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Symbol Description Units

Specific heat w sec/g "C (Btullb *

0 0 OF)

Rolling element diameter mm (in.)

Diameter m (ft)
Thermal emissivity
Temperature coefficient
Acceleration due to gravity m/sec2 (in./sec2)
Grashof number
Film coefficient of heat transfer W/m2 * "C (Btu/hr * ft2
Heat flow W (Btu/hr)
Conversion factor, IO3 N * mm =
1W sec
Thermal conductivity
Length of heat conduction path
Friction torque
Rotational speed
ROLLING ~ ~ I TN E G~ E ~ T ~ E S

Symbol Description Units

Pr Prandtl number
4 Error function
Re Reynolds number
% Radius
s Area
to heat flow m2 (ft2)
T Temperature "C ( O F )
us Fluid velocity (ftlsec)mlsec
u Velocity (ftlsec) mlsec
W Weight flow
glsecrate (lblsec)
Yo Width m (Et;)
X Distance in x-direction (ft)m
E Error
rl Absolute viscosity cp (lb seclin.2)
V Fluid
kinematic viscosity m2/sec (ft21sec)
LL) Rotational velocity radlsec
R Rotational velocity radlsec
a Refers to air or ambient condition
C Refers to heat conduction
f Refers to friction
j Refers to rolling element position
0 Refers to oil
r Refers to heat radiation
S Refers to spinning motion
V Refers to heat convection
1 Refers to temperature node
2 Refers to temperature node, and so on

The temperature level at which a rolling bearing operates is a f~nction

of many variables amongwhich the following are predominant:

bearing load
bearing speed
bearing friction torque
~ubricanttype and viscosity
bearing mounting andlor housing design
environment of operation
In the steady-state operation of a rolling bearing, as for any other
machine element, whatever heat is generated internally is dissipated.
Therefore, the steady-state temperature level of one bearing system com-
pared to another system using identical sizes and number of bearings is
a measure of the relative ability of that system’s efficiency of heat dis-
Of course, if the rate of heat dissipation is less than the heatgener-
ation rate, then an unsteady state exists and the system temperature
will rise until lubricant distress occurs, with ultimate bearing failure.
The temperature level at which this occurs is determined largely by the
type of lubricant and the bearing material. This dissertation is limited
to the steady-state thermal operation of rolling bearings since this is a
common concern of bearing users regarding satisfactory operation.
Most rolling bearing applications perform at temperature levels that
are relatively cool and therefore do not require any special consideration
regarding thermal adequacy. This is due to either one of the following

. The bearing heat generation rate is low because of light load and/
or relatively slow speed.
. The ability to remove heat from the bearing is sufficient becauseof
location of the bearing assembly in a moving air stream or because
or adequate heat conduction through adjacent metal.

Some applications occur in certain adverse environmental conditions

such that it is certain that external cooling is required. A rapid deter-
mination of the bearing cooling requirements may then suffice to estab-
lish the cooling capability that must be applied to the lubricating fluid.
In other applications it is not obvious whether external cooling is re-
quired, and it may be economically advantageous to establish analyti-
cally the thermal conditions of bearing operation.

though rolling bearings have been called ~ ~ t i f r i c t ibearings,

o~ never-
theless, they exhibit a small amount of friction during rotation. This
should be evident since if friction were notpresent, the rolling elements
would slip on the rotating ring rather than roll.
~ c t i o nin a rolling bearing as in most other mechanis~srepresents
a wasteful power dissipation manifested in the form of heat generation.
his frictional power must be effectively removed or an unsati~factory
temperature condition will obtain in the bearing.
Having determined the bearing friction torque by methods of Chapter
14, one can obtain the bearing frictional power loss in watts from the
following equation:

Hf= 1.047 X nM (15.1)

For a high speed ball bearing, the local heat generation rate due to slid-
ing at each contact is given by


where J is a constant converting N mlsec to watts, anduk is the sliding

velocity in the direction of the differential friction force dFk. The rate of
heat generation at a raceway contact due to spinning alone is given by


Equations (15.2) and (15.3) must be evaluated separately for inner and
outer raceway contacts at each rolling element location.
Having established values for the ratesof heat generation due to fric-
tion, it is then possible to determine the bearing temperature structure
by heattransfer analysis. ..

