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The King of Frontier - Tile List

English v8
Development Tiles
1) Basic Tiles
2) Rare Tiles
Each of the tiles below occurs only once in the development tile deck.
Tiles that require further description are explained below.

-- The Lake --

The Lake looks like a building tile but it is really a development tile with extra victory
points attached. The player scores 5 VP just for placing it.

-- The Rocky Forest --

This tile joins a stone quarry with a forest to form a single area. It is possible to produce
both types of resources at once in the joint area created with this tile.

Building Tiles
Building tiles can be acquired by paying the building cost at the time of construction.
The tiles are explained in greater detail below.

-- The Scarecrow,The Stoneworks, The Logging Camp, and The Castle Gate --

These building tiles do not have a special effect. If the area in which they are placed is
completed at the end of the game then the player scores the victory points shown. Each
of these tiles may also be used for production or consumption, just like similar
development tiles.
-- The Warehouse --

The player scores 1 VP at the end of the game simply for placing the Warehouse tile.

The warehouse may also be used to store up to four resources simply by placing the
resource cubes on it.

Resource cubes may be moved to the warehouse at any time but, once they are placed
there, they cannot be moved or removed except by using them to pay construction
costs or by eating them during consumption.

-- The Small Market --

If the city area of this tile is complete at the end of the game, the player scores 1 VP.
(The wheat field does not need to be complete to score this extra point.)

If the city containing the small market scores victory points for consumption, the player
scores 2 additional VP.

-- The Workshop --

If the city area of this tile is complete at the end of the game, the player scores 1 VP.
(The forest does not need to be complete to score this extra point.)

If the city containing the workshop scores victory points for consumption and the player
is in possession of at least two wood resources at the time, they may exchange two
wood resources for 3 additional VP.

Only two wood resources may be exchanged for additional victory points even if the
player has four or more on hand.
-- The Hauling Route --

If the city area of this tile is complete at the end of the game, the player scores 1 VP.
(The adjacent area is not a stone quarry.)

Construction of building tiles in the city that contains the hauling route now cost one less

-- The Forward Outpost --

The player scores 2 VP simply for having the Forward Outpost tile on their board at the
end of the game.

Once the construction costs have been paid, the player may immediately draw and
place two development tiles according to the development action rules (tiles may be
discarded, adjacency rules apply, etc).

-- The Port --

The player scores 3 VP at the end of the game simply for placing the Port tile.

During construction and consumption, the player may spend two resource cubes of any
type in place of one cube of another type (two for one). This ability may be used as
many times as desired during construction or consumption.

No development or building tiles may be placed below or to the right of the Port tile. For
this reason, it is normally placed in a corner. (Don't forget that it can be rotated.)
-- The Large Market --

If the city area of this tile is complete at the end of the game, the player scores 3 VP.

If the city containing the large market scores victory points for consumption, those
victory points are doubled. The bonus points from being the acting player and from
buildings like the workshop and the small market are also doubled.

For example, assume a player had 4 wheat cubes, 2 wood cubes, and a city with 7
consumption space, The Large Market, and The Workshop. If that player choose the
consumption action, they would score 4 VP for the wheat, 3 VP for the wood, and 1 VP
for being the acting player then double it all for a total of 16 VP.

-- The Statue of a Hero --

This tile has no special effect.

If the city area of this tile is complete at the end of the game, the player scores 5 VP.

-- The Guild Hall --

If the city area of this tile is complete at the end of the game, the player scores 2VP for
each consumption square in this city.

-- The Castle --

If the city area of this tile is complete at the end of the game, the player scores 1VP for
each development or building tile on their board.
-- The Monastery --

Simply for placing this tile, the player scores 1 VP for each adjacent tile, both
orthogonally and diagonally, at the end of the game. Up to 8 VP can be scored in this

-- The Watch Tower --

Simply for placing this tile, the player scores 4 VP for each completed city on their board
at the end of the game.

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