Universidad Ana G. Méndez: Escuela de Ingeniería Departamento de Ingeniería Industrial

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Universidad Ana G.

Escuela de Ingeniería
Departamento de Ingeniería Industrial


COURSE NAME: Principles Of Engineering Management
INSTRUCTOR: Luz Estella Torres-Molina, PhD
Managing Technology



Planning Production

Managing Production


Project Managment
“If you always do what you always did, You’ll
always get what you always got.”
Traditional Quality Measures
It is about the continual improvement of processes and

• Process control charts

• Inspection and sampling

• Taguchi methods
Traditional Quality Measures
1. Process control charts

• In production operations it is important to ensure that a

process is “in control,” which means that it continues to
produce items with unchanged quality characteristics.

• Process control charts are used to show to potential

problems that need attention.

• Control charts consist of three parallel lines: a central line

representing the mean value of a quality characteristic.
Traditional Quality Measures
2. Inspection and sampling
• Examining a product to determine if it meets the
specifications set for it, or inspection, is certainly the
original method of quality control, and it is still the
most common.

• Examination of every item (100 percent inspection)

may seem desirable, but it is often expensive unless
it can be done automatically.

• Most inspection is therefore done by sampling lots

(batches) of product and accepting or rejecting the
lot, depending on the number of defectives in the
Traditional Quality Measures
2. Inspection and sampling

For Example:

•Take a random sample of 125 items from the lot.

•Accept the lot if it contained no more than three

defective items.

•Reject the lot if it contained four or more defective

items. Then, either 100 percent inspect it (sort out the
defectives) or return it to the producer as
Traditional Quality Measures
3. Taguchi methods

• Are statistical methods, or sometimes called robust design

methods, developed by Genichi Taguchi to improve the
quality of manufactured goods, and more recently also
applied to engineering.

• Conceptos de Taguchi: son importantes tres

conceptos para entender el sistema y método de
Taguchi. Estos conceptos son la consistencia de la
calidad, factor de perdida de la calidad y Calidad
orientada a objetivos.

• Meeting the Requirements, Needs, and

Desires of the Customer

• Measurable

• Each Person’s Responsibility

Quality For:

• Production processes

• Business processes

• Service processes

• Educational processes
Background Total Quality Management
• The emphasis on quality is key to managing
production operations and to achieving excellence
in today’s global economy.

• The new quality systems have evolved beyond the

foundations of the early users and now incorporate
the ideas of:

• Deming
• Juran
• Crosby
• Baldrige Award
Production Operations

• The operations manager’s objective is to build

a production system that identifies and
satisfies the customers’ needs.
• Quality has been described as Customer
• It may be divided into two categories.
– Quality of design
– Quality of conformance (or quality of production)
Production Operations
• Quality of design measures the extent to which
customer satisfaction is incorporated into the
product design through the specification of
proper materials, tolerances, and other

• One would not expect the same features in a

stripped-down Ford Focus and a fully equipped
Lincoln Navigator.
Production Operations
• Quality of conformance (or quality of
production) measures how well the quality
specified in the design is realized in manufacture
and delivered to the customer.

• The customer may be an internal customer, as

the next process on the production line, or an
external customer
Production Operations
Statistics of Quality

• Statistics consists of gathering, organizing, analysis,

and use of data.
• The methods of statistical quality control were
developed in the United States in the 1930s and

• However, they received their most intensive

application in Japan after World War II, as a result of
visits of the American statistical quality control
experts Deming and Juran
Production Operations
▪ Only when the Japanese brought their quality and
reliability to a level that threatened the American
economy did American industry begin to pay
Production Operations
Inspection and Sampling

▪ Examining a product to determine if it meets the

specifications set for it, or inspection, is certainly the
original method of quality control, and it is still the most

▪ Inspection may be performed on the raw materials and

parts you receive from suppliers (acceptance sampling),
on your finished product, or on your goods-in-process
(before you invest the cost of the next production step
in them)
Total Quality Management
▪ In the early and mid-1980s, many industry and
government leaders saw that a renewed emphasis on
quality was no longer an option for American
companies, but a necessity for doing business in a more
competitive global market.

▪ The Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award was

established in 1987 by Congress to recognize U.S.
organizations for their achievements in quality and
business performance and to raise awareness about the
importance of quality and performance excellence as a
competitive edge.
Malcolm Baldrige
▪ They are now widely accepted around the world as
the standard for performance excellence.

