AP Board 8th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 11A National Movement - The Early Phase 1885-1919 - AP Board Solutions

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AP Board 8th Class Social Studies Solutions

Chapter 11A National Movement: The Early Phase

AP State Syllabus AP Board 8th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 11A National
Movement: The Early Phase 1885-1919 Textbook Questions and Answers.

AP State Syllabus 8th Class Social Studies

Solutions 11th Lesson National Movement:
The Early Phase 1885-1919

8th Class Social Studies 11th Lesson National Movement:

The Early Phase 1885-1919 Textbook Questions and
Improve your learning

Question 1.

Correct the false statements:

a. In the early phase of Indian National Congress it included only people from

b. Indian industrialist began to establish companies in different parts of India.

c. People in India expected that India would become democratic after the First
World War.


a) In the early phase of Indian National Congress it included the intellectuals all
over the Nation.

b) Swadeshi Movement gave tremendous impetus to Indian industry.

c) Everyone expected that the British would accept the just demands for democratic
rule in India and bring in the constitutional reforms.

Question 2.

Write an imaginary dialogue between the extremist and moderate activists of

Indian National Congress in the context of their a) main demands; and b) mode of


Lucknow Meeting

Moderates: We will request them to increase our representation in our ‘Imperial

Ligislative Council.

Extremists: Why should we request them ? Choice is ours. We need not request
them. We should chose them and send out from our country.

Moderates: Let us agree it. But upto that we should pass our time. Our people
should be in authority for our safety. So we are requesting to conduct civil services
in our country.

Extremists: We cannot have independence with the policy of pray, petition and
protest. We cannot get the support of our people also. Let us unite together and
fight. Let us take the problem to the public. Let us have their support. We will neck
out the British soon.

Moderates: Okay. We change our way as peoples’ way. Let us join our hands to
them and have our independence.

All: “Vande Mataram” “Vande Mataram”.

Question 3.

After reading this chapter, Mariamma thinks that the early phase of national
movement was largely participated by educated Indians. And many of their ideas
were of western origin. Would you agree with her? Give reasons.


Yes. I agree with her.


1. With the growth of English education in some major cities, a new

consciousness, began to develop.
2. They opposed the inequalities and injustices of the old social system.
3. They pointed out the exploitation and injustice caused by the British rule and
fought to end it. Thus they sprouted the nationalism in the minds of common

Question 4.

Why was it important to understand the economic impact of British rule in India?


It was important to understand the economic impact of British rule in India to


1. how they were draining our resources.

2. how our crafts lost their status.
3. the reasons for our poverty.

Question 5.

What do you understand by swadeshi? What were the major areas of its impact?


I understood Swadeshi ‘as goods produced in our own country’.

The major areas of its impact were:

1. Political
2. Social
3. Industrial
4. Foreign trade
5. Spiritual
6. Business (national trade)
7. Education
8. Cultural
9. Judicial

Question 6.

How did different parts of the country and people respond to division of Bengal ?


One major trigger for the movement was the proposal for partition of Bengal into
East and West Bengal in 1903 by Lord Curzon. The Nationalists immediately saw
this as a political act by the government to divide the Bengali people and also
weaken the national movement. Even the ordinary people of Bengal were enraged
by this act and took to streets to protest against it. There were massive protests,
petitions and campaigns but they were not heeded to and the government
partitioned Bengal in 1905. Several protest meetings were held and together they
decided to boycotting English cloth and salt. There was a tremendous mass
response to this call. Boycott and public burning of foreign cloth, picketing of shops
selling foreign goods became common in remote corners of Bengal as well as in
many important towns and cities throughout the country. Women refused to wear
foreign bangles and use foreign utensils, washermen refused to wash foreign
clothes and even priests declined offerings which contained foreign sugar. This
spontaneous unity of diverse social groups was the basis of Indian nationalism. The
early nationalists were successful in germinating this nationalism.

There was also a call for boycott of all government institutions like schools,
colleges, courts etc. People set up Swadeshi schools and colleges and parallel
courts in which they settled their mutual disputes. Thus the people responded to
division of Bengal.

Question 7.

Locate the following in map India:

1. Calcutta (Kolkata)
2. Madras (Chennai)
3. Bombay (Mumbai)
4. Lucknow


Question 8.

Locate the following in the World map:

1. Britain
2. France
3. Russia
4. Germany


Question 9.

A few leaders like Gandhiji, Tilak, Subhash Chandra Bose, Bhagat Singh sacrificed
their lives for the sake of our nation.

What would have happened, if they did not do so?


The British would have plundered our nation’s wealth more and more. The people
of our country would have been suffered as slaves under the British rule and India
would have become a very poor country.

Question 10.

Are there any movements taken place in your region recently? Why?


Recently ‘Jai Andhra’ movement took place in our region on the occasion of
separating Telangana from Andhra Pradesh.


