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Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Split, Split, Croatia; and 2University Department of Health Care Studies, University of
Split, Split, Croatia


Sekulic, D, Krolo, A, Spasic, M, Uljevic, O, and Peric, M. The gility is defined as a rapid whole-body movement
development of a new stop’n’go reactive-agility test. J Strength with changes of velocity or direction in response
to a stimulus (13). This motor ability influences
Downloaded from by BhDMf5ePHKav1zEoum1tQfN4a+kJLhEZgbsIHo4XMi0hCywCX1AWnYQp/IlQrHD3i3D0OdRyi7TvSFl4Cf3VC1y0abggQZXdgGj2MwlZLeI= on 01/25/2021

Cond Res 28(11): 3306–3312, 2014—The main objective of

this study was to evaluate the reliability and the validity of a newly performance in sports where quick changes of
direction are common (3,5). It is generally accepted that
constructed reactive-agility test that can be used to define the
agility is a multifaceted quality that depends on several
reactive-agility performance in sports that employ repeated sce-
motor abilities, such as power, speed, and balance, and on
narios of “stop’n’go” agility. Measuring is done by original hard-
morphological–anthropometric factors (11).
ware based on the ATMEL microcontroller AT89C51RE2. A Because of the different agility manifestations (e.g.,
total of 36 college-aged male athletes (age, 22.1 6 2.4 years; forward–backward, rotational, lateral, zig-zag, and “stop’n’-
body height, 182.45 6 5.19 cm; body mass, 80.67 6 7.69 kg) go”), previous studies frequently investigated predictors of
and 21 college-aged female athletes (age, 21.4 6 2.5 years; agility. The idea was to identify motor qualities that could
body height, 171.45 6 6.81 cm; body mass, 61.95 6 6.70 kg) be effectively trained and used to improve different agility
were evaluated for a stop’n’go reactive-agility test (SNG-RAT), capacities (9,15). However, nearly all the studies that evalu-
stop’n’go change of direction speed (SNG-CODS), counter- ated agility predictors studied “nonreactive agility” (i.e.,
movement jump, and anthropometrics. The reliability analyses change of direction speed [CODS]). Agility in sport environ-
suggested a high consistency for the applied tests (SNG- ments primarily depends on CODS and also on perceptual
CODS, intraclass correlation coefficient [ICC] = 0.87 and and cognitive processes. In short, perceptual and cognitive
0.92; SNG-RAT, ICC = 0.81 and 0.86, for men and women, abilities allow an athlete to recognize the need to change
direction and execute it effectively. In other words, in sports
respectively). The SNG-RAT and SNG-CODS shared ,40% of
in which agility is an important quality, a change of direction
the common variance. The longer version of the SNG-RAT,
is exclusively executed in response to unpredictable visual
which included 5 unpredictable changes of direction, was found
stimuli (e.g., opponent, teammate, and ball); therefore, agile
to be valid among men. At the same time, the shorter version of
maneuvers may not be explicitly preplanned (12,14).
the SNG-RAT (3 unpredictable changes of direction) is sug- Previous studies have already developed agility tests in
gested for women because it better discriminates more agile which subjects have to quickly change direction in response
from less agile athletes. Because the SNG-RAT and SNG- to unpredictable visual stimuli (12,14). Regardless of the evi-
CODS were performed on the same course, we believe that dent strengths of these methods (e.g., idea and development
simultaneously performing both tests can be beneficial when of the measuring procedures), we must emphasize certain
defining “stop’n’go” agility. This implies that the calculated limitations. In those studies, agility is observed through
SNG-CODS to SNG-RAT ratio will allow strength and condi- “nonstop running change of direction.” Basically, examinees
tioning coaches to indirectly determine the perceptual and reac- sprinted over a “Y-shaped” course and changed their running
tion capacities of their athletes. directions only once. Because our respected colleagues were
originally investigating rugby, where such maneuvers are
KEY WORDS change of direction, reliability, validity, meaningful and frequent, this was a logical experimental
performance approach. However, there is no doubt that other sports
demand more specialized reactive-agility tests.
In sports such as soccer, basketball, handball, and/or
Address correspondence to Damir Sekulic, PhD, tennis, athletes have to change direction repeatedly through-
28(11)/3306–3312 out “stop’n’go” movements. While doing so, they often per-
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research form turns, alternate between running and lateral shuffling,
Ó 2014 National Strength and Conditioning Association change from forward to backward running, etc. The main
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difference between “stop’n’go” scenarios and the previously worked on a Linux operating system (OS), although a MAC
described “Y-shaped-course” scenario is that the latter sce- platform or other operating systems (e.g., Windows and Mac
nario lacks a moment of “zero velocity” (i.e., “Y-shaped- OS) would also be suitable. Measurement is more precisely
course” agility consists of nonstop running). The distinction explained later in the text. The third phase of the experiment
between “nonstop” and “stop’n’go” agility has been directly included testing and reliability analysis for the newly con-
