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Restricted ankle
dorsiflexion: methods
to assess and improve
joint function
By Louis Howe, MSc, BSc (Hons), ASCC

The presentation of compensatory movement strategies during a high load
environment has been suggested as a potential risk factor for numerous lower
extremity injuries. Deficiencies in ankle dorsiflexion range of motion may restrict
movement pathways, potentially causing proximal compensation and, in turn,
excessive stress to active and passive tissues. This article will discuss evidence
surrounding the influence of a hypomobile ankle joint on lower extremity function,
as well as methods to assess and improve ankle mechanics and subsequent
movement patterns.


Louis has been coaching elite
During high load sporting situations, to local motor control deficiencies. level athletes for over seven
excessive motion at the hip joint in Fundamentally, reduced function within years, previously working
the frontal and transverse plane stabilising muscles around the hip may for one of London’s top
may compromise the integrity of be caused by an underlying deficiency in universities. He is currently
various structures within the lower mobility elsewhere in the lower extremity. a lecturer in strength and
extremity.15,21,27,55,61 The ability of the Limited ankle dorsiflexion range of conditioning at St Mary’s
neuromuscular system to prevent these motion (ROM) has been shown to impede University, London, teaching
motions from occurring is crucial in normal movement pathways, therefore on the undergraduate
avoiding injury. When compensatory necessitating various CMS to allow for the programme. Alongside this
movement strategies (CMS) within the completion of functional activities.41,43,53 role, Louis provides strength
lower extremity are present, changes in and conditioning services
normal hip muscle recruitment patterns It is, therefore, the aim of this article to a group of international
have been observed. Reductions in gluteal to describe ankle function, and the track and field athletes.
muscle strength,32 activation11,25,31,56,72 influences it possess on knee and hip Academically, Louis recently
and delayed onset of activation10 are all mechanics. This discussion will provide completed his MSc in sports
associated with poor dynamic alignment coaches with an understanding for the rehabilitation.
during functional activities. This synergistic relationship between the ankle
occurrence has led to localised exercise- and proximal joint segments. Tools for
based interventions being suggested in assessing ankle dorsiflexion ROM will be
order to correct dysfunctions.57 discussed. Finally, the CMS derived from
ankle hypomobility will be presented,
However, recent research indicates that alongside methods to enhance lower
CMS may not be exclusively attributed extremity function.

P R O F E SS I O N A L S T R E N GT H & C O N D I T I O N I N G / W W W. U K S CA . O R G . U K 07

‘This evidence Compensatory movement strategies a landing task, the same CMS may present
as an aggressive jarring strategy with
highlights the Locally, a lack of ankle dorsiflexion ROM
presents as a risk factor for common sports
reduced knee flexion angles during force
acceptance.16 In this instance, the knee joint
injuries such as achilles tendinopathy, ankle will display a quadriceps dominant CMS,
soleus muscle sprains, and tibial stress fractures.54 Research associated with anterior cruciate ligament
also indicates an association with proximal injury.27
as the primary injuries such as hamstring strains,17 patella
tendinopathy,2 anterior knee pain45 and
limiting factor anterior cruciate ligament injury.70 Although Potential limitations to ankle
the exact relationship between a loss of ankle dorsiflexion
to ankle dorsiflexion ROM and injury occurrence
is unclear, theoretical models have been During level-ground gait, 10-20° of ankle
dorsiflexion proposed based on the development of CMS
caused by ankle hypomobility.
dorsiflexion is a prerequisite for ideal
mechanics within the lower extremity.51
ROM during During normal weight-bearing activities,
This requirement increases during running,
with up to 30° being desirable.51 During full
pronation of the lower extremity is ROM squatting, normative data for ankle
movement required for the dissipation of forces dorsiflexion has not yet been established.38
during closed chain movements. Calcaneal However, Hemmerich et al27 found
patterns eversion initiates pronation, causing the dorsiflexion angles of 39 ± 6° were required
talus to plantar flex and adduct.63,65,66 As a to maintain the foot complex against a
involving knee consequence, the tibia and subsequently
the femur are guided into internal rotation,63
flat surface. It is therefore likely that many
athletes must possess approximately 40°
flexion’ encouraging gluteal activation.56 This tri-
planar kinematic sequence is functionally
of ankle dorsiflexion ROM during weight-
bearing tasks in order to optimally complete
essential in order to load the neuromuscular the necessary movement patterns of their
system in preparation for propulsion. sport.

