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Evaluation of human adenovirus and human

polyomavirus as indicators of human sewage
contamination in the aquatic environment

Joanne Hewitt a,c,*, Gail E. Greening a, Margaret Leonard b,1,

Gillian D. Lewis c
Institute of Environmental Science & Research Ltd., Kenepuru Science Centre, PO Box 50-348, Porirua, New Zealand
Institute of Environmental Science & Research Ltd., Christchurch Science Centre, PO Box 29-181, Christchurch,
New Zealand
School of Biological Sciences, University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand

article info abstract

Article history: Discharge of inadequately treated human wastewater into surface waters used for recre-
Received 13 May 2013 ation, drinking water, irrigation and shellfish cultivation may present a public health
Received in revised form hazard due to the potential shedding of high concentrations of pathogenic viruses from the
2 August 2013 human gastrointestinal tract. Human adenovirus (HAdV) and human polyomavirus (HPyV)
Accepted 3 September 2013 are ubiquitous in humans and have excellent survival characteristics in the environment,
Available online 19 September 2013 so are potential candidates for indicators of human sewage contamination. Using qPCR
assays, the prevalence and quantity of HAdV and HPyV JC and BK were determined in
Keywords: influent and effluent wastewater and receiving waters (river, urban stream, estuarine),
Human polyomavirus then compared with norovirus (NoV) presence, a significant human pathogen which is not
Human adenovirus necessarily ubiquitously excreted into the environment. HAdV and HPyV were frequently
Norovirus detected in high concentrations in wastewater and wastewater-contaminated waters
Indicators confirming their use as potential indicators for the presence of human sewage. Overall,
Wastewater there was a correlation between the presence of HAdV and HPyV with NoV but there were
Environmental waters some notable exceptions including the higher frequency of NoV compared to HAdV and
Faecal pollution HPyV in estuarine waters impacted by wastewater overflows. We found that HAdV and
HPyV detection by qPCR was a suitable tool for evaluating water quality and that their
detection can aid in determining pollution sources, thus providing useful information for
health risk assessments.
ª 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction and shellfish cultivation may present a public health hazard

due to the presence of pathogenic viruses shed mainly from
Discharge of inadequately treated human wastewater into the human gastrointestinal tract (Grabow, 2007; Le Guyader
surface waters used for recreation, drinking water, irrigation and Atmar, 2007). Other sources of human faecal pollution,

* Corresponding author. Institute of Environmental Science and Research Ltd., Kenepuru Science Centre, PO Box 50-348, Porirua, New
Zealand. Tel.: þ64 4 914 0690; fax: þ64 4 914 0770.
E-mail address: (J. Hewitt).
Present address. Christchurch Polytechnic, PO Box 540, Christchurch 8140, New Zealand.
0043-1354/$ e see front matter ª 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
w a t e r r e s e a r c h 4 7 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 6 7 5 0 e6 7 6 1 6751