proven in recent studies, which demonstrated separate pre- structed tests. The fourth phase involved validity analysis,
dictors for these 2 scenarios (10,11,15). Therefore, it is rea- through comparison of the characteristic groups of athletes
sonable to conclude that the “Y-shaped course” is not an (those involved in agility-saturated sports vs. noninvolved in
appropriate template with which to study reactive agility agility-saturated sports).
for all sports (12).
The first aim of this study was to evaluate the reliability
College-aged athletes of both genders (N = 66), all 18–24
and the validity of the newly constructed reactive-agility test
years old, were recruited for this study. The testing was
to measure reactive-agility performance in sports in which
performed as a part of the initial screening at the beginning
“stop’n’go” agility exists. The secondary aim was to study the
of their respective competitive seasons. All subjects were in
relationship between reactive and nonreactive agilities in
good health, based on an initial medical screening. In total,
college-level athletes.
3 participants had suffered recent musculoskeletal disorders
METHODS (i.e., injury or prevalent pain) and were, therefore, not
included in the study.
Experimental Approach to the Problem
The participants were required to answer a questionnaire
Previous studies have highlighted the importance of reactive
that was designed to assess the type of sport in which they
agility. However, to the best of our knowledge, there is no
were engaged. Additionally, their answers were checked by
study presenting testing protocols that would be useful in
the university staff. If participants played in sports where
defining reactive agility in sports that involve repeated
running was not a regular part of the sports training and
reactive “stop’n’go” directional changes (i.e., soccer, basket-
competition (e.g., rowing, swimming, synchronized swim-
ball, handball, and tennis). In this study, both within-subject
ming, water polo, and sailing), they were not included in this
and between-subject experimental designs were used to
study (n = 6). As a result, a total of 36 college-aged male
determine the reliability and the validity of the newly con-
athletes (age 22.1 6 2.4 years) and 21 college-aged female
structed “stop’n’go” reactive-agility test (SNG-RAT).
athletes (age 21.4 6 2.5 years) participated. For the purposes
The experimental approach consisted of several phases. In
of this study, the participants were additionally divided into
the first phase, the test of nonreactive agility (i.e., CODS) and
2 groups: those involved in agility-saturated sports ([AG];
the complementary test of reactive agility were theoretically
soccer, basketball, handball, and volleyball; 11 women and
designed through consultations with renowned strength and
21 men) and those not involved in agility-saturated sports
conditioning experts from different sports (basketball, handball,
(nonagility sports [NAG]; gymnastics, track and field, and
and tennis), including consultations of professionals involved in
sport dance; 10 women and 15 men).
the training of several national teams. After a consensus was
The subjects regularly participated in 8–14 hours of train-
reached about the test design, the approximate time frame and
ing per week, consisting of strength training (10–30%),
the most appropriate movement scenarios, the technical
endurance exercise (10–50%), and sport-specific exercise ses-
construction of the testing equipment commenced (i.e., the
sions (50–60%). All the measurement procedures and poten-
second phase of the investigation). We assembled and
tial risks were verbally explained to each participant before
constructed digital equipment for the detection and recording
obtaining their written informed consent. The Institutional
of multiple time points throughout the tests. We constructed
Ethical Board gave written consent for the investigation after
a novel hardware device system based on the ATMEL
reviewing the experimental methods and procedures.
microcontroller (model AT89C51RE2; ATMEL Corp., San
Jose, CA) as the core of the system. The photoelectric infrared Procedures
sensor (E18-D80NK) was used as an external time-triggering The measurements consisted of body height (BH); body
input, and light-emitting-diode (LED) illuminations were used mass (BM); body mass index (BMI), biceps, triceps, sub-
as controlled outputs. The photoelectric infrared sensor has scapular, and suprailiac skinfold thickness (for the calcula-
been shown to be as reliable as high-speed sensors, with tion of the body fat percentage [BF%]); the SNG-RAT; the
a response time of ,2 milliseconds (.500 Hz) and a digital test of stop’n’go change of direction speed (SNG-CODS);
output signal. The detection distance of the sensor was from 3 and the countermovement jump (CMJ).
to 80 cm, and was capable of detecting transparent or opaque The BH and BM were assessed using a Seca stadiometer
objects. Because it has a digital output (high-low state) with an and weighing scales (Seca Instruments Ltd., Hamburg,
NPN transistor open collector, the sensor is connected Germany). The BMI was computed by calculating the ratio
through a microcontroller input-output port. For the purposes of BM (kilograms) and squared BH (meters). Body fat
of our study, this device was connected to a laptop that percentage was calculated using body density (BD)

