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AP Board 8th Class Social Studies Solutions

Chapter 2 Energy from the Sun

AP State Syllabus AP Board 8th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 2 Energy
from the Sun Textbook Questions and Answers.

AP State Syllabus 8th Class Social Studies

Solutions 2nd Lesson Energy from the Sun

8th Class Social Studies 2nd Lesson Energy from the Sun
Textbook Questions and Answers

Question 1.

Correct the false statements.

a) If a place is closer to sea, irrespective of its distance from equator, it will always
be cooler.



b) As you go up higher from the earth, it becomes warmer because sun is closer to



Correction: As you go up higher from the earth, it becomes cooler, because the
temperature decreases at the rate of 6°C for every ascent of 1000 metres.

c) Sun heats the air first and then the earth.



Correction: Sun heats the earth first and then the air.

d) Global warming is related to oxygen.



Correction: Global warming is related to carbon-di-oxide.

Question 2.

What’s the difference between the highest temperatue in Table 2 and the lowest
temperature in Table 1?

Table 1

Month Maximum°C

Jan 30 17

Feb 33 19

Mar 37 22

Apr 39 26

May 39 26

Jun 35 25

Jul 33 24

Aug 33 24

Sep 33 23

Oct 32 23

Nov 30 20

Dec 29 18

Table – 2

Month Maximum°C

Jan 32 19

Feb 32 21

Mar 32 23

Apr 33 25

May 33 26

Jun 30 24
Jul 29 24

Aug 28 24

Sep 29 24

Oct 32 24

Nov 33 22

Dec 32 21


The highest temperature in Table 2 = 33°C

The lowest temperature in Table 1 = 17°C

The difference = 16°C

Question 3.

Suppose, the temperature in Moscow was – 8°C at 10 AM on 6 December. Twenty-

four hours later it was 12°C higher. What was the temperature at 10 AM on 7


The temperature was 4°C.

Question 4.

Delhi and Mumbai are both situated on plains and their height above sea level is
less than 300 metres. Why is there so much difference in their monthly average
temperatures? In which months are the average temperatures in these two cities
most similar? Can you explain?


Mumbai experiences moderate climate while Delhi experiences extreme climate.

This is because Mumbai’s coastal nature and tropical location ensures moderate
temperature throughout the year. Delhi’s distance from the sea gives it an extreme
type of climate.

The average temperatures in these two cities are more similar in the months of
August and September.

Question 5.

Given below are the average monthly minimum and maximum temperatures of
Jodhpur. Make a line graph of them. Which are the hottest and coldest months of
the year?

Table: Average Monthly Maximum Temperatures in Jodhpur, Rajasthan (°C).

Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov

Minimum 09 12 17 22 27 29 27 25 24 20 14
Maximum 25 28 33 38 42 40 36 33 35 36 31


a) April, May and June are the hottest months in the year.

b) December, January and February are the coldest months in the year.

Question 6.

Given here are the average maximum temperatures of three places: A, B, and C.
Make graphs of them. What can you guess about each place by looking at the Table
and graphs?

Place Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov

A 23 26 33 38 41 39 34 33 33 33 29

B -3 1 6 12 17 21 25 24 21 14 8

C 31 32 33 32 32 29 29 29 30 30 30


A and C are in hot regions and B is in cold region.

Question 7.

Give three possible explanations for the differences between the average
temperatures in Thiruvananthapuram and Shimla in January.


1. Tiruvananthapuram is situated on sea coast.

2. Shimla is on high altitude.
3. Tiruvananthapuram is near to the equator and Shimla is far away from the

Question 8.

Between Bhopal, Delhi, Mumbai and Shimla, which two places show a similar
temperature pattern? How can you explain the similarity between these two places?


Bhopal and Delhi show a similar temperature pattern. This is because these two are
far away from the sea.

Question 9.

Look at the graph of Minimum – Maximum temperature given below and answer
the questions below.

a) What is the average highest temperature in July?



b) How warm does it usually get in December?



c) How cool does it usually get in June?



d) Is there a bigger difference between night and day temperature in May or in



In the month of May

e) When is summer?


March, April and May months.

Question 10.

Nithin says thermal power is better to use, but Padmaja says that Solar Energy is
better. Which of them do you support? Why?


How is solar energy better than thermal power?


