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students politics? that's iaugh

(See Page Two)

Vol. XUI-No. 3 MERCYHURST COLLEGE Octobre 16, 1970




? t e constituents of the aca icontent. Only forj proper and curricular activities shall be
5? J * * * * * * I
m *
mmic community,* students stated causes should editors covered as space permitsJr Andres
be ould be free,findividuailiy and and managers be subjectgto re- Mercyhurst College Drama Department will present "The
^ Hectively, to express their moval -and then by orderly and A. Editorials expressed in the Heiress" on November 6thtand7th at$8:15 p.m. and at 2:30 p.m.
^ *ws on issues gof institutional prescribed procedures. \ newspaper are "the responsibili- and 8:15 p.m. on November 8th in the Little Theatre.
liey$and on matters of^gen- IWhile demanding ithese rights ty, of the staff. f The play, written by Ruth and Augustus Goetz-, will be direct
f al interest to Jthe | student we acceptjbhe inherent limita- 1. Editorials will express as ed by Sister Jude Yablonsky, O.S.U., famed director of last year'a
^*dy. fstudent publications and tion placed on a newspaper that far as possible,! an attitude? or musical "Man of La Mancha." |&
* e student press are valuable isl not; financially autonomous. feeljng of that staff and/or a "The Heiress," suggested by Henry James' novel "Washing-
is?in maintaining an atmos- Wep accept the fact that the in- significant segment off the stu- ton Square," was selected as one of the best dramatic plays in
iere of free and responsible stitution bearajthe legal respon- dent body. the year 1948. A beautiful house on Washington* Squareg-in NeW
^scussion in the intellectual sibility for the contents of the 2. A significant?;segment need York City, in the year 185J), is the setting for the life of Catherine
a publication and will ^endeavor
alm of a College or Univer- not be -a majority ^opinion. Slopper, daughter of the prominent Dr. Austin Slopper. Dr. Slop-
y tojact accordingly». OB. Editorials shall concern
or The newspaper, then, is *a
per, a very dignified and commanding gentleman who despises his
The following, then, are the themselves with material perti- daughter for herginadequate| social grace will fbe portrayed p y
*%ans of > bringing'" student con- standards to be fallowed in*our nent to the academic commun- Dennis Andres. Mr. Andres, a student of English-Drama^ at Mer-
* rns to the attention of the ad- publication: | ity on or off campus. cyhurst College, is the president of|the Iota Zeta Chapter of the
frustrationand faculty,;) and . I. NEWS I il. (Remarks should be direct- Alpha Psi OmegajHonorarys Dramatic Fraternity, on Mercyhurst
Simulating student opinion on A. Coverage fof news must be ed toward^ administrative, fac- campus. He *has performed in numerous theatres in New York,
jrious f3ssues concerned? pri- fair and accurate and must be ulty, or student campus con- •Pennsylvania,^ and North Dakota, including three years with
marily with^the campus or the concerned? with everything (as cerns. Stepinac Summer Stock Theatre located in White Plains, New
^mmunaty atflarge. space permits) that is of direct 2. Remarks should intelligent- York. Among his most recent accomplishments are maior roles
The responsibility for S pro- or indirect interest to all ^mem- ly comment upon local, state, in "Marat/Sade", "The Chinese Wall," and "Man of La Man-
ding the communication of the bers :of the college. national, or (international con- cha." ?Mr. Andres has also served in many other capacities in
>ove mentioned material lies |<L. News soudces must be care- cerns. . ? M& theatre including£Assistance|Stage Manager, Stage|Manager, Di-
jth | the Editorial staflff and fully investigated in order to III LETTERS TO THE^EDITOR rector, and Make-upfArtist, he is presently Technical Director for
^ eir faculty advisor. ascertain their reliability and A. Letters shall be printed
dependability. | MercyhurstfCollege. ? ? ? ? . ! I JIL
iTbe sitaiff and advisor realiz- "in toto'* wherever possible. 1 Catherine, a shy girl yearning: foa^love andjaftention under
u g theii^ responsibility accept 2*.j.News events must be thor- i. A maximum length of£300
oughly investigated in order to the suppression iof her sardonic father, *wjll be played by Chris
) fundamental the adherence Swords $s suggested when sub- FfedertefcrA Lfber8fl*A*fes Majof*at%erdyhurst CoUege,pfiss Fetl-
fr misimformation and mitting a letter. * J
| the canons of Iresponsibile erici has had roles in "Man of La Mancha" band the "Funeral
I; uraalasm. libel, ^indecency, misunderstanding,.—, ^ , te 2^All letters ^should alsoibe
3.|News articles must be fudg- written in accordance with the Song." As a result of-lier desire to be free of her father, Cath-
^documented allegations, fat erine respondsfto the attentions of Morris Townsend. .
J.cks on personal;integrity, and ed prudently and carefully. |*jtenetsf of good grammar. f

B. Letters shall be assumed Louis Fiorina will playtthe sauve young fortune hunter, Mor-
Te techniques of hiarrassment 4. News articles and columns
£to be thef personal opinion of ris Townsend * He ks an instructor in the English Department at
^ id Innuendo will scrupulously which are detrimental to spec-
the writer, and as suohg names North East* High | School. |Mr. Fiorina portrayed the Duke of
% avoided. |However,iwe de» ificailly named members of tjhe
|willvbe withheld upon request,, Grand Fenwick in&the "Mouse That Roared'* and Clarence in
and ifor ourselves the follow- academic* community shall not
C. Writers are entitled to "ConnecticuFYankee m|fcing Arthur's Court" at Indiana Univer-
8 be published^ unless such mem-
gfprotection andffreedom: ' 'privileged information" status sityfin Indiana, Pa. wherethe graduated with a BS degree in Eng-
bers are kotified *in advance
. 1& The student* press should andf given an opportunity to concerning the availability^ of
*$ free from advance approval Mr. Townsend's relationship |wfth Catherine is ^helped by
prepare a defense if one 3s their name to*anyone who might Catherine's aunt, Mrs. Penniman. Christiiie Warnick will play
m eopy, and* its editors and deemed necessary. ask for same. |£
^tanagers should be free to de- the role of the helpful matchmaking aunt. A|freshman|at Mercy-
5. Bylines wil be affixed to fl>. Any Letters of obviously
Iglop their own editorial policies hurst College, Miss *Warniek|has had roles in "Our Town," "Pil-
articles written |by staff? mem- immature judgement shall! not
ad news coverage^ J J (be acceptedMor publication. low Talk," and "The Miser. 9»

