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Dealing with problems such as stress is a common problem for most

citizens living in a busy community, especially for people of Tacloban who have

lately suffered a critical loss of property and loved ones after the devastation of

typhoon haiyan; these people need a place where they can achieve physical,

mental, and spiritual wellness, a place where they can separate a peaceful and

relaxing life from a stressful and busy environment. A wellness center is an

establishment that offers health care services related to wellness, it usually

offer’s skin care services and body services such as fitness and personal

training, as well as mental and spiritual nurturing activities.

In Tacloban City, wellness centers are available but it only provides limited

services such as massage and alike, people in Tacloban lacks refuge in terms of

relaxation and recreation that will give a peace of mind to the community. It is a

felt need and opportunity for the citizens of Tacloban City to be able to help

people who are in need for this kind of place.

Harbour will be Tacloban’s first community wellness center that will cater

facilities that will enhance physical, mental and spiritual well-being. This center

will be first of its kind in Tacloban because it will be imbedded with ideal facilities

for a community wellness center, this will also be a sanctuary for people suffering

from stressful environment who needs peace and relaxation. This will be a one
stop location for all who needs recreation, relaxation and at the same time

accommodation. This project demands a site that is close to nature but at the

same time one that is not too detached from the urban development, the site is

planned to be located somewhere in northern part of Tacloban City. This center

will not just be an ordinary wellness center. Thus, this place will be going to be a

community filled with ideal recreational facilities and spaces that are

architecturally designed. Architectural principles and theories will also be applied

as well as proper acoustics that will help achieve the main purpose of the

community wellness center. The said center is also ideal for retreats, camping,

and other related outdoor activities and will also cater big events that will serve

as its secondary purpose. Accommodations will also be provided as a

consideration for travelers that will visit and use the place. This community

wellness center will house all kinds of users, as long as they demand services

that this center provides. This community wellness center will be the agent to

accommodate such needs that will provide adequate services to give a holistic

wellness for the citizens of Tacloban City.


General Objective:

This study will be conducted to develop the plan and design of a Wellness

Center where in it will produce a design solution that will give a positive impact to

an overall holistic wellness.

To aid in the design process of the community wellness center, the study

will meet the following specific objectives:

1. To determine the number of existing wellness center in Tacloban


2. To determine the kind of services and facilities offered by these


3. To determine different facilities that would contribute in the planning

& designing of the proposed Community Wellness Center;

4. To determine the appropriate and strategic location for the

proposed project;

5. To develop a design, planning and construction that conforms to all

pertinent planning and building laws;

6. To develop a design that promotes mental, physical activity,

spiritual interaction and making healthy lifestyle choice;

7. To develop a sustainable and disaster-resilient design;

8. To plan and design a Community Wellness Center that has the

potential to boost the city’s economic and tourism industry.


The proposal is created to design a Community Wellness Center in

Tacloban City that supports well-being as a part of a holistic lifestyle, so it is

fitting that much of the conversation focuses on the physical, mental and spiritual

well-being for the citizens of Tacloban City. The present study will be beneficial to

the following:

To the Community

The outcome of the study will be a community hub for wellness, healthy

living and exercise based on informed medical information and research.

To Architects and other professional builders

The study provides vital information that will guide planners and designers

in coming up with architectural solutions to the social problem.

To Architecture students

The outcome of the study will help students to gain ideas that can be used

in their future researches of similar studies.

To Future Researcher

This study can be used as a reference or tool in collecting data for future

similar researches and development.


The study aims to design and plan of a mixed used building which will be

named as Harbour: Tacloban City Community Wellness Center that will provide a

mental, physical and spiritual well-being for the citizens of Tacloban City. The site

is planned to be located in the northern part of Tacloban City. The main topics to

be studied and discussed are Wellness centers, sustainable architecture, and

disaster-resilient design.

The geographical coverage of this study limits only in Tacloban City. Data

gathering will be limited on library research, World Wide Web references, phone

interview and Comprehensive Land Use Plan of Tacloban City. The duration of

the study will cover 2 semesters of school year 2017-2018.


This part consists of words that were used in the study to describe a thing

or to express a concept, especially in architectural terms.

Acoustical - used for soundproofing or modifying sound

Ambiance - the character and atmosphere of a place

Architecture - the art or practice of designing and constructing buildings.

Biophilic - is defined as the inherent human inclination to affiliate with nature.

