Assignment: - The Top 7 Management Tips From Harvard Business

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. The Top 7 Management Tips From Harvard Business

1 Get through your to-do list . To work efficiently get three things done before noon . It gives a feeling of winning
a game. 2nd is break the projects into parts and try to put bigger pieces at the beginning because at the end you
may lose your steam. Try to do similar tasks together .

2 Pretend that you have what you want . Because factors like fear , overthinking hinder your progress. Just act
and don’t overthink about the future consequences . Overthinking is your worst demon.

3 Prioritize value over volume , multitasking is not as good as it seems because you are not able to pay your
attention fully . Single tasking is slow but it will result in more fruitful outcomes. Focus on those tasks first that
truly matter . Prioritize your to do list accordingly .

4 Keep track of your activities . Reflect on your failures and outcomes

5 Stop making excuses . Believe in yourself .

6 Try to lookup for the upcoming problems by putting yourself into these situations

7 Try to act like a leader and develop qualities like organization analysis, empathy to others etc.

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