▪ The criteria are designed to help organizations use

an integrated approach to organizational
performance management.
Malcolm Baldrige
Quality Award Criteria
They are a set of questions that focus on critical
aspects of management:

• Leadership
• Strategic Planning
• Customer and market focus
• Measurement, analysis, and knowledge
• Workforce
• Operation Focus
• Business results
Deming’s 14 Points
• W. Edwards Deming, a statistician, was invited
to Japan in 1950 to help their industrialists
improve their reputation for poor-quality

• He convinced them that they could make their

goods the highest quality in the world, and
they proceeded to do so by using his methods;
Process for Improvement

– Plan

– Do

– Check

– Act
Process for Improvement
Process for Improvement
When to Use Plan–Do–Check–Act
• As a model for continuous improvement.
• When starting a new improvement project.
• When developing a new or improved design of a
process, product or service.
• When defining a repetitive work process.
• When planning data collection and analysis in order to
verify and prioritize problems or root causes.
• When implementing any change.
Process for Improvement
Plan–Do–Check–Act Procedure

• Plan. Recognize an opportunity and plan a change.

• Do. Test the change. Carry out a small-scale study.
• Check. Review the test, analyze the results and identify what
you’ve learned.
• Act. Take action based on what you learned in the study step: If
the change did not work, go through the cycle again with a
different plan. If you were successful, incorporate what you
learned from the test into wider changes. Use what you learned
to plan new improvements, beginning the cycle again.

Un lunes reciente, Thomas Crosby le demostró a un empleado la mejor manera
de hacer que las papas fritas se mantengan erguidas en una bolsa, y la
demostración es parte de sus deberes como mentor.

Crosby es director ejecutivo de Pal's Sudden Service, una cadena de

autoservicio de perros y hamburguesas con sede en Kingsport, Tennessee, con
26 restaurantes;

Cada día, el director ejecutivo y todos los demás líderes de la empresa (nivel de
gerente general y superior) dedican el 10 por ciento de su tiempo a ayudar a un
empleado prometedor a desarrollar una habilidad o aptitud. "Todos los días,
todos deben tener un nombre y un tema en el que planean trabajar con ellos“.
Nadie come en un local de comida rápida de alta cocina. Y nadie trabaja en un
local de comida rápida para desarrollar las habilidades y el carácter que lo
prepararán para las profesiones más exigentes. La excepción es Pal's Sudden
Service, cuya dedicación a la capacitación y desarrollo de los empleados estuvo
entre esas cualidades reconocidas por el Premio Nacional de Calidad Malcolm
Baldrige, ubicándolo en las filas de Ritz-Carlton, Cadillac y Federal Express,
entre otros.

Nos dimos cuenta de que estamos en el negocio de la educación, como en

cualquier escuela o universidad", dice Crosby, quien ha estado en Pal's desde
1981 y se convirtió en CEO en 1999

Para obtener una entrevista para un puesto de nivel de entrada en Pal's, los
candidatos primero deben realizar una prueba psicométrica de 60 preguntas en
línea, para medir sus capacidades intelectuales y los rasgos de su personalidad.
Luego, los entrevistadores profundizan en las respuestas que van en contra de
la cultura centrada en el cliente y obsesionada con la calidad de la empresa.
Los empleados están certificados para cada habilidad: cocinar hamburguesas,
trabajar en la máquina de batir, atender a los clientes. (Pal's evita utilizar los
sistemas de altavoces en favor de interacciones cara a cara).

En cada turno, una computadora selecciona al azar los nombres de dos a cuatro
empleados en cada restaurante para ser recertificados en una habilidad.
"Creemos que los seres humanos, al igual que las máquinas, necesitan ser
recalibrados", dice Crosby. "Si no están al 100 por ciento, su certificación
desaparece y ya no son elegibles para trabajar en esa estación en particular“

Los empleados que obtuvieron un puntaje del 100 por ciento en cuatro
recertificaciones son elegibles para convertirse en entrenadores en sus
restaurantes: ayudar a sus colegas a mantenerse en el estándar.

"Queremos que la experiencia aquí sea que, durante toda su vida, cuando sea
médico o ingeniero químico, mire hacia atrás y diga: 'Las cosas que aprendí en
Pal's todavía las aplico hoy'", dice Crosby.
"La gente le pregunta a Thom: '¿Qué pasa si gastas todo este dinero en
capacitar a alguien y luego se va?'", "Su respuesta es: 'Supongamos que no lo
hacemos y luego se quedan'".

• The process helped Pal’s to identify their seven

key business drivers:
– Quality of products and services
– Hospitality
– Cleanliness and sanitation
– Training and development of all employees
– Value creation for internal and external stakeholders
– Speed
– Accuracy
Baldrige/ISO Difference

• Baldrige criteria focuses on results and

continuous improvement

• ISO helps determine what is needed to

maintain efficient quality conformance
Basic Concepts of Quality

• Management commitment
• Focus on customer
• Continuous improvement of processes
• Utilization of entire work force
• Performance measures for the processes

• Internal or external

• Any person receiving the output

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