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Urdaneta City University/

Urdaneta City
Circuits 1, Lecture 3


Maximum power transferred to a load resistor occurs only when the said resistor has a value
equal to the resistance (Ro) to the network looking back from the load terminals.

Example. Fid R if it is to absorbed maximum power

R1 R3 R2

E1 E2
R Ig

SOLUTION: Open circuit resistor R; short circuit all independent voltages sources
and open all independent current sources.
R1 R3 R2


R = Ro = R1 ( R2 + R3)
R1 + ( R2 + R3)

Note: If the corresponding current or power drawn by resistor R is to be solved use either Thevenin’s or Norton’s Theorem to solve
the problem.

Solved Problems:
1.A lead storage battery is rated at 12 volts. If the internal resistance is 0.01 ohm, what is the maximum power to be deliverd to the
For maximum power transfer, load resistance must be equivalent to the looking back resistance measured at the load terminals. In this
problem, Ro =

Rt = Ro = 0.01 ohm
r = 0.01 ohm
Using Thevenin’s equation
12 V shorted

IL = ___Eo___ = ___12____ = 600 A

Ro + RL 0.01 + 0.01

PL = I2 RL = (600)2 x 0.01= 3600 watts

2.A 120-volt battery having an internal resistance of 0.5 ohm , is connected through a line resistance of 9.5 ohms to a variable load
resistor. What maximum power will the battery deliver to the load resistor?
SOLUTION. Rline = 9.5 ohms

Rt = Ro = r + Rline = 0.5 + 9.5 = 10 ohms

r = 0.5 ohm
Using Thevenin’s equation Ro

IL = ___Eo___ = ___120____ = 6 A
Ro + RL 10 + 10 120 V shorted

PL = I2 RL = (600)2 x 0.01= 3600 watts

PL = I2 RL = (6)2 x 10= 360 watts

3.A barangay power station supplies 60 kW to a load over 2,500 ft, 100 mm2;
two conductor copper feeder, the resistance of which is 0.078 ohm per 1000 ft. The bus bar voltage is maintained constant at 600 V.
Determine the maximum power which can be transmitted?
R feeder = 2 [ 0.078/1000ft x 2500 ] = 0.39 ohm
RL = R feeder

IL = _____Es_____ = __600_____
R feeder + RL 0.39 + 0.39

= 76.023 A

PL = I2 RL = (76.023)2 x 0.39

PL = 230.77 Kwatts

4.A variable resistor R is connected in parallel with a fixed resistor of 1.25 ohms. The combination is then connected across a 12-V
battery with internal resistance of 0.25 ohm. Solve for the maximum power that can be delivered to resistor R.


r = 0.25 ohm r = 0.25ohm

1.25 Ro 1.25 IL RL = Ro
12 V shorted

RL = Ro = 0.25 ( 1.25) = 0.208 ohm

0.25 + 1.25

Rt = 0.25 + 1.25(0.208)__ = 0.428 ohm

1.25 + 0.208

It = Et = __12__ = 28.04 A
Rt 0.428

IL = It __( 1.25)__ = 28.04(1.25)__
1.25 + RL 1.25 + 0.208
IL = 24.04 A

PL = I2 RL = (24.04)2 x 0.208= watts

PL = 120.21 watts


First law of electrostatics: Like charges repel each other and unlike charges attract each other.

Second law of electrostatics: The force of attraction or repulsion between charges is directly proportional to the product of two
charges and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.

F = kQ1Q2
where: F----- force ( Newton) or ( Dyne)
Q1Q2--- charge in each body (Coulomb) or (Statcoulomb)
k--- constant in SI units equal to 9 x 109
d --- in meter or in centimeter

Solved Problems:
1.Three equal positive charges of 10 statcoulomb each are located at the vertices of an equilateral triangle of 2 cm. What is the
magnitude of the force acting on each charge?

Q = 10 statC x _______1_C______ = 3.33 x 10-9 Coulomb

3 x 109 statC Ft
F2 = F3 = kQ2 = (9 x 109) (3.33 x 10-9)2
d2 (0.02)2 F3 F2
= 2.5 x 10 N

= 2.5 x 10—4 kg-m x 1000g x 100 cm

sec2 1 kg 1m Q1
F2 = F3 = 25 g-cm = 25 dynes
sec2 0.02m 60o 0.02m
Using cgs units to solve for F2 or F3
F2 = F3 = kQ2 = 1(10)2
d2 (2)2
= 25 dynes
2.5 x 10—4Refer to the vector diagram Q3
Ft = F at angle 0o F at angle 60o Q2 0.02m
= 25 + 12.5 + j 21.65 = 37.5 + j 21.65
Ft = 43.3 at angle 30o F3
Ft = 43.3 dynes

60o F2

2.Two point charges 10 cm apart exert a force of 1 x 10 raised to the

(-- 3) grams on each other. If the charges are the same value, what is the value of each charge in stat coulomb?