i ibers or others ;i£?such is deemed Tickets [for this production will be $1.50 for adults and $1.00
$1$ Editors i^and managers of necessary byphe Seditors and/ 1. The ediitoriial stalf |and/or
. .^udentf publications should *be advisor reserve^ the right to for students. Reservations willlbe^available beginning October 22,
or advisor. by calling 864-068% i 1 * J i *t M
pteoted from$ arbitrary inter- 6. Academically? orientated ^screen material acceptable for
ference, suspension orlremovail news^tems concerning other publication. ^ '*
©cause of student,^faculty, ad- schooljjfshall be hovered as ful- Q. Letters should|foclude only
ministrative, or »pubiic» disap- ly 'as possible. intelligent comments relative to
roval pi editorial .policy or 7. School-connected or extra- the ^academic community.

mentfOffice's business isfdevot-

f I0B HUNTING? ed srto placing teachers, as two-

thirds of our graduates are cer- by Bob Parks yet been finalized, but ife is be*
PLACEMENT SERVICE FREE tified to teacli$ The foremen-
tioned^ monthly bulletin has an
lieived that top school adminis-
Mercyhurst College proudly trators will ^wade through^ the
- byi Bill Sachse ou are^ interested, go down to the completion of * its mud and water|to hear an open-
he office (firsti floor Egan, en- extensive listing of teaching po-
^you know of the services ier \ through the iRegistrar's or sitions that are open. Head it. newest outdoOTiattraction, the ing address by Mr. Alfred Wo-
8er^d|bykhe Placement Of- T
For the underclassmen, tlie IMud Flats, ii 3b i I lanin, Treasurer. 'Next, Dean
fc Placement Office) and find out.
e and ]|ts head pfr^David It won't come looking foy you. office goffers another ijob ^serv- Thejlong awaited^i^nd open- Garvey* will makejjthe tradition
>eSante?|| youldon't, read on. i ice, thatj of1 placing^ part-time ing {ceremony fwill take! place al groundbreaking. Photograp-
T Business and industrial job positions. Local businesses call Wednesday/ Oictoberl 23| behind hers |will| be on band as Mr.
te|; PiacemeiM;|Qffice is a
w^ice provided by the^college opportunities are ^covered here and ask|for help,4 requests be- Zurn Hall. This jpnyjecl^was Garvey removes the historic
^ of^hajrge), Ate main pur- also. There'll information post- ing handled through this office. originallly planned to be a paved s^ovelfuilMpf mud. The cere-
ose pf ^ whichais to h^lp lead ed around the school, in||:the Stop ^in ^and seef what's avail- parking lot. However, due to mony will end with Mr. Eugene
fcrcyimnt. graduates to gainful form of!th6 monthly Placement able.k the Islow |pw>gress|in the^erig- Kennedy throwing out the first
«nplo^cntl|Also offered mm Office ^bulletin concerning re- For those iseniors whose ^in- inai. project^ldtf was abandoned. ballM mud. j j M. y
winatMm ^concerning graduate

cruiters that will be * at the terests lie inigraduate studies, No one is quite isure which ad- However, it has foeen?express-
# L

^ ° ^ n d part^ime work for schooli\ Also? availablei: are> free the |Placement;vOffice has over -ministrator wants toJ take cred- ed by key school administrators
it for thefnew Mud Mats, but that the event .may be fcalied
^^liraduates. Here's howlit copies" o^ttie College Placement 300 catalogues concerning the the school has high ihopes that oifi^in case of sunny weather^ It
yorks. • Annual. This telephone\ book- subject. Also there is ^nforma*
8 its* student appeal 'will supple- is their belief that rain adds to
l ^ . office has access to in- like affair i lists potential em- tioni concerning entrance test- ment the! school's other social the natural, beauty of|the mud.
»**&m leading to three^main ployers andjfWho they are in<t ing land also ^fellowships. If iactivities^€reat|caire was taken j * The College hopes4hat>Mercy-
^ <^wi^loymetrt. &First terested in hiring. It covers the you're having trouble deciding so as toi insure that the itype of thu^nst students will not^be as
are catel
to !! ^ <>gues|pa govern- entire country, and is very in- what to do, go down land have mud used in the Mats would be aipathetic as they have been in
f « agencies^ Questions, con- clusive. Again this ^information a |rap with the staff. y identical to the kind already the past an<Kwill take ytime off
^ g Hie who, what, where, is; available £to those? who want |The thing thatjfcan't be stress. used on manyicampus roads. fromi their 1 busyi schedules to
W and how^ueh^an be looking *$& enough here is^thatMf you
^ ^ ^ C b y l t h i s literature. If ^(Continued on Page 3 ) Cememonial gplans Jbave not attend this historic event.
MERCYltlJRST COIiLECjE Octobre 16, 1970
Page Two

