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Healthy Body Wellness Center

Business Requirements Document Template

Healthy Body Wellness Center/Initiative
November 2021
Version 1.00

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1 Document Revisions (Not required for performance assessment)

Date Document Changes
11/02/2021 1.0 Initial Draft

2 Approvals (Not required for performance assessment)

Role Name Title Signature Date

Project Sponsor

Business Owner

Project Manager

System Architect

Development Lead

User Experience Lead

Quality Lead

Content Lead

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3 Introduction
3.1 Project Summary
3.1.1 Objectives
The Healthy Body Wellness Center (HBWC) is primarily engaged in receipt, evaluation, and dissemination
of information among healthcare practitioners. Healthcare-related information (PHI), along with
other personally identifiable information (PII) must be secured in compliance with Federal
statutes and other regulations i.e., FISMA and HIPAA. The Office of Grants Giveaway (OGG)
seeks to streamline the processing and management of Grant Funds, which are currently
tracked through The Small Hospital Grant Tracking System (SHGTS), through implementation of
a Microsoft SQL Database and a web-based interface to be used by all individuals involved with
the Grants and associated research projects

3.1.2 Background
The Office of Grants Giveaway currently manages their grant and research data in single-user
applications. In today’s information-driven workplace, these single-user applications, like
Microsoft Access and Excel, can significantly decrease the availability of data and information to
workplace teams that may not be working in the same physical location. Upgrading the current
Local Area Network (LAN) to a Wide Area Network (WAN), coupled with additional backend
infrastructure will provide more robust information sharing opportunities, allowing for a larger
employee base, opening opportunities for additional grant programs.
The Small Hospital Grant Tracking System (SHGTS) is currently running in Microsoft Access 2010 on a
Windows Server 2008 R2 machine. Both applications have been without support or updates
from Microsoft since October 2020 and January 2020 respectively. With a goal of increasing
security of HBWC’s data, this system must be replaced.
Payroll is currently handled in-house with a physical check issued to the employee as part of the payroll
process. Direct Deposit is not an option. Research is underway to select a vendor to whom
Payroll and Benefit administration will be outsourced Business Drivers

- LAN to WAN
o More Employees
o More Grants
o More Office Space – 2nd location, availability of Remote Work
- Employee Payroll
o Convenience for Employee
o Reduced operational costs (Reduces or eliminates cost of Checks)
o Decreased processing time for Payroll personnel
- Server Operating System
o Server Security

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- Database System
o Security
o Capability & Capacity (Support for multiple simultaneous users)

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3.2 Project Scope
3.2.1 In-Scope Functionality
- LAN to WAN transition
- Payroll outsourcing vendor
- Server OS Upgrade
o Hardening
o Encryption
- SQL Implementation and SHGTS Migration
- Web server implementation
- Web application development
- Interface between Web Application and SHGTS SQL Server
- VPN Expansion to facilitate increased remote work

3.2.2 Out-of-Scope Functionality

- Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems
- Data Backup solution

3.3 System Perspective

3.3.1 Assumptions
- FISMA, HIPAA, and other regulatory issues have been researched and will be implemented as part of the
- Paperwork Reduction Act compliance
- Successful 3rd party vendor implementation for Payroll and Payment processing

3.3.2 Constraints
- Remote work limited by Internet bandwidth into main office
- Learning curve for employees with new software and data management processes

3.3.3 Risks
- Data corruption during migration from Access Database to new SQL Database

3.3.4 Issues
- None readily identified

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4 Business Process Overview

4.1 Current Business Process (As-Is)
Grant funding applications and research updates are completed on paper and submitted for review.
Weekly status reports and other updates are provided in paper form. Grand funding is provided
through ACH transactions to the recipient. Payroll is handled internally and distributed via a paper
check – either in person or by mail to the employee.