When an athlete lacks sufficient ankle Muscles located posteriorly to the talocrural
dorsiflexion, excessive pronation of the joint axis of rotation act either as a primary
foot complex may be necessary in order to or secondary plantar flexor.50 Therefore,
compensate. This strategy causes a reduced reduced extensibility of the gastrocnemius
structural congruency of the talonavicular and soleus complex may present as the main
and calcaneocuboid joints (composing the culprit in preventing ankle dorsiflexion
midtarsal joint), facilitating compensatory ROM.22 However, the gastrocnemius and
dorsiflexion at the midfoot and permitting soleus muscles differ in their articular
the tibia to continue its forward characterisation. As such, the biarticular
trajectory.63,65,66 This is visually demonstrated gastrocnemius muscle is a knee flexor and
as a collapse of the medial longitudinal ankle plantar flexor.50 During activities
arch. A strong contraction of the gluteals demanding concomitant ankle dorsiflexion
in this instance would be inhibited to allow and knee flexion (ie, squatting), the
for the femur and consequently the tibia to gastrocnemius insertion is elongated distally
internally rotate, encouraging the knee joint while the origin is shortened proximally. This
to displace medially relative to the fixed foot. scenario leads to limited change in length,60
This CMS permits sagittal plane motion to rendering the gastrocnemius incapable of
take place around the oblique axis of the limiting ankle dorsiflexion ROM during
midtarsal joint.64 Research has supported movements requiring simultaneous knee
this theoretical model in subjects with ankle flexion. This evidence highlights the soleus
dorsiflexion restriction, demonstrating muscle as the primary limiting factor to
increased knee valgus angles secondary to ankle dorsiflexion ROM during movement
poor proximal control.43,53 patterns involving knee flexion.

Where a pronation strategy is not adopted, Limited ankle dorsiflexion may also result
athletes who lack ankle dorsiflexion will not from a lack of arthrokinematic motion at
be able to achieve acceptable knee flexion the talocrural joint.13 For the ankle joint to
angles during closed chain activities. If the dorsiflex, the talus must glide in a posterior
constraints of the movement task allow, this direction relative to the mortise to avoid
may cause an increased hinge at the hip impinging anteriorly.39 Posterior glide of
joint producing a forward lean of the trunk. the talus has been shown to be limited in
When performing movements in a high load individuals with an anterior positional fault of
environment, the spine will be compelled to the talus, secondary to a history of injury at the
withstand excessive lumbar forces.60 During ankle joint.70 This positional fault is produced

08 P R O F E SS I O N A L S T R E N GT H & C O N D I T I O N I N G / W W W. U K S CA . O R G . U K

Figure 1. (left image)

The weight-bearing lunge test.
Athletes stand facing a bare wall,
with the tested foot positioned
closest to the wall. The second
toe, centre of the calcaneus
and centre of the patella are
all aligned perpendicular to
the wall and remain within this
plane throughout the test. The
subject places their non-testing
leg behind them so as not to
obscure results, with the hands
located on the wall ahead. The
athlete lunges forward until the
front knee contacts the wall.
The heel must remain in contact
with the floor throughout. Upon
successful completion, athletes
are repositioned 1cm further away
from the wall.
A measurement is taken from the
greater toe to the wall from the
last successful effort

Figure 1. (right image)