BETWEEN US Students tin iPolitics


Anyone want to buy a n FM tuner? KNOW J CARE


by^Catherine A. Pearson I | trulyJa committer Icampai^i

worker, freed of other cornel
Bitudenits in politics? Tha-t's^a menits, wooiild puC-ai Janyiway^
laugh. Or a He. $m I *ivould| be tenip-ted to rec<^
^ S t u d e n t s a a r e n U dn politics. Nt>t sider my position. Maybe ev^j
ma-nyi anyway. Everyone said fof half a^dozenf RightsnW2
that b a c k in (the fiflties. T h e six- couldn'tIname even one.
t i e s we»re&3uppo$ed to be^difffer- B Mercy hurst is not uniquerEj
» •

ent , _I ^ H K 4 1 treme, maybe—but not unique

Rick l*amb Paul Anderson a Were ihey? f There iareldozens, maybe h%
after fthe
| For the past few month's GO The popularity of! the show on advertising and adver-g <4 Only ^ten years dreds-^j of I campuses across (IK
underground, an oasis in Erie's cairbe seen in the! increase of tisers buy. time where the most ito.r*cli rv/as passed to fa new counlxy that are politically dead
musical desert, has* been falter- sales of^F.M. tuners to youths. people will hear their ads. t& igertetertaon^ — only five years a s l a door-nail. ^And on many
ing, sputtering and begging for Upon talking to some" people your ratings arejlow you can't after a newer generation was campuses —including i the $,
existence. It is*now dead. from* one of Erie's leading elec- sell* ads and make money. So, sent to diie and &\ in Vietnam c a l e d » radical c actiydsfr ones
Atodut (toe yea¥ ago when tronic stores we learned that the station is in a financial bindti .—only three years 'after Amer- we^re always reading* aboi^ ^
Erie got its sfirst real taste of in the past ye there has been -and' it is felt by the manage- ica*|saAnosit burned dotwn-^only for every hundred students ftfc
underground > radio, on WWCR) a great increase in the ~sale of ment that a change in format; two years aBer J Kennedy and honestly^feare* about | politics
F.M&, it^wasn't very impressive P.M. stereos. This was attri- will increase the E listening aud- Miobarbhy—onHy one year alter •there are another 1 housand vb
but*dver the past year it has buted directly to the new and ience, increasing advertising po-| the1 Moratorium .^. . arid w^here honestiy jdon't. r4?3if ^B
envoi ved to*? Ifecome a blight different type of programs on tentials thus-? increasing income!';: are " all these J*students Itl pb-
and profits. And, after all pro-g litics" nowf > ffi • W£R Who Cares?!? ^
spot in local radio. i FMWt.- In short, |Erte was ripe : It would be ddsfferent ifjths
Pat Christopher and Dan for I an underground radio' sta- fit is the name*of the game... The sad *act fs^hait nibstlstu-
..Now where are all those peo- dents wouldn't care']lessi about non^iparticip'ation were anti d^
Geory the driving forces behind tion and the peoplejjdug it. logical I thing—the j considers
the • show! offered Erie listeners ple who liked the programs,- polilics. Not at^Mercyhurst, and
On Saturday, October 3 the those people! who were :,glad to not lacross tihe country. $ judgment^ of ^alienated but coo-
something,* entirely different cerned •inddvidua'ls that partii
froin what they are accustomed underground had its last, pro- here a change?£ ^hat of all* Princeton, Anyone? £"
gram. The show had been pre- •Spiro Agnew; is wrong..^Hav- pation cannotilead to ^meaning.
to being subjected to. It was a those F.M. tuners' bought to ful 'ch'ange, It fralrthe candidate*
change from the usual youth viously cut from an eight hour have ^something different and ng radicalism isn*itfthe biggest oflfer no signfficanit alternatives,
radio program which plays mu- show to a four-hour show. This yet acceptable? Why* didn't problem on Aimeriioan campus- that the System if boycotted w3
sic t commonly classified as four .hour cut 5was because of these people respond to the sta-^ es Ho day. Apathy is.* %
"top- 40f" These ^programs' are financial f difficulties, fThere |Perhaps*you have heard of
topple. grJJB^SBi^P'
tion when the show was first
piloted by fast talking IKfJ.'S were no advertisements from out. We heard many people, the Princeton Plan. The idea is Sometimes, after*ail, people
who *»yell at their listeners and 2*a. m. to 6 a. m., thus nothing both freaks and straights alike, that co$eges close down|for two withdraw, because Jthey lean,
are ^.chewing* too much-f bubble to defray the cost| of running talking about how!, they hated weeks before the'Election so not -because t h e y don't care-^
gum to be easily understood. the station for5four Hours. The
to >see the show go off the air, studentslcan icampaign fuJM time because I t h e y ' r e sensitive in
t0 atiol
"TThe ^hangeTwa^-to-^diafci J * L * ! j ^ £ o j the show, but unfortunately they kept (for |S tine candidates * of their political reality, not insensible
to R o n 8adth of it. Whorcoullfd reasonably as-
ground music. U n d e r g r o u n d *••* their complaints to themselves.' choice.
manager,} came
being .classified as contempor- changed in to™at for the sta-because of "a It seems we are alii learning <I think it's a wonderful idea. sert-^after the 90%-and^'ef
aryjrock music* which is* usually tioiB" # our less onsj well on how|to be- For Princeton. Or any other black: turnout in Los Angeles 01
*rtoi-e ^sophisticated and is- not '
come apathetic Americans, even place wbere sfcudenfe know? 6V J u n e f 4 - l96«--that ftihe v _ »-

