Electronic Measurement - 1st Internal Test Question Paper

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Electronic Measurement/1st Internal Test/Time-45 min/F.M.-20 (Answer Q.

1 and any two from the rest)

Q.1 Choose the correct answer from the given alternatives (any four) 1x4

i) A D’ Arsonval movement is a) taut band b) PMMC c) Electrodynamometer d) moving iron type

ii) Errors that occur even when all the gross and systematic errors are taken care of are called : a) random error b)
limiting error c) instrumental error d) observational error

iii)The scale of a dynamometer type instrument marked in terms of RMS value would be__________ a)
Uniform throughout b) Non-uniform and crowded near the full scale c) Non-uniform and crowded at the beginning
d) Non-uniform and crowded around mid-scale

iv)In measurement systems, which of the following static characteristics are desirable.: a) Accuracy b) Sensitivity
c) Reproducibility d) all of the above

v) Frequency can be measured by using : a) Maxwell’s Bridge b) Hay’s Bridge c) Capacitance Comparison Bridge
d) Wien’s Bridge

vi) Control grid in a CRO is given ________

a) positive voltage b) negative voltage c) neutral voltage d) zero voltage

vii) Focusing and accelerating anodes are ________ a) rectangular b) cylindrical c) spherical d) square

Q.2 a) Explain the terms with reference to an instrument: i) sensitivity ii) resolution b) Assess the role of different
standards in measurement. c) Discuss about different types of errors in measurement. ( 3+2+3)

Q.3 a) Describe the construction and working principle of PMMC instrument. b) Explain how a PMMC instrument can
be used as a voltmeter. (5+3)

Q.4 a) Explain the balance condition of AC Bridge b) Deduce the balance condition of Hay’s Bridge. (6+2)

Q.5 Write short notes on: Application of C.R.O. or Dual Trace C.R.O. (8)


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