1. Regional imbalances
2. Political ill healthness
3. Lack of broad outlook

Question 1.

Collect photos of national leaders who participated in freedom struggle and

prepare an album. Make a report on it and present in the class.


Report :

1. The National Movement in India was an important epoch in the history of

India and it helped to weld diverse people and sections of society into one
nation. Ail the sections came together to not only fight aganist the British rule
but also to build a new country.
2. The seeds of a new consciousness were sown in the second half of 19th
3. The educated Indians, after understanding the nature of British rule and enter
into free-dom movement.
4. The early leaders like Dadabhai Naoroji, Pherozeshah Mehta, W.C Banerjee,
etc, they realised that the unity of all people could be built only by
accommodating the special requirements of different regions and religious
communities of India.
5. The famous leaders they left their jobs and families and move throughout the
country given speeches and create awareness about Indian Independence and
to send out the British from India.
6. They promote democratic ideas among the people.
7. They gave call for Swadeshi and boycott for foreign goods.
8. After First World War they raised their voice against British and started
movements very actively.
9. Like this so many of our leaders participated in the freedom movement and
sacrifice their lives and given a great freedom for us now we are enjoying that.
10. If they did not sacrifice their lives for the sake of our nation, then we would
not have achieved freedom from the British rule and would have continued to
be their slaves till date.

8th Class Social Studies 11th Lesson National Movement:

The Early Phase 1885-1919 InText Questions and

Question 1.

Imagine yourself as a student participating in a burning of foreign cloth. Describe

what all would have happened on that day and your feelings at that time. (Textbook
Page No. 126)


My name is Sarath Chandra Chatterji. I was studying B.A. – I year in Calcutta

College. Britishers occupied our country. They were trying to cut it into pieces as a
cake. Till now we, the Indians, are in faith of Law of ‘Karma’. But we wanted to teach
them a lesson. We planned to burn the foreign goods in our area.

It is our centre. The roads were clear upto 2 p.m. But all of sudden they were
crowded. In the junction we lit a fire. We, all our neighbourhood, threw the foreign
cloths and all the foreign goods into the fire. The fire brightened the sky. We gave
our slogan ‘Vande Mataram’ and it sounded as ‘Om’. Our eyes were flooded with
tears. The light of the fire revealed our attitude towards freedom to the world. Our
anger frightened the British.

We decided to attain freedom even by sacrificing our lives.

“Vande Mataram”

“Vande Mataram”

Question 2.

If authorities do not agree to the just requests of people, what do you think the
people should do? (Textbook Page No. 126)


The requests should be not only just but also legal. If the authorities do not agree,
one should oppose them democratically and attain them.

Question 3.

During that period there were massive movements of people who opposed the war

and asked their governments to cease fighting with other countries and restore
peace. Do you think it was correct? (Textbook Page No. 127)


Yes, I think it was correct.

The reason:

India had no rivalry with Germany or its alliance. We were appealing and fighting
with the British to quit India. So it seemed jovial to fight for them. So I think it was

Question 4.

Do you know of any association in your village or town which discusses problems
faced by all the people (not just of one caste or community)? What do they discuss?
What suggestions do they have for solving those problems? Discuss some
examples in the class. (Textbook Page No. 122)


Yes, we have one such association in our village. It is ‘Mytri Sangham’. It has its
members from all the levels and categories. This association looks after the law and
order in our village. They conduct discussions at the time of critical problems. They
intimate the issues to police authorities in time. If the people fail to receive,
protection or just, they would question the authorities also.

Their suggestions: If the enemy is strong and foolish, we should make him to listen
to our words with our own tricks. Later we should gather our own majority. Then
only we should fight with him.

e.g.: A tiger puts three steps backward when it starts its trial for hunt. That is the

Question 5.

Find out more about the First World War and its impact on the lives of ordinary
people. (Textbook Page No. 127)


We can say that World War – I broke out between the capitalists and communists. It
continued for nearly 5 years. All the nations with its people took part in it. More
than 10,000,000 people lost their lives. 6,500,000 were injured. 6,000,000 were
missed. Many nations suffered a lot. Whole world shivered with the feeling of

Question 6.

Why did the early nationalists believe that the British were responsible for the
poverty and famines in India? (Textbook Page No. 124)


Early nationalists were educated and intellectuals. They studied the economic
impact of the British rule. They understood that the British was draining the Indian
wealth in many ways.

e.g.: Enabling cheap selling of British goods in India and retraining Indian crafts and

So they believed that the British were responsible for the poverty and famines in

Question 7.

Why do you think the early nationalists did not want to re-establish the rule of the
old kings of India? Would it not have been better than the British rule? (Textbook
Page No. 124)


Yes. It would not have been better than the British rule.


1. Early nationalists treated India as a nation. Old kings divided India into small
2. The British rule was like hot pan, the old kings’ was like stove.
3. Many old kings were foreigners. ‘Swadeshi’ was their goal.

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