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Closed loop controlled optical tracking module for free-space optical

S. Malak1 , J.B. Lamour2 , E. Dupont1 , H. Al Hajjar1 , M.U. Khan1 , G. Nourdin3 , C. Prelle1 ,
F. Lamarque1 and B. Fracasso3

Abstract— In this paper, a closed loop controlled optical tra- safety. This corresponds to the mW range for class 1 lasers
cking module for free-space optical communication is presented. used in the 1300-1550 nm telecom infrared window.
The motion of the optical tracking module is achieved using a For a mobile system communication with narrow (and
pan-tilt mechanical platform driven by two servomotors. The
optical tracking module consists of optical elements including hence high bitrates) beams, a tracking module is mandatory
beamsplitters and quadrant photodiodes to extract the angular to maintain LOS between the transmitter and the receiver.
parameters of the incident wave. Optical as well as dynamic Several methods were developed over the years to localize
modeling is performed to confirm the tracking functionality of and track a mobile target in a real time application. Classical
the system. Furthermore, to validate the concept, experimenta- radio frequency based systems are commonly used to localize
tion has been carried out by placing a laser emission module
in-front of a fixed optical tracking module. The laser was moved and track a mobile robot. In [5], a relative robot tracking
in free-space with the help of a mechanical structure and the method is proposed, by applying triangulation and radio
successful tracking of the optical tracking module has been signal strength (RSS) technique. The robots communicate
observed. by transmitting and receiving radio signal messages between
them. Depending on the RSS value, the distance between two
I. I NTRODUCTION robots can be estimated using trigonometric computations, in
In many video assisted or augmented reality applications, a range of 5 to 10 cm, which may be too coarse to mutually
real-time communication between independent mobile robots point to narrow-beam terminals. Visible light communication
or drones generates a huge amount of data through high- (VLC) system can be used to locate and track a mobile
resolution sensors such as high-definition cameras. This kind robot in indoor positioning applications. A photo-detector
of scenario, whereby a mobile terminal needs to transmit integrated on the robot receives the signal transmitted by light
very high speed data (up to several Gigabit/second, Gbps) to emitting diodes (LEDs) deployed in known positions of the
another robot or to a base station, is particularly useful for environment. Kazikli et al. [6] measure the time difference
real-time recognition of buildings or landscape in the military of arrival (TDOA) and received signal strength in order to
or humanitarian context. The increasing bandwidth demand estimate the receivers position in a range of 5-10 m. An other
for wireless communications with embedded terminals has approach to localize and track a mobile robot is proposed in
led researchers to study Optical Wireless Communication [7], [8], using an optical remote system, whereby a laser
(OWC). When compared to radio-frequency communication source scans the surface using a steering mirror, in order to
links, OWC presents such advantages as data security, li- find and illuminate the robot. This light beam is then reflected
mited power consumption and immunity to electromagnetic by a corner cube reflector placed onto the robot, to be then
interference [1], [2]. As a major option when high bitrates received by a photodetector. A closed-loop control system
are required, narrow Line-Of-Sight (LOS) laser beams can enables the robot position to be tracked, depending on the
be used in either the visible or the infra-red spectrum [3]. detector feedback parameters.
This technique (referred to as Free-Space Optics, FSO) is So the context of this paper is at the border between digital
commonly deployed in outdoor scenarios such as building-to- communications and intelligent mechatronics. In this frame-
building, ground-to-plane or ground-to-satellite applications work, we address the problem of dynamic and stable physical
[4]. When indoor/in-building communications are conside- FSO link alignment between different mobile autonomous
red, two major constraints arise. Firstly, the necessity for size robots, having random (hence unpredictable) trajectories and
reduction imposes highly compact FSO mobile terminals, whose individual positions cannot be transmitted to each
and secondly, the optical power emission levels in free-space other to manage the overall swarm tracking. An intuitive
should be low to respect the international standards for eye presentation is therefore difficult to make and an attempt
will be made to introduce the different technical terms in a
1 Authors are with Roberval laboratory CNRS, FRE 2012, Sor-
gradual and synthetic way.
bonne universités, Université de Technologie de Compiègne, CS
