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Practice Modul


Practice Coordinator :
drg. Irma H Y Siregar

Dental Health Diploma IV Program

Dental Nurse Department
Health Polytechnic of Semarang

Theme : Medical Emergency UnitObservation

Lecture : Medical Emergency in Dental Health Care
Credit : 1 SKS
Time allocation : 3x 170 menit ( I+II+III)
Semester : I IV
Goal :
1). General :
Students can understand about medical emergency unit observation
2). Special :
Students can explain about:
a) The procedure of patients acceptance in hospital, puskesmas and
private practice
b) The design of dental office in hospital
c) The administration including materials, equipments and finance
Students can understand the IGD unit in hospital. They can describe the
procedure’s cycle from patients acceptance, during and after treatment.
They also can describe the clinical administration including equipments,
materials, patients and finance
Target of Competence:
IGD Unit management in hospital
1. Students can report the procedure of IGD Unit
2. Students can presentate it
Materi :
IGD Unit
1. Students are asked to observe IGD Unit in hospital
2. Students make good presentation
3. The supervisor will give coment about their work and they discuss it
4. The students make a report and the supervisor gives score
Supported facility:
1. Preclinic room
2. Theory modul
Evaluation Method
1. The report must be submitted in three days after practice
2. The supervisor will chek it out and give score
1. Sue Protzman, Jeff Clarck,MS,REMT-P, 2015, Management of Medical
Emergencies in Dental Office
2. Robert D Elliot,DMD,MS, 2014, Emergency Protocol Scenarios
3. IMEP, 2009, Emergency Medical Response Plan for Periodontitists
4. Te kaunihera Tiaki, 2014, Code of Practice for Medical Emergency in
Dental Practice

Semarang, 3 Januari 2022

Prepared by Examined by Authorized by

the lecture’s Coordinator Head Division of Dental Nurse Head of Dental Nurse
Diploma IV Program Department

Drg. Irma HY Siregar MHKes TriWiyatini,SKM,M.Kes.Epid

NIP. 196510061992032003 NIP. 197001051991012001
NIP. 196204061988031002

Theme : Health Assessment

Lecture : Medical Emergency in Dental Health Care
Credit : 1 SKS
Time allocation : 1 x 170 menit (IV)
Semester : IV

Goal :
1. General :
Students can understand about health assessment
2. Specific :
After following the practice, students can practice how to simulate the
way to check the vital signs in peers on dental chair
Students can do the assessment of blood pulse, tension, breath and body
Target of Competence:
Able to do health assessment
The students can do the assessment of blood pulse, tension, breath and
body temperatrue
Basic life support and emergency management
1. Students are asked to do the assessment of blood pulse, tension, breath
and body temperatrue
2. The supervisor will give coment and they discuss it
3. The students make a report and the supervisor gives score
Supported facility:
1. Clinic room and Dental Unit
2. Theory modul
Evaluation Method
1. The report must be submitted in three days after practice
2. The supervisor will chek it out and give score
1. Sue Protzman, Jeff Clarck,MS,REMT-P, 2015, Management of Medical
Emergencies in Dental Office
2. Robert D Elliot,DMD,MS, 2014, Emergency Protocol Scenarios
3. IMEP, 2009, Emergency Medical Response Plan for Periodontitists
4. Te kaunihera Tiaki, 2014, Code of Practice for Medical Emergency in
Dental Practice
Semarang, 3 Januari 2022

Prepared by Examined by Authorized by

the lecture’s Coordinator Head Division of Dental Nurse Head of Dental Nurse
Diploma IV Program Department

Drg. Irma HY Siregar MHKes TriWiyatini,SKM,M.Kes.Epid

NIP. 196510061992032003 NIP. 197001051991012001
NIP. 196204061988031002

Theme : Shock and syncope Management

Lecture : Medical Emergency in Dental Health Care

Credit : 1 SKS
Time allocation : 3 x 170 menit (X,XIV,XV)
Semester : IV
Goal :
1) General :
Shock and syncope Management

2) Special :
After following the practice, students understand about:
 The symptoms & process of shock and syncope
 The difference between shock and syncope
 How to deal with patients with shock, syncope, hyperventilation
Students can explain about shock and syncope
Target of Competence:
Able to practice the way of dealing with shock, syncope, hyperventilation
1. The students can explain about chock and syncope
2. The students can demonstrate to deal with shock, syncope,
Shock and syncope
1. A group of Students are asked to presentate about health assessment
2. The other students can give questions in discussion
3. The supervisor will give coment
4. The students make a report and the supervisor gives score
Supported facility:
1. Clinic room and dental unit
2. Instruments
3. Theory modul
Evaluation Method
1. The report must be submitted in three days after practice
2. The supervisor will chek it out and give score
1. Sue Protzman, Jeff Clarck,MS,REMT-P, 2015, Management of Medical
Emergencies in Dental Office
2. Robert D Elliot,DMD,MS, 2014, Emergency Protocol Scenarios
3. IMEP, 2009, Emergency Medical Response Plan for Periodontitists
4. Te kaunihera Tiaki, 2014, Code of Practice for Medical Emergency in
Dental Practice

Semarang, 3 Januari 2022

Prepared by Examined by Authorized by

the lecture’s Coordinator Head Division of Dental Nurse Head of Dental Nurse
Diploma IV Program Department