generally played on top 40 Ma- | This change of format came when something effects us per- care enough about tJie candi- boyeotti of t h e New York pri-
tions. The presentation > of the about due * to recentSratings sonally, if all the people who dates and issues to go ouk'iand m a r y b y black voters -two weeks
program itself is different- Mu- which credited only about 4% wanted the\ underground would ctaimpaign. 1 l a t e r i\yas a result of black
sic is the primary iproduct. The of firie?s listening audience to have responded* tof the*' station That certainly leaves out a p a t h y o r ignorance? They had
music* is. much more varied than WWGO^F.ljir. as conijparedf with perhaps underground would iMercy hurst. , no ••candidate^andff^fhey knew 9
that of^a top 40 station. fc| another station which I: got still be* en the air. According to A;'major campaign is on in (But isfthis' t h e kind^of potf
This new form of 'radio pro- about 51%. The |new format Mr. Smith "perhaps if enough Pennsylvania — a governor's cal alienation found among col*
granfl'caught on quickly. Most dfangefwiir be to "top 11)0 and petitions and! letters were to election whch m l have a pro- lege students itlbdiay? For som«,
ofjfthe people we have talked to a larger variety of good music/',, come in, maybe * the . under- (found effect upon the future of a n un^uestionable'l^y^s. W
said tney were "sick of top 40" says Smith. This is in! hope of ground* would be I continued." higher educalffon, housing, wel- m o s 4 'an emphatic j|no. Their
and that they didn't Usten to it. increasing the! listening aud- Well people, ?maybe We^fl" get raire/^and the iliving !standards non-partjfcipation is* not a po*
They were?Jhappyjto hear some- ience, j ^ i what wig deserve*. Anyone want of all Pennsylvanoas; and a sen- H'tical a c t ,or even antattti-polF1
thing' new. Very, simply, a radio station to buy an F.M. tuner? ator'^ election dn which the al- tijcal a c t , !,but a n a-poltioal one.
ternatives on major national They! eairtt betpratestiliig what's

TO THE issues—tW war, de-«egregation, going on in poliitdfcs" Because

nhd-litary^ spending, | domestic they don't even* know. W *j
ip™rJties---couidn't 'be more How mafiy Mercyhuirst stu-
"A| different male's view- great disfavor of the male pop* may be otfcers|who will agree, •ciear^cut.
point;" In respone to' tHelletR ulatlon :od?this campus. The dents c a r e , o r even know, that
havejno intentions ^of ever mak- But ydu'dfhever knowiit from Al Lolwenstein—pofelbiy ^ e
ter submitted 1 in the last issue women were$wrongly^ . accused ing * womatf cbfflfe BSfore me tablkdng to a iMercybursi student. <mostl innovative refornrer am
of the M1§RCIAD.I| . ^ ** of what us finales attribute them to pay homage, and offer or ac-

No? aSiffini'&tration expects all un^o-opted radical^n tihe House

Yes, he is aware of f the seira- lor. cept anythingt upon her knees. students to utilize a campaign of i'Represewtatives today-*
ment concerning some •%of the Women* are? of* far gifeatfer recess for campaigning. Maybe fighting foT hfs^pbfiticaj life J
women on campus; what he sensitivity than most-men - will -^—^— —. ^ . ^

not even most students* But t&e a g e r r y m a n d e r e d New York d&

said However,* inferring alMwo* ever know or think theni* cap- Dear Male |View: ^
men, will indeed not amend^any able.; By making them feel like Be^grateful you- are at Mer- Princeton Han Jiseems *^id of titict?? H IT' * * *
attitude anywhere^ H& provok- lowjj and} contemptuous pleasure xjyhurst! Vou havei the oppor- irrelevant d| you ffififi yourself How many bere care, or^evetf
ed stronger* resentment against objects; they have been more tunity* |of I stepping^ out of a&rinl* youVs^If # k n y ^ students •know, that. AJbert Gore—a h»
our^presence, and he did" not titan deeply offended^ *;T ; |j Shake5peare's-i6th Century*^ ^|puldfe Me#cy«ur&tT quattfies for •mane^and courageous .senate
envision* the resulting conse* to thTe 20th Century.f Women> Ms dubious*-4ionor -^ I -I
sibgledouiby Nixon and Agm
quendessf Merely by observing It was immature on theiwrit- libm here to staylli, , Jib .paMpfaariei the Lord with
e¥s be-half to* stimulate* such iPorf .persecution-Hmay be<loKfl|
does not* constitute per scrip tion. Fear rfot, you'1Wove Jttn I tot, if anyone could show mfc" bis seat' and his chancefto tea*
It is true that we! are* unwel- controversy, % playing f upon al- Co-ed View i 3 i €ven^. dozen gMercyhjurst stu- his T%mdsse^ constituent's J*
comed^ here; but* it shall' lie ready strained relations, and dents whom I'd count on- with
applying "behind^ the v barn refasonaibie^confidence to spend the 204li century? J
wrong now to entertainrthe Meat Open .Your Eyes ! EiHo^ mahyf care, oi! even
that if any kind of male-female Shakespeare" for the possible the fin #ee»ks in ^illtime cam-
entertainment of his male coun- First |of alt Kxioir^ consider iknow* tbaitfttonald Reagan-o^
harmdny is tol exist upon this myself a part of your *'minor-. pttignjBig (and as an oil^oam-
terparts. I, of which want no #*&&*, vfaen I say full time I iof the imost tf-eajctfonary, stu-
campus, it has to begin' \i1th H#" P^'ingrates." B believe &
the wdmen£ f I part. | •mean 1^ to lflr hours a day, dent-baiting governors
|To|remain within the issue at (Continued on iPagefe) ^untry-HvHil! probaoly deft
severf <fey§^a IweeK-Hwhich any inded
Tiirie,$soto*speak,fhas finally hand; I have discovered, much hi^ outstanding, young-ma
graceiHit^* fingers across the to^my disappointment, that the Stand un* and be counted good woman.^
Demoieriaticloppenent, Jess w
front %ate a# Mercyhurst, ^10 nien on this campus lack the I Walfe?on f and come beside me, Jff •$ tc
rtm, iniia (landslide—in?« ^
I, sorrowfully observe *khe wom- maturity to live within this al- ^ Keep not my
wfieref'Dgmo*aJfclc Voters acj'
en refteeting too fondly ilptfn ttiost female i environment;! If a Gojyour way darling if you so flan* K : liaHy oiAattKer th^ Mf**'
the past*;- Th^varibus* feelings, man must be always. manifest- As the past has been will be, 4 ' '
feans?* I \ .
that i9L%uld|have|amendedf them- ing',masculinity to; be| a> man;, I J Fort Iiwill,not challenge thee, t ^ 1
stop to tJiitt^f
selves* Id* the passing mffi For I^must^'bid thine call if-1 can. : "'* Every!
say to him, ^ou>are indeed couM-happenftf even
werefciilmlnated tjy^Me » L — we^ak, for you lack real sub* m hong, and loving our life can be\
into feHveftandiinore^stern?opin- stance." 4 i but ifgyou mf" ^_

