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Section A: Multiple-choice question

1) The process by which one person exerts influence over others and inspires, motivates, and directs
their activities is known as ________.
A) empowerment
B) time management
C) leadership
D) change management

2) The person who inspires, motivates, and directs the activities of others so that they work toward
organizational goals is known as a
A) follower.
B) leadership substitute.
C) coercive leader.
D) leader.

3) The ability of a leader to get others to act in certain ways is known as that leader's
A) power.
B) initiating structure.
C) philosophy.
D) task orientation.

4) Mick, the divisional manager at Howard Aeronautics, has to consult with Lucas when it comes to
the hiring procedures of the company because Lucas is a senior human resources manager. Lucas
enjoys the privileges of ________ power.
A) reward
B) referent
C) legitimate
D) coercive

5) Because Alyce is a department manager, she has reward power. As a result of this power, she
A) is able to give pay raises.
B) is an expert in the eyes of her subordinates.
C) can give verbal reprimands.
D) provides technical expertise to her subordinates.
6) Deanna manages a large department store, and as a result, she has the capacity to give the
store's employees written warnings, reduce their work hours, or fire them if they do not perform
adequately. This is an example of her ________ power.
A) coercive
B) legitimate
C) referent
D) expert

7) The premise that effective leaders possess personal qualities that set them apart from
ineffective leaders is based on the ________ model.
A) task-oriented
B) path-goal
C) contingency
D) trait

8) Integrity and honesty help managers become effective leaders by helping them
A) understand complex issues and solve problems.
B) make good decisions and discover ways to increase efficiency and effectiveness.
C) deal with uncertainty and make difficult decisions. (tolerance for stress)
D) behave ethically and earn their subordinates' trust and confidence.

9) Emmanuel is the owner and manager of a tutoring company. He often lets his employees open
the business when he has a busy morning, and he lets them record their own tutoring hours
without verifying them because he trusts them fully. Emmanuel is practicing (Slide 17)
A) initiating structure.
B) consideration.
C) coercion.
D) escalation of commitment.

10) When a leader assigns work to a subordinate and makes sure that the work gets done acceptably,
the leader is engaging in
A) empowerment.
B) initiating structure.
C) consideration.
D) relationship-oriented behavior.

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