Solar energy is better than thermal power because solar energy is clean, breath-
takingly abundant and is a responsible renewable resource to meet much of the
world’s energy needs, as well as a fundamental need of our body for vitamin D.
Question 11.

Read the para under the title “Height and Temperature” and comment on it.

At the peak of summer some people go from the plains to hilly places such as Ooty or
Shimla to avoid the heat. Even in the summer months, the temperatures are low on
high hills. The highest parts of a mountain generally have the lowest temperatures.
Temperatures decreases with elevation (height).


The temperature decreases with altitude. On an average, the temperature decreases

by 3.5°F for every 1000 ft of altitude (6.5°C for every 1000 metres).

Additional information: The lapse rate depends on, if the air is dry or moist – in dry
air, the temperature decreases more quickly, in moist air more slowly.

8th Class Social Studies 2nd Lesson Energy from the Sun
InText Questions and Answers

Question 1.

Can you point out the difference between insolation and radiation? (Textbook Page
No. 19)


Insolation: The radiation received on the surface of a body is called insolation.

Radiation: When a body gives out energy it is called radiation.

Question 2.

What will happen if the atmosphere gets more polluted with smoke and duct?
(Textbook Page No. 19)


Some amount of solar rays are absorbed or reflected away by smoke or dust in the
atmosphere. If the atmosphere gets more polluted with smoke and dust, it may
absorb more heat. As a result the temperatures on the earth may raise. If it reflects
more, there will not be heat on the earth. Both are dangerous to ‘the life’ on ‘the

Question 3.

Can you tell why there is difference in heating of land and water? (Textbook Page
No. 21)


The water is transparent and lets energy pass through. On the other land, the sun
heats up only the top layer of the land. This is because the land is solid. A solid is
opaque and does not let energy through. This is the difference in heating of land
and water.

Question 4.

a) Where will the rays fall more slanting – in Japan or North Pole? (Textbook Page
No. 20)


In North pole.

b) Where will Sun’s rays fall more intensively, in Andhra Pradesh or Rajasthan?


In Andhra Pradesh.

c) If the Earth is flat and not curved, then which will get more heat – Japan or the
Equator, or both equally?


Both equally,

d) Look at the globe and say which countries wifi be hotter and which will be


1. Australia, Indonesia, Philippines, Cambodia, India, Chile, Brazil, Sudan,

Uganda, etc. -hotter.
2. North America, Iceland, Scandinavia and Russia, etc. – cooler.

Question 5.

To get an idea of other temperatures, measure and note the temperature of the
following things. Before you start measuring, guess the temperature of each one.
(Textbook Page No. 23)

Temperature, °C
Guess Measurement

Water in bucket

Giass of cold water

Warm bath water


Temperature, °C
Guess Measurement

Water in bucket 25°C 35°C

Ice 0°C 0°C

Glass of cold water 15°C 10°C

Warm bath water 70°C 76°C

Question 6.

It is safer and advisable to use thermometers that have a scale of -10°C to 110°C.
Using such a thermometer, also measure and note the temperature of boiling water
and hot tea. (Textbook Page No. 23)


1. Temperature of boiling water: 100°C

2. Temperature of hot tea: 95°C,

Question 7.

Look at the number line below, you can see how + and – numbers are marked.
(Textbook Page No. 24)

a) Which temperature is greater: 5°C or -5°C?



b) At which of these two temperatures will we feel colder?



c) How many degrees difference is there between -5° and 5°?



d) Write in short form each of the following temperatures:

i) 88 degrees below zero, Celsius



ii) 38 degrees above freezing, Celsius



iii) 32 degrees below freezing, Celsius



e) Did you note the temperature in your classroom today? 88 degrees below zero
Celsius is how many degrees lower than the temperature you measured?


Classroom temperature = 28°C It is 116°C low.

f) The temperature of a normal human body is 37°C. How much hotter than normal
body temperature is 50°C?



g) How much colder than the normal body temperature is -5°C?



h) Arrange the following temperatures from the highest to the lowest:

12°C, -16°C, 29°C, 0°C, – 4°C.


29°C, 12°C, 0°C, -4°C – 16°C.

i) At which of the above temperatures will we feel hottest?


At 29°C

j) At which of the above temperatures will we feel coldest?


At -16°C.

Question 8.