including application of biosolids to land, can also contami- Due to their prevalence and survival properties, HAdV and/or
nate water systems resulting in increased human health risks HPyV JC and BK have been used as indicators of human
(Sidhu and Toze, 2009). Water quality management sewage contamination and targets for microbial source
and human health risk evaluation to assess microbial tracking applications (Ahmed et al., 2010; Bofill-Mas et al.,
contamination ideally require effective detection of patho- 2006; Hundesa et al., 2006; McQuaig et al., 2012; Pina et al.,
gens. With over 100 types of human enteric viruses and 1998; Wolf et al., 2010; Wyn-Jones et al., 2011).
numerous bacterial, protozoan and other viral pathogens Noroviruses (NoV) are single-stranded RNA viruses and are
potentially present in contaminated water and shellfish, the a leading cause of epidemic acute gastroenteritis globally.
pathogen(s) to target is seldom clear. Data on the presence of They are excreted in large amounts in the faeces of infected
faecal indicator bacteria such as Escherichia coli are frequently individuals and can be present in high concentrations (>103
used in human health risk assessments. Faecal indicator genome copies/L) in municipal wastewater. As NoV are not
bacteria are cost effective to analyse and always present in persistently excreted, and with outbreaks often showing
untreated sewage and in the faeces of warm-blooded animals seasonal tendencies, their presence in wastewater may be
and birds. However, the use of faecal indicator bacterial data more sporadic than HAdV and HPyV. In wastewater samples
in risk assessments has limited value due to their prevalence taken from treatment plants serving small populations, the
in the environment, comparative instability and variable variation in virus concentrations may be more apparent
correlation with pathogens, particularly human enteric vi- (Hewitt et al., 2011). In addition, during periods of high
ruses. Validation of the use of human enteric viruses as faecal excretion by the population, prevalence or concentration of
indicators would be useful in water quality assessments and enteric pathogens such as NoV or rotavirus may be greater
for determining sources of pollution (Colford et al., 2007; than potential faecal indicators such as HAdV and HPyV
Payment and Locas, 2011; Savichtcheva and Okabe, 2006; (Miagostovich et al., 2008). NoV can be present at high con-
Sidhu and Toze, 2009; Wyn-Jones et al., 2011). centrations in wastewater from populations with no or few
Human adenovirus (HAdV) and human polyomavirus reported NoV outbreaks (Hewitt et al., 2011) and so whilst in
(HPyV) have been proposed as indicators (indices) of human New Zealand NoV outbreaks do not demonstrate any consis-
sewage contamination due to their prevalence in the popu- tent seasonal tendencies (Greening et al., 2012), it is expected
lation and environment, environmental resilience and human that NoV could be prevalent in wastewater samples
host specificity (Albinana-Gimenez et al., 2009; Bofill-Mas throughout the year. Although primarily transmitted person
et al., 2006, 2000; Pina et al., 1998). HAdV, that contain linear to person, NoV are responsible for acute gastroenteritis out-
double-stranded DNA, belong to the genus Mastadenovirus in breaks associated with faecally contaminated water, shellfish
the family Adenoviridae. There are over 50 HAdV types identi- and other foods due mainly to their environmental stability
fied (Harrach et al., 2011). HAdV are ubiquitous in the human (Lopman et al., 2012) and low infectious dose (La Rosa et al.,
population and cause a range of diseases including respira- 2012; Teunis et al., 2008). Faecal indicator bacteria are often
tory, ocular and enteric infections. HAdV species F (HAdV-F) is used in water quality management but can fail to predict the
commonly associated with childhood gastroenteritis (Wold presence of pathogens such as NoV that are more environ-
and Horwitz, 2007). Many HAdV types are shed for months mentally resistant than the indicator. Conversely, the detec-
and are excreted in high numbers (up to 1011 particles/g tion of elevated levels of faecal indicator bacteria does not
faeces) (Wold and Horwitz, 2007). HAdV are more resistant to necessarily correlate with the presence of pathogens.
chemical/physical agents and to UV light, particularly HAdV- In this study, the prevalence of HAdV, HAdV-F, HPyV JC and
F, than other enteric viruses and faecal indicator bacteria BK, NoV GI and NoV GII were determined in wastewater and
(Gerba et al., 2002; Nwachuku et al., 2005). HPyV, that contain environmental waters. Samples where human sewage
circular double-stranded DNA, belong to the sole genus Poly- contamination may have been expected were specifically
omavirus in the family Polyomaviridae (Imperiale and Major, targeted. HAdV and HPyV presence was compared to each
2007). In recent years several new HPyV members have been other and with NoV GI and GII, and HAdV-F for each sample.
identified, with most having a high (21e99%) seroprevalence Where present, relationships between virus target concen-
in the populations studied (Bofill-Mas et al., 2010; Boothpur trations were also determined. The data were used to evaluate
and Brennan, 2010; Dalianis and Hirsch, 2013), however the suitability of HAdV and HPyV as human sewage in-
most primary infections are subclinical. Two members, JC and dicators. Reverse transcription real-time quantitative PCR (RT-
BK, have been shown to persistently infect humans and be qPCR) and qPCR assays were used for all test analyses.
excreted, albeit intermittently, at concentrations up to 106
genome copies/ml of urine; with other HPyV members
excreted in faeces (Bofill-Mas et al., 2001; Boothpur and 2. Materials and methods
Brennan, 2010; Dalianis and Hirsch, 2013; Imperiale and
Major, 2007). Both HAdV and HPyV are extremely common 2.1. Viruses and samples
in wastewater throughout the year, with concentrations be-
tween 103 and 107 genome copies/L reported in municipal HAdV type 2 (American Type Tissue Culture Collection (ATTC)
wastewater from different geographical areas (Ahmed et al., #VR-846, Manassas, VA), HAdV type 41 (ATCC # VR-930),
2010; Bofill-Mas et al., 2006, 2000, 2010; Haramoto et al., 2010; clarified 10% (wt/vol) faecal suspensions from NoV gen-
McQuaig et al., 2009). HPyV have been reported to be more ogroup I (GI) and genogroup II (GII) positive samples as pre-
resistant to chlorine than HAdV type 2 (de Abreu Corrêa et al., viously described (Hewitt et al., 2011) were used as (RT)-qPCR
2012) and are known for their stability at high temperatures. positive controls. The HPyV qPCR positive control was derived
6752 w a t e r r e s e a r c h 4 7 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 6 7 5 0 e6 7 6 1

Table 1 e Primers and probes used in this study.

Virus target Primers/probes Sequencea Applies Reference
to samples

Human AQ1 GCCACGGTGGGGTTTCTAAACTT River water Heim et al., 2003


HAdV (#2) HAdVfor CWTACATGCACATCKCSGG All except Hernroth et al., 2002


HAdV species F (HAdV-F) HAdVFf GCCTGGGGAACAAGTTCAGA All Wolf et al., 2010


Human polyomavirus SM2 AGTCTTTAGGGTCTTCTACCTTT All McQuaig et al., 2006;

JC and BK (HPyV) P6 GGTGCCAACCTATGGAACAG McQuaig et al., 2009

Norovirus (NoV) GI NoVGIF GCYATGTTCCGYTGGATGC All Wolf et al., 2010




NoV GII (#2) COG2F CARGARBCNATGTTYAGRTGGATGAG All except Kageyama et al., 2003
Mixed bases in degenerate primers and probes: B ¼ C/G/T; K ¼ G/T; R ¼ A/G; S ¼ C/G; W ¼ A/T; Y ¼ C/T; N ¼ any.

