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Emergency Test in case S2-F27

of Basic First Aid Treatment Version 2

This document and the information it contains are property of Enova and confidential. They shall not be reproduced nor disclosed to any person except to those having a need to know them without
prior written consent of the HSEQ Manager of Enova.

Emergency Test in case of Basic First Aid Treatment

Contract: Site:

Tested person : Controller:

designation: Date:

Resources needed:
The tested employee shall be certified First Aider.
Site manager/supervisor/HSEQ officer as controller of the emergency test.

One Technician passed out while working outdoor during summertime.
The tested technician/employee is a colleague of the one who passed out. He was working with the casualty at the time of the accident or discovered the
victim laying on the floor.

SN Check points
Yes No NA Comments
Starting time:

Has the technician given alert and asked for some help? (Call security, HSE Officer, Site Incharge,location,
what happen, …)

2 Has the technician checked the conciousness of the victim?

3 If the victim is not conscious, has he checked if the victim is still breathing?

4 If the victim is still breathing, has he placed the casualty in safe body posture (i.e. laying on the side)?

5 if the casualty doesn't breathe, has he started CPR?Is he able to perform a proper CPR?

If applicable, has the technician moved the casualty few meters away to prevent the situation from getting

Has he checked the body of the victim to figure out if the victim suffers from any possible injury: Head,
Neck, Back, Chect, Hands, Fingers, Legs, feet?

8 In case of wound, has he provided first aid using the closest first aid box?

9 In case of serious bleeding, does the technician know how to properly slow down the bleeding?

10 If required, has the technician called an ambulance?

Ending time:

(number of YES/ number of check points) result in % =

Note: The controller should take opportunity of the test to check condition and content of the firat aid box
If any No is recorded in the assessment, preventive/corrective action(s) must be undertaken and recorded in the below table and the HSEEQ action plan for
Action Plan: follow up

Ref Action selected Why? (result expected) Who When

Technician sign off: Site manager sign off: Controller sign off:

1/2 IT form is always the official one
Emergency Test in case S2-F27
of Basic First Aid Treatment Version 2

2/2 IT form is always the official one

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