60319-60203, Compiègne cedex, France. (email:, er-
Automatic alignment of the terminals is achieved by reflex,,, chris- by comparing the angle of arrival at a geometric reference, position, and attempting to cancel the gap between the two.
2 b<>com Institute of reseache and technology, Rennes, 35210, France
We are extending here an initial work based on the use
3 Institut Mines-Télécom Atlantique, Brest, 29238, France (email: of quadrant photo-detectors (QPD) to maintain line-of-sight in OWC links [9]. In a robot fleet, individual terminals
will thus dynamically align their LOS laser communication
beam with the targeted terminal at all times, in a totally
autonomous manner. For simplicity, we have limited here the
configuration to the generic case of two robots. Maintaining
LOS links between two mobile robots requires specific beam
tracking procedures. We propose here a compact OWC
module that maintains the mutual pointing angles between Fig. 1. Relative movement between two OTMs in free space.
bidirectional communicating transceivers that can perform
bidirectional communications.
is used to create a feedback loop procedure based on the
II. O PTICAL T RACKING M ODULE ARCHITECTURE relative detected irradiance levels. The beam emitted by
In addition to its vehicular and control structure, our idea is the OWC transmits data streams on the same path to the
to integrate to a robot/drone a laser communication terminal, first OTM which becomes the reception OTM to make a
comprising three essential modules : (i) a laser emitter for bidirectional link. This type of device is called a mono-static
transmitting the data of the optical communication to the communication terminal.
outside, (ii) an optical receiver for detecting and decoding
data from the robot(s) with which it communicates and
(iii) an Optical Tracking Module (OTM), which permanently
maintains the optical link between the two robots. Indeed, the
dynamic actuator response of the OTM needs to be fast en-
ough to avoid interruption during transmission for the robot
on mission. Hence, the OTM operation greatly relies upon
a suitable beam orientation technology that compensates the Fig. 2. Architecture and principle of the OTM, where the lens is the
relative movements and positions of the emission heads of collecting field lens.
the two robots. This can be performed in the two following
manners. When moderate angular deflections are considered The main reason why we need to use two QPDs is
(i.e., ≤ 10◦ ), a Beam Steering Technique (BST) is a suitable that two parameters have to be tuned to obtain a perfect
solution. The OTM is then fixed on the robot’s structure and alignment of the OTM with the incident beam, and these
an embedded optical deflector (e.g. a galvanometer mirror two parameters cannot be adjusted simultaneously with the
pair, a 3D MEMS mirror or a variable pitch 2D diffraction information provided by a single QPD. More precisely :
grating) [10] is used permanently to correct the position of
the incident beam. However, for large angular deflections 1) The first parameter corresponds to the position (deno-
(i.e., > 10◦ ), BSTs are inoperative due to their small field of ted by T ) of the centroid of the incoming beam relative
view. Alternatively, a Beam Orientation Technique (BOT) to the center of the first lens of the OTM. This first
must be used, where the entire OTM is mobile and can parameter value must be set near to zero, which means
be oriented in the line-of-sight of the robot with which it that the incoming center ray is entering at the center
communicates, and vice versa. of the input lens of the OTM, thus maximizing the
In this work, a BOT approach is adopted with the help of optical link power budget.
a Pan/Tilt module (PT) operated with two servomotors, each 2) The second parameter is related to the angle (denoted
having 0.1◦ angular accuracy over the servomotor angular by θ ) between the incident beam and the optical axis of
range of 0-180 degrees. The principle of this optical tracking the first lens. This second parameter must also be near
module (OTM) is based on the use of the laser beam as both to zero, which means that the incoming ray is parallel
a communication and an angular alignment signal. For this to the optical axis of the OTM. This also contributes
purpose, a part of the incoming signal wave is taken for the to maximize the optical link power budget, with the
angular alignment between two terminals, and then processed help of a dynamic angular correction performed at the
by a pair of Quadrant PhotoDiodes (QPD). The model of the emitter/receiver module.
movement we want to compensate for corresponds to the two
OTMs moving relative to each other with the help of their
respective PT modules in all directions in space (x, y, z) as
shown in Fig. 1.
The working principle of the OTM is shown in Fig. 2. It
consists in taking a small portion (say, 10%) of the beam
emitted by a first OTM to direct it to the two QPDs of the
reception OTM by using beamsplitters (BS). The majority