from a HPyV JC strain recovered from an influent wastewater et al., 2011). Of these 109 samples (of which 71 (65%), 36
sample and identified by DNA sequencing of the PCR product (33%) and 66 (61%) were HAdV, NoV GI and NoV GII positive
(McQuaig et al., 2009). respectively), 30 HAdV positive samples and five HAdV nega-
Primary screened influent wastewater, treated effluent tive samples were chosen for HAdV-F and HPyV analysis.
wastewater, river water, urban stream water and estuarine Water samples (n ¼ 21) were collected from seven urban
water were collected from sites around New Zealand between streams impacted by combined sewage overflows and were
December 2003 and June 2013. Samples were initially collected located in a city in the North Island. Water samples (n ¼ 15)
to provide information on virus input into and removal from were collected from several sites within one harbour estua-
wastewater treatment plants (WWTP), for water quality rine area in the North Island. Following three separate high
monitoring programmes and risk assessments. It was there- rainfall events that resulted in primary treated wastewater
fore likely that human enteric viruses would be present in overflows from a nearby WWTP that serves a population of
many of the samples. Ten pairs of wastewater influent and >50,000 into the catchment area, samples were taken from
effluent samples were taken from seven WWTP, with an each of the sampling sites within one day of each event.
additional 15 effluent samples taken from a further four
WWTP. Most effluent samples were collected before any me-
chanical or chemical disinfection processes. Despite the 2.2. Sample processing and virus recovery
paired samples being taken on the same day, they were
temporally separate due to the time required for the waste- Viruses were recovered from influent and effluent wastewater
water to pass through the plant. WWTP processes and the samples (1 L) collected in 2003 and 2004, as previously
population size served by each plant varied (Tables 2 and 3). described where the method had a recovery efficiency of at
Water samples were collected from two New Zealand rivers. least 10% (Hewitt et al., 2011). For all other samples (2e20 L)
One site on each river was used for sampling every two weeks collected from 2007 to 2010, Hemoflow HF80S dialysis ultra-
over a two-year period. River site 1 was in the North Island of filters (Fresenius Medical Care, Bad Homberg, Germany) were
New Zealand and represented a river with urban impacts. used to concentrate the sample volume to approximately
River site 2 was in the South Island of New Zealand and rep- 0.5 L. Viruses were eluted from the solid fraction with 3% (wt/
resented a mainly agriculturally impacted river. The river vol) beef extract-0.05 M glycine solution (pH 9.0) and, with the
water samples (n ¼ 35) used for this study were selected from a viruses recovered from the liquid fraction, concentrated
total of 109 samples collected from these two sites between further using PEG precipitation (Hewitt et al., 2007). From 2011
2007 and 2009, and previously analysed for several enteric to 2013, FX80 dialysis ultrafilters (Fresenius Medical Care)
viruses including HAdV, NoV GI and NoV GII (Williamson were used instead due to the unavailability of HF80S filters.
w a t e r r e s e a r c h 4 7 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 6 7 5 0 e6 7 6 1 6753

Table 2 e Prevalence of HAdV, HAdV-F, HPyV, NoV GI and NoV GII in influent wastewater taken from 7 wastewater
treatment plants (WWTP).
WWTPa Month Year Sample number HAdV HAdV-F HPyV NoV GI NoV GII
F Jan 2004 04-7 þ þ þ þ þ
H Mar 2004 04-50b þ þ þ þ 
K Jul 2009 09-044b þ þ þ  
L Jul 2009 09-047b þ þ þ  þ
K Dec 2009 09-077b þ þ þ  
L Dec 2009 09-080 þ þ þ  þ
M Nov 2010 10-131b þ þ þ þ þ
M Nov 2010 10-134b þ þ þ þ þ
M Jun 2011 11-139 þ þ þ þ þ
N Jun 2012 12-157b þ þ þ þ þ
A Jun 2013 13-92b þ þ þ þ þ
A Jun 2013 13-102b þ þ þ þ þ

Total positive/total number samples (% positive) 12/12 (100%) 12/12 (100%) 12/12 (100%) 8/12 (66.7%) 9/12 (75.0%)
Approximate population size served by the WWTP: WWTP-A, >100,000; WWTP-F, H, M and N, between 10,000 and 100,000; WWTP-K and L,
One corresponding treated effluent sample from the same plant was also taken at the same time (see Table 3).