1, For the 218 angular-contact ball bearing of Examples

9.1 and 14.1, estimate the rate of heat generation due to spinning
motion at the inner raceway contacts for 22,250 N (5000 lb) thrust
load at 10,000 rpm shaft speed.

2 = 16 Ex. 6.5
cyi = 48.8" Fig. 9.4
cy, = 33.3" Fig. 9.4
D = 22.23 mm (0.875 in.) Ex. 2.3
dm = 125.3 mm (4.932 in.) Ex. 2.3

Y ' = - d=m- 22*23

125.3 = 0.1774

Assuming simple rollingat the outer raceway contact

sin ab -
sin(33.3") = 0.5419 (8.59)
tan ,6 =
cos a, + y' cos(33.3") + 0.1774
/3 = 28.5"

" 1 - y' COS ai - 1 - 0.1774 * cos(48.8") = 0.4498
n (L, 1 + cos(cr, - ao) 1 + COS (48.8" - 33.3")

n, = 0.4498 * 10,000 = 4498 rpm


= (1- 0.1774 * cos(48.8'))tan(48.~ - 28.5")

+ 0.1774 sin(48.8") = 0.4602

wo = --urnfor inner raceway rotation

= "
@o -
- (8.50)
Y' Y'


n, = 2.594 X 4498 = 11,670 rpxn

MSi= 43.19 N mm (0.382 in. * lb) Ex. 14.1
HG = 1.047 X X Msij (15.1)
= 1.05 X X 111670 X 43.19
= 52.92 VV (180.6 ( B t d h r )

Since 2 = 16,

Hf = 16 X HG
= 16 X 52.92 = 846.7 W (2889 Btu/hr)
,+ A4, = 2860 N * mm (25.27 in. * lb) Ex. 14.3

The total heat generation rate is calculated as follows:

, 1.047 X nM,,, (15.1)
= 1.05 X X 10,000 X 2860 = 3003 W (10248 Btu/hr)
ot = 3003 + 847 = 3850 W (13140 Btulhr)

Figure 15.1 shows heat generation rates for this bearing for a load
range of 44,500 N (0-10,000 lb) and a shaft speed of 10,000 rpm.

There exist three fundamental modes for the transfer of heat between
masses having different temperature levels. Theseare conduction of heat
within solid structures, convection of heat from solid structures to fluids
in motion (or apparently at rest), and radiation of heat between masses
separated by space. Although other modes exist, such as radiation to
gases and conduction within fluids, their effects are minor for mostbear-
ing applications and may usually be neglected.

eat conduction? which is the simplest form of heat transfer, may be
described for the purpose of this discussion as a linear function of the
difference in temperature level within a solid structure, that is,


The quantity S in equation (15.4) is the area normal to the flow of heat
between two points and 6 is the distance between the same two points.
The thermal conductivity lz is a function of the material an
ever, the latter varia is generally minor for
11 be neglected here. heat conduction in a r
HEAT T ~ ~ F E R 557
0 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,0(
I I 1





Bearing thrust load, Ib
F ~ ~ U R15.E1. Friction heat generation vs load; 218 angular-contact ball bearing,10,000
rpm, 5 centistokes oil,jet lubrication.

within a cylindrical structure such as a bearing inner or outer ring, the

following equation is useful:

2 ~ k ? 3 ( T-~To)
He = (15.5)
ln (ti't,/&)

TO is the width of the annular structureand $&and $j$

In equation (15.~9,
are the inner andouter radii defining the limits of the structure through
which heat flow occurs. If % = 0, an arithmetic mean area is used and
the equation assumes the form of equation (15.4).