of the light passes through the BS and is collected by an
emission/reception system devoted to the optical commu- Fig. 3. Schematic description of the ray propagation from the input lens
nication function. The information collected by the QPDs to the two QPDs.
The T and θ parameters are illustrated in Fig. 3. If a single
QPD is placed in the vincinity of the back focal plane of lens
L1 , the device will provide individual voltages proportional
to θ (in both directions). However, a shift on the T parameter
will not be detected, as shown in Fig. 4, in which a translation
of the incident laser beam has no effect on the position of
Fig. 5. Optical simulation of the OTM with Zemax.
the spot onto the QPD, and thus is not detected. In the latter
case, only a decrease in the intensity of the optical power
will be detected (Fig. 4b), until extinction (Fig. 4c). to the radius of the QPD. The estimation of the θ angle and
of the T translation can be estimated using the formulas :
1 x2 + x1
θx = arctan . (1)
f10 2
1 y2 + y1
Fig. 4. Incident laser beam misalignment effect on the QPD with (a) θy = arctan . (2)
centered beam, (b) vertically shifted and (c) vertically shifted and outside. f10 2
x2 + x1 x2 − x1
The proposed solution consists in using two QPDs (deno- Tx = + f10 . (3)
2 ∆Z
ted by QPD1 and QPD2 , see Fig. 5 and Fig. 3) on each side
of the focal point of the first lens, in such a way that both y2 + y1 y2 − y1
Ty = + f10 . (4)
translation and angular informations of the pan-tilt module 2 ∆Z
can be extracted from the incident light beam. Where θx , θy , Tx and Ty are the incident beam angle and
The principle of the estimation of the θ and T values translations in xy-plane, respectively, and x1 , y1 , x2 and y2
form the voltage measured by the two QPDs is described as denote the positions of the light spots focused onto the QPDs.
follows :
- Detection of T and θ : the positioning of each QPDs A. Simplified calculation of θ and T from the QPD voltages
in the OTM means that a single QPD is not dedicated to It is not easy to experimentally determine the θ and T
detect only θ or only T . In fact, both QPDs detect coupled values using equations 1 to 4, as we need to know the exacts
information of θ and T . It is however possible to decouple positions (x1 , y1 , x2 and y2 ) onto the QPDs. Indeed, these
the θ and T values by combining the voltage measured from parameters are not directly accessible on the QPD, as we
both QPDs (see equations 1 to 4). only measure four voltage values proportional to the beam
- Zero detection : to obtain an accurate control and position.
correction of the Pan-Tilt system, we need that θ = 0 and However, as stated above, we do not need the exact values
T = 0. Consequently, it is not necessary to know the exact of θ and T , if we obtain an estimation of θ and T up to a
value of θ or T , but only an estimation of these two values given factor. The aim of the control is to obtain θ = 0 and
up to a given factor. T = 0, which is also true if both parameters are multiplied
with a scalar fixed value.
III. M ODELISATION OF THE OPTICAL CONFIGURATION Another simplification can be made if we consider that
AND GEOMETRIC EQUATIONS the θ angle is small. In the proposed OTM configuration,
the incoming θ angle will be less than ± 5 degrees. The
As shown in Fig. 5, which represents the ray distribution dynamic of the control and tracking of the pan-tilt system
simulation (Zemax model), the incident light beam first will be theoretically sufficient to be lower than this θ value
enters lens. Due the optical characteristics of the first beam (see simulation below).
splitter (BS) used in the optical architecture, a portion of Consequently, if we consider that the angles (i.e., θx and
the light rays (i.e., 10%) is reflected towards the first QPD θy ) are small, then the equations 1 and 2 can be rewritten as
(i.e., denoted by QPD1 ). The rest of the light (i.e., 90%) is follow :
transmitted towards the second BS. Similarly, a small portion 1 x2 + x1
θx = 0 . (5)
(i.e., 10%) of the beam incident to BS2 is reflected towards f1 2
the second QPD (denoted as QPD2 ). The remaining light
1 y2 + y1
power is transmitted through the rest of the system (not θy = . (6)
shown in Fig. 5) and can be used for data communications. f10 2
A schematic description of the ray propagation through the Also, the first QPD measures two differential voltages V x1
two QPDs is provided in Fig. 3, where the two BSs have and V y1 . V x1 (V y1 ) is the subtraction between the voltage
been omitted for greater clarity. The distance between the generated by the left (bottom) and the right (top) quadrant.
lens and QPD1 is equal to f10 − ∆Z2 , and the distance between Moreover V x1 and V y1 are proportional to the distance x1
the lens and QPD2 is f10 + ∆Z2 where ∆Z is defined to ensure and y1 . Similarly, the second QPD measures two differential
the diameter of the beam incident on the QPDs to be equal voltages V x2 and V y2 that can be considered proportional to
the distances x2 and y2 . Therefore, from equation 5 and 6,
we can deduce :

