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Gordon’s Functional Health Pattern

Health Perception Pattern

My patient describes his self as unhealthy. To him, to keep healthy he must
follow the entire doctor’s order or nurse’s advice. He doesn’t smoke but he drinks
alcohol, he considered that drinking alcohol is the reason or cause of his illness. The
action he took before the hospitalization, he exercise daily and eats meats and
vegetables therefore he gains more weight, but when hospitalized, we lost weight and
result to DM.

Nutritional and Metabolic Pattern

Before my patient hospitalized, he eats more meats and less vegetables,
therefore he gain weight and usually he take vitamins. And another, his appetite is in
good condition, no food allergies and no eating discomfort. His skin is in good condition
and no dryness and lesion. His teeth are incomplete; he lost two teeth in both up and
down. But when hospitalized, he lost weight and his bodies become slim. His appetite is
poor and when there’s a presence of lesion, it heals for a long day.

Elimination Pattern
The patient defecate every other day and no difficulty in urinating and
defecating. His urine color is yellow and no excessive perspiration.

Activity- Exercise Pattern

Before hospitalization, the patient can do sit- ups and has sufficient energy for
completing activity and he do this as long as he can, but when hospitalized, his body
become weak and he can only do as his exercise is walking not exceed in five minutes.

Sleep- Rest Pattern

Before the patient was hospitalized, he sleeps after watching television and
during hospitalization the patient still sleep and no problem nor difficulty in falling
asleep. He always takes nap every afternoon.

Cognitive- Perceptual Pattern

The patient has no difficulty in hearing. His both eyes can not read small letter
therefore he used reading glasses with grade of one hundred on both eyes. He can not
recall his last check- up.

Self- Perception and Self- Concept Pattern

The patient describes his self as shy. He always feels good and no problems.
Before the patient hospitalized, he has a large hips and more fats in the body, but when
hospitalized, he lost weight and become slim. He will get angry when somebody touches
or get his things without permission, and it will reduces by talking to him and telling
some stories.
Role Relationship Pattern
The patient lived with his son. Their family handles problems by having
conference or talking to each other. He has a lot of friends. He doesn’t have any
problem in his children or handling it.

Coping- Stress Pattern

The patient talk with the family when they have problems and the best way is
they find or look for a good solution. During hospitalization, the patient always talks to
his son.

Values- Belief Pattern

The patient is a religious person and he is a Born Again, more often, he usually
read Bible as his hobbies and he believe that he will be healed in the help of prayer.

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