VOLUME 28 | NUMBER 11 | NOVEMBER 2014 | 3307

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Stop’n’go Reactive-Agility Test

according to the following formula: BD = 1.162 2 0.063 3 3 equal scenarios (i.e., 3 testing trials), though they had no
log S4KN (where S4KN = sum of biceps, triceps, subscap- knowledge of it in advance. The first scenario was 1-2-4-3-3,
ular, and suprailiac skinfolds). Body density was converted to the second was 2-2-4-3-1, and the third was 4-1-4-1-2. The
body fat percentage: BF% = (4.95/BD 2 4.5) 3 100 (2,6). best result was retained as the final score. Although the testing
The CMJ was used to compare the overall training status equipment was designed to allow a random selection of test-
of the AG and NAG groups. The test began with the ing scenarios, the same 3 scenarios were used to ensure equal
participant standing in an upright position. A fast downward testing conditions for all the subjects.
movement to approximately 908 knee flexion was immedi- The SNG-CODS was performed on the same testing field
ately followed by a quick, vertical movement as high as as that for the SNG-RAT (Figure 1). Throughout this test, the
possible, all in 1 sequence. This test was performed without testing scenario was simple (1,2), and the subjects knew it in
arm swinging and with the hands steadied by placing them advance. As for the SNG-RAT, the timing began the moment
on the hips. each subject crossed the IR. The subjects ran as quickly as
The SNG-RAT was performed on the testing field as possible to cone A (course 1), touched the top cone with his
shown in Figure 1. The subjects began running from the start or her preferred hand and ran back to the start line. He or she
line when ready. Timing began the moment each subject then had to cross or step on the start line with his or her
crossed the infrared (IR) signal. When the subject crossed preferred leg, turn, and run over courses 2–5. The test was
the IR signal, a hardware module (microcontroller—MC) completed when the subject crossed the IR signal at the end
ignited 1 of the 4 LED lights placed within 30-cm-high cones of course 5. The test was repeated 3 times (i.e., 3 trials were
A–D. The subject had to assess which cone was lit, run to that performed) using the same scenario, and, after reliability anal-
particular cone, touch the top of the cone with his or her yses, the best score was retained as the final result.
preferred hand, and return to the start line as quickly as pos- As a measuring remark, it must be stressed that the MC
sible. He or she had to then cross or step on the start line with recorded the result of each single course for both tests. On
his or her preferred leg, turn, and run again over the next a day of testing, throughout the 2–3 practice trials before both
course. Each time when the subject crossed the IR, the MC tests (i.e., SNG-CODS and SNG-RAT), the subjects were
ignited one of the LED lights. The single-test trial consisted of familiarized with the testing procedures and established their
5 courses, and the single trial was completed when the exam- most convenient maneuvers. More precisely, the examinees
inee crossed the IR signal after returning from the fifth course. were instructed to use their preferred movement procedure
Three trials were performed. All the subjects were tested using and type of running (i.e., forward, backward, lateral displace-
ment, and grapevine steps) and
to strive for their best score.