θx ∝ (V x2 +V x1 )
θy ∝ (V y2 +V y1 )

With the ∝ symbol stands for proportional to. Thus, θ

can be estimated (up to a given factor) directly from the Fig. 6. Control block diagram.
voltage values measured through both QPDs by adding them
B. Modelisation of the control model
It is also possible to simplify the estimations of Tx and Ty ,
if we consider that the controller has corrected the orientation The control model has been implemented under the M AT-
of the pan-tilt turret and that the θ value is almost zero. LAB software in order to choose the controller and tune the
Using this assumption, we consider that the turret controller control parameters. The four chosen controllers have a pro-
will first seek to cancel the value of θ , and then the values portional and integration (PI) structure with a second order
of Tx and Ty . Consequently, if we consider that θ ' 0, we integration that allows us to minimize both the static error
can simplify the calculation of Tx and Ty from equation 3 and the following error. For each controller, the proportional
and 4 : parameter is fixed to 15000 and the integration parameter
x2 − x1 is fixed to 2s in order to minimize the response time.
Tx = f10 . (8)
∆Z Several scenario have been simulated in order to evaluate the
robustness of the controller. For each scenario, two OTMs
y2 − y1 (i.e. OTM f and OTMm ) was modeled in order to evaluate
Ty = f10 . (9) de misalignment during the movement. The movement of
OTMm is imposed and simulates the movement of a mobile
With the same reasoning than for θ , we can simplify robot equipped with it. OTM f is based on a fixed place of the
equations 8 and 9 : room (see Fig. 7). The motors rotations, that compensate the
Tx ∝ (V x2 −V x1 ) imposed movement are observed as far as the actual position
(10) of the ray coming from OTM f is not centered.
Ty ∝ (V y2 −V y1 )

In this case, T can be estimated directly from the voltage

values recovered by the QPDs by subtracting their measured
values (up to a given factor and considering that θ is zero).


Fig. 7. Reference space for the three motion scenario.
A. General description of the control model
The general description of the control model is provided 1) First scenario: a translation on the z axis with a sine
in Fig. 6. The model has six main building blocks. The movement is imposed to OTMm with a 5 rad/s frequency and
comparator block delivers a difference between desired input a ±5 degrees magnitude. Fig. 8 shows the imposed rotation
and model output. The error in position estimation of the in blue and beta angle rotation in yellow realized by OTMm
PT is passed to the controller block. The controller block to maintain the orientation. It can be observed that the motor
generates controlled voltage signals corresponding to the is controlled in order to compensate the movement. The
desired pan and tilt angles. The angles generated by the observed errors are the translation error of the ray coming
servomotors are passed to the mechanical block. The rotation from OTM f (eT x and eTy in Fig. 8) and the angle of this
angles are used by the mechanical model to locate the center ray with respect to the optical axis (eθx and eθy in Fig. 8).
and direction vector of the OTM in three dimensional space. The maximum translation error is ± 4 mm and the maximum
The optical model consists of an Optical Ray Projection angle error is 0.023 degrees.
(ORP) model and optical tracking function. With help of 2) Second scenario: a circular movement around z is
this function, the projection point on the entry point of the imposed to OTMm in the XY plane. The diameter of the
OTM is located and passed to the QPD for detection. The circular displacement is 4 m and the rotation speed is 0.2
coordinate (x, y, z) of the OTM’s center is measured by the rad/s. Thus, a full rotation is performed in 31.4 seconds for
QPD model. Two QPDs blocks for each PT have been used a total distance of 12.57 meters, which represents a speed of
to detect angular and translational movement. The coordinate 1.44 km/h. This can be for example a large and rather slow
(x, y, z) delivered by the OTM to the QPD model is converted movement of a mobile robot into a room. OTMm is initially
into a voltage and passed to the PT misalignment estimation at a distance of 10 meters from OTM f and the orientation
model. This model’s output is used to compare the input of the fixed-base of the OTM f is constant.
value as shown in Fig. 6. With the simulation, it is possible to evaluate the alignment
Fig. 8. Result of the first movement scenario.
Fig. 9. Result of the second movement scenario.