Heat convection is the most difficult form of heat transfer to estimate

quantitatively. It occurs within the bearing housing as heat is trans-
ferred t o the lubricant from the bearing and from the lubricant to other
structures within the housing as well as to the inside walls of the hous-
ing. It also occurs between the outside of the housing and the environ-
mental fluid-generally air, but possibly oil, water, another gas, or a
working fluid medium.
eat convection froma surface may generally be described as follows:

in which h,, the film coefficient of heat transfer, is a function of surface

and fluid temperatures, fluid thermal conductivitx fluid velocity adjacent
to the sudace, surface dimensions and attitude, fluid viscosity, and den-
sity. It can be seen that many of the foregoing properties are temperature
dependent. Therefore, heat convection is not a linear function of temper-
ature unless fluid properties can be considered reasonably stable over a
finite tem~eraturerange.
Heat convection within the housing is most difficult to describe, and
a rough a~prosimationwill be used forthe heat transferfilm coefficient.
Since oil is used as a lubricant and viscosity is high, laminar flow is
assumed. Eckert [15.1] states for a plate in a laminar flow field:

h, = 0.0332kPr1’3 ( ~ ) 1 ’ 2 (15.7)

The use of equation (15.7) taking u, equal to bearing cage surface velocity
and x equal to bearing pitch diameter seems to yield workablevalues for
h,, conside~ngheat transferfrom the bearing to the oil that contacts the
bearing. For heat transfer from the housing inside surface to the oil,
taking u, equal to one-third cage velocityand x equal to housing diameter
yields adequate results. In equation (15.7), vo represents kinematic vis-
cosity and Pr the Prandtl number of the oil.
If cooling coils are submerged in the oil sump, it is best that they be
aligned parallel to the shaft so that a laminar cross flow obtains. In this
case Eckert El5.11 shows for a cylinder in cross flow, the outside heat
transfer film coefficient may be approsimated by

in which 9 i s the outside diameter of the tube and h, is the thermal

conductivity of the oil. It is recommended that u, be taken as approxi-
mately one-fou~hof the bearing inner ring surface velocity.
Theforegoing approximations forfilmcoefficient are necessarily
crude. If greater accuracy is required, Reference [15.1] indicates more
refined methods for obtaining the film coefficient. In lieu of a more ele-
gant analysis, the values yielded by equations (15.7) and (15.8), and
(15.9) and (15.10) that follow, should suffice forgeneral e n ~ n e e r i pur-
In ~uiescentair, heat transferby convection fromthe housing external
surface may be approximated by using an outside film coefficient in ac-
cordance with equation (15.9) (see Jakob and Hawkins [15.2]):

h, = 2.3 X 10-5 (T- 1~~10.25 (15.9)

For forced flow of air of velocity u, over the housing, Reference [15.l]

hv =; 0.03 - (15.10)

in which $h is the approxi~atehousing diameter. Palmgren [15.3] gives

the following formulato approximate the external area of a bearing hous-
ing or pillow block:


in which g h is the m ~ i m u mdiameter of the pillow block and 96, is the

The calculationsof lubricant film thickness as specified in Chapter 12
depend upon the viscosit~of the lubrieant entering the rolling/s~i
contact, whilethe calculations of traction over the contact as specified in
Chapter 13 depend upon the viscosity of the lubricant in the contact.
ince lubricant viscosity is a function of tem~erature~ detailed perform-
nce analysis of ball and roller bearings entails the estimation of tern-
eratures of lubricant both entering, and residing in, the individual
o this requires the e s t i ~ ~ t i of
o nheat dissipation rates from
the rotating components and rings. The coefficien
transfer for a rota tin^ sphere (ball) is provided by
h D
- 0.33 Reg5 (15.12)

where Re,, the Reynolds number for a rotating ball, is given by


In equation (15.13), 13 is the diameter of the ball, o is ball speed about

its own axis, and v is the lubricant kinematic viscosity. Equation (15.12)
is valid for 0.7 < Pr < 217 and Gr, < 0.1 Re;. The Grashof number is
given by

where 3 is the thermal coefficient of fluid volume expansion, g is accel-

eration due to gravity, T8is the temperature at theball surface, and Tw
is the fluid stream temperature. The Prandtl number is given by

Pr = - (15.15)

where c is specific heat of the fluid.