Data Collection
On the first day of testing, data
on the subjects’ anthropometric
measurements and CMJ were
collected. On the second day,
were evaluated. One half of the
examinees conducted the SNG-
RAT first, followed by the SNG-
CODS, whereas the remaining
half performed the SNG-CODS
and then the SNG-RAT. Stan-
dardized 3-minute pauses
between the trials and tests
were used for all subjects.
However, if the subjects asked
for extra recovery time, this
was allowed.
Each subject performed
a standard warm-up that con-
sisted of 5 minutes of forward
Figure 1. Testing of the stop’n’go reactive agility (SNG-RAT) and stop’n’go change of direction speed (SNG- running, 2 minutes of back-
CODS). ward running, 1 minute of
lateral shuffling (30 seconds
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To determine the relation-

ships between SNG-CODS
TABLE 1. Reliability parameters for the stop’n’go reactive-agility test and
stop’n’go change of direction speed.*† and SNG-RAT, Pearson’s cor-
relations were calculated.
Men Women Differences between AG and
NAG for all measured variables
were established using an inde-
SNG-RATtrial1 11.36 0.99 12.13 1.00 pendent t-test. Additionally, the
SNG-RATtrial2 11.01 0.96 11.95 1.05 differences between AG and
SNG-RATtrial3 10.91 0.72 12.18 1.11 NAG were also analyzed using
SNG-RATfinal score 10.68 0.78 0.88 0.04 0.81 11.70 0.97 0.89 0.04 0.86
a magnitude-based Cohen’s
SNG-CODStrial1 9.69 0.80 10.75 0.77
SNG-CODStrial2 9.55 1.03 10.40 0.56 effect size (ES) statistic with
SNG-CODStrial3 9.32 0.98 10.35 0.68 modified qualitative descriptors.
SNG-CODSfinal score 9.17 0.80 0.91 0.05 0.87 10.14 0.54 0.79 0.04 0.92 Effect sizes were assessed using
the following criteria: ,0.2 =
*CA = Cronbach Alpha; CV = coefficient of the variation; ICC = intraclass coefficient;
SNG-RAT = stop’n’go reactive-agility test; SNG-CODS = stop’n’go change of direction trivial, 0.2–0.6 = small, .0.6–
speed. 1.2 = moderate, .1.2–2.0 =
†The single best achievement of each individual is retained as the final score.
large, and .2.0 very large dif-
ferences (17).
All the coefficients were
considered significant at
each side), 10 squats, 10 push-ups, and 3 minutes of dynamic a 95% confidence level (p # 0.05). Statsoft’s Statistic version
stretching exercises. Warm-up was performed before the 11.0 (Tulsa, OK, USA) was used.
CMJ testing on the first day and at the beginning of the
second day of testing. RESULTS
To avoid diurnal variation, all tests were carried out in the In general, the reliability parameters suggest a high consis-
morning between 8 AM and 11 AM in December 2013. tency for the SNG-RAT and SNG-CODS (ICC of 0.81–
0.92). The between-subject reliability (CA of 0.79–0.91)
Statistical Analyses and within-subject reliability (CV of 4–5%) were similar for
The Kolmogorov–Smirnov test defined all variables as nor- both genders. There is no evident difference between the
mally distributed. The reliability of the applied measure- reliability of the SNG-RAT and SNG-CODS (Table 1).
ments was checked via their coefficients of variation (CV), The ANOVA found no significant differences between the
Cronbach Alpha values (CA), and intraclass correlation SNG-RAT trials for women. Meanwhile, the ANOVA for
coefficients (ICCs). The repeated measures analysis of vari- repeated measures reached statistical significance (p # 0.05)
ance (ANOVA), and Tukey’s post hoc test were used to for the SNG-CODS (for both men and women) and the
detect any systematic bias between the trials (items). SNG-RAT (for men). As expected, there was a trend of