F = 1 x 10- 3g x 981 cm/sec2 = 0.981 dynes

F = kQ2
Q = Fd2 = (0.981)(10)2
k 1
Q = 9.9 stat C

3.Two point charges of 2 Coulomb and a 5 Coulomb are 10 meters apart. A third point charge of a 6 Coulomb is placed between
them. At what distance from the 5 Coulomb charge must the 6 Coulomb charge is placed in such away that it will stay in

F1 = F2
kQ1Q3 = kQ2Q3
(10 – x)2 x2

____2(6)___ = 5(6)
(10 – x)2 x2

___x2___ = 30
(10 – x)2 12

x = 1.581(10 – x)
x + 1.581x = 15.81
2.581 x = 15.81
x = 6.125 m

Capacitance is a measure of how well a capacitor can store electrical charges

Capacitor (old name is Condenser)—any device on which electric charge can be stored so as to posses electrical potential. It consists
of two conducting plates separates separated by a layer of an insulating medium called dielectric.

Farad (F) – unit of capacitance when one coulomb of charge given to its plates raises its potential difference by one volt Named after
the British physicist and chemist who discovered electromagnetic induction Michael Faraday.(1791-1867)
C = Q
where: C = capacitance of a charge capacitor (farad)
Q = charge stored( coulomb)
E = voltage across the capacitor ( volt)


E1 E2

C1 C2 C3

Ct = ____1______ 1/Ct = 1/C1+ 1/C2 + 1/C3

1+ 1 + 1
C1 C2 C3

Qt = Q1= Q2= Q3 Et = E1 + E2 + E3


E1 = __ EtC2__
C1 + C2

E2 = EtC1__
C1 +C2


C1 C2

Ct = C1 + C2 + C3 Qt = Q1 + Q2 + Q3 Et = E1 = E2 = E3

Where Qt = total charge accumulated ( coulomb)

Ct = total capacitance in farad
Et = supply voltage in volts


Q1 = QtC1__
C1 + C2
Q2 = QtC2__
C1 + C2


W = 1 CE2 W = 1 QE W = 1 Q2
2 2 2 C

where : W = energy stored ( joules)

C = capacitance in farad
Q = charge accumulated in coulomb
E = voltage across in volt


Elastance is the reciprocal of capacitance

S=1 where S = elastance in daraf



1.The result of capacitance C1= 6 microfarad and C2 connected in series is 3 microfarad. what is the value of C2 in microfarad.
1 = 1 + 1
3 6 C2
1 = 1 -- 1 = 2 -- 1 = 1
C2 3 6 6 6
C2 = 6 microfarad

2.Three capacitors of 20, 10 and 15 microfarad respectively are connected in series across a 100-volt supply. Find the voltage across
the 10 microfarad.
1= 1 + 1 + 1 = 0.21666
Ct = 20 10 15

Ct = ___1___ = 4.615 microfarad

Qt = Ct x Et = ( 4.615)(100) = 461.5 microCoulomb

Since in series, Qt = Q1 = Q2 = Q3
E2 = Qt = 461.5
C2 10
E2 = 46.15 volts

3.Three capacitors of 16, 15, and 12 microfarad, respectively are connected in series. What is the maximum voltage that can be
supplied to the combination if the voltage drop across any of the three capacitors must not to exceed 100 volts.
1 = 1 + 1 + 1 = 0.2125
Ct = 16 15 12
Ct = __1__ = 4. 705 microfarad
Q3 = C3E3 = (12 x 10 –6 ) (100) = 0.0012 Coulomb

Since in series, Qt = Q1 = Q2 = Q3

E1 = Qt = __0.0012____
C1 4.705x 10 –6
E2 = 255.04 volts

4.Three capacitors A, B, and C are charged as follows: A = 10 microfarad , 100V; B =15 microfarad, 150 V ; C = 25 microfarad,
200 V. They are connected in parallel with terminals of like polarity together. What is the voltage across the combination?
Qt = Q1 + Q2 + Q3
= C1E1 + C2E2 + C3E3
= 10(100) + 15(150) + 25( 200)
= 8250 microCoulomb

Ct = C1 + C2 + C3 = 10 + 15 + 25 = 50 microfarad

Et = Qt = 8250
Ct 50

Et = 165 volts

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