Optical Force-A Classical Study

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oO Opieal Force — clamcenl Eledbrdpmecnricn vee. pant re ge ag cee a er a 6 TO ame on be talgeh, me porderomitene ‘+ en be breakdean of Oe 50. celle Lipa are dite e ee) = eee 7 dependemee € be ek egelie ann mew b so mah lager them be 7 eleclion tn te fel, The aoe Lio be eleTicom geome by Oe wn B(et) = + THER) sine scales + © fest lion’? 9 on te Time scale of be L pecod ar /ys e secular? hae tH pordencmolive fe og E (x, ne, — Oe Wwe amume Got E(t) apat fim conlle 2 ~ descrdbeo Ge lente eee envelche og ret 2B Lu a Eo ae me dependent — $0 east wd Rigk acuna stp the Lowert orden Ge pooticle ee osllalég around ye een? speritin Fey due Ge eleltin Gebel: mys wwe ee 3) 2 E(%+t) - |? (Ree) + e- Ro) 2 | «| a = ([é (82.9 4 Fe FERN + Te iwt sus, neck Rigfer color Gam, to wk = 0 [Fe4) ERA) + HH HO] So, tok ng we) fA WOE ak ied Se ).¥ (ee —- ‘ : eee b/d tat nk i 2 (ee cao xe ete] a KUNE 4 ce + Maw L Sp co mm ab m> * 4 = ss L454 rd nde g? Gene Z oa pe nt é av [ a Soh 6 xoxe* + Jou, ie + Bx 3ee | sing be ost : oe 22s 2 27 _ g2.d J eoHD + Sx Tee + & VP +P Ie = ; 2 ft BoE 5 be cf Tne sen ued wn te Deriwaléon mares no sense. Zoe a 2ltie fe E F[FEOI a7 “¥e _ z dnrorobive ng t,- foe FE OP em Viawtiae sue potecomstive peeiliel ion propesCaneh te Ge leer ce cacti ho ge 6 be peides age + stone epee oe RE Sat gotten ox enfiloe fre viene Sigh Ge be man om be Aenonacler Hacer, ee eleTione co rretch Larger tens. Tereover tae prrdinomcbive, Gamae then ~ sows propetinal be stone of oe Cenen foe pny 5 thea drat its plane ee ecemeliarieae Twe_padnomatine fee ef a terete, ee @ Conridr be stands wee . we mo fe ere eee) f°" on (iz) compoming wt =F (os E(eY) < we hove: m & iwe z, (= ene) ¥, en = SLE Pew oe) a ‘Depen by, oe ——— be. ot at met valley” SME cig oe wee the tae propygloe chat ond rt be sale ae be 5 we obtiun oueun a Be De é o Fe 8 ee es — aan el” «tele me e-n Offtenh fprte Socom ree felt © A bit _ Be \ela —e — Tohenes oti nat Os méechancen€ ofhee 4 Ligh might be necpenacble for Oe deflaTion of oun slo paste. 813 Marvel Sheed that ae cadialion fold caries wile it memeilm anc brat * light pean’ e ened one iluminetéd objects, \os Civlein cowed tat Light ond mal ocateo on laze digheo — disovle moment tranefir bce, prdore and bur parlldles ao eacpent 1423 el eenih momntiam tens feo photaie +z alone war obsewed va Prioch. Yo 40 Senportank stdin on re acléon pladine on seed clone woe made ef LeDSkhov and Aewein ot Gell Lab. we Hinseh and Schawlow propose TS cer alomo ga coun - peorag Gor beams se wet we eel om am anbibeany bie callie adovrinedl 45 Pec Win teroves In cm oO re 4 an vn finilieg tended am 5 he frnaton fe Ow Know Aes vacticlions — ipeeroune. Gorilaly ce te Small byte Lemit , we obtam Ge familiar enphernions & aint and secTiinnsy ores. 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Foret To. me degeko + Sine ou puilidker are bound t oun QZ nee conciller Owir brinebers os ennga U- ceranoilione eye of, mali 4 mk = [PRO ree e FY ]- IVEY eee (chen) ee Ho] + Vues) ony Re Sroka OM coonlinesl 5 2 emi mah 2 mm tte w= “tnt hy “Using tale experi ue cam wrnle , abn re z(2 3) Aye E)= FH [LE ©) FER) Zz (Rm) = Z (8) 4 (G2) FO Bi) = $e) [B27] RO +” — (2) + [SR -2) BIE af 2 * © wee Ze A Pe z B= whe + me Me = (atm) & 2 [Zod a) FEO) + Kee fH +9) T no (26) AERP) + 1TH ED) )BOS] o{G-Sy FEW) + + GS) x86) + oa 2y g . s 7 ov See + [EAC OF}R - BHEH)-FPE] Contre Oe iw Hy 4fGi-8)- 318) - Be (E56) 8) Lt yt - He TSB) EE eh re x(e- 4)8 v i Rule. ae : Le Gi) ate) we Ze [e-%) 9)? 