Have you been to places that have different climate than where you live? Describe
it in the class. (Textbook Page No. 18)


I live in Vijayawada It is very hot place. I have been to Ooty during last vacation. It is
a hill station in Tamilnadu. It is situated on Nilgiri hills. I went from Vijayawada to
Coimbatore and there to Ooty. It is ‘queen of hill stations’. It is too cool as it is
situated on high altitude. There I stayed in a hotel opposite to ‘Horse Race Course’.
There I visited Dodabetta peak, Love Dale, Wildlife Sanctuary, Botanical Gardens,
Emerald lake etc., in Ooty. There I enjoyed the cold in summer. I took a resolution
on the 1st January of this year that I would visit Ooty often in my life. I love the
memories of my trip.
Question 9.

Table 1: (Average monthly temperature of Ananthapuram)

Month Maximum,°C Minimum, °C

Jan 30 17

Feb 33 19

Mar 37 22

Apr 39 26

May 39 26

Jun 35 25

Jul 33 24

Aug 33 24

Sep 33 23

Oct 32 23

Nov 30 20

Dec 29 18

Use the data in the Table 1 and plot the average minimum monthly temperatures
for Ananthapuram on the same graph paper in which the graph of maximum
temperatures is drawn for your understanding. The first two months have already
been done for you in the Graph 1.

Look at the data and the graph and answer the following questions about

a) How cold does it usually get in November in Ananthapuram?



b) Which month has the highest maximum temperature in Ananthapuram?


April and May, 39°C

c) What is the difference between the highest maximum temperature and the
lowest maximum temperature in the year?



d) Which three months are the hottest in Ananthapuram?


March, April and May.

e) Which three months are the coldest?


December, January and February

f) What is the average maximum temperature in January in Ananthapuram?



g) From June through December, the average minimum monthly temperature

keeps falling in Ananthapuram. Does the average maximum monthly temperature
also keep falling?


Yes, It is also falling.

h) What is the difference between the maximum and minimum temperature in



i) What is the difference between the maximum and minimum temperature in




j) Based on your answers to the above two questions, is there a larger difference
between the maximum and minimum temperatures in the summer or in rainy
season in Ananthapuram?


There is not much variation.

Question 10.

Table 2: (Average monthly temperature)

Maximum, Minimum,
°C °C

Jan 32 19

Feb 32 21

Mar 32 23

Apr 33 25

May 33 26

Jun 30 24

Jul 29 24

Aug 28 24

Sep 29 24

Oct 32 24

Nov 33 22

Dec 32 21

The average of maximum and minimum monthly temperatures are plotted on the
Graph 2.

a) Which month has the lowest minimum temperature in Visakhapatnam? How

much is it?


In the month of January; It is 19°C.

b) Which is the hottest month in Visakhapatnam? How much was the average
maximum temperature for that month?


April, May and November months are too hot; 33°C.

c) Compare the temperatures of Ananthapuram and Visakhapatnam to answer the


i) In January, which place is colder?



ii) In June, which place is hotter?



iii) In which place, Ananthapuram and Visakhapatnam does the temperature remain
more or less the same throughout the year?



Question 11.

Observe the following graphs.

Now answer the following questions.

a) Can you think of any other reason for this state of temperature?


Due to altitude, mean sea level, etc. the state of temperature differs.

b) What will happen if the inversion occurs?


When inversion occurs cold air underlies warmer air.

c) How many metres higher than Delhi is Shimla?


Shimla is 1900 metres higher than Delhi.

d) Based on the difference in elevation, calculate the likely difference in

temperature between the two places.


Approximately 12°C.

e) Which month has the highest maximum temperature in Shimla? How much is the


May month, it is 22°C.

f) Which month has the highest maximum temperature in Deihi? How much is it?


May month. It is 40°C.

g) In September, the average maximum temperature in Shimla is ———–°C while in

Delhi, it is ———–°C.


17°C, 34°C.

h) Which is colder: Delhi in January or Shimla in July?


Delhi in January is colder.

Question 12.

Sometimes, especially in mornings of winters, coal temperatures are found near the
ground. You can see dew drops on the grass due to condensation. The cooler
temperatures near the ground level are due to less amount of insolation received
due to the shorter days and excessive radiation due to the longer nights. This is
known as inversion. (Textbook Page No. 28)

a) Can you think of any other reason for this state of temperature?


I find no other reason.

b) What will happen if the inversion occurs?


When inversion occurs cold air underlies warmer air.

Question 13.