For a rotating cylindrical ring or roller,


In equation (15.16),D is the outside diameter of the ringor roller. Equa-

tion (15.16) is valid for Re, < 4 io5.

The remaining mode of heat transfer t o be considered is radiation from

the housing external surface to surrounding structures. For a small
struct~re in
a large enclosure reference El5.21 gives


in which tem~eratureis in degrees Kelvin (absolute). Equation (15.17)

being nonlinear in tem~eraturesis sometimes written in the following
H, = h,S(T - Ta) (15.18)

in which

h, = 5.73 X IO-' &(T+ T J T 2 + Tz) (15.19)

~quations(15.18) and (15.19) are useful for hand calculation in which

problem T and Ta are not significantly different. Upon assuming a tem-
perature T for the surface, the pseudofilm coefficient of radiation h, may
be calculated. Of course, if the final calculated value of T is significantly
di~erentfrom that assumed, then the entire calculation must be re-
peated. Actually, the same consideration is true for calculation of h, for
the oil film. Since FL, and z1, are dependent upon te~perature, theas-
sumed temperature must be reasonably close to the final calculated tem-
perature. How close is dictated by the actualvariation of those properties
with oil temperature.

Because of the discontinuities of the structures that comprise a rolling

bearing assembly, classical methods of heat transfer analysis cannot be
applied to obtain a solution describingthe system temperatures.
sical methods is meant the description of the system in terms of dif5er-
entia1 equations and the analytical solution of these equations. Instead,
methods of finite difference as demonstrated by Dusinberre E15.51 must
be applied to obtain a mathematical solution.
For finite difference methods appliedto steady-state heattransfer, var-
ious points or nodes are selected throughout the system to be analyzed.
At each of these points, temperature is determined. In steady-state heat
transfer, heat influx t o any point equals heat efflux; therefore, the sum
of all heat-flowing toward a temperature node is equal to zero. Figure
15.2 is a heat flow diagram at a temperature node; demon st rat in^ that
the nodal temperature is affected by the temperatures of each of the four
~ h system depicted by Fi . 15.2
indicated surrounding nodes. ( ~ t h o u the
shows only four s~rroundingnodes, this is purely by choice of
the number of nodes may be greater or smaller.) Since the sum of the
heat flows is zero, therefore

it is assumed that heatflow oc

is nonsymmetrical, making all
rent. Furthermo~e, thematerial i

so that thermal conductivity is different for all flow paths. ~ubstitution

of equation (15.4) into (15.20) therefore yields

h4S4 + k3S3
-(T3 - To)+ -(T4 - To)= 0 (15.21)
%3 g4

By rearranging terms, one obtains


FITl + F2T2+ F3T3+ F4T4- (15.23)
i= 1

Dividing by 2Fi yields

~ ~ Y $ OF


More concisely, equation (15.19) may be written

&Ti = 0 (15.25)

in which the +i are influence coefficientsof temperature equal to Fi/XFi.