Community - is a small or large social unit (a group of people) who have

something in common, such as norms, religion, values, or identity

Entertainment - the action of providing or being provided with amusement or


Harbour - a place or shelter

Holistic - taking into account mental and social factors, rather than just the

physical symptoms of a disease

Principles - a fundamental truth or proposition that serves as the foundation for

a system of belief or behavior or for a chain of reasoning

Refuge - a condition of being safe or sheltered from pursuit, danger, or trouble

Resilient - capable of withstanding shock without permanent deformation or


Sustainable – is the philosophy of designing physical objects, the built

environment, and services to comply with the principles of social, economic, and

ecological sustainability.

Theories - a supposition or a system of ideas intended to explain something,

especially one based on general principles independent of the thing to be


Wellness - the state of being in good health, especially as an actively pursued


Wellness Center - is an establishment that offers health services for the body

and mind


The review of literature presents the comprehensive development of the

project background. It signifies what has already been studied by others which

have bearing upon the present study. The literature and studies collected

presents a brief review of related literature and researches which will provide the

researchers valuable insights on the formulation of the research method and in

the analysis and interpretation of findings.


This part of the study is composed of the existing laws, regulations, and

design standards that serve as guiding principles for the study.

Republic Act No. 9266

An act providing for a more responsive and comprehensive regulation for

the registration, licensing and practice of architecture repealing for the purpose of

R.A. 545, as amended, otherwise known as “an act to regulate the practice of

architecture in the Philippines” and for other purposes.

RULE IV: Practice of Architecture (Sundry Provisions)

Batas Pambansa 344 (IRR of BP344)

This act was implemented to improve the movement of persons with

disability (PWD) in particular buildings, establishments and public utilities. In the

process of design, BP 344 is important to consider having an effective and

efficient Retreat Center that would serve various people including PWDs.

Rule II: Minimum Requirements for Accessibility

Rule III: Specific Requirements for Buildings and Related Structures for

Public Use

Fire Code of the Philippines (IRR of RA 9514)

This law does not only focus on securing the occupants from the

occurrence of an incidental flame. It provides an ample knowledge to make the

structure somehow resistant to fire in terms of the guidelines and design

standards provided on the said law.

Rule 10: Fire Safety Measures

This Rule covers the Fire Safety Measure for Buildings, Structures and

Facilities, Hazardous Materials and Wastes, Hazardous Operations and

Processes and Miscellaneous Hazardous Premises and/or conditions, that by its

very nature or relation to life, property and environment poses threat or danger.

Division 5: Means of Egress

Division 6: Features of Fire Protection

Division 7: Building Service Equipment

Division 8: Places of Assembly

Division 12: Residential Occupancies

Section Hotels and Dormitories

National Building Code of the Philippines (PD 1096)

This law is the basis for the design standards that assures a structure to

preserve life, health, property and the well-being of the end users. The codes

principle is to provide a skeleton o minimum requirements and standards by

regulating the over-all design, building occupancy, maintenance, class of

materials and other systems, practice and installations.

CHAPTER VII: Classification and General Requirement of all Buildings by

Use of Occupancy

CHAPTER IX: Sanitation

CHAPTER XIII: Electrical and Mechanical Regulations

Environmental Code of the Philippines (PD 1152)

This law is to achieve and maintain such levels of air quality as to protect

public health and to prevent to the greatest extent practicable, injury and/or

damage to plant and animal life and property and promote the social and

economic development of the country.

Title I: Air Quality and Management - Chapter II: Regulation and


Section 8: Air Quality and Noise Standards - National

Pollution Control Commission in coordination with

appropriate government

Title IV: Natural Resources Management and Conservation

Chapter III: Forestry and Soil Conservation

Title V: Waste Management


This portion presents a review of several literatures that would be

beneficial to the study, summarized from previous writings, showing detailed

facts asserted by few people and pioneer in the field of retreat center industry.

On this element of study, some reviews of the proponents’ and authors’ passage

in order to help the proponents to find ways in contact with the problem have

been encountered.


Retreat center are designed to create an environment of simplicity, so that

participants’ activities and concerns are reduced to a minimum. To this end,

retreatants spend most of their time in silence. This was stated in the publication

article of Gil Fronsdal entitled “Retreat Practice”.

