Christian Living 9

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Universidad de Sta.

San Agustin, Pili, Camarines Sur
S/Y 2020-2021


Kassandra F. Cerino

November 15, 2020

Gospel Reading: “ For to every one that hath shall be
given, and he shall abound ; but from him that hath
not; that also which he seemeth to have shall be taken
away. “ Matthew 25: 14-30
Gospel Reflection:
The message of the gospel is all about giving and
sacrifing things without any doubt and regret.

To live the Christian character in this gospel all we need
to do is the trust we will give to our self and trust we
will giving to others wholeheartedly. In that way we will
do such things without any regret in our whole life.

NOVEMEBER 22, 2020

Gospel Reading: “ Amen I say to you, as long as you did it not
to one of these least, neither did you do it to me. And these
shall go into everlasting punishment ; but the just, into life
everything. “ Matthew 25 : 31-36
Gospel Reflection :
The message of the Gospel is all about people doing
sinful thing. Those thing might forgive. But never
forget. Always remember that even we forgiven there
is a punishment and consequences in every actions
we does. But that consequences and punishment will
taught us the lesson we need.

To live the Christian Character in gospel is all we need to do
is to learn forgive people. Don’t do the things thrydid to
you. Just forgive them and let God give them the right
consequence they need to do to learn things.

NOVEMBER 29, 2020

Gospel Reading: “ The God blessed the seventh day and make
it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of creating
that he had done.” Genesis 2:3
Gospel Reflection :
The message of the Gospel is all about we need to do is to
follow and considered that seventh day is a holy day ; wherein
God done and create humans, Earth, animals and etc.

To live the Christian Character in gospel is all we need to do
is remind it with your head and heart that Sunday or the
seventh day god done to created us is holy. That way we
will make a simple thing to respect God.
DECEMBER 6, 2020
Gospel Reading: “ After me comes the one more powerful
than I, straps of whole sandals I am not worthy to stoop down
and untie. I baptized you with water, but he will baptize you
with the Holy Spirit. “ Mark 1 :7-8
Gospel Reflection :
The message of the gospel is all about Baptizing. People
baptized with water but god baptize us with the Holy Spirit.

To live the Christian Character in gospel is all we need to do
especially catholic do the seven sacramental especially the
first one the Baptism.

DECEMBER 13, 2020

Gospel Reading: “ The stand among you – unknown to you –
the one who is coming after me. “ John 1 : 6-8, 19-28
Gospel Reflection :
The message of the Gospel is all about celebrating our joy in
Christ who. Because flesh, making his dwelling among us out if
love. He bring us good news.

To live the Christian character in line with the Gospel is all we
need to is to celebrate our joy with Christ. Giving us the good

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