English Practice Test 14

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English Practice Test 14

1. Modal Perfect: https://wowenglish.edu.vn/modal-perfect/

2. Adj + as/ though + S + be: mặc dù

Old as he is, he is active
= Although he is old, he is active

3. a know-all: người tự rằng mình biết mọi thứ

4. blend in well with sth: trà trộn, hòa nhập, phù hợp (về màu sắc)
Security men were trying to blend in with the crowd.
The new library blends in perfectly with the surrounding buildings.

5. Rút gọn mệnh đề trạng ngữ:


6. come clean: to tell the truth about something that you have been keeping secret
I thought it was time to come clean (with everybody) about what I'd been doing.

7. not budge/ give/ move an inch: không lay chuyển, không thay đổi ý kiến
She's definite that she wants to do it, and she'll not give an inch, however hard you try to
persuade her

8. wish sb many happy returns (of the day)

9. Cách dùng not only…but also:


10. pay last respects to sb: đến tiễn ai lần cuối, đến dự đám tang của ai
Thousands turned up to pay their last respects to a great leader.

11. by nature: innately (bản chất từ khi sinh ra đã như vậy)

She is by nature a kindhearted person

12. Phân biệt “get over” và “pull through” https://hinative.com/en-US/questions/15032397

13. take/ carry sth too far / to extremes / to excess: vượt quá giới hạn (đùa quá mức)
It was funny at first, but you've carried the joke too far.

14. behind the times = old-fashioned: lỗi thời

15. take my hat off to sb: ngả mũ, tôn trọng ngưỡng mộ ai
So Emma actually manages to juggle two small children and a full-time job, does she? Well, I
take my hat off to her
16. take sb's mind off sth: to stop you from worrying or thinking about a problem or pain,
often by forcing you to think about other things
The good thing about running is that it takes my mind off any problems I have

17. turn over a new leaf: start to act or behave in a better or more responsible way
Apparently he's turned over a new leaf and he's not smoking any more.

18. keep a straight face: to manage to stop yourself from smiling or laughing:
She tried to keep a straight face but, unable to contain herself, burst into laughter.

19. stick to your guns: to continue to have your beliefs or continue with a plan of action,
even if other people disagree with you
Despite harsh criticism, she's sticking to her guns on this issue

20. out of the blue: without warning; unexpectedly.

She phoned me out of the blue

21. up in arms: angry or upset

They're up in arms about/over the new management structure.

22. do wonders for sb/sth: to cause improvements or have a very good effect
That new guy is great – he’s done wonders for the company

23. fend for oneself: to do things without help: tự chăm sóc bản thân
They had to fend for themselves while their mother was away.

24. be strewn with sth: chứa đầy, trải đầy cái gì

The park was strewn with litter after the concert

25. be up to ears/ neck/ eyes in sth = extremely busy

I'm up to my eyes in homework this week

26. catch up on sth/ ving: to do something that you have not been able to do recently
I have to catch up on my reading

27. put sth to the test: to find out how good something is: thử
Her constant questions put the teacher's patience to the test. (thử lòng kiên nhẫn)

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