Observe the following graph.

a) Which of the three places shown in the graph is located near to the Equator?



b) What is the average yearly temperature in that place?



c) Does it usually get much warmer in the summer than in the winter there?


No, there is slight difference.

d) Is summer in Vladivostok warmer than the winter in Singapore?


No, there is much difference.

e) Does it usually get warmer in July in Singapore or in Shanghai?



f) Which of the three places on the graph has the most extreme climate?



g) What is the warmest month in Shanghai?


July and August

h) What is the average yearly temperature there?



i) Which month has the lowest average maximum temperature in this place?


January and February.

Question 14.

Use the maps in your Atlas to find out the latitude and the average temperature in
January of each of the following places: The first one has already been done for

Place Lat. Temp, in January

Vijayawada, between 20 and

17° N
A.P. 22.5° C

Agra, U.P.



a) According to this map, there is no place in India that has an average January
temperature higher than 30°C. (Remember, this is the average. There may be some
January days in some places that do get hotter than 30°C.)

Look at the map and find out which parts of India usually have the highest average
temperature (in January).

b) If you look north from this place on the map, is the average January temperature
higher or lower?

Place Lat. Temp, in January

17°N between 20 and 22.5° C

Agra, U.P. 27°N 22.3°C- 8°C

Madurai, T.N 9.93°N 30°C – 20°C

Nagpur, MH 21 °N 28°C – 12°C

a) Southern parts of India have the highest average temperature.

b) It is lower.

Question 15.

Why is the North cooler in winter? (Textbook Page No. 30)

Look at the following table, it shows sunrise and sunset in different cities in India on
10th January.

Place Sunrise Sunset

Visakhapatnam, A.P. 6:29 5:38

Agra, U.P. 7:09 5:42

Madurai, T.N. 6:37 6:12

Nagpur, MH 6:53 5:48

Hyderabad, T.S. 6:49 5:58

Kohima, Nagaland 6:02 4:40

Answer the questions below:

a) In which of these six cities does the sun rise first?


Kohima (Nagaland)

b) In which of these cities does the sun set last?



Question 16.

Find out the locations of Singapore, Shanghai and Vladivostok on the following
picture of the globe.


Project work

Question 1.

You know that the Sun is the source of heat on the Earth. But why do you think the
heat varies from morning to night or from season to season and from place to
place? We are listing some variations here. Try to think a reason for it and discuss in
the class before you proceed to read this chapter. (Textbook Page No. 18)

1. Cool in the early morning and warmer in the afternoon.

2. Warm in summer and cool in winter.
3. Cool on hill tops and warm in the plains.
4. Warm in Equatorial region and cold in Polar region.


The heat on the earth varies from morning to night or from season to season and
from place to place. The reasons are latitude, altitude, distance from the sea, ocean
currents, mountain barriers, air masses and prevailing wind system.

Reason 1: In the morning the Sun’s rays are slanting on a particular place. In the
afternoon they are straight on the same place. This is due to rotation.

Reason 2: During the summer the Sun’s rays hit the earth at a steep angle. The light
does not spread out as much, thus increasing the amount of energy hitting any
given spot. Also the long day light hours allow the earth plenty of time to reach
warm temperatures. This is due to revolution.

Reason 3: The average rate of decrease of the temperature of normal air with the
increase in height. It is equal to 6°C/km. (Normal Lapse Rate)

Reason 4: The Sun’s rays fall straight on the equatorial region and starting on the

This is due to curvature of the earth.

Question 2.

Measure the temperature for a week in different months throughout the year. You
will be able to see the temperature differences that occur between the summer,
winter, monsoon, and other seasons. (Textbook Page No. 23)

a) For the next week, measure the air temperature each day at the same time and
place (Remember to choose a place that Is in the shade). Each day before you
measure, write down your guess. Keep your record in a separate notebook.

Place: ———–

Time: ———–

Month: ———–

Air Temperature, °C
Guess Measurement

b) Record the temperature every day for one week for few months.

c) Calculate the weekly average temperatures.

d) Discuss the variations between different weeks.


Place: Bengaluru

Time: 12 Noon

Month: January

Air Temperature, °C

Date Guess Measurement

18.1.2016 28°C 29°C

19.1.2016 27°C 30°C

20.1.2016 29°C 30°C

21.1.2016 29°C 30 C

22.1.2016 28°C 30°C

23.1.2016 27°C 30°C

24.1.2016 28°C 30°C

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