If the material were isotropic and a symmetrical grid was chosen, then
+o = 1 and the other +i
= 0.25.
In the foregoingexample,only heat conductionwas illustrated. If,
however, heat flow between points 4 and 0 was by convection, then ac-
cording to equation (15.5), F4 = hv4S4.For a multinodal system, a series
of equations similar to (15.24) may be written. If the equations are linear
in temperature T,they may be solved by classical methods for the so-
lution of si~ultaneouslinear equations or by numerical methods (see
eference i15.61).
The system may include heat generation and be further complicated,
however, by nonlinear terms caused by heat radiation and free convec-
tion. Considerthe example schematicallyillustrated by Fig. 15.3. In that
illustration, heat is generated at point 0, dissipated by free convection
and radiation between points 1 and 0 and dissipated by conduction be-
tween points 2 and 0. Thus

(HfO+ Hl-O,, + Hl-o,, + H2-0 = 0 (15.26)

The use of equations (15.41, (15.61, (15.91, and (15.17) gives

Hfo+ 2.3 X + 5.73 X

10-5S1(T1- T0)1+25 ESl(T;' - T;)

+-K2S2 (T2- To)= 0 (15.27)



Q Heat generated
~ G

+ Flv(Tl - T0)1.25+ FJT: - Tg) + F2(T2- To) == 0 (15.28)

A system of nonlinear equations similar to equation (15.28) is difficult

to solve bydirect numerical methods of iteration or relaxation. Therefore,
the Newton-Raphson method [15.6] is recommended for solution.
The Newton-Raphson method states that for a series of nonlinear
functions q iof variables Tj:


Equation (15.29) represents a system of simultaneous linear equations

which may be solved for (error on q).
Then, the new estimate of Tj is

Ti == Tj(0) + ej (15.30)

and new values qi may bedetermined. The processis continued until the
functions qi are virtually zero. Witha system of nonlinear equations sim-
ilar to equation (15.28), such equations must be linearized according to
equation (15.29). Thus, let equation (15.28) be rewritten as follows:



~ u ~ s t i t u tofi oequations
~ (15.31) and (15.32)into (15.29) yields one
tion in variables eo, el, and e2.
he syst~mof nonlinear equations is solved for To,
rms error is sufficiently small, for e~ample,less than 0.1".
23072 double-row radial spherical roller bearing
has a 444.5 mm (17.5 in.) pitch diameter and is mounted in thepillow
block shown by Fig. 15.4. The bearing is operated at a shaft speed of
350 rpm while it supports a 489,500 N (110,000 lb) radial load. The
bearing is lubricated by 100 SSU (20 centistokes) oil in a bath at op-
erating temperature. The pillow block that houses the bearing is sit-
uated inan atmosphere of quiescent airat temperature 48.9"C
(120°F). Estimate the bearing and sump oil temperatures.

MI = f1F"dL (14.99)

From t15.71 use f i = 0.001, a = 1.5, and b = -0.3

M I = 0.001. * (~~9500)1.5(444.5)-0.3
= 5.499 lo4 N mm (486.5 in. lb) 0

From Table 14.5, use f o = 7 for bath lubrication.

uon = 20 350 = 7000

Mv = fo(uon)2/3d~
= * 7 (7000)2/3(444.5)3 (14.103)
= 2.250 lo4 N mm (199.1 in * lb)
+ M, = 5.499 104 + 2.250 = 104

= 7.749 lo4 N * mm (685.6 in lb) 9

Hf = 1.047 0 nM = 1.047 350 7.749 lo4 (15.1)

= 2840 W (9687 Btu/hr)

Since this problem is for illustrative purposes, it hasbeen designedto

be as simple as possible such that all equations and methods of solution
maybe demonstrated. Therefore, the followingconditionswillbe as-

Nine temperat~renodes are sufficient to describe the system shown

by Fig. 15.4.
The inside of the housing is coated with oil and may be described
by a single temperature.
The inner ring raceway may be described by a single te~perature.
The outer ring raceway may be describedby a single t e ~ ~ e r a ~ u r e .
15.4, Temperature node selection.