Retreats are a great place to recover and unwind from the many stresses

of life. For instance, people often come to retreat in a state of sleep deprivation,

and for them, retreats provide a crucial opportunity to obtain deep rest, often

much better rest than they get on a vacation. For people who arrive carrying

significant physical tension, retreats can promote much needed relaxation. For

those who have been too busy or preoccupied to tend to their emotional lives,

retreats are a safe place to let unresolved emotions surface and unfold. For

example, retreats can be useful for someone who’s going through the grieving

process after a significant loss. The many days of a retreat can also allow for

old, long-avoided emotions to finally come into awareness. 1

Fronsdal, G. (2012) Retreat Practice
Wellness Center ready to use new technology

FORT CAMPBELL, Ky. -- Fort Campbell's Army Wellness Center will soon

begin to use sophisticated technology augmented by education and coaching to

foster healthy lifestyles and improve the post's wellness.

The Army Wellness Center, at 5662 Screaming Eagle Blvd., is in the final

stages of preparing for its soft opening in February 2017. The center will be one

of 30 Army wellness center worldwide. Each facility offers the same standardized

programs, so that Soldiers and Families can have resources to help them

achieve optimal health regardless of duty station.

Jheri Weidensall, director of Fort Campbell's Army Wellness Center, said

the center will offer six core programs -- health assessment review, physical

fitness, healthy nutrition, stress management, general wellness education and

tobacco cessation education.

"Our mission is to provide integrated and standardized primary prevention

programs and services that promote, enhance and sustain healthy lifestyles to

improve the overall well-being of soldiers and family members," Weidensall said.

"Essentially we're here to improve the health and overall well-being of the military

population and enhance readiness and resiliency in our Soldiers." 2


Lockhart, L. (2017) Fort Campbell Courier
Spirituality is not going to a building or following rules — it’s all about inner

processes. It is not a mental process. On the contrary, it entails the quieting of

one’s mind so as to be able to feel the wonders of the spiritual world. According

to Gina Lopez (2016).

Undertaking the spiritual path is good for individual growth and directly

impacts society. It increases the forces of good. From a deeper perspective, life

can be viewed as flows of energy. Connecting to a higher dimension inundates

physical reality with good vibes regarding forces of greed and selfishness which

bring humanity down.3

Mental health crisis among Marawi evacuees

MARAWI CITY- Local crisis officials have declared a "mental health crisis"

among residents affected by the long-drawn conflict here after signs of mental

illness manifested in over 30,000 displaced residents.

Data from the Integrated Provincial Health Office (IPHO) revealed that as

of Aug. 1, at least 30,732 evacuees have manifested mental disorders.

Authorities attributed such incidence to the prolonged war, difficulties in living

conditions in evacuation centers, and hopelessness as they faced a bleak and

dim future.

"This is an emerging issue right now. Mental health issues should be part

of the recovery plan," said Zia Alonto Adiong, spokesperson of the Lanao Del Sur

Lopez, G. (2016) Meditation can make you happy and healthy [online]

Available from:

happy-and-healthy [Accessed 26th August 2017]
Provincial Crisis Committee. Specific types of illnesses were not identified, but

officials classified the cases based on severity.

Out of the over 30,000 cases recorded by the IPHO, 6,455 were classified

as Level 2, which requires psycho-social debriefing; 24,199 as Level 3, or those

in need of one-on-one treatment; and 78 cases as Level 4, where patients

require medication and treatment in a designated facility.

There has yet to be a case classified as Level 5, or the worst level, where

patients could no longer communicate properly, may turn violent, and already

require medication.4

Post-Yolanda: Cases of mental disorders to rise until 2015

The UN agency estimated over 800,000 people in Yolanda-hit areas had

suffered different mental health conditions over the past year, with 80,000

requiring further medication and support. Hall said that at the one-year mark,

they estimate depression and anxiety disorders to double from the baseline of

about 10% of the population to 20%, while people with severe mental health

illnesses are estimated to increase by about 50%.

The most prevalent among adults is post-traumatic stress disorder,

followed by depression, while anxiety is the most prevalent among children

according to the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF). "As soon as it starts

Gagalac, R. (2017) Mental health crisis among Marawi evacuees [online]

Available from:

alarms-officials [Accessed 26th August 2017]
raining, they get really worried if there's going to be another storm [and] it's

windy. It's deep anxiety – not wanting to leave the mother or their siblings for fear

of never seeing them again, not being able to sleep, not being able to

concentrate in school because their minds are going to other things,” UNICEF

Philippines Country Representative Lotta Sylwander told Rappler. 5

We need to talk about mental illness in the Philippines

Manila (CNN Philippines Life) — With headline-making metrics such as

the World Happiness Index that indicate an increase in the overall emotional

well-being of Filipinos, issues surrounding mental health take the backseat and

easily fall beneath the cracks.

