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Lisa Cunningham

English 6010

28 January 2022

Name: Explicit and Implicit Learning: Exploring Their Simultaneity and Immediate Article
Effectiveness #1

Your research question: Which best teaching practice is most effective for students’ learning?

Bibliographic information for this article (including; author(s), title of article, name of journal, volume
and issue of journal, year of publication, page range, DOI.)

Bell, P. K. Explicit and Implicit Learning: Exploring Their Simultaneity and Immediate Effectiveness.
Volume 38, Issue 3. Oxford Academy, Applied Linguistics. 2015. Pages 297–317. https://doi-

Key points and terms/main Notes (your response, questions, connections to other texts):

1. Second Language
Acquisition (SLA) 1. Definition: the act of learning a language after a first language
2. “The existence of has already been learned and acquired over time.
IL is widely 2. This was an important part to note from the article, because it
accepted due to explains the basic attributes of Implicit teaching/learning, but
evidence in more eloquent detail.
demonstrating 3. This quote from the article explains, in depth, the experiments
learning that relies done on individuals to truly see which method of instruction is
on information better suitable and more effective in the learning of students.
contained in the 4. This excerpt from the article shows the significant differences
input (based on in explicit teaching and implicit teaching on students in an
statistical experiment. This experiment signified that explicit
probabilities), uses teaching/learning is more effective for acquisition of
up few attentional information versus implicit teaching.
resources, and 5. Definition: Perform better than.
occurs 6. This was an important short, but significant statement to note
unconsciously.” in the article. It doubles my claim that explicit teaching is
3. “Some research better for learning and retaining information.
has compared the 7. Definition: Divide into two parts.
effectiveness of EL 8. Definition: An English-speaking person.
and IL when IL is 9. Definition: Two methods of something being done at the same
defined as learning time.
without intention 10. Definition: Detailed and communicated information clearly
and without 11. Definition: Implied information, but not described nor clearly
awareness of the detailed.
object of learning
at the point of
learning. In EL and
IL studies, to
ensure learning
can occur without
participants must
not know that
they (i) are being
exposed to a
learning target,
and (ii) will be
tested. To allow
for learning
awareness, all
participants must
receive identical,
exposure. “
4. “Type of learning
(IL or EL) was
identified based
on analyses of one
on-line and two
off-line verbal
reports. Sixteen
participants were
aware; 16 were
Performance on
recognition and
demonstrated that
aware participants
participants, who
showed no pre- to
posttest gains.
This was
interpreted as
demonstrating the
importance of
awareness for
5. Outperform
6. “EL has been
found to lead to
performance than
IL on immediate
7. Dichotomously
8. Anglophone
9. Simultaneous
10. Explicit
11. Implicit

How does this article respond to your research question? Which part does it answer? What does it
not answer? How does this article relate to or explore similar research questions, gaps, definitions,
arguments, from other research articles that you have found and annotated?

This article explains, in plenty of detail, the different experiments done to determine and explain
the benefits and differences between implicit teaching and explicit teaching. I found that, from my
own thoughts, as well as from the article, that my research question was answered, and explicit
teaching is a lot more effective for learners to retain information and complete tasks more
understandably and successfully. This article relates to the other article I found, because it includes
information about experiments that are done to test the effectiveness about these
teaching/learning methods.
Name: Relative Effects of Explicit and Implicit Feedback: The Role of Working Memory Article
Capacity and Language Analytic Ability #2

Your research question: How can a teaching method really effect the feedback between a teacher
and a student and what causes this feedback?

Bibliographic information for this article (including: author(s), title of article, name of journal,
volume and issue of journal, year of publication, page range, DOI.) APA

Yilmaz, Y. Relative Effects of Explicit and Implicit Feedback: The Role of Working Memory Capacity and
Language Analytic Ability. Oxford Academy, Applied Linguistics. Volume 34, Issue 3. 2012. Pages 344-