sftiidents?^ *! 1
Jon. of #he* dormitory Jfromen in y \ fbV one, hbpefdllyf there «niemberltliou^lia8ii.iw,i,tt^ 1
Rohde (Continued on Page 3)
October* li, <!l97d MERCftftttftST COLLEGE Fage Ttee«
(corft from page f) t SCHOLARSHIPS? * * •

That's I otoay th%y J i ^ e n ^ whether you as a student aire

either. That's why it won't hap- £free- to stay -away (from your
[A New Interest Group
I "comfortable bed in your well
heated dorm till 3 in the morn-
Students, of course,, <are no ing, or. the fact that thousands
Myth and Reality
more unique ias a " group than of your feil'Jpw (human beings by^ Bob Parks not a factor in determining (Mercyhurst CoMege also
* •

Mercyhurst situdentg" are among across the state and right here Recentfly, I have heard a ru- who receives financial add and awards honor scholarships to
their p.eers| Most grown-ups in Erie have no decent dwelling mor through the Mercyhurst' who doesn't. 'Rather, financial incoming Freshmen on the
don't reaHy know or care to come home to at all? f grapevine that many of the fe- need is the key point dn the basis of scholastic achievement
either. 'No wonder So many peo- Which makes you hotter—the male students believe* their sch-
ple think the country's going to fact that you have to conform olarship and grant money has Federal Program % 6t total allotment given to
heil an a hatfraskeft. * i- to a few rules whdile enjoylrig 'been withdrawn and given to Male Female
Caring is a • relative" thing. fthe luxurV|of a college! educa- the new male students. !lnftial|E. 0. Grant |18% I 82 %
Few people would say they j-tibn-and the chance for a fin- This myth has grown primar- Rehewal ft. O. Gratit 3% 97%
don't care iif .people die in Viet- ancially secure future the rest ily from ithe belief that money , College Work Study 1% 99%
nam or starve in cities or are of your life, or the fact that has to /be obtained ifrom some- National Defence Loans V

6% 94%
warped in classrooms or tovtur- peop'le right here in Erie can't where to pay for the athletic 1- •

edl inf. prisons. It's just that get jobs, have no training or scholarships. The most likely | . / . Hfll *
pl'ace to obtain this money and grant money. of scholarships anfl^in^ncial need- Th^se honor
there are so many other things decent education-, and couldn't scholarships "are! reduced only
they care more about. * go to coUege if they wanted to. would\ appear to ibe from the
scholarship and (grant imoney. Sister iMI Banbara's ^report when the student's schoiasticvin-
Things like whether they'll be Which thought dsturbs you dex (falls beflbw^.5. The number^
invited* to that party* Saturday. more—knowing that you in»your ^Tn looking ;• into this question,^ also memtioned|ithat the reap-
I obtained fan enlightening fi-^ propriaMon of federal fund? for •of J. male, siudenfs receiving
Things like why Betsy is talk- Mercyhurst dorm ^wifll never these Honor scholarships was
ing? i&Bffihd their badk. Things have a chance to wake up in nandal statement issued by Mercyhurst for Educational Op-
Sister M. Barbara, the Finan-^ portunity Grants and? College also quite .smallJ compared to
like shopping forjthat new out- the morning with af member of females' total. Of the 70 Jstu-||
tfit.1 {Hearing the latest record. the opposite sex in ?your foM, ciaWASd Officer at Mercyhurst. WdffcSStudy jobs were less than
the* students' reported needs. dents holding Mercyhurst Hon-
Getting tan extra holiday next Or knowing that a ]black kid THe report ^hphasdzed^ that or* Schoilarsliips, oiUy 2 are
all fornix of irlnanicM aid at Thus, a* decrease was ^noticed ;;
mohfthfc Most people ar# so busy dawnlfri the ghetto has a good male. t ijk' t.
Mercyhurst are given to those but this cut in aid could not be
earing for ithemselves that they chance of waking up tomorrow Mercyhurst -College supple-^
studfentfe /who, without subh as- attributed' to sex.
reatlyfe can't find the time to •morning with a rat in his bed? inehtst the Federal Werk-StudyS
care about their country's prob-« «T suppose students would sistance, woufid not be able to Statistically, it ^appeared this Prdgram with its own Student
items. J* roundly deaounoe die ir* ^call- continue at Mercyhufsit.pEX is way inphe freport: Aid Program. Of thef totals
^Bbt students, we are told, are ed their campus issues trivial-— Letter Cont. from Page 2 (Tell us sir, what is out place?), amount* allocated for Student
different! They ^do Caife. That's and rigtMy so. ^or no matters re-analysis of the ^entire^. situa- "do not h«tve the intelligence to Aid, male students earn onlyj
why -they protest. ere fttiiVibl to the individuals tion^ would open your eyes to see" (see what??), and "poor 10 %, female students taking in
Maybe yes, maybe no> whose lives, center around them. the reality of who should or mislead creatures", iwott't win the-ofter 90 % . | ™
lit*, depends on what* they are And when any individual or should not be grateful about support orfaffection from any- College . Grants are also
protesting about ^ group has a gripe, they should Mercyhursfs^ co-ed status.*4Tbe one. I'm gla<J you consider awarded to the incoming Fresh-
We'd make a big mistakeHo standi up andtspeak their piece. majority of the women on cam- yourself so virtuous and super- men. These CoUege Grants re-
equate any and all oampus That's the American way. pus '(Sophs., Jr., and Srs.), ior, t Prove itt! i present Only 14% of the|finsti*5
politics" imm political activism Ml say that much foUik stu- J^ tu'tional scholarship! or grahtfif
came to Mercyhurst* when -ait
in the foroader do&mun&ty dents who gripe atoout dorm ?
was still an all women college. In3f regard toidome of us re- money. 8&1 this program, 20%
sense. hours and such.fI'M also saylthe I think it;is therefore safe to sembling the ^masculine gen-* wa^ giveh to!, female students,
Ahy grbup can get together same for taxpayers who grifre assume that this was one" of the der'*, some or" you boys should 80% to male students.
1 f