Process Diagram for Current Payroll Process

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Process Diagram for Grant Funding Process – no proposed changes to this process

4.2 Proposed Business Process (To-Be)

Moving forward, all grant funding applications and research updates will be completed through the
new secure web portal. Weekly status reports and updates will transition to an electronic form and
be available on-demand through the more robust data management features of a SQL Database.
Grant fund disbursement will not change – disbursed through ACH transactions to the recipient.
Payroll will be transitioning to a 3rd party. Paper checks will still be available, but the option for Direct
Deposit will be made available.

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Process Diagram for Proposed Payroll Process

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5 Business Requirements
[The specific business requirements elicited from stakeholders should be listed and categorized by both priority and area of functionality to
smooth the process of reading and tracking them. Include links to use case documentation and other key reference material as needed to
make the requirements as complete and understandable as possible. You may wish to incorporate the functional and nonfunctional
requirements into a traceability matrix that can be followed throughout the project.]
The requirements in this document are prioritized as follows:
Value Rating Description
1 Critical This requirement is critical to the success of the project. The project will not be
possible without this requirement.
2 High This requirement is high priority, but the project can be implemented at a bare
minimum without this requirement.
3 Medium This requirement is somewhat important, as it provides some value, but the project
can proceed without it.
4 Low This is a low priority requirement, or a “nice to have” feature, if time and cost allow it.
5 Future This requirement is out of scope for this project and has been included here for a
possible future release.

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5.1 Functional Requirements
Use Case Impacted
Req# Priority Description Rationale
Reference Stakeholders

General / Base Functionality

Expanded network access, Development

improved internal teams
FR-G-01 1 Migration to WAN connectivity, expanded
remote connectivity

Server Upgrade – move off non- Increased security, room Infrastructure

FR-G-02 1
supported software for future expansion engineers

Increased security, more Database

Database Upgrade & migration – move
FR-G-03 1 robust functionality, multi- Administrators
off non-supported software
user support

FR-G-04 1 Web Application for Grants Information

Security Requirements

Ensuring upgraded server IT Security

FR-S-01 1 Server Security OS is hardened against
potential threats

FR-S-02 1 Database Security Ensure permissions are IT Security

configured so that
individuals have access only
to the information they

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need to complete their job

Ensure that Web IT Security

Application is coded in a
way that common web-
FR-S-03 1 Web Application Security
based attack vectors are
mitigated to ensure data
integrity and confidentiality

Ensure that all internal and IT Security

external network traffic is
FR-S-04 2 Network encryption transmitted in compliance
with FISMA and other
regulatory guidelines

Information technology
infrastructure is currently
in an unsecured portion of
the office space. Moving
FR-S-05 2 Physical Security this to a more secure area
to reduce access, thereby
better securing data and
reducing incidence of
potential compromise

Reporting Requirements

FR-R-01 2 Weekly Reporting Non-critical reports can be

delayed during

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implementation and
cutover to new systems –
can be run later to catch up
with higher-level reporting

Usability Requirements

Personnel volume is not at

a point that the currently
implemented VPN is
FR-U-01 3 VPN Access upgrades unusable – upgrade can be
delayed until additional
staffing needs dictate an

Audit Requirements

Once IT infrastructure is
moved to a secured,
controlled access space,
logs should be routinely
FR-A-01 3 Physical Access Logs
reviewed to ensure that no
unauthorized personnel are
attempting to, or have
gained access to the space

Periodical review of login

FR-A-02 2 Server Access Logs
attempts for the servers

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Periodical review of
database access – and
FR-A-03 2 Database Access Logs review of assigned
privileges – mitigating
privilege creep

5.2 Nonfunctional Requirements

ID Requirement

NFR-1 Security Awareness Training

NFR-2 Payroll vendor setup requirements

NFR-3 DB Concurrent Users – at least the total individual users

NFR-4 Interface between the Web Application and the DB Server

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6 Appendices (Not required for performance assessment)

6.1 List of Acronyms
[If needed, create a list of acronyms used throughout the BRD document to aid in comprehension.]

6.2 Glossary of Terms

[If needed, identify and define any terms that may be unfamiliar to readers, including terms that are
unique to the organization, the technology to be employed, or the standards in use.]

6.3 Related Documents

[Provide a list of documents or web pages, including links, which are referenced in the BRD.]

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