The modified weight-bearing
lunge test. The modified WBLT
is performed using the same
by the excessive anteriorly capsular laxity involving active stabilising strategies, a setup as the WBLT. However,
caused by the plantar flexion mechanism weight-bearing test is recommended over for gastrocnemius extensibility
associated with a lateral ankle ligament its passive equivalent.69 to be measured, the modified
injury.49 Although much of the research WBLT uses the back leg for
identifying altered ankle arthrokinematics One method that has been suggested is assessment. The athlete assumes
has used previously injured athletes, joint the weight-bearing lunge test (WBLT) the lunge position, with the
mobilisations have been suggested for any (Figure 1).4,27,34,37,52 When investigating the front foot against the wall so as
individual demonstrating a hypomobile WBLT, Bennell et al4 reported a standard to prevent obscuring results. It
ankle joint.39 As such, interventions aimed error of measurement of 0.4 centimetres is recommended that to start,
at improving accessory ankle joint motion (cm), with a strong inter-tester and the testing leg is placed one
in asymptomatic populations have shown intersession reliability, and intra-class foot and a half length away
immediate increases in ankle dorsiflexion correlation coefficients of 0.97-0.99. from the wall. The testing leg
ROM.23,67 Relationships have been established is positioned so that the heel
between ankle dorsiflexion ROM during makes contact with the ground,
the WBLT, and the performance of both a and the knee is extended. The
Methods to assess ankle dorsiflexion unilateral29 and bilateral14 squat variation, athlete then attempts to lunge
range of motion demonstrating its practical relevance. Due forward until the front knee
to anthropometric differences it is unlikely makes contact with the wall. Upon
When assessing ankle dorsiflexion ROM in that a gold standard exists; however, scores successful completion, the athlete
an isolated fashion, both weight-bearing4 of 9.5–14 cm have been recorded in healthy repositions the back leg 1cm
and non-weight-bearing62 techniques are individuals.4,28,37 further away from the wall. This is
available to coaches. However, Whitting et continued until they can no longer
al69 established a poor correlation between As previously discussed, with movement attain a touch with the knee of the
weight-bearing and non-weight-bearing tasks demanding a flexed knee it is front leg. From the last successful
tests (r2=0.18), with non-weight-bearing unlikely that the biarticular gastrocnemius effort a measurement is taken
tests underestimating functional capacity. muscle provides a limitation to ankle from the greater toe of the back
The authors suggest the two assessments dorsiflexion ROM. As such, gastrocnemius leg, to the wall
may describe separate aspects of ankle extensibility is not measured during the
dorsiflexion mobility; non-weight-bearing WBLT. A modified version of the WBLT
tests representing passive stiffness and may accurately assess the gastrocnemius’
weight-bearing tests indicating contractile contribution to restricted ankle dorsiflexion
and non-contractile tissue extensibility.69 ROM, if deemed necessary (see Figure 2). To
Therefore, when correlating ankle the author’s knowledge, this assessment has
dorsiflexion ROM with functional activities not been validated within the literature, and