Due to the diverse sample types and large variability 2003; Wolf et al., 2010). To monitor potential RT-qPCR inhibi-
among the sample type matrices, river waters from two tion, armored RNA-Norwalk Virus GI was used as previously
sources were used as representative samples to determine described (Hewitt et al., 2007). Where (RT)-qPCR inhibition was
HAdV and NoV recoveries using the ultrafilters. HAdV type 2, suspected, nucleic acid dilutions (1/5) were prepared and
NoV GI and NoV GII were seeded into 10 L samples and virus tested. The Rotor-Gene 3000 (HAdV #1, HAdV #2, HPyV and
recovery (%) determined. HPyV recovery was not determined NoV GII #2 assays) or 6000 (NoV GI, NoV GII #1 and HAdV-F
due to stock unavailability. Using the Hemoflow HF80S filters, assays) real-time rotary analyzers (Corbett Life Science, Syd-
mean recoveries calculated from undiluted samples ranged ney, Australia) were used for the qPCR and analysis was car-
from 4% for HAdV type 2e34% for NoV GII (as previously ried out at least in duplicate. All samples were analysed for
described in Williamson et al., 2011). In trials comparing NoV HAdV, HAdV-F, HPyV, NoV GI and NoV GII.
and HAdV recoveries using HF80S and FX80 dialysis ultra- HAdV, HAdV-F, HPyV, NoV GI and NoV GII quantification
filters, comparable quantities (genome copies) of viruses were (genome copies per reaction) was determined by comparing
recovered from representative effluent wastewater samples the PCR cycle threshold value against a linear standard curve
(data not shown). generated from log10 dilution series of 107 to 10 genome copies
per reaction of the appropriate DNA plasmid prepared from
2.3. Nucleic acid extraction, RT-qPCR and qPCR PCR products (as previously described in Wolf et al., 2010).
DNA plasmid quantification was carried out using a Qubit
Following virus recovery, viral nucleic acid was extracted from fluorometer (Invitrogen). PCR titres per litre of sample were
200 mL of the sample concentrates using the High Pure Viral calculated using the concentration factor and amount of
Nucleic Acid kit (Roche Molecular Biochemicals Ltd, Man- sample analysed in each PCR. The data was then log10 trans-
nheim, Germany) as per manufacturer’s instructions. formed to express the concentration as log10 genome copies/L.
The primers and probes used for the detection of HAdV, In each (RT)-qPCR assay, virus positive and negative (water)
HAdV-F, HPyV JC and BK, NoV GI and NoV GII by RT-qPCR and extraction controls, specific DNA plasmid controls, and
qPCR are shown in Table 1. The HAdV, HAdV-F and HPyV qPCR DNase/RNAse free water as a non-template control were
assays were carried out using qPCR Supermix-UDG (Invitrogen included. In the NoV RT-qPCR assays, titrated NoV RNA
Corporation, Carlsbad, CA) with either 0.6 mM (HAdV #1), standards (1000, 100 and 10 copies) was also included as
0.2 mM (HAdV-F), or 0.4 uM (HAdV #2 and HPyV) of each primer, controls for the RT step.
and 0.25 mM (HAdV #1) or 0.2 mM (HAdV #2, HAdV-F, HPyV) of
each probe (Heim et al., 2003; Hernroth et al., 2002; McQuaig 2.4. Data analysis
et al., 2009; Wolf et al., 2010). For NoV GI and GII, Super-
Script III-First Strand Synthesis System for RT-PCR (Invi- Box plots generated in R were used to show HAdV, HAdV-F (for
trogen) was used for the RT step with 0.2 mM NoV GI reverse wastewater samples only), HPyV, NoV GI and NoV GII median
primer (Wolf et al., 2010) and 0.2 mM of NoV GII reverse primer concentrations (log10 genome copies) and the 25the75th
(Kageyama et al., 2003; Wolf et al., 2010). The NoV GI qPCR percentile values, with whiskers extending to the most
assay was performed using qPCR Supermix-UDG (Invitrogen) extreme data point no more than 1.5 times the interquartile
with 0.4 mM of each NoV GI primer and 0.2 mM of NoV GI probe (25the75th) range from the box (R Development Team, 2011).
(Wolf et al., 2010). The same Supermix mix (Invitrogen) was Log10 genome copy concentration values greater than 1.5
used with 0.4 mM of each NoV GII primer and 0.2 mM of each times the interquartile range from the box were shown as
NoV GII probe in the NoV GII qPCR assay (Kageyama et al., individual points (circles). For each matrix type, samples with
6754 w a t e r r e s e a r c h 4 7 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 6 7 5 0 e6 7 6 1

Table 3 e Prevalence of HAdV, HAdV-F, HPyV, NoV GI and NoV GII in effluent wastewater from 11 WWTP.
WWTPa Month Year Sample number HAdV HAdV-F HPyV NoV GI NoV GII

A Dec 2003 03-95 þ þ þ  þ

I Dec 2003 03-107 þ þ þ  
F Jan 2004 04-8b þ þ þ  
A Jan 2004 04-14 þ þ þ þ þ
G Jan 2004 04-18 þ þ þ  
H Mar 2004 04-51b þ þ þ  
J Mar 2004 04-64 þ þ þ þ 
K July 2009 09-045b þ þ  þ þ
K July 2009 09-049 þ þ þ þ þ
L July 2009 09-048b þ þ þ þ þ
K Dec 2009 09-078b þ þ þ þ þ
K Dec 2009 09-079 þ þ þ  þ
L Dec 2009 09-082 þ þ þ  
M Nov 2010 10-132b þ þ þ þ þ
M Nov 2010 10-135b þ þ þ þ þ
M Nov 2010 10-136 þ þ þ þ þ
O May 2011 11-96 þ þ þ þ þ
O May 2011 11-97 þ þ þ þ þ
M June 2011 11-120 þ þ þ þ þ
N June 2012 12-154b þ þ þ þ þ
N June 2012 12-155 þ þ þ þ þ
N June 2012 12-156 þ þ þ þ þ
N June 2012 12-158 þ þ þ þ þ
A June 2013 13-93b þ þ þ þ þ
A June 2013 13-103b þ þ þ þ þ

Total positive/total number samples (% positive) 25/25 (100%) 25/25 (100%) 24/25 (96%) 18/25 (72.0%) 19/25 (76.0%)
Approximate population size served by the WWTP: WWTP-A, >100,000; WWTP-F, G, H, M, N and O between 10,000 and 100,000; WWTP-I, J, K
and L < 4000.
One corresponding influent sample from the same plant was also taken at the same time (see Table 2).