and raise hell to get more bene- about,: taxes, and parents who reasons we; chose this institu- look inj the/- miiror once in • 'Sister ^aiibara's ffinan<idal^re-
fits {for itself, or to|pressure gripe I about school busing, and tion. When it was announced awhile. Ih#the twentieth century port also commented ron the
thofe|in >aut*H)rity to do things .homeowners who* gripe^about tha£ Mercyhurst^would start re- we are Expected' tb be tolerantT athle tic s choJar^p^_JiQ^_JDaaO e.
theijp :way. Thi§ is not. the*New housing, poor people in their ceiving male students on a full Today it is just'las acceptable students in the£ areas of golf,
Mobility. Actuafly, it's t^e Old neighborhoods. 'JBut that is time basis, the reaction of the forJfemales to^A^ear short hair, tennis, . arid ibasketballr These
PoQ&ics. The politics offgrou$> albout all I'll say forjhem. Each students was noft/is |negatitte and* e a ^ , donifortable %lack^ funds are entirely separate
conflict, Jwhere everyone* looks group fe defending ife own ifo- from? either
asiyou wouldfhave us believe. and^shirt^, as it is for meh to tions or the institutional pro- the federal avoca-
otitwor his|own group and the tetfestis as it sees them* onirriUti Most! of us realized that in to- wear bright colbrsiflacfe, tfillfe, grams mentioned, above* There-
leadferf (?)'s jobtis to keep aM ters each ffeels is iniportaSt. day's world it? has become nee- and long hair? Where ha^fe you fore, innolwgy do these. ;^ath-
of them happy. There's rtothing Three cheers lorf interest essai*y for wohien's colleges to been? i ?
sordid about it (as#«some New groups. ^
accept mate students, as-it has
ffctt<5 scholar^flps defcrea^ the^
You ask* us fo tell each) other tota!r amotin^ of pid* ^ e n . by
Polilicsipeople tried to suggest The Poltics^tf Carlilg | for *m&h% institutions to accept whjn we came to college. The 'MercyfftSrs!: Cjo&ege for honor
hack in '68), and there's nothing IF students resign themselves female stSidentel | implication Ife %HS? we are all flfchqlarshtps offeifcudent aid. ^ |
sacr%d aflbout it either. K's^just to tHe rolte of a netfr interest ,
Some of your comments may here to?get a' m a l Spealan^ of ibtaf-of j82rhthietit awards were
the ?clash of interest groups gfoup, an^i ^ i r their iSblMc^Tto
i ^ ' -~
reflect a fe"W of the reasons the majority lagain;? Why did given, f of \hem fuif[ tuition
gooi^old "democracy at worlfc." advanjCingithat ftWu^'rf cohifbrt, why'-you fellows haven't been we choose to attend an all wo* sfchdiarsfliips. " •* f
ft's&s American as* pre-heated they ? will be fottf-square in the very faaniiify rebeived by some men'sl cotlegej esl^ecially in! 1