P R O F E SS I O N A L S T R E N GT H & C O N D I T I O N I N G / W W W. U K S CA . O R G . U K 09

therefore is proposed only from a theoretical Balance Test (SEBT) with an anterior
basis. It should be noted, if looking to identify reach,29 CMS may be identified in athletes
limited ankle dorsiflexion as cause for the possessing limited ankle dorsiflexion
CMS previously discussed in this article, the ROM. In theory, the distance the knee can
modified WBLT may be inappropriate and travel over the greater toe during the WBLT
therefore coaches should employ the WBLT. should be replicated during the SEBT with
an anterior reach. By employing both a
The preferred movement strategy during WBLT, providing four points of stability, and
functional tasks should also be considered the SEBT, offering just one point of stability,
by coaches conducting screens. It is possible coaches can distinguish between a true
that in an isolated assessment such as the restriction within the ankle complex and
WBLT, sufficient ankle dorsiflexion may be the inability to control the available ROM
present. Yet during integrated movement during single-leg activities.
patterns (ie, squatting variations), this
ROM may not be used as the primary Lastly, as motor control strategies for low
strategy. Athletes may instead choose to and high load situations are modulated
initiate movement with a CMS, such as the by separate higher processes within the
pronation strategy previously discussed, in central nervous system,30 it is suggested
order to gain added stability via overactive that both low and high load assessments be
global mobilisers and passive structures. incorporated.47 This may allow for coaches
In this case, a mobility intervention would to identify stabilisation discrepancies
not prove successful. Instead, exercises that in either environment, leading to more
provide a neuromuscular education process effective programme design. If only low
may achieve a more desirable outcome as the load assessments are used (ie, SEBT with
athlete learns to control ankle dorsiflexion an anterior reach), coaches will not gain
motion whilst minimising CMS. an appreciation of how an athlete chooses
to cope during a high load environment
In order to make this distinction, a (ie, landing from a hop) on the restricted
dynamic assessment that requires full leg. Without the identification of high load
ankle dorsiflexion should be employed. By CMS, the re-training process may prove
including tests such as the Star Excursion unsuccessful for many athletes.

Figure 3. Example of
static stretch position for
gastrocnemius (left image) and
soleus (right image) muscles

10 P R O F E SS I O N A L S T R E N GT H & C O N D I T I O N I N G / W W W. U K S CA . O R G . U K

Methods to increase ankle dorsiflexion Figure 4. Example of self-

range of motion massage technique for the
gastroc-soleus complex. Athletes
Once a thorough assessment has been assume a seated position on a
completed and the tissue responsible for chair, with one knee flexed to
causing the restriction has been identified, 90° and the ankle slightly plantar
coaches must select the appropriate tool in flexed using a heel support.
order to correct the deficiency. If myofascial Flexing forward, the athlete
restrictions are detected on assessment, massages the myofascial tissue
techniques such as proprioceptive using a roller massager. Halperin
neuromuscular facilitation59 and static et al24 showed positive results
stretching18,19,33,58,71 have all shown positive using a cadence of one second to
results in increasing ankle dorsiflexion roll the length of the calf, for 30
ROM. Depending on the findings within seconds for three sets. Intensity
the assessment, either a straight or bent- was maintained at 7/10 using the
knee position may be used in order to target rate of perceived pain24
the gastrocnemius or soleus respectively
(Figure 3).

Similarly, self-massage may also be employed

to increase ankle dorsiflexion ROM. Using
the technique demonstrated in Figure 4,
Halperin et al24 identified similar gains in
ankle dorsiflexion ROM when compared to the S&C coach, self-mobilisations when
a static stretching intervention. Interestingly, prescribed appropriately have been
differences were found in the force recommended.9 Mobilisations are classified
production capacity of the plantar flexors, by grades I to IV depending on their
with only static stretching demonstrating treatment movements (Table 1). Cosby and
short-term reductions in force development.24 Grindstaff9 suggest self-mobilisations be
These results indicate that if acute increases completed to an equivalent grade III or IV
in ankle dorsiflexion are targeted prior mobilisation.
to training or competition, self-massage
is a more attractive modality to prevent Recently, prescribing joint self-mobilisation
compromising performance qualities. has grown in popularity within the strength
and conditioning community. Coaches
For subjects who lack the vital posterior should note that not all individuals are
glide of the talus during ankle dorsiflexion, candidates for joint mobilisation. Table 2
mobilisation techniques suggested by (on next page) provides an exclusion
Mulligan48 have been shown to correct criterion. It is imperative that coaches are
pathomechanics, leading to immediate fully aware of their athlete’s circumstances
increases in ankle dorsiflexion ROM.5 before advocating joint self-mobilisations.
Although much of the literature on The authors of this article recommend that
mobilisations has used injured athletes,5,12,20 all athletes should be screened by a medical
Vicenzino et al67 and Guo et al23 both practitioner prior to joint mobilisation
demonstrated statistically significant prescription.
increases in ankle dorsiflexion ROM
in healthy subjects. Changes following In some cases, self-mobilisations may prove
mobilisations aimed at improving the ineffective for athletes with myofascial
athrokinematics of the joint may go beyond restrictions limiting ankle dorsiflexion.
correcting positional faults. Maitland42 Myofascial and articular restrictions may be
suggests modifications in sensorimotor differentiated by the sensations an athlete
function may also occur, with stimulation experiences during the WBLT.22 If tightness
of mechanoreceptors located in the joint is felt along the posterior surface of the lower
capsule and ligamentous tissue. This
excitation is proposed to increase afferent
information being transmitted to the Table 1: Classification system for mobilisations techniques1
medulla leading to central adaptations.42 GRADE DESCRIPTION
Köhne et al36 supported this suggestion,
establishing enhanced proprioception I Small-amplitude performed at the beginning of the ROM
following mobilisations. II Large-amplitude performed within the mid-ROM
III Large-amplitude performed up to the limit of the ROM
Although hands-on manual therapy
techniques are beyond the practice of IV Small-amplitude performed at the very end of the ROM