Drg. Irma HY Siregar MHKes TriWiyatini,SKM,M.Kes.Epid

NIP. 196510061992032003 NIP. 197001051991012001
NIP. 196204061988031002
Theme : Emergency Management
Lecture : Medical Emergency in Dental Health Care
Credit : 1 SKS
Time allocation : 1 x 170 menit (VI)
Semester : IV
Goal :
1). General :
Students know about Emergency’s Management
2). Specific :
After following the practice, students can:
 Explain the Emergency in Pre Facility
 Explain the Emergency in Intra Facility
 Explain the Emergency in between Facility
Students can understand about Emergency’s Management
Target of Competence:
Able to explain Emergency’s Management
1. The students can identify the service in Pre Facility, Intra Facility and
Between Facility
Emergency’s Management
1. A group of Students are asked to presentate about Emergency’s
2. The other students can give questions in discussion
3. The supervisor will give coment
4. The students make a report and the supervisor gives score
Supported facility:
1. Class room
2. Theory modul
Evaluation Method
1. The report must be submitted in three days after practice
2. The supervisor will chek it out and give score
1. Sue Protzman, Jeff Clarck,MS,REMT-P, 2015, Management of Medical
Emergencies in Dental Office
2. Robert D Elliot,DMD,MS, 2014, Emergency Protocol Scenarios
3. IMEP, 2009, Emergency Medical Response Plan for Periodontitists
4. Te kaunihera Tiaki, 2014, Code of Practice for Medical Emergency in Dental

Semarang, Dec13th,2020

Prepared by Examined by Authorized by

the lecture’s Coordinator Head Division of Dental Nurse Head of Dental Nurse
Diploma IV Program Department

Drg. Irma HY Siregar MHKes TriWiyatini,SKM,M.Kes.Epid

NIP. 196510061992032003 NIP. 197001051991012001
NIP. 196204061988031002

Theme : Airway & Circulation Management

Lecture : Medical Emergency in Dental Health Care

Credit : 1 SKS
Time allocation : 3x 170 menit (IX, XII, XIII)
Semester : IV
Goal :
1) General :
Airway & Circulation Management

2) Special :
After following the practice, students understand about:
 Blood and breath circulation
 How to deal with patients with cardicac arrest and bleeding
 The ABCD principal for helping patients with cardiac arrest
Students can explain the circulation of blood and breath
Target of Competence:
Able to practice Rhe principal of ABCD and resucitation
1. The students can explain the ABCD principal
2. The students can demonstrate to do resucitation

Resucitation on patients with cardiac arrest
1. A group of Students are asked to presentate about health assessment
2. The other students can give questions in discussion
3. The supervisor will give coment
4. The students make a report and the supervisor gives score
Supported facility:
1. Clinic room and dental unit
2. Instruments
3. Theory modul
Evaluation Method
1. The report must be submitted in three days after practice
2. The supervisor will chek it out and give score
1. Sue Protzman, Jeff Clarck,MS,REMT-P, 2015, Management of Medical
Emergencies in Dental Office
2. Robert D Elliot,DMD,MS, 2014, Emergency Protocol Scenarios
3. IMEP, 2009, Emergency Medical Response Plan for Periodontitists
4. Te kaunihera Tiaki, 2014, Code of Practice for Medical Emergency in
Dental Practice

Semarang, Dec13th,2020

Prepared by Examined by Authorized by

the lecture’s Coordinator Head Division of Dental Nurse Head of Dental Nurse
Diploma IV Program Department

Drg. Irma HY Siregar MHKes TriWiyatini,SKM,M.Kes.Epid

NIP. 196510061992032003 NIP. 197001051991012001
NIP. 196204061988031002
Theme : Dental Emergency in Dental Clinic

Lecture : Medical Emergency in Dental Health Care

Credit : 1 SKS
Time allocation: 1 x 170 menit (VII)
Semester : IV
Goal :
1) General :
Students understand about Dental Emergency in Dental Clinic
2) Special :
After following the practice, students understand how to:
 Identify the cases of Dental Emergency in Dental Clinic
 Explain the symptoms and handling of emergency cases in
Dental Clinic
Students can understand about Dental Emergency in Dental Clinic
Target of Competence:
Able to explain the management of Dental Emergency in Dental Clinic
1. The students can identify Dental Emergency cases
2. The students can explain the handling of dental emergency cases
Management of Dental Emergency in Dental Clinic
1. A group of Students are asked to presentate about dental emergency in
dental clinic
2. The other students can give questions in discussion
3. The supervisor will give coment
4. The students make a report and the supervisor gives score
Supported facility:
1. Class room
2. Theory modul
Evaluation Method
1. The report must be submitted in three days after practice
2. The supervisor will chek it out and give score
1. Sue Protzman, Jeff Clarck,MS,REMT-P, 2015, Management of Medical
Emergencies in Dental Office
2. Robert D Elliot,DMD,MS, 2014, Emergency Protocol Scenarios
3. IMEP, 2009, Emergency Medical Response Plan for Periodontitists
4. Te kaunihera Tiaki, 2014, Code of Practice for Medical Emergency in
Dental Practice

Semarang, Dec13th,2020

Prepared by Examined by Authorized by

the lecture’s Coordinator Head Division of Dental Nurse Head of Dental Nurse
Diploma IV Program Department

Drg. Irma HY Siregar MHKes TriWiyatini,SKM,M.Kes.Epid

NIP. 196510061992032003 NIP. 197001051991012001
NIP. 196204061988031002

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