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Badang and his Mighty Fists

by Meth Canaya

Not long ago, there was a tiny village

in the southwestern part of the world called
Land of Dawn. Its beauty is beyond
everyone’s imagination. No one would believe
that a fantasy and reality can be intertwined.
The sound of the clear waters flowing, the
sweet singing of birds, the crawling of the sea onto the sand, marvelous forest, different
creatures large and small, and the tantalizing scent of flowers and fruits are all mixed
into one. It is a paradise!

The villagers lived

Thamus came. Thamus is a prisoner of the Shadow
Abyss (a hideous scar carved into the Land of Dawn
intended for wicked creatures) for 30 years. He was
penalized by Rafaela, the goddess of peace, due to
killing many innocent villagers. However, he was able to escape the hellish prison.

Thamus began ruling the village using his devilish

ways. He lets the people, old and young, serve him up to
their every sweat. Everyone was so scared that even the elders of the village can do
nothing for Thamus is so powerful and strong. No ordinary man in the village could
defeat him.

One evening, while Thamus was sound asleep, the villagers gathered at a secret
place. They brainstormed for ideas on defeating Thamus, but none of them would work
well. The people of the Land of Dawn were so desperate until an idea from the senior
elder popped. “What if we ask the goddess Rafaela for help? Anyway, she helped our
village 30 years ago”, Tatang Digoy suggested. Everyone agreed with his idea.

So the next evening, while Thamus was sleeping, everyone gathered to the altar
on top of the forest and offered the best foods for the goddess. After a few rituals and
cries, the goddess appeared. “What do the people of the Land of Dawn desperately
need of a goddess?” she asked. “Oh
dearest goddess! Our biggest enemy
Thamus escaped from the prison and
have been ruining our beautiful village,”
cried one of the villagers. “Do not be
weary my people. Soon, a savior will be
born and bring back the peace in the Land of Dawn.” Those were the last words of the
goddess before she vanished. The villagers went home with the hope in their hearts that
one day, they will be free.

Many years have passed, the Land of Dawn was wrecked. People are starving.
Men worked so hard to serve their master Thamus. Women were raped. Children were
abused. A lot of villagers turned their hearts to Thamus just to survive, but there are
some who were still hopeful for the promise given by Rafaela. However, for many years
have passed, n o child was born, except for Thamus’s son. It caused hopelessness to
the entire villagers.

Thamus forcedly married Freya, one of the daughters of

Tatang Digoy. She was a gorgeous young lady whose beauty
radiates just like pillars of the sun. Because of her undeniable
beauty, Thamus fell in love with her and marry her. No one can
stop Thamus from doing everything what he wants. They bore an offspring, whom they
named Bada ng. Badang had a pleasant face which he got from his mother. Born by a
human and a powerful creature, Badang grew fast compared to an ordinary human.
Freya made sure that Badang would grow to be a good man who cares and loves his
village and the people. However, Thamus taught him the ways of evil. He taught him
how to abuse his strength in wrong doings. Everyone in the village distance themselves
from him. He grew up with no friends and even his mother would look at him with
dismay. Every night he hears his mother’s cries.

One day, a servant, full of fear, came rushing to the dining area, where Thamus
and Bandang were eating. She found the lifeless body of Freya while she was trying to
wake her up for breakfast. This sad news travelled onto the entire village. Tatang Digoy
was so saddened and angry, but can’t do anything for her daughter because of old age.
The entire village cried aloud because of grief. Those cries were heard by Badang.

He felt miserable. He blamed himself for his mother’s death. He ran towards the
forest not knowing what to do. He ran and ran until he reached the cliff. Out of
desperation, he thought of ending his own life. But when he was about to jump, a pillar
of light came from above. Its brightness is above all other brightness on the land. “Who
are you?”, asked Badang. “I am Rafaela, the goddess of peace. I am the same goddess
whom your ancestors have been praying. I am the goddess who locked your father
Thamus in the Shadow Abyss many years ago”, the goddess answered. “Then what
brought you here?” Badang curiously inquired?

“You are the savior I was telling your villagers. You are their hope to end the
curse brought by Thamus. How is it possible that the only chance this village to have
freedom would end his life?”

“How can I become the savior when he is my father? Do you expect me to kill

“No ordinary man can beat Thamus. Only through you who is born by his own
blood can defeat such creature. Besides, you don’t need to kill him. You just have to
bring him back to the Abyss.”
“That is impossible! My father is the strongest creature in the Land of Dawn. How
can I possibly defeat him with my current strength?”

“Have you forgotten that you are in front of a goddess? You are chosen by the
heavens. The heavens will not forsake you. Just trust the process.”

Then the goddess disappeared.

After his conversation with Rafaela, Badang immediately went back to the village.
He tried to reach out to the people, but everyone was scared of him. They ran away
from him and shut their doors. But Tatang Digoy came out of his house and stood
beside Badang. Everyone was shocked, even Badang.

“In his blood runs my dearest Freya. Thus, the goodness of my daughter runs in
him as well. He is my grandson after all. Let us listen to him.”

The villagers upon hearing the words of Tatang Digoy open their doors and went
outside. Badang was so glad. He began to talk with the people and hear their cries. He
also told them that he was the savior Rafaela was referring to. The crowd rejoiced with
gladness in their hearts. Finally! This is the savior they’ve been waiting for.

The shouts of the villagers were heard by Thamus. He became curious about the
commotion and went outside to see it. Seeing his son in one heart with the villagers
made Thamus burst to anger. He roared so loud that the earth trembled with fear. The
villagers ran trying to escape the monstrous Thamus.

Badang bravely faced his father. “Kill me instead and free this village. A true
brave creature would never use these weak and innocent people. This land is theirs and
their ancestors. You don’t belong here, father.”

“Huh! How dare you call me your father after you betray me, you traitor! I will
crush you and those villagers into pieces. You didn.t know what Thamus can do!

“Then let us see what the evil like you can do.”
Thamus gathered all his strength and encircled Badang with the evil winds.
Badang can’t move and started to lose breath. He looked up at the heavens and saw
his mother Freya above him.

“Mother, if this is the way for you to forgive me, then I am willing to end my life. If
I might die this very day, guide and protect the villagers from this wrath,” Badang said
with his tears falling through his cheeks.

“My son, you are loved by me. It was not your fault but that evil’s. Forgive
yourself and gain your strength. The heavens are with you in this battle. Trust yourself
and win this battle for the Land of Dawn,” Freya said.

After those comforting words, Badang felt an unusual strength beginning to flow
in his every blood. He shone like the gods and goddesses, and its aura exceeds the
power of Thamus.

Thamus began to quiver. He knew that this is not an ordinary power. He knew it
was from above. Badang freed himself from the bonds of the wind and swiftly went in
front of Thamus and gave him thousands of
punches, which speed is that of a lightning.
Those were mighty fists given by the heave
ns. Thamus began helpless. Badang held
him through his ankle and threw him down
into the Abyss. The gods and goddesses
went down and sealed the Abyss, so
Thamus can never again escape.

The villagers were so happy. They appointed Badang to be their leader and hero.
The joy and beauty of the Land of Dawn was restored, thanks to the mighty fists of

Note: Names and pictures of characters are from mobile legends game.

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