P R O F E SS I O N A L S T R E N GT H & C O N D I T I O N I N G / W W W. U K S CA . O R G . U K 11

determine which one achieves the best

Table 2: Exclusion criteria. Individuals who possess any of the following
results. As with all techniques aimed at
characteristics or pathologies should not be prescribed self-mobilisations1
improving joint mobility, it is important
EXCLUSION CRITERIA to record quantitative changes. Strength
and conditioning coaches should be sure
Acute inflammation to test pre and post-intervention. This will
Osteoporosis help determine which method achieves the
Advanced osteoarthritis greatest increase in ankle dorsiflexion ROM.
Premature stressing of surgical structures Reducing compensatory movement
Congenital bone deformities strategies
Rheumatoid arthritis
It is beyond the scope of this article to
present all principles that provide the
Confirmed or suspected bone fractures foundation for designing and implementing
Neurological or vascular signs a neuromuscular re-education programme
leading to the reduction in CMS. However,
leg, it is likely that the soleus complex is the in this section certain components of a
culprit. Conversely if the athlete describes neuromuscular re-education programme
Figure 5. Examples of self- a pinching at the anterior aspect of the will be highlighted. For further information,
mobilisations aimed at improving talocrural joint associated with an anterior readers are referred to texts by Comerford
ankle dorsiflexion ROM. Athletes impingement, then self-mobilisations are and Mottram,7 Cook et al,8 and McGill.43
should assume a similar setup to indicated.22
the WBLT, using support where Until ankle mobility has been achieved,
necessary to maximise stability. Figure 5 demonstrates a number of CMS identified during a screening process
Two techniques may be employed self-mobilisations to improve the are likely to remain. Any CMS driven
in order to facilitate posterior arthrokinematics of the ankle joint. It is from a loss of ankle dorsiflexion is in
glide of the talus relative to the likely that an athlete’s response will vary actuality a functional response, allowing
ankle mortise. Both techniques depending on each mobilisation, and for the completion of athletic activities.8
require either a band, or a strap therefore it is recommended that an athlete Therefore, attempts to remove CMS without
secured against a fixed pole. practise numerous techniques in order to an intervention to improve mobility will
Firstly, with a band positioned
over the anterior aspect of the
ankle joint, an anteroposterior
glide can be achieved on the talus
relative to the distal tibia and
fibula (top left). This mobilisation
can be enhanced by slightly
elevating the heel, preventing the
band from slipping superiorly
off of the talus (bottom left).
Alternatively, with a band placed
around the posterior surface of
the distal leg, a posteroanterior
glide to the tibia and fibula
assists the tibia and fibula to
move anteriorly on a fixed talus
(top right). In order to prevent
compensatory dorsiflexion from
the midtarsal joints, the calcaneus
can be inverted by slightly
elevating the medial aspect of
the heel and the first metatarsal
(bottom right). With either
technique, athletes are suggested
to move in and out of end range
using the equivalent of either
a grade III or IV mobilisation,
remaining pain-free throughout.9
Cosby et al9 recommends 2–3
sets of 30–60 seconds using slow