TABLE 2. Comparison between male athletes involved in AG and NAG.*

AG (n = 21) NAG (n = 15) t-Test ES

Mean SD Mean SD t Value p ES CI95%2 CI95%+

BH (cm) 183.41 5.56 182.69 5.30 0.41 0.69 0.13 20.53 0.79
BM (kg) 80.41 6.66 80.47 8.95 20.02 0.98 20.01 0.67 0.66
BMI (kg$m22) 23.88 1.34 24.08 2.13 20.33 0.74 20.12 20.78 0.55
BF% (%) 12.60 3.21 13.21 2.99 20.63 0.53 20.19 20.86 0.47
SNG-RAT (s) 10.41 0.73 10.96 0.76 22.28 0.03 20.75 21.42 20.05
SNG-CODS (s) 8.99 0.77 9.36 0.80 21.42 0.17 20.47 21.13 0.21
CMJ (cm) 34.36 4.27 35.57 3.92 20.93 0.36 20.29 20.95 0.38

*AG = agility-saturated sports; NAG = not involved in agility-saturated sports; ES = effect size; BH = body height; BM = body
mass; BMI = body mass index; BF% = percentage of body fat; SNG-RAT = stop’n’go reactive-agility test; SNG-CODS = stop’n’go
change of direction speed; CMJ = countermovement jump; p = level of significance; CI = confidence interval for the effect size.

VOLUME 28 | NUMBER 11 | NOVEMBER 2014 | 3309

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Stop’n’go Reactive-Agility Test

TABLE 3. Comparison between female athletes involved in AG and NAG.*

AG (n = 11) NAG (n = 10) t-Test ES

Mean SD Mean SD t Value p ES CI95%2 CI95%+

BH (cm) 173.14 8.17 170.00 7.43 0.86 0.40 0.40 20.48 1.25
BM (kg) 62.86 6.44 60.75 7.57 0.62 0.55 0.30 20.57 1.15
BMI (kg$m22) 20.93 1.13 20.99 1.91 20.07 0.94 20.04 20.89 0.82
BF% (%) 23.56 2.25 22.09 1.35 1.76 0.09 0.75 20.13 1.64
SNG-RAT (s) 11.49 0.65 11.84 1.15 20.88 0.39 20.39 21.23 0.49
SNG-CODS (s) 9.99 0.32 10.20 0.53 20.30 0.61 20.49 21.34 0.40
CMJ (cm) 24.28 2.35 24.42 3.09 20.12 0.91 20.05 20.90 0.81

*AG = agility-saturated sports; NAG = not involved in agility-saturated sports; ES = effect size; BH = body height; BM = body
mass; BMI = body mass index; BF% = percentage of body fat; SNG-RAT = stop’n’go reactive-agility test; SNG-CODS = stop’n’go
change of direction speed; CMJ = countermovement jump; p = level of significance; CI = confidence interval for the effect size.