error between OTM f and OTMm . The first error that can be
evaluated is the tilt error of the ray coming from OTM f (θ
value of the Fig. 3). This first angular error is negligible
for this simulation (equal to zero). The second error that
can be evaluated is the translation error of the ray coming
from OTM f (T value of the Fig. 3). This translation error
is presented in Fig. 9. The maximum translation error is ±
1.5 mm with respect to the center of the lens. The error is
oscillating around zero during the rotation of OTMm .
The frequency and amplitude of the oscillations of this
error can be adjusted by tuning the parameters of the Fig. 10. Result of the third movement scenario.
3) Third scenario: we consider a coupled displacement
of OTMm , i.e. a translation on z axis with a sine movement from -5V to +5V. This range has introduced some limitation
and a rotation around the z axis (like in the first and second as the PIC explorer/PIC32 micro-controller module only
scenario). The circular movement is 2 m in diameter with accepts 0-3.3V analog voltages. Therefore, the conversion
a 0.2 rad/s frequency and the rotation around the z axis from analog +/-5V to analog 0-3.3V has been performed
has a 5 degrees magnitude with a 2 rad/s frequency. Fig. under LabVIEW. Moreover, an analog control signal via USB
10 represents the distance errors of the ray coming from 6009 DAQ is delivered at the analog port of the PIC32.
OTM f with respect to the center of the lens. In this coupled Accordingly, the PIC32 generates appropriate PWM signals
movement situation, the maximum eTx error is less than 2 (i.e., PWM 1 and PWM 2) to control the PT servomotors
mm. angles.
The main program includes three main procedures which
V. E XPERIMENTAL SETUP AND IMPLEMENTATION OF THE are : a tracking function, a pan-tilt function and a Theta
CONTROL MODEL function. A desired angular input (i.e., θ = 0) is used for
The electrical and mechanical layouts are provided in Fig. comparison with a real angular state (i.e., θy and θx ) of the
11, whereby two QPDs are used to position the pan-tilt OTM. This represents the alignment of an incident laser onto
system. The voltage output signals VSUM , Vx and Vy of the the centers of the QPDs. A proportional control is then used
QPD1 and QPD2 are acquired using USB NI 6009 DAQ to reduce the error between the desired and actual angular
module. Were VSUM is equal to the summing of the four values.
voltages generated by each quadrant. The main reason behind In order to validate the system, an OTM has been built
this approach is the acquisition of QPD signals that ranges and mounted onto a PT system, as shown in Fig. 11. To
simplify the procedure, the mobile OTM has been replaced by returning Vy to the desired range of values. The same
with a collimated laser source mounted over a mechanical interpretation can be obtained for the tilt motion direction.
structure capable to perform the Pan and Tilt motions about Then every movement of the laser, regardless of its direction
the pivot axis of the PT system (left hand side of Fig. 11). can be detected by monitoring the QPD’s output voltages.
The objective of this experimental setup is to manually mimic In a closed loop control, the system manages to follow the
the behavior of the mobile OTM (OTMm in Fig. 1) with laser in order to maintain the same LOS between the OTM
the help of a laser source. As a consequence to the angular and the laser source.
movement of the laser source in free space, the fixed OTM
(facing the laser in Fig. 11) will correct its angular position
in order to align itself. The integrated two QPDs deliver the
voltage variation when subjected to an incident laser beam.
However, in our case, the first QPD in the OTM (i.e., QPD1 ,
illustrated in Fig. 5) is sufficient to validate angular motion
Initially, the laser beam source and the OTM are optically
aligned relative to each other to calibrate the QPD1 . During
the calibration procedure, QPD1 is centered with respect Fig. 12. Output voltages of the quadrant photo-detector.
to the input laser beam using a XYZ Newport stage (see
enlarged view in Fig. 11) by centering the output voltages
acquired by QPD1 . VII. C ONCLUSION
The present work describes the design, simulation and ex-
perimental results of a closed loop controlled optical tracking
system dedicated to free-space optical communications. With
a specific optoelectronic design of the device thats enables
us to track both the position and the arrival angle of the
optical communication beam, line-of-sight configuration bet-
ween mobile terminals were physically observed through the
monitoring of the output voltages of the tracking detectors.
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