no virus detected were excluded for the box plot analyses. 2e6. Box plots showing the median concentration (log10
Virus concentrations (log10 genome copies) were visualised by genome copies/L) and concentration range of HAdV (and
plotting values against each other (eg. HPyV and HAdV) in HAdV-F for wastewater samples), HPyV, NoV GI and NoV GII
Excel (Microsoft, Redmond, WA) using scatter plot graph for each sample type are shown in Fig. 1aee. The presence-
function. To determine the relationship between any quanti- absence frequencies of HAdV and HPyV versus HAdV-F, NoV
tative data set (log10 genome copies) the coefficient of deter- GI and NoV GII are shown in Table 7. HAdV, HAdV-F and HPyV
mination, R2 and Spearman rank correlation (r; index from 1 were detected in all 12 influent wastewater samples (Table 2)
to þ1) was also calculated (Excel). Spearman rank correlation whilst NoV GI or NoV GII were detected in 10/12 (83.3%) sam-
coefficients of 0.9e1.0 were considered a strong correlation ples. The HPyV mean concentration (6.6 log10 genome copies/
(association) between the virus concentrations, whilst r values L) was significantly greater (p < 0.05) than HAdV, HAdV-F, NoV
of 0.3e0.5 showed a low correlation and r values < 0.3 were GI and NoV GII in the influent samples. Whilst there was no
considered a negligible correlation. A value of 0 implied that co-absence of target viruses in influent wastewater, HAdV and
no relationship existed. Student’s t test using Excel (Microsoft) HPyV had the same co-occurrence with NoV GI and GII (66.7
was performed to compare the means of two concentration and 75% respectively) (Table 2, Table 7). Similar to the influent,
data sets. Results with p values of less than 0.05 were all but one effluent wastewater sample were HAdV and HPyV
considered significant. positive (Table 3). The mean concentration of NoV GII, as NoV
As the wastewater influent and effluent samples included GI, was significantly lower (p < 0.05) than HAdV and HPyV
in this study were not all necessarily paired, statistical anal- although HAdV, HAdV-F and HPyV median concentrations
ysis was not performed on the respective influent and effluent (5.2, 4.9 and 5.3 log10 genome copies/L respectively) were
samples to compare the reduction in concentrations. similar to the less prevalent NoV GII (76%, 5.3 log10 genome
copies/L) (Fig. 1b).
For the river water samples, either NoV GI and/or GII were
3. Results detected in the presence of HAdV or HPyV in the majority of
samples tested (27/35, 77.1%), with six NoV negative river
Sample information including date of collection and the water samples testing positive for HAdV. Both NoV GI and GII
prevalence of HAdV, HAdV-F, HPyV, NoV GI and NoV GII in were detected in 13/35 (37.1%) river water samples, and 10 of
New Zealand environmental samples are shown in Tables these were also positive for both HAdV and HPyV. All but one
w a t e r r e s e a r c h 4 7 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 6 7 5 0 e6 7 6 1 6755

Table 4 e Prevalence of HAdV, HAdV-F, HPyV, NoV GI and NoV GII in river water samples.
Site Month Year Sample number HAdV HAdV-F HPyV NoV GI NoV GII

1 Mar 2007 W3 þ   þ þ
May 2007 W4 þ þ   þ
Jun 2007 W8 þ þ   
Jun 2007 W9 þ þ   
Jul 2007 W10 þ  þ  þ
Sep 2007 W15 þ    
Oct 2007 W17    þ 
Nov 2007 W18 þ    
Dec 2007 W20    þ þ
Dec 2007 W21     þ
Jan 2008 W22   þ þ þ
Apr 2008 W27 þ þ þ  
Apr 2008 W28 þ þ þ þ þ
May 2008 W29 þ   þ 
Jun 2008 W31 þ þ  þ þ
Jun 2008 W32 þ þ  þ þ
Aug 2008 W35     þ
Feb 2009 W48 þ    

Sub totals for site 1: 13/18 (72.2%) 7/18 (38.9%) 4/18 (22.2%) 8/18 (44.4%) 10/18 (55.6%)

2 Apr 2007 O5 þ þ þ  þ
May 2007 O7 þ þ þ þ þ
Jun 2007 O8 þ þ þ  þ
Jun 2007 O9 þ þ þ  þ
Aug 2007 O13 þ  þ  þ
Sep 2007 O14 þ þ   þ
Oct 2007 O17 þ þ   
Nov 2007 O19 þ    
Mar 2008 O25 þ þ þ  þ
Mar 2008 O26 þ þ þ þ þ
Apr 2008 O28 þ þ þ þ 
May 2008 O29 þ þ þ þ þ
May 2008 O30 þ þ þ þ þ
Jun 2008 O31 þ þ þ þ þ
Jun 2008 O32 þ þ þ þ 
Mar 2009 O51 þ þ þ þ þ
May 2009 O54 þ þ þ þ þ

Sub totals for site 2: 17/17 (100%) 15/17 (88.2%) 13/17 (76.5%) 9/17 (52.9%) 13/17 (76.5%)
Total positive/total number samples (% 30/35 (85.7%) 22/35 (62.9%) 18/35 (51.4%) 17/35 (48.6%) 23/35 (65.7%)

