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Richard Rivera
CST 300 - Major Proseminar
5 February 2022

Ethical Use for Artificial Intelligence in Society

Artificial intelligence has made a huge impact today through different means starting

from education, medicine, and modern businesses. AI has shown an increase of value toward

businesses all over the world through its many features that affect the company’s process from

accepting employment to organizing the business’s records. Advancements in artificial

intelligence have created an ethical dilemma whether to apply AI to the business’s system that

increases their efficiency or not involve AI because it could affect the social infrastructure of the

business. In the medical field, one negative outcomes of implementing AI have shown through

cases where the program fails to process the information of medical procedures. Artificial

intelligence has shown improvements through the years and has helped many parts of society

until now, but every product in this economy gives its specific services to the public. AI was

developed to challenge people in chess to becoming integrated into business systems through

recruitment to data analysis and being part of the medical field with analyzing cancers in

oncology for treatments to patients. The challenges that artificial intelligence had to do to make

progress in any field of society but face different ethic challenges that AI usually makes like

discriminations, privacy, and other concerns.

Today, artificial intelligence has many uses from personal assistants on our smartphones

to applying for AI programs on business and using the software in medical technology to find

treatments for diseases. Artificial intelligence began in late 1950 created by John McCarthy that

created the term artificial intelligence and was named the father of artificial intelligence along

with his partners Alan Turing, Marvin Minsky, Allen Newell, and Herbert A. Simon. They

created the first AI system to test it to play chess and checks, as the first step of the development

of AI. From these tests, came the concept of Machine Learning which led to the program being

better than people. This program became a staple for artificial intelligence, but ran into many

dead ends in the 60s which is referred to as “AI Winter”. In the late 1970s, manufacturers began

building robot arms for assembly lines with few AI programs in them even though the little

growth rate (Basello & Feeley, 2021). There wasn’t any improvement until the 1990s when a

computer with AI finally beat the chess world champion, ending the “AI Winter”. After that,

artificial intelligence grew to what it is today for people to use it as a tool in their daily lives

(Basello & Feeley, 2021).

Amazon is a company that has used artificial intelligence in its business has shown great

progress to be the top-selling e-commerce company that provides services for the customers to a

good employee community. Amazon has used artificial intelligence to push forward their

business to a major front to improve business efficiencies and enhance the experience with

customers and build the company internally. The company has used artificial intelligence to

predict the number of consumers willing to buy the next new product coming in and design

custom recommendations for the customer. New projects from Amazon have been coming up

like cashier-less stores that use AI to track customers when shopping in the store (Das, 2020).

With artificial intelligence, Amazon has been focused on improving its customer experience and

search engine optimization for finding products that are provided by the company. From

Amazon, predicting the intent of the query is a significant component of information retrieval

which in turn, improves the relevance of the results through an understanding of latent user

intents in addition to explicit query keywords. The researchers believe this might improve

people’s shopping experience by matching only high-quality products to search queries (Das,

2020). This use of AI has shown major importance in Amazon, making them the top companies

in the world next to Apple, Google, and other technology companies. The company’s value

showed a claim of fact, by providing their value by using artificial intelligence to show

improvement in their business. AI will play a pivotal role for e-commerce in the future, in every

sector of the industry from user experience to marketing to fulfillment and distribution. Amazon

has made great progress with the use of artificial intelligence and the facts that showed an

increase in efficiency by 35% in total sales (Das, 2020). As an example, where artificial

intelligence is beneficial, the business showed good results through a difficult process and aimed

to provide good customer service for the public. Amazon has one good integration of artificial

intelligence into their system and can be used as a model for future companies that would put AI

into their systems to improve the economy.

There is always a negative side to any product available to the public to use, with AI it is

too early into the development. The healthcare industry that uses artificial intelligence has shown

cases that misdiagnose patients’ illness and give the wrong medicine and other solutions to face

that illness (Aschwanden, 2020). AI is rapidly entering health care and serving major roles, from

automating drudgery and routine tasks in medical practice to managing patients and medical

resources. When AI systems take on these tasks, several risks and challenges will emerge,

including the risk of injuries to patients from AI system errors, the risk to patient privacy of data

acquisition and AI inference. The risk of AI systems will sometimes be wrong, and the patients’

injury or other healthcare problems may result. After a problem has occurred involving AI fault

usually lies with the hospital or the program. With many factors that can affect the outcome with

the use of artificial intelligence in the healthcare system and that could make people suffer from

misdiagnoses or wrong prescriptions but there is also a positive view with the use of artificial

intelligence. A major company IBM was building an artificial intelligence named Watson that

would help diagnose patients in hospitals of cancer treatment more quickly, accurately and

design personalized treatment based on patient preferences (Chen, 2018). Doctors had high

hopes in advancing the treatment of cancer from Watson, using hypothetical cases to test the

program that designed the correct procedures for the client but came up with wrong solutions for

the hypothetical cases. IBM’s Watson project has made multiple examples of unsafe and

incorrect treatment recommendations that would cause a patient’s condition to get worse and the

complaints from doctors from The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center (Chen,

