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Vibrations and Waves 05/05/2011

11-1 Simple Harmonic Motion

vibrates, oscillates over same path – takes same amount of time
periodic - moving in same path over time
equilibrium position – the position of mass at this point
restoring force – force on mass that acts in direction of returning mass
to equilibrium force
k – spring stiffness constant, constant
displacement – distance of mass from equilibrium point to any
amplitude – greatest distance from equilibrium point (A)
cycle- complete to-and-fro motion from initial point back to same point
period – time required to complete one cycle (T)
frequency – number of complete cycles per second (f)

simple harmonic motion – system which restoring force is directly

proportional to negative of displacement. (SHM)
Simple harmonic oscillator – system using simple harmonic motion
11-2 Energy in the Simple Harmonic Oscillator
At extreme points: x = -A , x = A
Total mechanical energy of a simple harmonic oscillator is proportional
to the square of the amplitude.
11-3 The Period and Sinusoidal Nature of SHM
period does not depend on amplitude
Formula (Frequency and Period):

Frequency and period of SHM do not depend on amplitude

Sinusoidal Motion
X = A sin(wt)
Velocity and Acceleration as Functions of Time
V = -Vmax sin(wt)
11-4 The simple Pendulum
simple pendulum – small object suspended from the end of lightweight cord.

11-5 Damped Harmonic Motion

damped harmonic motion – typical graph of displacement as function of time
of a spring oscillating until it stops.
Underdamped – system makes several swings before coming to rest
Overdamped – damping so large that it takes long time to reach equlibrium.
Critical damping – equilibrium reached at shortest time
11-6 Forced Vibrations; Resonance
forced vibration – have external force applied to it that has its own particular
natural frequency -

resonance – effect which damping is small and increase in amplitude is large

resonant frequency – natural vibrating frequency of a system
11-7 Wave Motion
mechanical waves – oscillates about an equilibrium point
pulse – wave bump
continuous / periodic wave – disturbance that is continuous and oscillating;
the source is a vibration or oscillation.
Amplitude – maximum height of a crest, or depth of a rough relative to
normal level
Wavelength – two successive crests
Frequency –number of crests that pass a given point per unit time
Period- 1/f, the time elapsed between two successive crests passing by the
same point in space
Wave velocity – velocity at which wave crests move

11-8 Types of Waves: Transverse and Longitudinal

Transverse wave – wave that moves up and down, vibrates up and down
Longitudinal wave – waves that move left and right, along direction of waves
Compressions – area where coil are momentarily close together
Expansions – regions wehre coils are momentarily far apart
Speed of longitudinal Waves:

Other Waves: Compression waves, surface waves

Ex: Earthquake – transverse waves travel through body of earth are called S
waves (shear) and longitudinal waves are called P waves (pressure)
11-9 Energy Transported by Waves
energy is transported by a wave is proportional to the square of the
Intensity – power transported across area perpendicular ot energy flow
Important expressions:
11-10 Intensity Related to Amplitude and Frequency
E = ½ kA^2
Intensity – power transported across area perpendicular to direction of
energy flow
11-11 Reflection and Transmission of Waves
wave fronts – points along wave forming wave crest
ray – line draw in direction of wave motion, perpendicular to wave front
plane waves – far from source and lost almost all curvature
incident waves – angle that incoming wave
law of reflection – angle of reflection equals angle of incidence
11-12 Interference; Principle of Superposition
Interference – what happens when two waves pass through same region of
space at same time
Principle of superposition - resultant displacement is algebraic sum of
separate displacements
Destructive interference – waves with opposite displacements at instant they
pass one another, they add to zero
Constructive interference – instance two pulses overlap, produce resultant
displacement greater than displacement of either pulses.
Phase – relative position of crest
In phase – during interference
Out of phase – when destruction occurs
11-13 Standing Waves; Resonance
standing wave – traveling waves interfering in such a way with large
nodes- point of destructive interference, cord is remaining still at all times
antinodes – oscillates with maximum amplitude
natural frequencies / resonance frequencies – frequencies at which standing
waves are produced
fundamental frequency – one antinode, lowest frequency.
Overtones – other natural frequencies
Harmonics – vibrating string they are whole number multiples of the
First harmonic – fundamental natural frequency
Second harmonic – first overtone, vibration under fundamental with two
11-14 Refraction
refraction – when transmitted wave moves in a different direction than
incident waves
sinx2/sinx1 = v2/v1
11-15 Diffraction
diffraction – when waves bend around an obstacle and pass into region
only if wavelength is smaller than size of object will there bye a significant
shadow region
theta (radian) is close to

11-16 Mathematical Representation of a Traveling Wave

displacement, amplitude = x, A


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