5'-diphospho- Farmaci attivi sull'emodinamica oculars.
In the mechanism of action of this ef- choline improves visual acuity, contrast sen- Boll Ocd 72 (SUPPI. 2): 1-20.

energy=500-1000 mW
A retrospective study on the effects focused on the iter between the unpjg-
mented anterior trabeculate meshwork
of laser Gabeculoplasty in open-angle and the pigmented posterior trabecular
glaucoma: a 10-year follow-up
The results obtained were analyzed by
L. Arrico, L. Taverniti, S. Donati, S. M. Recupero evaluating the ocular pressure before and
Institute of Ophthalmology, La Sapienza University, Rome after treatment. Ocular pressure checks
(expressed as the mean of the daily tono-
metric curve) were obtained on the day
Introduction The sample selected included: before the LTP and then during the first
Numerous clinical studies have con- POAG patients month after and again after 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
firmed both the validity of laser trabecul- 34 males and 16 females 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 years.
oplasty (LTP) in the tonometric control mean age 62.1 years (ranging from 45 to The progress of the intraocular press-
of POAG patients and its principal limi- 83 years) ure values at the different times was
tation: its progressive loss of hypotensive gonioscopic aspect grade 3 or 4 on the examined by variance for repeated meas-
efficacy in the long term. Shaffer classification urements analysis. The multiple compari-
This retrospective study has been local therapy with beta-blocker + miotic. sons were made with the t-test for paired
undertaken to evaluate LTP's success in data. The IOP values observed at follow-
POAG patients in the long term (120 All the patients had had one only LTP up were evaluated by the Kaplan-Meier
months), considering success an ocular treatment with argon laser on 180" of the survival analysis which considers ocular
pressure of <21 mmHg. angular circumference carried out with 3- pressures >21 mmHg censurable.
mirror Goldmann lens, using parameters: Eyes affected by malformative glau-
Materials and Methods coma, narrow-angle glaucoma, second-
The retrospective investigation was made no. of spots=50 ary glaucoma, glaucoma associated with
of 50 eyes of glaucomatous patients who spot diameter=50 p pigment dispersion, glaucoma associated
had undergone LTI? exposure=O.I sec with capsular pseudoexfoliation and neo-

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