The reality, at least according to other numbers, is darker: The National

Center for Mental Health's statistics project suicide rates of 2.5 for men and 1.7

for women per 100,000 members of the population. These numbers do not

include unreported cases. According to a 2014 report of the World Health

Organization, there were 2,558 cases of suicide due to mental health problems in

the Philippines in the year 2012 alone. As a public health concern, mental illness

hits the most vulnerable sectors of society — the young and the poor.

Living within a culture that emphasizes resilience and humor amidst, pain

and personal suffering makes it all the more difficult to talk about mental illness

Geronimo, J. (2014) Post-Yolanda: 'Cases of mental disorders to rise until 2015 [online]

Available from:

[Accessed 26th August 2017]
out in the open. The stigma surrounding mental illness only adds to the layers of

struggle of people who suffer from various mental health conditions.

With the considerable lack of public health and policy infrastructure to deal

with the increasing need for mental illness treatment, most Filipinos are left to

their own devices instead of seeking professional help. Admittedly, a trip to the

psychiatrist or to the therapist, including medication, can set one back up to

several thousands of pesos.6

How poverty affects street children psychologically

Poverty means not having enough money to meet basic needs, including

food, clothing, and shelter. Children living in poverty do not access such needs

essential for early learning, self-regulation, and brain organization. All these

could create unsafe conditions for any child to grow up in and leave profound

immediate and long-term effects on their overall development. In the immediate

sense, as early as age two, children experience developmental delays,

increasing the likelihood of lower school achievement grade retention, and

chances of dropping out. They may also encounter more subsequent emotional

and behavioral problems such as poor peer relations, conduct disorder,

depression, and delinquency. Furthermore, children growing up with a parent

addicted to drugs or alcohol could develop the same patterns of compulsive

behaviors and have several co-occurring issues including neglect, emotional,

physical or sexual abuse.

Tugade, R. (2017) We need to talk about mental illness in the Philippines [online]

Available from: [Accessed

26th August 2017]
Incest is believed to be twice as likely among children of alcoholics. These

children tend to need psychological intervention and end up in the penal

systems. Why? Because their childhood stress was more than their brain and

body could process at the time.

When stress is not properly dealt with, it could accumulate in the form of

negative emotions, leading to sadness and anger. Sadness, a symptom of

depression, can decrease anyone’s ability to make smart long-term decisions,

including seeking good health and education.

Without these, one is exposed to more trauma and personal violence. It is

a vicious circle where poverty could be linked to greater rates of mental illness,

and in some cases, certain kinds of mental illness could be linked to a greater

likelihood of living in poverty.7


The proponents primarily choose the topic because of the abundant

resources around the province and city, and resources are one of the most

important factors to consider before conducting a research or study. The

proponents were able to found out that there are a lot of studies before that is

related to the one presented now.


Van den Brink, A. (2014) How poverty affects street children psychologically [online]

Available from:

[Accessed 26th August 2017]
The Significance of Community in Wellness Service Design: The Case of


Group retreats can attract people seeking deeper meaning and connection

to themselves, to others and to the world. The retreat experience shared with

others can create community in a supportive environment for exploring oneself in

relationship to others. Kelly (2010:111) suggests that “retreat environments

themselves are a draw for people, who feel the need for a sense of

support/community and interaction as part of their experience”. Research

examining the sense of community as a primary focus within a retreat context

has yet to be examined academically. Moreover, the relationship between

community and well-being is discussed to bring to light its relevance and

importance. Service design principles and its implications for creating a sense of

community and belonging in retreats is examined in two case studies, by Skyros

and Shambhala that specialize in offering community experiences. The units of

analysis in the case studies include: sense of community as experience, the

significance and outcomes in relationship to well-being, and service design

principles to consider when creating community experience in retreats.

The purpose for investigating community and subjective well-being is due

to the negative health effects that arise from perceived isolation and

disconnection. A longing and search for community and belonging is more

prevalent and challenging with increased speed, technology, screen distractions

and overall fragmentation that is on the rise. Retreats on the other hand are

turning up outside its original meaning and context of spiritual settings, and now
expanded into various places from workplace, wellness, artist, eco, outdoor

adventure retreats. In the health and wellness tourism sector, a plethora of

retreats are trending. A brief netnography is conducted to analyze online

offerings on Retreats Online with suggested categorization based on community


UNC Wellness Centers

UNC Health Care provides two Wellness Centers in Chapel Hill and in

Northwest Cary that are built upon a tradition of quality service provided by the

UNC Health Care System. As a medical fitness facility and proud member of the

Medical Fitness Association, UNC Wellness Centers offer programs and services

for members of all ages and abilities.

