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App Stat In-Class chapter 13

Problem statement
H0: t2 =0
H1: t2 >0

There is strong evidence that loom-to-loom variance on the tensile strength is significant, p-
value< 0. 001.Further, the loom-to-loom variance is estimated to be5.44144, which is
equivalent to 71.73% of the of total variability in fabric tensile strength, this indicates that
the textile manufacturer can potentially reduce the variance in fabric tensile strength by
71.73%from doing proper maintenance and calibration on the loom
In addition, the model assumptions are properly checked and verified to be satisfactory.
Normal probability plots of the residual seem to be a straight, and the residual plots vs.
loom illustrate a constant variance in the error term.


General Linear Model: Chatchapong versus Loom

Factor coding (-1, 0, +1)

Factor Information
Facto Level
r Type s Values

Loom Random 4 1, 2, 3, 4

Analysis of Variance
Source F Adj SS Adj MS F-Value P-Value

  Loom 3 80.70 26.900 5.24 0.015

Error 12 61.61 5.134    

Total 15 142.30      

Model Summary
S R-sq R-sq(adj) R-sq(pred)

2.2658 56.71% 45.89% 23.04%


Term Coef SE Coef T-Value P-Value
Constan 91.564 0.566 161.65 0.000


 1 1.466 0.981 1.49 0.161

 2 -3.752 0.981 -3.82 0.002

 3 0.326 0.981 0.33 0.746

Regression Equation
Chatchapong = 91.564 + 1.466 Loom_1 - 3.752 Loom_2 + 0.326 Loom_3
+ 1.961 Loom_4

Equation treats random terms as though they are fixed.

Expected Mean Squares, using Adjusted SS

Expected Mean Square
Source for Each Term

1 Loom (2) + 4.0000 (1)

2 Error (2)

Error Terms for Tests, using Adjusted SS

Error Synthesis
Source Error DF MS of Error MS

1 Loom 12.00 5.1338 (2)

Variance Components, using Adjusted SS

Source Variance % of Total StDev % of Total

Loom 5.44144 51.45% 2.33269 71.73%

Error 5.13385 48.55% 2.26580 69.67%

Total 10.5753   3.25197  

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