improvement with repeated trials. In all cases where the college-aged athletes. Second, the moderate correlation
ANOVA was significant, post hoc analyses revealed no sig- between the SNG-RAT and SNG-CODS suggests that
nificant differences between the second and third trials, dem- reactive agility and nonreactive agility should not be
onstrating that the results were stabilized by the third testing considered as single (i.e., equal) capacity. Third, there is
trial. Consequently, the best score was retained as the final evidence that the SNG-RAT superiorly measures the type
result for each subject on both tests (Table 1). of agility performance that is characteristic of agility-
Correlations between the SNG-RAT and SNG-CODS saturated sports.
were significant (p # 0.05) but moderate (0.62 and 0.68 for The reliability of the different nonreactive-agility tests
men and women, respectively), demonstrating that reactive has been frequently studied. Because samples have differed
and nonreactive agilities share 36–46% of the common var- between studies in terms of training status, gender, and
iance. Women and men performed better in the SNG-CODS sport, researchers have found moderate to high reliability
than in the SNG-RAT (15 and 16% for women and men, parameters (4,7,8). In general, the reliability of the SNG-
respectively) (Table 1). CODS is similar to previously reported values for other
For men, the AG group achieved significantly better nonreactive-agility tests (3,4,9–11,15). This is particularly
results in the SNG-RAT (t value = 22.28; p = 0.03; important because the SNG-CODS is relatively complex
ES = 20.75, moderate differences), but no significant differ- and consists of 5 courses and 5 unpredictable changes of
ences were observed between groups for the SNG-CODS direction. Each change of direction potentially causes
(t value = 21.42; p = 0.17; ES = 20.47, small differences). No some measurement error because of noncontrollable fac-
significant differences (p . 0.05) were observed between tors (e.g., incorrect stepping and sliding on the surface).
groups for anthropometrics (ES from 0.01 to 0.13, all trivial Therefore, the high reliability of the SNG-CODS is more
differences) and CMJ (t value = 20.93; p = 0.36; ES = 0.29, valuable.
small differences), which indicated their similar overall train- The reliability parameters for the SNG-RAT suggest
ing status (Table 2). strong reliability in both genders. The ICC that was
Among women, the AG and NAG did not differ observed for men in this study was somewhat higher than
significantly in SNG-CODS (t value = 20.30; p = 0.61; ES the one previously reported for the Y-shaped reactive agility
= 20.49, small differences) and SNG-RAT (t value = 20.88; in rugby union players (ICC = 0.82) (12). However, this is
p = 0.39; ES = 20.39, small differences). There were no almost certainly related to the higher level of heterogeneity
significant differences for the anthropometrics (p . 0.05; in our subjects and the consequently higher variability of
ES from 0.04 to 0.40, trivial to small differences), but the their results in comparison with equally trained rugby league
ES for BF% indicated moderate (ES = 0.75) differences players. To the best of our knowledge, no study has investi-
between groups (Table 3). gated reactive agility among women; therefore, the reliability
of female reactive agility could not be compared.
DISCUSSION Although all subjects were familiarized with the testing
Regarding the main objectives of this study, there are several procedures, the ANOVA results indicated that testing on
important findings. First, the newly constructed test was both procedures should be conducted for at least 2 trials.
found to be appropriately reliable for both male and female More precisely, the authors of the study witnessed
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1 common mistake that was characteristic of the first trials. exclusively in agility-saturated sports. Therefore, it seems
Initially, most of the subjects tried to sprint maximally from reasonable to conclude that P&RC directly and indirectly
the start line to the infrared sensor (Figure 1). As a result, influenced the reactive-agility performance of the AG group
they accelerated uncontrollably, and their inertia did not and defined this group’s superiority in the SNG-RAT.
allow them to perform the necessary change of direction To some extent, the lack of significant difference between
efficiently. By the second or third trial, they anticipated this AG and NAG among women is contradictory to the
problem, which consequently led to superior and stable per- previous discussion offered for men in which the SNG-
formances in the remaining trials. RAT discriminated the 2 observed groups of subjects.
A significant correlation between the SNG-RAT and However, this most likely does not mean that the SNG-
SNG-CODS was expected because both tests were per- RAT is not valid for women, but rather that certain
formed on the same course, and, as a result, the performance modifications to the SNG-RAT test are necessary. For that
on both tests depended on similar conditioning capacities purpose, we propose that shortening the test would be