applfe pie. great Amerfcanltrajafltion^ 'fliat's of the ^omdh. Ifiie entire atti- Eri£? And Iiaslf Jou—WhsTdTd^ SiStter^ BaiSbara hopfe ffiatf
•Bill it's a Har cry from the not bad, and it can be good. tude of the lettter was hot very you choose a predominately fe- fais^&b2it&s&o& (breakdowrflwill
revolutionary .spirit, thei social (But*l4»think students areicap- Shetf ^bihe iagllt oh Ithe gSrob-
complementary, ahd just, like male school? i
commission* the; moral eomtoiifci abaefof mucH*ilioie. T thittSSthe CBBK> of! suppoifed^diserimination
you, we resent" being, talked Fmf not tryurg W G&eWT wliat in the area of,financial aid.
merift that one usedfto associate adult public is also, butf stu- 1
down toior looked down upon*. you may regard as cold indif- Sister Barbara concluded by
with^ students dn politics. | s dents can lead the way—illthey This Very off-handed superior ference. Perhaps if you were staBng^ that ^ affeer workiil^
Earty this month I toajppened want to. franie? of minil does little for aware offcsomeof these thingS&j tltrdugh^tHtese figure, .it Is a?
uport* a student denionsiiration Political involvement in its v
anyolte s popularity, ftemarks we could begin to understand _ wonder to^.Ber tfiai tfie meft
down at Gannon. Curias wftat bestv sense does' not mean ^rais- such*as "man haters seem to each other and work towards
vital! human issues |hunV*in the ings heli becausei some pretty hayen't complained.
be selfish dolts", > t ^ n a r t . | g g ^ | t his|campus. L\_ &
balance, I soon discovered the little Issue is inconveniencinglus (Tell us sir,|what is out place?), f In closing I wish tp address
' nori negotialble demands" had personally. «It|^doesn't mean rall- PIkcertert<HSe#vi«e
to dWiwtith such grdppftiig iftsrt$! fM$f. dWtonstrations, speech- tiracy^wouid^be afedoomed sys- the entire student body by pos- .1 (Continued ;from 'Page 1)
ters as hours in thei-dofln, vis- mafcing, leafleting, etc. for tem. But| all. (people findl time ing a few questions. Gentle- can*fuse any of jthese services,.
itingforivileges in the dorm, and theirvown sake. {for the lew things they care men&.Why are|there rumors of ,don't be afraid to stop in the
the ftke. Ait|theisame hour a iPolitical action is a way of mosfa a'bogt. Ab .fetudents you inequality iin dorm regulations offfcd: Mr. DSSante is a Ibusy
mee#ngj called to discuss what caning—a way of doing some- ha vet as much time now as you coming! from your fresidencei |man and can't1 possibly gOj out
the gubernatorial election will* thing ahoutrthe real problems ^probably ev$r wiH^ ohc^'you If you are breaking rules *alid looking for business. Seniors,
dean for the people of Penn- in our community and country have a jofb^and a'^auaiJly or both. getting awayswith anything why fill* out the standard credential
sylvafrjia, and what role 4he that? we could never hope to (Students have a* choicef (be- lSrag about Jit? I La dies: Why file f(absolutely| necessary and
students could ?Jp^^in>cho<ls<fcig solve j through. ^Individuad jobs ^weent three v^oles. .1 such rapid emotional response available here.) If you are ^look-
the next governor^* <Jr£W ffcanf tor! VoSiihtfeer wor^l f They£can^>e student! activists to these ^rumors? ing for part-time work go see
attention. / * ? There are so many people in as Spiro Agnew sees them— Let's not cause a big- ruckus ^whatrlds available. If jthere isn't
When I hear studenfi^expeMd- otirj cotsfltrjM^nd'^our commun- self-indulgent _ self-seekers in over title ^entire situation. Why anything^ that jinterests you,
quest of a life without respon- dbn't tife|try . trikiHgt aHotat^St stop1 back in^
ing #|:lot of time and energy ity—who are actually suffering. sibility and demanding that like! the responsible men and
trying- to get their way on such Government can help. But only The Placement Office has the
everytfiih^ be lefone th^ir5S?a5 women we are suppose to be. catalystic tpotential of finding
pMuieal issues as girls-rod if people in government want to or el&e. Or tney can be student tet's start working (together. ftthe right- job or theS school for
the - dorm, guys-in-the-dorm, helfr. Only ir^peopie who want activists as Robert Kennedy saw
boozWn-fttieJdorm, c u rf e w to help get in government. Poli- ^pragmatic idealists de-
Kathy Guion you. Make use of it.
hour#, dress codes, etc. etc. etc., tics is how they get there. |
(Students, like most people, termihed to &<$t nd^tofihake
I wish* just a few of them might the lives of their suffering coun- 'AlIS ISSUE'S FRKNDft:£ J 1 j
^ee & to devote exrari half 61b have Weir own* worries >:They trymen better. Or tW%rl«eanlbe 3 All Messina, tBob^Parks, Bill Sachse, Dave |Rohde, Bill' Dopier*
time ind thought to the more can't spend! aill ^their time on a-political and do nothing. 4 ale, Mbrlene Smith,? Audrey JRosenthal, Paid Anderson, ^Rick
substfebtfrre problems of people. political action anylmore than (Nothing/ That's what^imost l*amb,» Carolyn Saade^Brendia Brewer,^ Jeff Helfand, Ms Garrell,
other than themselves, ? iHie^ businessHfian, ^worker ,or
housewife can. V' lf citizenship have^one|so far. .1 ! Ahne Pearson, Patricia *m£ iUtiBy ttoctetader, ftill Cfiiodo,
Aftlr all, which problem li iThetl970's could be^ different. #ran Ahearn^Rlta i»Had'falvi, l»eggy Noyes, Bob ^Peck, Mark Tar-
reail# to greater human import, werei a full-time. jot>, and aetiv-
os, Carol KTeuMingjiEHen «eiiiricl^ JMeres «rasinskii Igg?
October 16, 1970
Page Four
! Games ol October 3rd
ment title in their first competi* 1 2 3 4 Total
by Bill Dopicrala of the fond series. The "Bald- 12 18 0 6 36 I
tionas a team. I Baldwins
The newly inaugurated intra- wtos"! are still? in the thick of i Pack 6 0 10 6 31
mural football f league $ias the fight because at the end of
! Representing Mercyhurst this
past weekend were :^ Ed;] Man- TOUCHDOWNS: BALDWINS: Tom,Becht, 2 (30 yard pass, 30
emerged so far, into a 2 and the first 3-game series, * they u yard run); 1?au$Becht, 2 (45 yard pass, 45 yard pass); Vince Do-
possibly a 3 team race between were tied with the "Pack" and ning, a sophomore from« Cam-
dfcn, New Jersey; Dave Kuhrt, ran, (50 yard pass); Bill Fichter, (10 yard pass). \ u
"The Pack" and "The Rebels" "Rebels" with a 2-1 record. PACK: John Wojoyla, (10 yard pap); Ken Harris, 2 (15 yard
and the "BaldvWns." When the They loststheir first game of a freshman from Buffalo, New
York; Steve Gutting, a junior pass, 10 yard pass); Mike Creghan (10 yardjrun); John Havrilla
first two; met on Wednesday, the year to the "Rebels" and
Oct. 7, "The Pack" which had also the second game to them from£ Erie; Mark Wasserman, (20 yard pass). ^ffiffiPffi^ffiNff
one loss on its record defeated at the beginning of the second a sophomore from Cleveland EXTRA .POINTS: PACK: Mike Creghani (run). ISftyfe I r a B
the previously Itmbea ten "Reb- 3-game series. So, there is a Heights, Ohio; Tommy Thomp- 1 2 3 4 Total
els". On the basis of some un- possibility that this first year son, a freshman from Buffalo; II. Rebels 7 6 6 6 25
fortunate circumstances, there of intramural^ football attMer- and$ finally, John Christoph, |a I Tappa Keg 0 14 6 0 20
are "no statistics* available at cyhurst could end up in asvery freshman from Erie. TOUCHDOWNS: REBELS: Ralph Sortino |(30 yard pass); Jack
thisftime to printfon the games interesting fashion with 3 teams The coach of this year's team, Riley, 2, (10 yard pass, 20 yard pass); Harry McPoland|(30 yard
following Oct. 13. All! that we tioed at the top. OnSthe basis Dr. William Bryan, did a fine interception).* $ .BUR SB
can|tell you at this time is that of personnel problems, the "I job in organizing a previously I TAPPA KEGS: Mark Toros (20 yard run); GaryfBetcher (10
these two teams are deadlock- Tappa Kegs" haven't enjoyed unorganized group with| only 4 yard run); Bob Dilmuth (10 yard pass). I ^^^BE^a^!
ed with 3-1 records at the top any success, but could possibly days notice. During the year EXTRA POINTS: REBELS: Ritey (pass). I TAPPA |KEGS:
of the 4 team league^ Both won put it "all together" and pro- Coach BryanjwOl receive assist- Betcher, (pass); Henly, (pass). .^S^SI^i
contest Sunday, October! 11 in* vide some season-ending up- ance from Mr.^Robert Sturm.
different)fashion. The^'Rebels'* sets.I
won over "Baldwins" in a reg- Some fine efforts need to be
ularl^l scheduled I game, while fUnfortunately, there are only singled out. Tommy;* Thompson
the "Pack" received a forfeit complete results available for and| Dave Williamson, fresh-
victory^ over tthe "I f Tappa the games played* on October men, won both their \ singles
Kegs." The? "Baldwins"^ are 3. By the next issue, fulljstatis- matches in Jtheir first try at
close behind thej heels of the tics with game scores and the college competition. The doub»
two leaders with a 2?2 ledger. scoring leaders will be avail- les team of Dave Kuhrt-Steve
The "I Tappa Kegs" are cur- able. § Gutting won both their doubles
rently in pthe cellar position encounters while| Ed > Manning
with an 0-4 record. teamed with Thompson for the
Friday land Saturday, Octo- deciding victory against Mans-
The league concludes action ber 9 and 10, Mercyhurst's Ten- field. This isfriot to slight the
this week with games schedul- nis Team competed infthe|Ed- other members of thie team,
ed^ on Wednesday, Oct. 14 be- inboro Invitational Tennis Tour- for, in this reporter's opinion,
tween the "Rebels" and the "I nament. Besides Mercyhurst, •

