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1. Rohit is trying to read all the three books in the series before summer ___________________ .
(A) ended
(B) will have ended
(C) ends
(D) will end

2. The biggest problem with your garden _________ too many weeds.
(A)will have been
(B) were
(C) will have

3. The noise from the vehicles _________ louder as the morning progresses.
(B) get
(C) have gotten
(D)are getting
4. The woman who confronted the owner of the old dog _________ angry.
(B) will
(C) were

5. They were honoured for rescuing the child who __________ into a pond.
(A)would fall
(B) has fallen
(C) would have fallen
(D)had fallen

6. By the time the guests arrive, it _______________ raining.

(A)will be stopped
(B) had stopped
(C) will have been stopped
(D)will have stopped
7. The accused _________ a lie before the judge and later apologised for it.
(B) had told
(C) had telling
(D)was told

8. Whenever I _________ something important he comes and starts singing.

(A)have done
(B) do
(C) have been doing
(D)am doing

9. The final match ___________ when it began to rain.

(B) had started
(D)has started
10. They will make an announcement when the order _________ ready.
(A)has been
(B) will be
(C) is

11. Some of the guests had been dancing since the party ___________ .
(A)had begun
(B) begun
(C) was begun

12. Kamal and his parents _________ a comedy movie at 7PM yesterday.
(B) had been watching
(C) had watched
(D)were watching
13. The price of petrol ______________ by 15% over the past years.
(A)has risen
(B) has been rising
(C) rises
(D)is rising

14. I, with my friends, ___________ for a walk every day since last month.
(B) am going
(C) go
(D)have been going

15. We ___________ these doubts since the very beginning of the course.
(A)have been having
(B) had
(C) are having
(D)have had
16. The company is in the red and _________ funds just for 2 more months.
(A)is having
(B) has
(C) has had

17. My uncle who is a scientist ___________ a man of word all his life.
(B) has been
(C) is
(D)has had

18. Your brother ___________ movies on TV; his eyesight will get weak.
(A)always watches
(B) is watching
(C) is always watching
(D)has watched
19. Some people still believe that the construction _________ next year.
(A)will have finished
(B) will be finished
(C) will have been finished
(D)will be finishing

20. It is no use going there now; Mohan and Sohan _________ for the city.
(A)will be leaving
(B) will leave
(C) will have been leaving
(D)will have left

21. The person who stole the car of the minister ___________ from Noida.
(A)will be arrested
(B) has been arrested
(C) was arrested
(D)had been arrested
22. Mohan’s father told him that a rolling stone ___________ no moss.
(A) gathers
(B) will gather
(C) gathered
(D)has gathered

23. The council ___________ that decision since they had no alternative.
(A)have taken
(C) have been taking
(D)are taking

24. She _________ any reply to our previous communication from him yet.
(A)did not receive
(B) does not receive
(C) will not receive
(D)have not received
25. There ___________ some remarkable improvement in the last 5 years.
(B) has been
(C) is
(D)had been

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