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Wh ae average 6 ge (@-7)@ 4 xB, 6 2.3 . nd ety eee [ere - HE ~8)t + a . a SZ $upal vec} 5a nfee vat oe] X ay Nv W : ae wacd ave ef (27-88) Bec VE, + . £% (« a7) € ooo 4) } Re f (e* 9) © We, 4+ (a in”) & i v4 } a a! 2 [| 595 +e te] i ie t a5 Z So z + 76 ek Gh saline : in oe fee form fekse ab inom i £ a propldovel TS te aspen pea” (nak & a) € te complex polarinabiliey mos fere e teghty front ee eee cies fp Re dimensions af 16 Foun, tawente ba along ee eee eed Ticbe in Oe hie in 4 : Qaeeee)) eae yoberexablegy elo) = Fm BeY ere hh) +e (ep wy + IG a Pee Wy tee tremeilin freqpeneg , Op Caanee bux Rabi Freqpeny and Cr te sbonbansows decay wale, ww (Y) = wibv 2 - 22 Ke 7 + Save ’ = et 2 ee VE, + SL by Id =z wi we tie ee fo Br ee Gute (0-0) t/a (woe) + ivy ele boxe x ely =e (wo) ch, e r= SB » tare 2 ee sal Fas sa a lcaas . te arog” wy + EM az anes ee ee (eo-) a ihe oe oe . 20 + i, - 2 age e” (wo?) + * Z a wt fe 2 2 (e-) Ee et ved % a obtam Ba = +] te felnos from yon ee me sealers ee ong from oe 4 absorple and aaa sro Ape Ge Sie gles GM OD Remote eminiow — Note mabe ee center eben 4 gilt Deon pesemelov ep? obtarnedl clan a a Ce te value ef 4 which +P raneconee voit € ca (stnalin) . ee colons € Is Teak , Oe re amounts to one Folk & Ge nantoenn ee ver fey Perea = edd Aetionines » Gre Lipebe hee 2 preporlemek te — Veo aa) fe be altel Aaivands yagene G fig Telennily « on Oe oturhand | ae freqpennes OF Wo (eee aelaing ) olomne ae repelled emeaad negere 4 Fine intial talomeeg because bre Lepede gene = propane to Fe. Tie Aipeba free | ot Rotate resenranck wee, . Ung 2 2 _ os 4 = th Lege 2 = PE Eee Gey ehh ? Tr << Seat hide “har @ — menimiun for ena é) cating alana Oy manipbilion of flOeal fore &) wwe sealing fre > vee cook Lome Loun paimesley Law “Gmperatins a] bevngins ten almost Ae eembien tondiliens alone and moekes move eB ghee of cont sooo me ve andom AeieclZone 2 Cinperiliies ae two 270°C be shee ate ae order of lOO m/s - Onky € Cmperalinee Loe | -artare) Loco be moti ef Alaa — slee dnun — seepeefucnliy. Tee ial idtea of slaving ebmen eee abame & based mm be Dobpln a fedl, hee potest 5 Hdinsee and Schawlow um (9F5- te eegiie ein ef me GBS tee owns ta Rayeng oo me fem oe ae lh tite ewrdy hag feoqponcies (blue shee) Coa) te Oe Doren ee On be Otwrhaend, an aba soviney jn Oe Aielin 4 beam pebegter weil empercemee svete Cswardy Lower fey Cred shaft). H Ln be baer frye vy Cane slight oer oe ee ON ae see? prdensincnt abso gestion when ib moves argue laser beam prepeglay « see abseeplin coun stows ele Oke alo = down accardeing cor Upon conoewalior. One Oe More > exeile ae eat ecerBielly pe-emit i encetalnn energy 4 spontantows emimten , which a weatlone preee and dow not feoes met pedicle dinlon, Lon tends tre Lace «url Lose velo

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