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Volcano Related

Potential Hazards, Signs and Hazard Maps
Decoding Activity
6 5 12 5 3 3


2 9 9 4
1 7 8 8
11 10 6 12 3

Rearrange the scrambled words by placing the correct letters in the box. Use the
numbered boxes to decode the final word at the bottom.
Volcanic Hazards
observable facts
that are arising due
to volcanic activity
such as eruption

Volcanic Eruption
one of the
dangerous events
that may happen
because it results to
different hazards
Volcanic – Related Hazards
Ballistic Pyroclastic
Ash fall
projectiles flows

Lava flows Volcanic gases Debris

avalanche or
Tsunami Landslides
Ballistic projectiles rock fragments that are ejected from
volcano’s mouth that are comparable
to cannonballs
Negative effects: Endanger life and property
01 force of impact of falling
02 loss of agricultural lands
producing suspensions of
03 fine-grained particles in air
and water

carrying of noxious gases,
Source: Tom Pfeiffer/flickr, Vulcanian explosion at Anak krakatau volcano
acids, salts, and, heat
Volcanic – Related Hazards
Ballistic Pyroclastic
Ash fall
projectiles flows

Lava flows Volcanic gases Debris

avalanche or
Tsunami Landslides
Ash fall or Tephra fall
minute volcanic particles such as
pulverized rock, minerals and silicon

formed during explosive volcanic eruption

when dissolve gages in magma escape
violently into the atmosphere

Negative effects: Endanger life and

property; kills organisms; causes
respiratory tract problem; ruins machines;
can damage roofing; break power and
communication lines, and very hot gases
Volcanic – Related Hazards
Ballistic Pyroclastic
Ash fall
projectiles flows

Lava flows Volcanic gases Debris

avalanche or
Tsunami Landslides
Pyroclastic flows contain a highly-density mix
of hot lava blocks, pumice,
ash and volcanic gases
move at very high speed
down volcanic slopes
Negative effects: destroy
anything on its path by
direct impact; burns sites
with hot rocks debris;
Source: Electroverse, HighLevel Eruption at Taal Volcano, Philippines
burns forest, farmlands,
destroy crops and buildings
Volcanic – Related Hazards
Ballistic Pyroclastic
Ash fall
projectiles flows

Lava flows Volcanic gases Debris

avalanche or
Tsunami Landslides
Lava flows
streams of molten rocks that are
poured or oozed from an erupting vent

rarely threaten human life because it

moves slowly

Negative effects: may instigate

pyroclastic flow; damage properties,
agricultural lands, and human lives
Source: Sean Goebel/flickr, Lava Flow
Volcanic – Related Hazards
Ballistic Pyroclastic
Ash fall
projectiles flows

Lava flows Volcanic gases Debris

avalanche or
Tsunami Landslides
Volcanic gases released from the liquid
portion of the magma and
continue to travel upward
and are eventually released
into the atmosphere

Negative effects: Carbon

dioxide can be detrimental;
Sulfur dioxide is lethal;
Source: Shutterstock, CNN Philippines
Sulfur oxide results to acid
rain; Hydrogen sulfide is
Volcanic – Related Hazards
Ballistic Pyroclastic
Ash fall
projectiles flows

Lava flows Volcanic gases Debris

avalanche or
Tsunami Landslides
Debris avalanche or Volcanic Landslides
massive collapse of a
volcano, usually triggered by
an earthquake or volcanic

Negative effect: massive


Source: USGS, Landslides are common on tall, steep, and weak volcano cones
Volcanic – Related Hazards
Ballistic Pyroclastic
Ash fall
projectiles flows

Lava flows Volcanic gases Debris

avalanche or
Tsunami Landslides
Tsunami sea waves or wave trains
that are generated by
sudden displacement of

Negative effects:
pyroclastic materials enter
the body of water and
cause it to be disturbed
and displaced
Source: Gabriel Andrés Trujillo Escobedo, CC BY 2.0,AGU Blogosphere,
Natural Signs of an Impending Volcanic Eruption
1 2

Increased frequency Increased steaming

of volcanic quakes activity
3 4 5

Crater glow Ground swells Localized

Natural Signs of an Impending Volcanic Eruption
6 7

Noticeable increase in Increased temperature of hot

drying up of vegetation springs, wells, and crater lake
8 9 10

variation in the chemical Drying up of new thermal areas

content of springs or and/or reactivation of
crater lakes old ones
Parameters used to Monitor Volcanoes

Ground Gases

Seismic Sensory
Activity observations
Alert Sytem used by PHILVOLCS
05 Alert level 5
Hazardous Eruption
Hazardous eruption ongoing Alert level 4 04
Hazardous Eruption Imminent
03 Alert level 3 Intense unrest
Hazardous eruption is possible
Increasing Tendency Towards
within days
Relatively high unrest
Magma is close to the crater Alert level 2 02
Increasing Unrest
Moderate unrest
01 Alert level 1 Unrest probably of magmatic
Abnormal origin, could eventually lead to
Low level unrest eruption
No eruption imminent
Classifications of Volcanoes
Active Dormant
had at least one an active volcano that is
eruption during the not erupting, but
past 10,000 years supposed to erupt again

Erupting Extinct
an active volcano has not had an eruption
that is having an for at least 10,000 years
eruption and is not expected to
erupt again
Different Volcano Hazard Maps
Ballistic Projectiles Hazard Map
This volcanic hazard
map basically shows
the ballistic
projectile or the
rocks that an
erupting volcano
may throw into the
Source:Taal Volcano Hazard Maps and Summary of Prone Barangays, Philippine Institute of
Volcanology and Seismology, January, 2020,
Base Surge Hazard Map
This hazard map indicates
the susceptibility of those
colored areas to ground
infolding, fast outward
moving and raging, dilute
clouds of gas and ash that
are discharged from an
erupting volcano.

Source: Taal Volcano Hazard Maps and Summary of Prone Barangays, Philippine Institute of
Volcanology and Seismology, January, 2020,
Fissuring Hazard Map
In this hazard map,
those areas in yellow
will be greatly
suffered from
fissure and tsunami,
in a worst-case
scenario, in case of
volcanic eruption.
Source: Taal Volcano Hazard Maps and Summary of Prone Barangays, Philippine Institute of
Volcanology and Seismology, January, 2020,

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