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Draconian, AvRAK Medium Dragon Hit Dice: 8d12 (76 hp) Initiative: +35 0 fi. (6 squares) 17 (+1 Dex, +6 natural), touch 11, Base Attack/Grapple: +8/+8 Attack: claw +8 meles Full Attacl nged touch (1d8+2), or 2 claws +8 melee (14) and bite +3 melee (1d4) Space/Reach: 5 fL./5 ft. Speci th weapor energy ray, spell-like abilities, spells s: Alternate form, dimensional step, diiguete seff draconian traits, spell resistance 20 Saves: Fort +6, Ref +7, W: Abilities: Str 10, Dex 12, Con 10, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 14 Skill: nergy ray +9 ranged touch (1d8 death thre Concentration +11, Diplomacy +13, te +13, Knowledge (arcana) +13. +11, Spelleraft +13, Search +13, Spot +11 Feats: Combat Casting, Improved Initiative, Spell om) Listen Focus (ewoea! Environment: Any Jand Organization: Solitary or pair Challenge Rating: 9 ‘Treasure: Double standard Alignment; Offen lawlul evil Advancement: By Level Adjustment: +4 acter class Aurak dracor gerous d magic and spell-like Aurak dracon tall standing between 6 1/2 and 7 feet in height at adulthood, with no distinguishing characteris- ties between males and females. They have short, stubby tails and long, sharp fangs. Unlike other draconians, they have no wings. Aurak scales ar ing, dulling ir eyes are red ans are powerful and highly dan: en who n bilities ns extensive use of gonn nd slender, bright gold upon b somewhat with maturity. T 1, or blac Aurak draconians wear robes or decorate ty. IF ar their bodies to indicate rank and superio necessary, they use spells or their innate powers to take whatever disguise suits needs As the rarest of draco- ns, auraks have never been known to congre- gate in large numbers though they are often found as part of'a larg er group of drasoni- ns. They are both respected and feared thei by their fellows. Combat Auraks are not impulsive fighters, ‘They strike only after careful planning minimized all the ris Auraks hardly ever use their natural weapons in combat, preferring a8 instead to rely on their energy rays. Breath Weapon (Su): An aurak can breathe a noxious cloud in a 5-foot cone three times per da caught in the cloud is dealt 1d4 points of remporary Strength dam- age and blinded for 1d4 rounds (DC 16 Fort save negates). Death 1 explodes in 216 9 CuHarter SEVEn Any victim roes (Su): When an aurak dies, it blast of magical energy. This blast deals 3d6 points of damage to all creatures wi 5 feet of the aurak ted creatures can male a DC 16 Reflex save for half damage. The DCis ‘Charisma based. Energy Ray (Su): Auraks have the ability generate rays of force energy from each of ther hands. The ray has a range of 60 feet, and the aurak must make a touch attack to hit. The n als damage equal to 1d8 plus the aurak’s Chi ier, When using its aiggwise seffab an aurak appears to be using 2 weapon appropr ate to its form when it uses this ability Spell-Like Abilities: At will-greater i ity, DC person, Caster level 8th: save DC 12 + spell level Spell: to its innate spell-fike abi ities, an aurak casts spells as an Sth-level sorcere It prefers evocation spells and illusions to belp it disguise itself. ‘Typical Spells Known (6/7/7/ 12 + spell level): O-danerng tights, daz sowed, Hight, mage hand, open/close, read magi magic missile, shocking grasp ied, 6 strike; 2nd—biindness/deapness image, scorching ra tigi risma mou 15 suggestion; /day-DC 17 dei In additio 3; sa flare, pening bolt: Ath—coall Alternate Form (! male aurak can assun any animal form Medium or Small size standard acti three times pe This al as a polymarph spe cast an itself by a Stl level sorcerer, excep: that the aurak does not regain hit poims for changing form and can only ay bility functions sume the ean remain in its animal from until it chooses ta new one ar retum to its natura Dimensional Step (Sp): Up to three times per day, auraks can perform limited short-range telepor tation. This ability fun exactly like the dimension spell except that it has a range of 60 feet and the aurak can only transport itsell Fm, ctions and items carried. Disguise Seif (Sp): Three times 3 aurak can use an ability si seff'spell to make itself resemble an individual yan nilar to the diiguie noid and to perfectly imitate its voice. The ssts for 246-46 minutes and is lim- trak has hut ect only ited to any human or humanoid the seen, Aurak Characters Nearly all auraks take a cl; t makes use of arcane magic. An aurak dracon- 's favored class is cerer, When kyels as a sorcerer, itadds its sorcerer kevels to its spelleastir iy, For example, aurak 7th e] sorcerer ¢ the spells per day, spells yn, and cast er level of a level ret, However, is base attack honus, base save ponuses, and famil determined by adding the ippropriate f sorcerer to the aurak’s base statistics. atures of a 7th-

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