UNC Wellness Centers offer many of the amenities traditionally associated

with a high-end fitness facility, but adds a variety of clinical, health education,

wellness, disease management and other programs that distinguish the facility

and programs from traditional or non-medically based gyms and fitness centers,

such as:

 Integration of clinical programs such as Cardiac Rehab and Physical


 Programming for a variety of populations

Available from:
[Accessed 26th August 2017]
 Community outreach programs9

 Commitment to disease management

UNC Wellness Centers provide the resources needed to help you reach your

health and wellness goals. Whether your goal is weight loss, strength training,

rehabilitation, or general conditioning, our programs and staff are here to provide

safe effective workouts in an exceptional environment.


Amezcua Wellness Centre

Amezcua Wellness Centre is an oasis for serenity and rejuvenation with

its combination of integrative diagnostic and screening facilities, spa treatments,

wellness therapies, and fitness activities designed to guide one towards a healthy


It opened its first center in Manila in February 2006 - the first modern

urban medical spa in the Philippines, boasting a team of well-trained, licensed

professionals who care for, and pamper clients with 5-star service throughout

their visit.

All of Amezcua's services are based on the concept that true health

comes with the balance of body, mind, and spirit. As such, it offers a

comprehensive approach to health care with traditional, alternative therapies and

treatments that complement modern methods.

UNC Wellness Centers [online] Available from: Accessed 26th August 2017
No other establishment has been able to equal its standards in terms of

having exactly the same kind of service offerings in a highly-comfortable,

exclusive environment – so much so that it was nominated "Best MediSpa" in the

Baccarat AsiaSpa Awards 2007.

The BASA Awards are designed to celebrate innovation in the Asian spa

and wellness industry, with almost 30 independent spa experts comprising the

judges' panel. The annual prestigious event is sponsored by AsiaSpa magazine,

a luxury publication of Adkom Media Group.

Amezcua Wellness Centre in Manila is the first of a series of properties

under the Amezcua brand name. Amezcua Wellness Centre is an affiliate of the

QLifestyle Group, a Singapore-based company which operates a diverse range

of businesses in the travel and leisure industries. 10

Kapalua Wellness Spa

One of the known spas in Leyte is the Kapalua Wellness Spa. It provides

relaxation and rejuvenation with a host of spa treatments.

The name kapa lua means “two borders” in the Hawaiian language.

Indulge in a variety of treatments from classic to local massage styles, traditional

to tropical facials and body scrubs.

Ananda Marga Wellness Center

Amezcua Wellness Centre [online] Available from:
Located on the tropical island of Cebu, Philippines, AM Wellness is a

detox health center (also called a natural health farm or natural health resort)

using holistic healing and natural therapy to overcome disease and achieve total

health and well-being. The also teach students the keys to life-long health

through the practice of yoga, meditation and vegetarian diet.

Rather than use the word “patient”, they prefer to call the people who

come as “students” because they are here not only to be cured but also to

experience how to remain healthy and disease-free for the rest of their lives.

Their naturopathy treatment courses run between 2 days and 4 weeks or

more, and include juice fasting detoxification, raw food and other cleansing diets,

herbal colonic cleansing, mud/water/sun therapies, water cleansing, alternative

medicines, and exercise. These are complemented by music, art, classes,

outings and games.


 Research Design (Descriptive Type of research) O
 Research (Web and Library Research)
 Issues and Concerns Proposed HARBOUR: TA
 Data Analysis
 Standard Design Guidelines  and Principles
Design Concept WELLNE
 Related Laws
 Schematic Plans
 Appropriate Site Selection  Architectural Programming
 Gathered Data
Figure 1 Theoretical Framework

The figures above are the basis and guidelines for conceptualizing

facilities of an ideal community wellness center. The figures above are the basis

and guidelines for conceptualizing facilities of an Community Wellness Center. It

is important to study what kind of facilities will be considered based on the

comfortability and relaxation of the users.

