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The Laws that Form the Basis for Special Education Practice

The SDGs are considered road maps or blueprints that were developed by
the United Nations to ensure a better and sustainable future for everyone. It
consists of 17 global goals set by the United Nations for the year 2030, each
addressing one specific area of development in particular interest to the global
education community, however, is SDG 4: "Ensure inclusive and equitable quality
education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all" (United Nations
General Assembly). Therefore, the need to remove all barriers to inclusion by
addressing all forms of exclusion and marginalization is of utmost importance.

"Philippine Laws for PWDS" (Pangalangan & Litong, 2014)

 BP 344 (1983) - Accessibility Law

 RA 7277 (1992) - Magna Carta for Disabled Persons

Equal rights and privileges of PWDs on employment, education, health,

telecommunications, auxiliary social services, accessibility, political, and
civil rights
Penalties for violations of law
 Administrative Order 35 (2002) - National Disability Prevention and

Rehabilitation (NDPR Week) every 3rd week of July

 Guidelines in the Admission of Students with Disabilities in Higher

Education and Post-Secondary Institutions in the Philippines (2004)

 RA 9442 (2007) - Amendment of RA 7277 (Privileges to PWDs)

20% discount privileges to PWDS

Change name from "Magna Carta for Disabled Persons" to "Magna Carta

for PWDS“

Added a clause on deliverance from public ridicule and vilification

 NCDA Administrative Order No. 001, s. 2008- Guidelines on the Issuance

of PWD ID Cards relative to RA 9442.

 RA 10070 (2010) - Amendment of RA 7277 (Implementation of Programs

and Services for PWDs in every province, city, and municipality-PDAO Law)

 RA 10366 (2013) - Accessible Polling Places for PWDs and Senior Citizens

 Proclamation No. 688, S. 2013 - Declaring the Period of 2013-2022 as the

Philippine Decade of "Make the Right Real" for PWDS

 RA 10524 (2013) - Amendment of RA 7277 (Expanding the Positions

Reserved for PWDS)

1% of all government agencies, offices, corps shall be reserved for

Private companies with over 100 employees are encouraged to reserve
at least 1% for PWDS.
 RA 10754 (2016) - An Act Expanding the Benefits and Privileges of PWDS

Exemption of VAT on the following sale of goods and services

Inclusion of funeral services
 Civil Service Commission MC No. 20, s. 2017-express lanes for PWDS in

all commercial and government establishments

 RA 11228 (2019) - Amendment of RA 7277

All PWDS shall be automatically covered by the National Health Insurance

Program (NHIP) of the PhilHealth and that the PhilHealth shall develop exclusive
packages for PWDs that will address their specific health and development needs.

Bobis, Mary Joy A.
Cas, Trisha B.
Ligtas, Liza N.
San Pablo, Niña Mae A.

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