2018). After the project showed negative results, the Anderson Center canceled the Watson

Project with IBM by costing the center more than $62 million without reaching its goals (Blier,

2020). The UT MD Anderson Cancer Center focused on battling cancer through various

treatments and other research to expand the possibility to cure cancer and using the Watson

project from IBM to cure cancer and nothing less. The process of artificial intelligence for the

healthcare system is not advanced enough to make the correct procedures to cure the patients of

their illness, because through the tests with hypothetical cases giving the worst possible results

would lead to the wrong development of the AI program.

The important question is, should artificial intelligence be relied upon despite the risks?

Many outcomes go with implementing artificial intelligence programs into the system of the

business economy and using it for treatment toward diseases of patients in the medical field. In

the field science through the scientific method, the process is to test multiple times to find the

logical conclusion that proves the hypothesis, and if it fails then start again in a different process

to find the logical conclusion that comes close to the desired results specific individual want.

Artificial intelligence in business isn’t always showing good results as well as everyone expects

to believe since AI is designed by people and people have their own biases that they can put into

the design of the program that is meant to help business progress but can fall short in every area

if not used correctly in the business. When the medical center used the AI program to figure out

a solution to cure cancer, it’s a good goal to achieve as their main goal. But still too early to do

that because they lack information in the medical field, for what we ourselves still can’t figure

out and the failed tests given to the program with hypothetical cases that give the worst results

possible. The risk is high that it can affect the infrastructure of our society with many variables

that won’t work with artificial intelligence and the shortcomings that AI still has because of

people’s own biases in society being implemented into the program and still halts the progression

of artificial intelligence.

Amazon's framework of its ethics would be utilitarianism by trying to get many

customers the best products and try to please their expectations of the company. Amazon has

taken and continues to take strides to become an ethical and sustainable company for everyone to

work in and use artificial intelligence for the customers' best interest. When facing the bias

problems of artificial intelligence in the business industry, Amazon has faced many challenges

that give many opportunities for everyone and have the work environment comfortable for their

employees. Artificial intelligence doesn’t control every aspect of the company but is used in the

system for the customers, prediction of the next products to choose for them, and other things

that give Amazon a better position in the market around the world. The good use of artificial

intelligence for Amazon can be used as an example for other businesses in the future and

improve the increase of employment opportunities with recent research showing the increase of

employment opportunities that work in Amazon and other companies like Google, Microsoft,


The healthcare system framework is a care ethic for caring and treating the patient with

any type of illness, but the use of artificial intelligence can have huge risks to the system that can

cause misinformation toward the patients. This type of claim for the argument would be the use

of artificial intelligence can do more harm than good toward the patients’ health and using the

wrong procedures because AI isn’t complex for human thought and experience like doctors do

after years of studying and experience. The legal process of the mistakes using artificial

intelligence cannot be decided because of the responsibility of either falling toward the hospital

or the AI program misdiagnosing the patients’ illness or treatment toward that illness. The

achievements of artificial intelligence have been created and useful until now, although the

technology is not yet safe enough to apply to complex health decisions. The setback of artificial

intelligence can be possible when the mistakes from the medical field keep happening and won’t

improve in the public’s view of artificial intelligence and lowering the chance of improvement to

the program projects in other medical fields other than oncology.

While artificial intelligence has improved many things in this day of age and helped

many aspects of human’s everyday life. The beginning of artificial intelligence was to test

against humans with chess but there were limitations until the 1990s. But now after the 90s,

started the advancement of artificial intelligence and the building of artificial assistance like Siri

for the iPhone for Apple and later for other technology companies. My view on artificial

intelligence is a positive reaction toward the advancement of technology and how advancement

toward the integration of artificial intelligence and building more for the future. I would align my

view toward the first stakeholder with Amazon, from how the company uses artificial

intelligence for the company’s benefit for its use for their financials, algorithms for prediction of

consumerism, and other things that show the benefits of having artificial intelligence in their

system. Making use of artificial intelligence has proven the worth of its use and made an

influence on other companies considering using artificial intelligence. Even though AI isn’t

perfect, it has shown businesses to improve on their equality with their employees and work

environment of equal standing for everyone. We shouldn’t stop the progression of making

artificial intelligence to help other factors of the world like the environment, history recollections

of countries going back over thousands of years, and a lot more to the possibilities. There are so

many advancements ahead for artificial intelligence, we still have a long way to go to make it

think like or close to a human to better our results for our world’s economy, laws, and other

aspects of human society.



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