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I recently went to a shooting range to do some field research about my issue to see how everyday

people who use guns act with them and how the shooting range focuses on gun safety while you

are there. This way I could get an overall better idea of how guns and shooting affect everyday

people and how they use guns in their everyday life.

The first thing about the shooting range is that they require you to watch a video on gun

safety and of course sign a waiver before you even get to start shooting. After this you either

bring your own guns in or rent one of them and buy the shooting range ammo no matter what,

this is for safety reasons so they can regulate the kind of ammo you are using because the

shooting range is a pretty unclosed space. Then once you have your ammo your magazine

outside of the gun and have put on safety glasses and ear plugs then you get to enter the range.

Once you get into the range there are rows of stalls lined up each with their own separate

shooting area and a machine that holds your target. This way the machine controls how far back

the target is and you don’t have to walk where people are firing to get to your target the machine

brings the target to you. Everyone was in their own area with the proper eye and ear protection

on. The room was smokey and smelled like smoke from the gun fire going off. Everyone in the

range was staying within their space and no one was being roady or irresponsible with the guns.

There was always a worker in the room to make sure that everyone was following the gun safety

rules. Some people were louder and more animated than others but everyone was being safe. I

also saw everyone clean up their ammo shells and even clean up the shells for those in the stalls

around them as well. I saw everyone properly using guns and I found that the shooting range is a

very safe place to go shooting where everyone with a gun was using them very responsibly.

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