Planning Without Action Is Futile, Action Without Planning Is Fatal

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Lecture IX

Planning without action is futile, action without planning is fatal

Cornelius Fitchner

Recap : Lecture VIII

 PMP vs Project Documents

 Direct & Manage Project Work


 Perform Integrated Change Control

Perform Integrated Change Control :
Meeting s by Change Control Board
Change Control Board (CCB) is a committee that makes
decisions regarding whether or not proposed changes to a project
should be implemented

The Change Control Board constitutes project stakeholders or their


The authority of the change control board may vary from project to
project, but decisions reached by the change control board are often
accepted as final and binding

Role is clearly defined in the

Change Management Plan
CCB are documented &
communicated to the
stakeholders for information flow

Perform Integrated Change Control : Outputs
Approved Change Request
 Change Requests include those requests which are
reviewed and approved by the right level of
controlling agency
 It may be a corrective action, preventive action or
defect repair
 Approved Change Requests are scheduled and
implemented by the project team & can impact any
area of the project
 Will be implemented by the direct and manage
project execution process

Perform Integrated Change Control : Outputs
Approved Change Request



What is Scope Management ?
Processes required to ensure that project includes all the work
required, and only the work required, to complete the project

Managing a project scope is primarily concerned with defining &

controlling what is & is not included in the project

Scope management defines how the deliverables of project will

be verified and accepted

Develop project management plan under integration, produces

scope management plan, which will define how the scope shall
be defined, verified and controlled

Uncontrolled increase in scope is called Scope Creep

What is Scope Management ?

Scope Management Plan only tells you how to manage the scope –
how the requirements are collected, how are they documented,
how are they verified, prioritized, updated, changed etc.

The scope management plan itself is never a part of the

Scope Baseline. It is the other way round - The Scope Baseline is
part of the Scope Management Plan

Project Scope Management : Processes

Project Scope Statement

The Project Scope Statement contains description of

• Project scope
• Major Deliverables
• Assumptions & Constraints
• Project Exclusions
Documents the entire scope including project & product scope
Describes project deliverables & work required to create those deliverables
Acceptance Criteria
Milestones & Phases description
Provides baseline for evaluating whether request for changes or additional
work are contained within project boundaries or otherwise
WBS : Work Breakdown Structure

The WBS is a deliverable oriented decomposition of
a project into smaller components called work

Phases Processes

WBS Example

WBS Dictionary
WBS Dictionary
The WBS Dictionary contains the actual detailed
description of the work required, and is often a very
detailed and technical description of each work

Scope Baseline
Scope baseline includes
WBS is a deliverable oriented decomposition of a
project into smaller components called work
WBS Dictionary
WBS Dictionary contains the actual detailed
description of the work required, and is often a very
detailed and technical description of each work
Project Scope Statement
Project Scope Statement includes the product scope
description and the project deliverable, and it also
defines the product user acceptance criteria
Validate Scope
The process includes
Formalized acceptance of the completed project
 Increases the chances of final product service or result
acceptance by validating each deliverable
The verified deliverables from the Control Quality Process are
reviewed with the customer
The outputs of Planning Processes including scope baseline
(Create WBS) while requirement documentations and work
performance documents from Execution Processes (Direct &
Manage Project Work) from the basis of scope validation 15

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