Akron University, Mansfield the whole team did themselves

Tappa Kegs," and one between proud and their institution al-
the "Pack" and the "Bald- State,?and Edinboro State were
also represented. On- account of so. They made an impression
wins." Wue to deadlines, the of b'eing a power to?be reckon-
inclement weatherr^on Saturday,
games will be completed by tlie
the -tournament
ever, should prove to have been foyr teams have 1-1 records.
.time ^this |is^ in print.* Bo tluhow- deadlock for the top honors. All4-way ed with in |the coming Iseason.
Hopefully, this story, asfwell as
this whole year of intercolleg-
Monday Friday
interesting* affairs. The i|"Reb- Mercyhurst lost to Akron 5-4, iate sports at Mercyhurst,^will
els" pulled out ailast minute then defeated Mansfield 5-4. Ak-
victory 2S320, over the "X^Tap- ron, after beating Mercyhurst,
come to a successful conclusion. Textbooks I
pa Kegs" ike .first time these lost to Edinboro 5-4 while Edin-
two metf The |FPack" lost its boro |had| previously lost to ATTENTION :
Reference Materials
only game of^the season to the Mansfield 5-4., Arrangements
"Baldwins"|in their only meet- are still "up in the air" over
ing£when$a desperate comeback when the- tournament can be
Junior (lass Drawing
Theftime has comelto organ-
effort failed 36-31. * | completed. Coach Bryan's:boys ize | Spring ^Weekend. This is Notions
Sunday, October 18 will see from "the Hurst" still |have a your weekend and|your support
the frematch between the good chance to annex a tourna-
"Pack" and the "Rebels".
is necessary. We will need peo-
ple for various committees,
Whilefthe "Baldiyins | close- out such as: concert, after-concert
their season against the | " J party, formal, fund-raising, winner fearless
Tappa Kegs." As was previous-
Instated, this could turn|out to
publicity, tickets, etc. One meet-
ing has already been|held for stuffed display
be a 3 team deadlock after the purpose of organizing com-
Sunday if the results ,-jof the mittees. However this was not
first 3-game£series match those possible 'because only about
twenty 5 people came to the
meeting. Weirealize that every-
onefehasa lot of work to doiand
there are many othier places
Fashions you would|rather be; however,
our i meetings have never blasted
more than one half hour. If * you
are really concerned* you can
ROSELiliE find time to come. We wili^have
another meeting on Tuesday, Pharmacy
October 20 at* 12:00.^At this
1920 East 38th fStreet time the necessary- committees
Erie, Pennsylvania will, be organized.! If a suffici-
ent number of people are not
Telephone 864-7011 * I

present* at #this time, Spring

Weekend iwill be cancelled. If
youfwant a weekend you have
to help plan it^Pive people -•*-

cannot do all &he work. This* Your Center for Healtfci

•message is for all members of
| Distinctive Styles! in the Juniorfciass, both residents and Cosmetic Needs
, ^ . ^ v ^ >

Dresses Sportswear

Accessories and day-students.


Oper^Monday|and Friday|9;00 P.M. Corner of 38th St. and:Pine Ave

10% ^Discount to All Mercyhurst Students Erie. Penna. 16504

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