The housing is symmetrical about the shaft centerline and vertical

. Thus, heat transfer in the circumferential direction
need not be considered.
The sump oil may be considered at a single temperature.
The shaft ends at the extremities of the housing are at ambient

onsidering the temperature nodes indicated in Fig. 15.4, the heat

t ~ a n ~ fsystem
er is that indicated by Table 15.1. Table15.1 also indicates
which e~uations are used to determine heat flow, film coefficient of heat
transfer, and rate of heat generation. The heat flow areas andlengths of
I l l
I / I I
R ~ L L ~ G

flow path are obtained from the dimensions of Fig. 15.4, consideringthe
location of each temperature node.
ased on Table 15.1 and Fig. 15.4, a set of nine simultaneous, nonlin-
ear equations with unknown variables Tl-T9 can be developed. Since this
system is nonlinear in temperature because of free convection and ra-
diation from the housing to ambient, the ~ e w t o n - ~ a ~ h smethod
on of
equations (15.29) will be used to obtain a solution. The final values of
temperature are shown in the proper location in Fig. 15.5.
The system chosenfor evaluation was necessarily simple. A more
realistic system would consider variation of bearing temperature in a
circumferential directionalso.For this case,viscous torque maybe
considered constant with respect to angular position;however,load
torque varies as the individual rolling element load on the stationary
ring but may be consideredinvariant with respect to angular position on
the rotatingring. A three-dimensional analysis such as thatindicated by
load torque variation on the stationary ringshould, however, showlittle


15.5. Temperature distribution, natural convection of air.

variation intemperature around the bearing rings so that a two-
dimensional system should suEce for most engineering applications. Of
course, if temperatures of structures surrounding or abutting the hous-
ing are significantly different, then a three-dimensional study is re-
quired. A three-dimensional study will require a computer.
It is not intended that the results of the foregoing methodof analysis
will beof extreme accuracy, but only that accuracy will be sufficient to
determine the approximate thermal level of operation such that correc-
tive measures may betaken in theevent excessive steady-state operating
temperatures are indicated. Moreover, in the event that cooling of the
assembly is required, the same methods may be used to evaluate the
adequacy of the cooling system.
Generally, the more temperature nodes selected or the finer the grid,
the more accurate will be the analysis.

Having established the operating temperatures in a rolling bearing as-

sembly while using a conventional mineral oil lubricant and lubrication
system, and having estimated that thebearing and/or lubricant temper-
atures are excessive, it then becomes necessary to redesign the system
to either reduce the operating temperatures or make the assembly com-
patible with the temperature level. Of the two alternatives, the former
is safest when considering prolongedduration of operation of the assem-
bly; however, when shorter finite lubricant life and/or bearing life are
acceptable, it may be expeditious and even economical to simply accom-
modate the increased temperature level by using special lubricants and/
or bearing steels. The later approach is effective when spaceand weight
limitations preclude the use of external cooling systems and is further
necessitated in many applications in which the bearing is not the prime
source of heat, such as in aircraft gas turbine engines.

For situations in which the bearing is the prime source of heat and in
which the ambient conditions surrounding the housing do not permit an
adequate rate of heat removal, simply placing the housing in a moving
air stream may be sufficient to reduce operating temperatures. For in-
stance, placing the housing of Fig. 15.4 in a fanned air stream of 15.2
m/sec (50 ft/sec) velocity will create a heat transfer coefficient of about
2.386 x W/mm2 * "C (4.2 Btu/hr * ft2 * O F ) on the outside surface of
the housing, which is approximately 4 times that for the natural con-
vection system and gives a maximum bearing temperature of 168°C
(334°F)as opposed to 221°C (429°F)obtained for free convection. Figure
15.6 shows the remaining system temperatures. Thus, in this case, the
system temperatures can be significantly reduced if a fan is used to cir-
culate air over the housing.
If a fan is used, increased heat transfer from the housing to the air
stream may be effected by placing fins on the housing. This increases
the effective area for heat transfer from the housing. Consider that the
external area of the housing of Fig. 15.4 is doubled by use of fins. Using
the filmcoefficient of 2.386 X W/mm2 "C (4.2 Btu/hr * ft2 * O F ) for
the moving air stream and 2 times the external housing area yields a
maximum bearing temperature of 149°C (300°F).Figure 15.7 showsother
system temperatures.
M e n the bearing is not the prime source of heat, cooling of the hous-
ing will generally not suffice to maintain the bearing and lubricant cool.

