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Dynamics of Machines (ME22004)

Tutorial 1



Q4 A torque τ=0.1 Nm is applied to link AB as shown with the
mechanism in the horizontal plane and initially at rest. Using work-
energy relations, calculate the angular acceleration of the link AB.
Take moment of inertia of the slotted link about C as IC=0.002 kgm2, τ
moment of inertia of AB IB=0.001 kgm2 and all contacts to be

Q5 Determine the hydraulic actuator force that is required to hold the

1000 N dump bin in static equilibrium with α=30 deg. Neglect
the mass of the links and actuator. The location of the center of
mass of the bin G is indicated.

Q6 Derive the equations of motion of the mechanism shown using

Newtonian approach. Take inertia properties of the slotted link as ms
and Is with center of mass at ρs from C, and inertial properties of the L
driving link as md and Id with center of mass at ρd from B. Use β as τ
the coordinate to write the equations of motion.

Q7 Derive the equations of motion of the planar RP robot arm in the horizontal
plane using Newtonian approach. The arm is driven by a torque from a motor
on the hub and a force from the prismatic actuator. Assume the link to be
slender with mass m and length l. Neglect friction, and the mass of the hub
and the end-effector.

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