HPyV positive samples were also positive for either NoV GI assay (Wolf et al., 2010) were negative using the HAdV generic
and/or GII. Four of the five HAdV negative river water samples assay (Hernroth et al., 2002). HAdV, NoV GI and NoV GII me-
were also HPyV negative (Table 4). HAdV-F was detected less dian concentrations (2.5, 2.8 and 2.5 log10 genome copies/L
frequently than HAdV using the generic PCR assay but was respectively) in urban stream samples were similar (Fig. 1d).
present concurrently with NoV in 18 (51.4%) river water The median concentration of HPyV was 4.0 log10 genome
samples (Table 4). With the exception of HAdV and HAdV-F, copies/L and significance testing of the mean concentrations
the highest co-occurrence (54.3%) in river water was be- showed that this was significantly different to the other vi-
tween HAdV and NoV GII, whilst 45.7% samples were positive ruses (p < 0.05).
for HAdV but negative for NoV GI (Table 7). NoV GI mean In estuarine water samples, NoV was detected in samples
concentration was significantly lower (p < 0.05) in river water with NoV GII being more prevalent (100%) than HAdV, HPyV
than HAdV, HPyV and NoV GII concentrations (Fig. 1c). and NoV GI (Table 6). It was interesting to note that 40% of
Over 80% of urban stream samples were positive for NoV estuarine water samples were NoV GII positive but were HAdV
GI, NoV GII and HAdV-F (Table 5) and 76.2% were HPyV posi- negative, and that 53.3% were NoV GII positive but were HPyV
tive. Of the two samples that were not both NoV GI and GII negative (Table 7). NoV GI were as prevalent as HAdV being
positive, one was negative for all other viruses and the other detected in nine (60%) estuarine water samples but concen-
was positive only for HAdV-F. Co-occurrence data showed trations were at the limit of quantification (1.7 log10 genome
that 33.3% of samples positive for NoV GI or NoV GII were copies/L) for the majority of samples. HAdV and NoV GII me-
negative for HAdV (Table 7). Interestingly, five urban stream dian concentrations were similar (2.8 and 2.9 log10 genome
water samples which tested positive by the HAdV-F specific copies/L respectively (Fig. 1e) whilst the mean HPyV
6756 w a t e r r e s e a r c h 4 7 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 6 7 5 0 e6 7 6 1

Table 5 e Prevalence of HAdV, HAdV-F, HPyV, NoV GI and NoV GII in urban stream water, October 2011.
Site Sample number HAdV HAdV-F HPyV NoV GI NoV GII

1a 11-175 þ þ þ þ þ
11-182 þ þ þ þ þ
11-191 þ þ þ þ þ

1b 11-180 þ þ þ þ þ
11-187  þ þ þ þ
11-192   þ þ þ

2a 11-178  þ þ þ þ
11-185 þ þ þ þ þ
11-193  þ þ þ þ

2b 11-179 þ þ þ þ þ
11-186 þ þ þ þ þ
11-194 þ þ þ þ þ

3a 11-181 þ þ  þ þ
11-188 þ þ þ þ þ
11-199  þ  þ þ

3b 11-176 þ þ þ þ þ
11-183 þ þ þ þ þ
11-200 þ þ þ þ þ

4 11-177    þ þ
11-184  þ   þ
11-201    þ 

Total positive/total number samples (% positive) 13/21 (61.9%) 18/21 (85.7%) 16/21 (76.2%) 20/21 (95.2%) 20/21 (95.2%)

concentration was significantly greater than NoV GII. The NoV and HAdV-F concentrations in effluent wastewater, urban
GI and GII mean concentrations in the estuarine water sam- stream water and estuarine water. There was no correlation in
ples were significantly different (p < 0.05), with lower NoV GI river water (Table 8). Between HAdV or HPyV and NoV (GI or
concentrations observed. GII), the only high significant positive correlation (r > 0.8) was
The qPCR data visualised on a scatter plot graph linear observed between HPyV and NoV GI in the estuarine water.
regression (coefficient of determination, R2, data not shown)
and the Spearman correlation coefficient (r) analysis showed
no strong (r  0.9) correlation between the virus concentra- 4. Discussion
tions in any of the matrices except for HAdV and HAdV-F in
influent wastewater (Table 8). As expected, high significant This study evaluated the relationships between NoV and po-
positive correlations (r > 0.8) were observed between HAdV tential human sewage indicators, HAdV and HPyV, in diverse

Table 6 e Prevalence of HAdV, HAdV-F, HPyV, NoV GI and NoV GII in estuarine water samples, 2011.
Month Site Sample number Salinity (ppt) HAdV HAdV-F HPyV NoV GI NoV GII

Jan 1 11-9 22.9 þ þ þ þ þ

2 11-10 24.5 þ þ þ þ þ
3 11-11 26.7 þ þ þ  þ
4 11-12 28.0   þ  þ
5 11-13 27.9     þ

Mar 1 11-45 8.2 þ þ  þ þ

6 11-46 24.7 þ þ þ þ þ
7 11-47 28.8 þ þ   þ
4 11-48 28.7 þ þ þ þ þ
5 11-49 30.1     þ

May 1 11-98 NA    þ þ
2 11-99 8.7 þ þ  þ þ
4 11-104 17.0 þ þ þ þ þ
5 11-103 22.6     þ
6 11-102 2.9    þ þ