15.6. Temperature distribution, outside air velocity 15.2 mlsec (50 ftlsec).

15.7. Temperature distribution, air velocity 15.2 rn/sec (50 ftlsec) finned hous-

For example, consider a shaft temperature of 260°C (500°F) instead of

th the aforementioned movingair system in operation,
the m ~ i m u mbearing temperature for the reference system is 196°C
(385°F).(Figure 15.8 shows other system temperatures.) Thus, it is nec-
essary to cool the lubricant and permit the lubricant to cool the bearing.
The most effective way of accomplishing this is to pass the oil through
an external heat exchanger and direct jets of the cooled oil on the bear-
ing. To save space when a supply of moving coolant is readily available,
it may be possible to place heat exchanger coilsdirectly in thesump. The
cooled lubricant is then circulated by bearing rotation. The latter method
is not quite as efficient thermally as jetcooling although bearing friction
torque and heatgeneration may beless by notresorting to jet lubrication
and the attendantchurning of excess oil. The adequacyof either system
of cooling may bedemonstrated approximately by assuming that oil tem-

b A
. Temperature distribution, outside air velocity 15.2 mlsec (50 Wsec).
perature is maintained at anaverage of 60°C (140°F)with shaft temper-
ature of 260°C (500°F)as above and ambient temperature of 49°C (120°F)
in quiescent air. Maximum bearing temperature is thereby suppressed
to 93°C (2OO"F),which would appear to be a satisfactory operating level.
(see Fig. 15.9 for other temperatures.)
It was intended to demonstrate in the foregoing discussion that it is
possible to estimate with a reasonable degree of accuracy the tempera-
tures occurring in an oil-lubricated rolling bearing assembly
more, if the bearing and oil temperatures so calculated are excessive, it
is possible to determine the type and degree of cooling capability required
to maintain a satisfactory temperature level.
Several researchers have applied the foregoing methods to effectively
predict temperatures in rolling bearing applications. Initially, Harris
i15.8, 15.91 applied the method to relatively slow speed spherical roller
15.9. Temperature distribution, oil is cooled to 66°C (150°F) average tempera-

bearings. ~ubsequently7 these methods have been successfully appliedto

both high speed ball and roller bearings [15.10-15.lZ].
Good agreement with experimentally measured temperatureshas
been reported [15.14] using the steady-state temperaturecalculation op- '
tion of ~ ~ ~ E Ra computer
T H 7 programto analyze the thermomechan-
ical performance of shaft-rolling bearing systems. Figure 15.10 shows a
nodal network model and the associated heat flow paths for a 35-mm-
bore ball bearing. Figure 15.11 shows the agreement achieved between
calculated and experimentally measured temperatures. It must be
pointed out, however, that construction of a thermal model that accu-
rately models a bearing often requires a considerable amount of effort
and heat transferexpertise.
Oil sump
b (known temperature)



Inner ring


15.10. Bearing system nodal network and heat flow paths for steady-state ther-

sis. ( a ) Metal, air, and lubricant temperature nodes: metal or air node; o lu-
bricant node; * lubricant flow path. ( b ) Conduction and convection heat flow paths (from

As indicated previously, accurate calculation of lubricant film thickness

and traction in a rolling contact depends on the determination of lubri-
cant viscosity at theappropriate temperatures. For lubricant film thick-
ness, this means calculation of the lubricant temperature entering the
contact. For traction, this means calculation of the lubricant temperature
for its duration in the contact. In Reference [15.14], the heat transfer
system illustrated by Fig. 15.12 was used. Designating subscript k to
represent the raceway and j the rolling element location, the following
heat flow equations describe the system.
440 7