Inputs are based on the objectives of the study. It considers the statement

of the problems; determine the number of existing wellness center, determine the

kind of services & facilities, determine the appropriate location, develop a design

that conforms to all pertinent planning & building laws, develop a design that

promotes mental, physical activity & spiritual interaction, develop a sustainable

and disaster-resilient design and to boost the city’s economic & tourism industry.

Processes are based on the methodology of the study. These consist of

the following researches; research design, research instruments, research

method & procedure, data presentation & analysis and methods of data

utilization for design.



This section contains a discussion of the research design, research

instruments, research method and procedure, data presentation and analysis

and methods of data utilization for design.


The researchers will use the qualitative type of research design in this

study. The study will be more of descriptive or narrative form. It is the most

widely-used research design as indicated by thesis, dissertations and research

reports of institutions. The researchers will use this type of research to be able to

obtain data through reviewing literature and related studies so as to formulate

rational and sound conclusions and recommendations for the thesis proposal,


This section contains the tools to be used in data gathering. The

researcher’s gathers data by examining, verifying and analyzing the information’s

from the World Wide Web, library research and phone interview to be able to

acquire important data and planning considerations for the design and

development of the proposed Community Wellness Center in Tacloban City.


This part briefly presents the different procedures used by the researcher

in doing the investigation. It consists of data to be collected, the data collection

method, methods of data presentation and analysis and methods of data

utilization for design. It also includes the instruments used in the collection and

gathering of data, as well as the statistical tools used in processing and analyzing

the data.


The researchers are to collect data that can support the main objective of

the study for the design development of the Tacloban City Community Wellness
Center. In this case the researchers are to collect the following data: The number

of existing wellness center in Tacloban City: the kind of services and facilities

offered by these establishments; different facilities that would contribute in the

planning and designing of the proposed Community Wellness Center; data to

determine the appropriate and strategic location for the proposed project; design,

planning and construction that conforms to all pertinent planning and building

laws; design that promotes mental, physical activity, spiritual interaction and

making healthy lifestyle choice; the sustainable and disaster-resilient design; plan

and design a Community Wellness Center that has the potential to boost the

city’s economic and tourism industry.


The researchers gather data more on literature review. Literature review is

a method where the researchers gather information purely from World Wide

Web, library research and phone interview. In this manner, all data gathered are

from related literature such as articles, magazines and other publications that are

available in the library and internet. Studies, researchers and alike are all

considered as a primary source of researchers’ information.

All information gathered by the researchers will be interpreted, analyzed,

well discussed and will be apply on the design of the Community Wellness



Data Presentation
The researchers will be using narrative or textual form to present the data

which it will be in paragraph form, the conclusion and the analysis will have the

same presentation as how the data presented.

Data Analysis

The data that will be collected through library research and World Wide

Web research will be interpreted, analyzed and will be taken as to their usability

and applicability to the design of the Community Wellness Center.


The data collected will be the basis for designing, planning and selecting

appropriate location that will provide a one of a kind Community Wellness Center

as an opportunity and a need of the citizens of Tacloban City and all kind of


Number of Existing Wellness Center in Tacloban City

The data will be used to determine the number of existing wellness center

in Tacloban City as a guide to the design development of the proposed project.

Kind of services and facilities offered by these establishments

The gathered data will be used to determine the lacking facilities offered

by these establishments.

Different facilities that would contribute in the planning and designing of

the proposed Community Wellness Center

The gathered data on the facilities, utilities and services necessary in a

Wellness Center will be utilized as to what facilities, utilities and services will be

included in the proposed project. This is to provide necessary spaces for

complete relaxation, recreational activities, accommodations and function rooms

as secondary purposes.

Appropriate and strategic location for the proposed project

The collected data will be analyzed and utilized for site selection and will

be used as a guide in developing the site development plan of the proposed


Design, planning and construction that conforms to all pertinent planning

and building laws

The design standards for a Wellness Center as required by the laws and

design guidelines will be satisfied in the plans and designs of buildings of the

proposed study.

Design that promotes mental, physical activity, spiritual interaction and

making healthy lifestyle choice

The data gathered will be utilized to determine the activities and services

that will be included in the planning and designing the proposed project.

Sustainable and disaster-resilient design

Facilities and utilities will integrate sustainable strategies and disaster

resilient design that are relevant and fitting for the Community Wellness Center.

Plan and design a Community Wellness Center that has the potential to

boost the cities economic and tourism industry

The data gathered will be utilized to determine what can be included to

make the proposed project a one of a kind wellness center to boost the city’s

economic and tourism industry

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