Key points and terms/main ideas/quotes: Notes (your response, questions, connections to
other texts):
1. Cognitive
2. “Several studies have shown that 1. Definition: The mental process of
explicit feedback types are more receiving knowledge and understanding
beneficial, whereas some other through thinking, experiencing
studies have shown no difference something, and with one’s senses.
between implicit and explicit 2. I think that explicit teaching/feedback
feedback types” would be a lot more beneficial to the
3. Linguistics student. This would give them a lot more
4. ” The feedback types that lean detailed feedback to then use towards
toward the more implicit end of the their learning and success for the task at
continuum involve no (a) hand.
metalinguistic terminology or 3. Definition: The study of language and its
metalinguistic rules and are indirect structure.
regarding (b) the accuracy of the 4. I found this quote to be extremely
learner’s utterance (e.g. recasts, significant for me to include in my
clarification requests), whereas the project. It involves the direct discussion
feedback types that lean toward the about the views of which method of
more explicit end contain (a) (e.g. instruction and feedback is more
metalinguistic feedback) and/or are effective.
direct about (b) (e.g. explicit 5. Definition: A certain system of methods
correction). The proponents of FonF used within an area of research or within
have championed implicit feedback activities.
types, such as recasts because of 6. I think this part of the article was
their potential to provide learners important to note in the way they set the
with negative evidence without experiment up into two different
interrupting learners’ processing for feedback methods and tested which
meaning. Other researchers have helped the students better understand.
favored explicit feedback because it 7. This was a perfect quote to include. This
does not require the learner to infer quote signified the idea that in order to
whether there is an error, the decide which feedback/teaching method
location of the error and how it would be best, you have to consider all of
should be corrected.” the different cognitive abilities of all the
5. Methodology students you will be teaching and giving
6. “Learners’ non-target-like production feedback to. This is important in every
was corrected either through recasts instance within teaching. You have to
or explicit correction depending on consider all students and their abilities
their feedback group. Learners in the before presenting them with feedback.
control condition performed the
same tasks without receiving any
7. “The results of this study suggest that
cognitive abilities should be taken
into account when comparing the
effectiveness of explicit and implicit
feedback because learners with
different cognitive strengths can
benefit from these feedback types to
varying degrees. In order to
determine the complete set of
cognitive skills facilitating the
processing of each feedback type,
future research should address the
effects of other cognitive variables.”

How does this article respond to your research question? Which part does it answer? What does it
not answer? How does this article relate to or explore similar research questions, gaps, definitions,
arguments, from other research articles that you have found and annotated?

It certainly answered my research question. Especially towards the end of the article, it signified my
thoughts. When providing instruction and feedback to students, a teacher needs to consider all
different circumstances and the variety of cognitive abilities of all the different students that one may
be teaching. This article relates to the other articles I have read and researched, because it provides
great examples and information about the experiments and research done on the specific topics I am
researching about. Reading and learning about these teaching practices directly effect students is very

Name: Modelling Learning Difficulty and Second Language Proficiency: The Differential Article
Contributions of Implicit and Explicit Knowledge #3

Your research question: How can these teaching practices contribute to the acquisition of knowledge
of students, especially students learning a second language and which method is better for this
certain learning activity?

Bibliographic information for this article (including: author(s), title of article, name of journal, volume
and issue of journal, year of publication, page range, DOI.) APA

Ellis, R. Modelling Learning Difficulty and Second Language Proficiency: The Differential Contributions
of Implicit and Explicit Knowledge. Oxford Academy, Applied Linguistics. Volume 27, Issue 3. 2006.
Pages 431-463.