Predicted Experi- Shaft speed,

~ j,, mental rpm 0”.
g w -
& 320-

280 -
aj t I 1 I


- c
‘5 -
7 440
320 is

0 5 0 0 1 1m m
Total lubricant flow rate, c m 3 h i n
Total iubricant flow rate, cm3/min
1 -2
.1 2 .3 .4 .5 0 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5
Total lubricant flow rate, gpm Total lubricant flow rate. gpm
w 15.11. Comparison of predicted and experimental temperatures using S
e .Oil-out temperature. (d)Bear-
(a>Inner raceway temperature. (b)Outer raceway t e m p e r ~ t ~(c>
ing heat generation (from [15.141).

1-rolling element

2-rolling element surface


6-lubricant out

15.12. Rolling element-lubricant-raceway-~ng temperature node system.

Since the lubricant is essentially a solid slug during its time in the con-
tact, heat transfer from the film to the rolling body surfaces is by con-
duction. Then, assuming the minute slug exists atan average
temperature T3,

The lubricant slug is transported through the contact; it enters at tem-

perature 7':
and exits at 7';. Therefore, for heat transfer totally within
the slug,

Finally, the lubricant acts as a heat sink carrying heat away from the

In high speed bearing frictional performance analyses such as those

indicated in Chapter 14, the rolling-sliding contact heat transfer anal-
yses are performed thousands of times to achieve consistent solutions.
The analyses are begun by assuming a set of system temperatures. Lu-
bricant viscosities are then determined at these temperatures, and fric-
tional heat generation rates arecalculated. These are subse~uently used
to recalculate temperaturesand te~perature-depen~ent parameters.

The process is repeated until the calculated temperatures substantially

match the assumed temperatures. This method, while producing more
accurate calculations for bearing heat generations and friction torques,
requires rather sophisticated computer programs for its execution. For
slow speed bearing applications in which the bearing rings are rigidly
supported, the simpler calculations for bearing heat generations illus-
trated by Examples 14.2 and 14.3 will usually sufice.

The temperature level at which a rolling bearing operates dictates the

type and amount of lubricant required as well as the materials from
which the bearing components may be fabricated. In some applications
the environment in which the bearing operates establishes the temper-
ature level whereas in other applications the bearing is the prime source
of heat. In either case, depending on the bearing materials and the en-
durance required of the bearing, it may be necessary to cool the bearing
using the lubricant as a coolant.
General rules cannot be formulated to determine the temperatur~
level for a given bearing operating under a given load at a given speed.
The environment in which the bearing operates is generally different for
each specialized application.Using the friction torque formulas of Chap-
ter 14 to establish the rate of bearing heat generation in conjunction
with the heat transfer methods presented in this chapter, however, it is
possible to estimate the bearing system temperatures with an adequate
degree of accuracy.

15.1. E. Eckert, Introduction to the Transfer ofHeat and Mass, McGraw-Hill, New York
15.2. M. Jakob and G. Hawkins, Elements ofHeat Transferand Insulation,2nd ed., Wiley,
New York (1950).
15.3. A. Palmgren, Ball and Roller Bearing Engineering, 3rd ed., Burbank, Philadelphia
15.4. I?. Kreith, “Convection Heat Transfer in Rotating Systems,’’Adv. in Heat Transfeq
6 , 129-251 (1968).
15.5. G. Dusinberre, Numerical Methods in Heat Transfeq McGraw-Hill,New York(1949).
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15.7. SKY, General Catalog 4000 US, 2nd ed., 49 (1997).
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15.9. T. Harris, “HOWto Predict Temperature Increases in Rolling Bearings,” Prod. Eng.,
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cation 2210, 203-220 (1982).
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15.13. VV. Crecelius, “User7s Manual for SKF Computer Program S W E R T H , Steady
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15.14. R. Parker, “Comparison of Predicted and Experi~entalThermal Performance of
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