Total positive/total number samples (% positive) 9/15 (60.0%) 9/15 (60.0%) 7/15 (66.7%) 9/15 (60.0%) 15/15 (100%)

NA: Not available.

w a t e r r e s e a r c h 4 7 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 6 7 5 0 e6 7 6 1 6757

a b

c d

Fig. 1 e Quantification of HAdV, HAdV-F, HPyV, NoV GI and NoV GII. In (a) primary treated influent wastewater (n [ 12),
(b) effluent wastewater (n [ 25), (c) river water (n [ 35), (d) urban stream water (n [ 21), (e) estuarine water (n [ 15). The box
plots show median concentrations (log10 genome copies/L) with the 25the75th percentile values of positive samples. The
whiskers extend to the most extreme data point no more than 1.5 times the interquartile (25the75th) range from the box.
6758 w a t e r r e s e a r c h 4 7 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 6 7 5 0 e6 7 6 1

Table 7 e Frequency of detection of HAdV and HPyV with HAdV-F, NoVGI and NoV GII.
Sample type Target A Target B %

Co-detection Co-absence Target A detected, Target B detected,

Target B not detected Target A not detected

Influent wastewater (n ¼ 12) HAdV HAdV-F 100 0 0 0

NoV GI 66.7 0 33.3 0
NoV GII 75.0 0 25 0
HPyV HAdV-F 100 0 0 0
NoV GI 66.7 0 33.3 0
NoV GII 75.0 0 25 0

Effluent wastewater (n ¼ 25) HAdV HAdV-F 100 0 0 0

NoV GI 72.0 0 28.0 0
NoV GII 76.0 0 24.0 0
HPyV HAdV-F 96.0 0 0 4.0
NoV GI 68.0 0 28.0 4.0
NoV GII 72.0 0 24.0 4.0

River water (n ¼ 35) HAdV HAdV-F 62.9 14.3 22.9 0

NoV GI 40.0 5.7 45.7 8.6
NoV GII 54.3 2.9 31.4 11.4
HPyV HAdV-F 42.9 28.6 8.6 20.0
NoV GI 31.4 31.4 20.0 17.4
NoV GII 42.9 25.7 8.6 22.9

Urban stream HAdV HAdV-F 61.9 14.3 0 23.8

water (n ¼ 21) NoV GI 61.9 4.8 0 33.3
NoV GII 61.9 4.8 0 33.3
HPyV HAdV-F 71.4 9.5 4.8 14.3
NoV GI 76.2 4.8 0 19.0
NoV GII 76.2 4.8 0 19.0

Estuarine HAdV HAdV-F 60.0 40.0 0 0

water (n ¼ 15) NoV GI 46.7 26.7 13.3 13.3
NoV GII 60.0 0 0 40.0
HPyV HAdV-F 40.0 33.3 6.7 20.0
NoV GI 33.3 26.7 13.3 26.7
NoV GII 46.7 0 0 53.3

environmental samples. This is the first New Zealand report of NoV prevalence in river water (Till et al., 2008; Williamson
HPyV, HAdV and NoV quantification in samples other than et al., 2011) and HPyV prevalence in municipal wastewater
wastewater. Our study informs data gaps, particularly with (Kirs et al., 2011). Our result complement previous studies
respect to HPyV where published data are limited, and sup- describing HAdV and HPyV prevalence in a range of matrices
plements published New Zealand data on HAdV and NoV and due to their human host specificity demonstrate their
quantification in wastewater (Hewitt et al., 2011), HAdV and potential for microbial source tracking investigations in a

Table 8 e Spearman correlation coefficients (r, with associated p-value) of target viruses (HAdV, HPyV, NoVGI, NoV GII in
environmental sample types.
Sample type Statistical HAdV vs HAdV HAdV HAdV vs HPyV vs HPyV vs
parameter HAdV-F vs HPyV vs NoV GI NoV GII NoV GI NoV GII

Influent wastewater r 0.916 0.147 0.738 0.585 0.125 0.042

p-Value <0.0001 0.643 0.008 0.049 0.694 0.894

Effluent wastewater r 0.833 0.395 0.231 0.284 0.277 0.286

p-Value <0.0001 0.051 0.265 0.168 0.179 0.165

River water r 0.318 0.518 0.115 0.020 0.346 0.464

p-Value 0.063 0.002 0.510 0.908 0.043 0.005

Urban stream water r 0.867 0.345 0.112 0.471 0.818 0.361

p-Value <0.0001 0.126 0.627 0.032 <0.0001 0.107

Estuarine water r 0.805 0.451 0.287 0.480 0.048 0.097

p-Value <0.0005 0.093 0.296 0.071 0.870 0.728

Relationships were considered statistically significant when p-values < 0.05 and are shown in bold.
w a t e r r e s e a r c h 4 7 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 6 7 5 0 e6 7 6 1 6759