Key points and terms/main ideas/quotes: Notes (your response, questions, connections to
other texts):
1. “Using a battery of tests that were
designed to measure implicit and explicit 1. I felt that this quote was important to
L2 grammatical knowledge of seventeen include. This really explains the overview
grammatical structures, learning difficulty of the article and the differences in views
in relation to these two types of and attributes of how implicit and
knowledge was investigated. The results explicit teaching can effect the variety of
showed that structures that were easy in students learning something, like a
terms of implicit knowledge were often second language. The experiments can’t
difficult in terms of explicit knowledge really pick which one is better or worse.
and sometimes vice versa and that, There are differing views on both.
overall, there was no correlation between 2. This quote is also significant in the way
the rank orders of difficulty of seventeen that it explains how there is really no set
grammatical structures for the two types teaching method that can be best, due to
of knowledge. A correlational analysis the variety of students and their diverse
showed that the structures varied as to learning abilities.
whether it was implicit or explicit 3. I like this quote, because this is exactly
knowledge of them that was related to a the way I was thinking. But I still question
measure of general language proficiency. the fact that is there a certain teaching
A regression analysis demonstrated that method that can really be more effective
both types of knowledge predict general in MOST cases?
language proficiency.” 4. Definition: The good/important
2. “Clearly, ‘subjective difficulty’ is a relative characteristics of something that could
concept as what is ‘difficult’ for one benefit someone and their learning.
learner may not be for another. A whole 5. This quote from the article is like my
host of learner variables (e.g. research question that I asked before
developmental stage, motivation, creating these notes. This question is
intelligence) potentially impact on definitely more detailed.
whether a particular learner at a 6. This quote was most important, for me,
particular time finds structure x easy or because though the entire article
difficult.” experimented with the two kinds of
3. “Further, given that certain structures teaching, I think it was significant for the
may be inherently easy to learn as explicit article to end on a more neutral note, for
knowledge but difficult to acquire as a change. It signified the importance of
implicit knowledge (3rd person -s being both the teaching methods, which is
an obvious example), and vice versa, it what I was thinking the entire time as I
should also be possible to predict read the article.
learners’ level of proficiency by
investigating to what extent they possess
knowledge of grammatical structures that
are difficult to acquire as implicit
knowledge and those that are difficult to
learn as explicit knowledge.”
4. Functional Value
5. “A question of some interest, to be
explored in the study reported below, is
whether one or both types of knowledge
are implicated in proficiency (as
measured by performance on
standardized tests) and also whether
structures vary in the type of knowledge
that is predictive of proficiency”
6. “By way of final comment, it is interesting
to note that the results of the study are
compatible with a view of language
learning that distinguishes the
acquisitional processes involved in the
development of implicit L2 knowledge
from the general deductive learning
strategies involved in the development of
explicit knowledge. It would appear that
where some structures depend on
general acquisitional processes, others
are more likely to draw on ‘a general
problem solving module’. As general
language proficiency appears to draw on
both types of knowledge, it is necessary
to recognize the importance of both in
language learning.”

How does this article respond to your research question? Which part does it answer? What does it
not answer? How does this article relate to or explore similar research questions, gaps, definitions,
arguments, from other research articles that you have found and annotated?

This article responds to my research question in a different way than my other articles that I have
read and researched. It had a more neutral standpoint, despite the detailed experiments it explained
about testing both the implicit and explicit teaching methods against each other.

Research Question: Which teaching practice is more effective for students’ learning?


KEY TERMS Explicit Learning- Occurs Cognitive: The mental Functional Value: The
consciously and with process of receiving good/important characteristics
intention (one knows one knowledge and of something that could benefit
is learning something) understanding someone and their learning.
through thinking,
Implicit Learning -Occurs
unconsciously and without
something, and with
intention (one does not
one’s senses.
know one is learning
something) Methodology: A
certain system of
methods used within
an area of research or
within activities.

WHAT IS Explicit/Implicit Learning Implicit/Explicit Implicit/Explicit

THE BEST Feedback Knowledge/Acquisition

HOW BEST They are used within Both methods of There are experiments done
PRACTICE IS experiments where feedback are used in with students who are learning
USED students are given experiments where a second language. The best
information and are tested students are given practices are applied to the
on how they learn that feedback that relates students in which one group of
information and which more to explicit students are taught explicitly
way they learn it is best. teaching, more and the other group of students
These tests determine detailed, and some are taught the second language.
which best practice is students are given The article then goes into full
better for the students implicit feedback, detail about how each group
learning. The students which allows for less students acquire the knowledge
participate in post-tests to feedback and more and the statistics engage these
identify which dependence on the ideas.
teaching/learning best students’ own
practice was more thoughts.

OUTCOMES Explicit learning was more This article Both of the methods teach the
OF BEST deemed more effective in determined that there students with pros and cons.
PRACTICE this article, due to the are pros and cons on The explicit way was deemed to
results of the post-tests each feedback be a bit less effective, judging by
and the amount of method. the way implicit teaching in this
information acquired by aspect allows for the students
the students. to memorize and retain the
language in their own way.

YOUR OWN I personally think explicit I think that the explicit I still feel that explicit
IDEAS AND learning is more effective, feedback method is a knowledge/teaching is more for
RESPONSE in a lot of cases. But lot more effective my liking, but I can certainly see
implicit learning also has than implicit feedback. how implicit
its pros. I like explicit Explicit feedback gives knowledge/teaching would be
learning better. more information to more effective in this example
the student on how to within the article.
improve and aids the
learning process. I feel
that implicit feedback
is too vague for
students that are
learning information.

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