12 P R O F E SS I O N A L S T R E N GT H & C O N D I T I O N I N G / W W W. U K S CA . O R G . U K

inevitably fail. Conversely, gains in mobility Figure 6. Weight-bearing lunge

do not automatically lead to reductions in with foot elevation. This exercise
CMS.46 As increases in mobility are achieved, uses Reactive Neuromuscular
efforts should be made to integrate the new Training8 in order to educate the
ROM into functional activities. Therefore, athlete to preferentially adopt an
interventions aimed at improving ankle ankle dorsiflexion strategy as an
mobility and reducing CMS should follow alternative for a pronation strategy.
a concurrent model with all qualities being The band provides a moderate knee
developed simultaneously. This approach valgus moment. The anti-pronators
has been shown to reduce CMS in as little are in turn stimulated in order to
as two weeks.3 overcome this moment, while full
ankle dorsiflexion ROM is produced.
As the athlete acquires sufficient ankle This technique may also be used in
dorsiflexion ROM, less time should be spent more complex movement tasks
using mobility techniques. Stabilisation
training should now be the main focus,
with athletes learning to control the
additional ankle mobility dynamically
while minimising unnecessary CMS
throughout the lower extremity. The goal is
to re-integrate mobility gains into numerous
lower extremity movement patterns,
preventing the CMS identified during
the screening process. When a particular
CMS has been identified, athletes should
be challenged to resist the dysfunctional
motion, while utilising an ankle dorsiflexion
movement strategy. Figure 6 provides an
example exercise for this strategy.

In order to avoid excessive co-contraction Conclusion

patterns inhibiting full ROM, exercises
aimed at improving movement pathways It was the objective of this article to present
should start in a stable environment and
progress through gradual reductions in
the influence that ankle dorsiflexion exerts
on proximal joint segments. Increased assessing ankle
stability. A simple example of this would be pronation of the foot complex or excessive
to start with bilateral squats, progressing flexion at the hip and trunk may occur as a dorsiflexion
to unilateral variations. In deciding when result of ankle hypomobility, depending on
to progress, coaches should repeatedly the constraints of the movement task. In ROM, weight-
observe similar ankle dorsiflexion angles, each case, a rise in injury risk to numerous
to what is demonstrated during the WBLT active and passive tissues throughout the bearing
(representing functional capacity). This will lower extremity may occur.
indicate that the athlete is able to control
their available ROM. When assessing ankle dorsiflexion ROM,
It is important to note that at no point during
weight-bearing assessments
coaches with greater understanding
provide coaches
the re-training process should strength
qualities be ignored. In order to safely
regarding the capacity for active and
passive components to restrict ROM. with greater
perform within a high load environment, it Alongside the WBLT, it is recommended
is imperative that an athlete is sufficiently that coaches attempt to identify an athlete’s understanding
prepared to cope with the high force profiles preferred movement strategy during an
associated with various athletic movements. integrated movement task demanding regarding
Compensatory movement strategies are not high levels of ankle dorsiflexion ROM.
exclusively caused by mobility restrictions,
and may present during high load
Mobility and exercise-based interventions
may then be designed based on the results
the capacity
movement tasks when an athlete is unable
to control the accompanying joint moments.
of these assessments. For simultaneous
improvements in ankle ROM and reductions
for active
It is therefore recommended that coaches
maintain all necessary training methods
in associated CMS, a concurrent approach
should be employed, to remove myofascial and passive
throughout a neuromuscular re-education or articular restrictions, facilitate stabilising
programme, as long as problematic CMS capacity, and improve all essential strength components to
are not present and do not interfere with the qualities in order to tolerate high load
re-training process. environments. restrict ROM’

P R O F E SS I O N A L S T R E N GT H & C O N D I T I O N I N G / W W W. U K S CA . O R G . U K 13

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