range of situations (Ahmed et al., 2010; Harwood et al., 2009; the estuarine water samples, NoV GII was more prevalent
Kirs et al., 2011; McQuaig et al., 2009). than HAdV and HPyV. The high prevalence of NoV in estuarine
The high prevalence and concentrations of HAdV and waters is significant as its persistence in such waters could
HPyV observed in influent wastewater from several WWTP have potential consequences for shellfish safety if the shell-
across New Zealand were similar to international published fish are grown nearby, as well as an increased health risk for
data (Albinana-Gimenez et al., 2006; Bofill-Mas et al., 2006; recreational water users.
Calgua et al., 2011; McQuaig et al., 2009). The more frequent The reason for the higher prevalence of NoV than the other
detection and comparable concentrations of HAdV and HPyV viruses in estuarine water is not known but may be due to an
observed in wastewater compared with NoV provided confi- initial higher NoV concentration in the overflow from the
dence that HAdV and HPyV could both serve as potential WWTP, or may be due in part to greater persistence of NoV in the
human faecal indicators in receiving waters. For example, our estuarine environment. Interestingly, in a study of recreational
data shows that HAdV and HPyV PCR analysis could be useful waters, Wyn-Jones et al. (2011) reported that whilst HAdV was
in the detection of untreated wastewater leakage close to its detected more frequently than NoV, 47 marine water samples
source e.g. cross connections to stormwater or septic tank were positive for NoV but negative for HAdV. In addition to
contamination. The identification of faecal source (human vs estuarine waters, in our study, NoV GI and GII were also more
animal) would also enable infrastructure resources to be prevalent in urban stream waters (impacted by recent combined
matched to potential risk, thus allowing infrastructure up- sewage overflows) than the potential indicator viruses. How-
grades to be better targeted. In this situation, the rapid ever, 76% urban stream samples were positive for HPyV and NoV
detection by PCR is valid because determination of virus (GI and/or GII), and 86% samples were positive for HAdV and NoV
viability it is not necessarily required. Our data also supports a (GI and/or GII). HPyV, as for HAdV, was found to be useful
previous proposal (Albinana-Gimenez et al., 2009) that PCR probably due in part to its persistent high concentration in
detection of either HAdV or HPyV would be suitable for eval- wastewater, which enables its detection even when diluted in
uating physical virus removal during wastewater or drinking environmental waters. HPyV concentrations were often greater
water treatment processes. than HAdV and NoV not only in influent wastewater but also in
By comparing HAdV and HAdV-F concentrations, species F river water and urban stream water, and the concentration
was identified as the predominant HAdV species in influent ranges (log10 genome copies) of HPyV found in New Zealand
and effluent wastewater samples which supports previous were comparable with previous reports (effluent wastewater,
reported data (Haramoto et al., 2007; Hewitt et al., 2011). By 4e6 log10/L; river water, 2e3 log10/L and estuarine water,
using a sensitive HAdV-F specific qPCR assay (Wolf et al., 2e3 log10/L) (Albinana-Gimenez et al., 2006, 2009; Bofill-Mas
2010), we showed that HAdV-F may be as suitable as a et al., 2006; Haramoto et al., 2010; Hewitt et al., 2011;
generic HAdV assay for the detection of human sewage Xagoraraki et al., 2007). Overall, the use of both HAdV and HPyV
contamination in waters. In this study, the HAdV-F qPCR as indicators was found to be more useful than either of them as
assay detected HAdV in five urban stream water samples a single indicator.
(albeit at low concentrations, quantitative data not shown)
that were negative using the generic HAdV assay. The reason
for this is not fully understood, but may to be due to the 5. Conclusions
increased specificity of the HAdV-F assay, resulting in pref-
erential amplification in the PCR, compared with the generic  HAdV and HPyV are useful indicators of human pollution
HAdV assay. However, for the river water, there were a and could be valuable in the management of environmental
number of samples that were negative in duplicate by the faecal pollution where the source (animal or human) is
HAdV-F assay but were positive in at least one of the four unknown. However the presence of either HAdV or HPyV
replicates by a generic HAdV assay. As the quantity of virus in does not necessarily always correlate with NoV presence.
these samples was near the limit of detection, it is possible  In urban streams, rivers and estuaries, no single viral indi-
that testing four replicates by both assays would have yielded cator was dominant in terms of prevalence, so whilst HAdV
the same results. Further work on these samples including and HPyV are useful for faecal source tracking applications,
typing to confirm the presence of human virus is planned. their use as viral indicators of human sewage contamina-
HAdV, HPyV and/or NoV were frequently present in a range tion in the wider environment may be limited and therefore
of environmental samples (river, estuarine and urban stream). they should be used as part of a multi-tool system.
We recognise that this high frequency can be partly attributed
to our selection of samples which had been potentially
contaminated by human sewage. For example, one river site
was potentially impacted by wastewater discharge and urban
runoff, so it was not surprising that the detection frequency of Acknowledgements
our target viruses was high, especially as we had selected
mainly HAdV positive samples from a wider river water study This work was supported by the New Zealand Ministry of
(Williamson et al., 2011). Nevertheless our results were similar Business, Innovation and Employment (contract CAWX0703).
to international studies of river and recreational waters Thanks to Malet Rivera-Aban, Dawn Croucher, Laetitia Kaas
(Haramoto et al., 2005; Lee and Kim, 2008; McQuaig et al., and Susan Lin for technical assistance. We also acknowledge
2012). Two sample types showed a greater overall preva- Jérémie Langlet, Brent Gilpin and Stephen On for their critical
lence of NoV than either of the proposed indicator viruses. In review of the manuscript.
6760 w a t e r r e s e a r c h 4 7 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 6 7 5 0 e6 7 6 1

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