(i.e., running speed, power, and balance). Regardless of this particularly useful. In short, there was certainly a possibility
significant correlation, however, it is evident that reactive that other conditioning capacities (e.g., anaerobic lactate
and nonreactive agilities shared ,50% of the common capacity) influenced the SNG-CODS and SNG-RAT per-
variance, which indicates that these 2 capacities should be formances among women. This was particularly probable
observed as independent qualities (1,16,18). While studying observing the moderate differences in BF% between groups.
rugby-specific agility, Australian authors identified an even The hardware equipment designed for this study allowed
smaller percentage of common variance between reactive us to measure and to record each testing sequence (i.e., the
and nonreactive components (12). However, the participants time necessary to complete each single course of the test).
in that study watched a video recorded scenario before even Therefore, we reanalyzed the test results for women, but this
starting the reactive-agility test (i.e., they stand still and time as a final result, we have used the time necessary for
received the video information), whereas the nonreactive them to complete the first 3 courses of the SNG-CODS and
test was performed over the same course with prior knowl- SNG-RAT (note that the original test result was recorded as
edge of the necessary movement pattern. Therefore, the the time necessary to complete 5 courses, which included 5
majority of the reactive-agility test results in their study were unpredictable changes of direction). After shortening the
associated with the early identification of key sport-specific test, the results of the studied female groups were as follows:
kinematic cues from the video. On the other hand, our par- the AG group (women) achieved 6.71 6 0.45 and 6.13 6
ticipants were already sprinting when they received visual 0.56 seconds, whereas the NAG group’s results were
information about the necessary change of direction. There- 7.55 6 1.12 and 6.15 6 0.87 seconds for the SNG-RAT
fore, we may suppose that perceptual and reactive capacities and SNG-CODS, respectively. This time, the groups
(P&RC, i.e., perception of the visual stimuli and reactions to significantly differed only in the SNG-RAT (i.e., the AG
stimuli) contribute less to the final result of the SNG-RAT group performed significantly better than the NAG group;
than in the study that investigated the Y-shaped reactive- t value = 21.98; p = 0.03; ES = 20.88).
agility test. However, it is probable that the percentage of This modification allowed us to determine the reactive-
the common variance that remained unexplained after the agility performance of women more accurately and
SNG-RAT and SNG-CODS were correlated (;60% unex- consequently ensured the validity of the performance
plained variance) and can be attributed to the athletes’ measurements. It is interesting to note that the between-
P&RC to some extent. subject-reliability parameters (CA) of both tests slightly
The only truly valid conditioning capacity test is one that improved when the shorter test version was applied among
efficiently differentiates the groups of interest and can the women (0.83 and 0.90 for the SNG-CODS and SNG-
consequently explain the difference between those groups RAT, respectively).
(12). In our study, the validity of the test was demonstrated
by its differentiation between 2 groups of athletes: those who PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS
were and those who were not involved in agility-saturated The originally developed reactive- and nonreactive-agility
sports. Among the men, the SNG-RAT was found to be able tests consisting of 5 courses were found to be appropriately
to differentiate the AG and NAG athletes, whereas no sig- reliable. However, the shorter version of the reactive-agility
nificant differences were found for the SNG-CODS. Previ- test (i.e., 3 courses) was able to differentiate the more agile
ous studies have confirmed that the nonreactive agility in female athletes from the less agile ones, and therefore, we
men is mostly related to speed, power, and balance strongly suggest the usage of a shorter version of the test (i.e.,
(10,11). Therefore, it is logical that those athletes who pos- 3 courses) when testing female athletes. Although in this
sessed advanced levels of these qualities would achieve good article, we presented a wired measurement system, the
results in the SNG-CODS regardless of their P&RC. On wireless version of the testing equipment is also in develop-
the contrary, P&RC, especially visual stimuli, are factors that ment. The authors are at disposal for all details about testing
are systematically and nonsystematically trained almost equipment availability, construction, and calibration.

VOLUME 28 | NUMBER 11 | NOVEMBER 2014 | 3311

Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Stop’n’go Reactive-Agility Test

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Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

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