The Merciad, Jan. 26, 1973

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THE MERC IAD Not Everything

That is faced can be changed;

But Nothing | •
\Can be changed until it is faced."
James Baldwin



Offeree® AtHurst
Beginning Wednesday,
February 7, the Gannon College
Reserve Officers Training Corps
Students enrolling in the course
incur no obligation to> the
military. If they remain in future
Searching ForlOur
'100.000.001 I
Program will offer a special class courses to be offered next year
at Mercyhurst^ It?will meet in and]are selected to go into the
Weber Hall from 12:30 to 2:45 Advanced Course during their
14 Wednesdays during the Junior and Senior year, they will
Winter and Spring Quarters. be eligible to compete for com-
Students who successfully missions in the Military Police,
the course will receive 1 Military Intelligence and the by Al Belovarac jjjsm
and 2 credit hours toward other branches in the Army.
graduation. Specifically designed Current starting salary for a new For the pasti five years or so tuition. This was a standard maintaining two bookkeeping
for Freshmen males, the course second lieutenant in the Army lis students at Mercyhurst paid a practice in schools throughout the systems. Secondly, the activities
w ill appeal to students enrolled in over $9,0001 per year. Advanced $125 activities fee which osten- country. A 'problem (for ad- fee was not covering the cost of
History or La w$ Enforcement. It sibly provided the3funds to pay ministrators) developed in the services anymore. $300,000 was
Course students also receive $100 for student services provided on mid-'60s, however, when more being spent annually while only
consists of two parts, the first of per month for each month they
which deals with the History of campus. Last year, however, this progressive student governments $125,000 came in from the fee.
are enrolled in school and are fee was absorbed into the tuition, demanded control over the use of Rather than [increasing the fee,
Modern Warfare to include World eligible to compete for special
War Ifand World War II. The forming a comprehensive fee, these fees. In Texas, for example, the Trustees felt it would be a
scholarships. while students nad£to pay Jan a student government used part sound measure to abolish it and
second part is tailored toward
students enrolled -J in Law additional \ $25 for R.U.S. The of its activities fee to re-hire a assume* the cost of services
Enforcement. It offers classes in Any student wishing to enroll in question arose as to what was Marxist professor fired by the through tuition. Accordingly, the
Riot Control, Hand to* Hand this course shouldi contact the being done with the $100,000 university. They accomplished tuition increased $150 this year,
Combat, Weapons*! Orientation, Mercyhurst Registrar before the (based on an enrollment of 1,000) this by withdrawing funds from while the activities fee! came
Live Firing of the^Pistol, Rifle 5th of February. There will be a which had previously belonged to the health services, knowing the down to $25, all of which goes to
and Shotgun, First |Aid, and uniform deposit of $20, which will the students. Several weeks ago university would be forced to pick R.U.S. %
Special Rescue Operations, be refunded at the completion of the clarion was called in R.U.S. up the tab. In schools across the * * * *

the course. W f t < E demanding to know where the nation, a disturbing instability in What! does it all -j mean?
money went. We thought it was a these programs developed as
great slogan, making it appear as services were scrapped or Students still have a free library,
though something was rotten in restored as student governments health services, movies, school
paper, yearbooks and cultural
Almost An Eulogy the state of Denmark. We decided
to do some investigating into the
subject to>; find out whether the
administration was juggling
changed from year to year. The
college administrations restored
order by absorbing the activities
fee into the tuition, thus directing
series, all of which are funded
from the present comprehensive
tuition. We also! have ja* very
by Cathy Stevenson students' mone> around, and where it would go and destroying wealthy student government,
some interesting facts came to the fear of having services with a budget of over $300,000,
I doubt if Mothers will ever medals were cloth patches in- abandoned that had taken years none oft which has to be poured
understand why; the daughters stead of the standard glitter of light. to develop. Mercyhurst followed into the services listed above, as
they raised in pretty dresses metal. *• | f f * * * *
suit and took' that step last year. was the case under the old ac-
would* want to cling to faded, The trouble with patches is that From the old $125 activities fee, tivities fee system.
patched, grubby jeans. once you consent to one, the rest portions were parcelled out for The question is why ? •f * * * * H
My own jeans have seen me to follow immediately by demand.! student services such as health, I&R.U.S. gained control of the
my third year of college and with One patch led to two, two to library, yearbooks, newspaper, $100,000 again, i t | would have
any luck, |we |may graduate three and the fourth patch was athletics and cultural events. Two complaints clanged from another headache in trying to
together. shamelessly applied over the This extra fee served a dual role. the | deep recesses of the distribute the money to services
Our first yeariat Mercyhurst, first. I | j fc First, students picked up the cost Treasurer's Office under the old that require more than is in the
my jeans and I were both|new With each patch my^Mother's of subsidizing the services, and system. The activities money had pot. To put it simply, if we get
and a bit stiff in our new pleas to part with my companion second, a facade was created to be separate from other funds, what some want, we will have
surroundings. Time relaxed us became stronger but I could not giving the impression of a lower creating the headache *of less than we do now.
both along with days full of new desert my friend now. Each day
experiences. ?•• | 'v y 1 they grew weaker, paler, until
We started our second year as what appearedlto be their final
i 1 w e belonged together.
We were breakdown. The
also a bit worn out. . Me, from even made me give up hope and
gaping wound
Scholarships Freshman Elections
Friday, January 26,1973 For TREASURER *
Mercyhurst routine and my jeans for weeks my jeans lay
from a hectic Freshman year. hopelessly on a cold metal
For Minority I Ma in Lobby, Zurn BobMistole J
E By thejtime this school year hanger. —Please Vote— Dale Mcintosh
- I £ •
started,smy jeans and 1 carried Even though my jeans had
memories with us. My own given up hope, I could not. We still
Groups For PRESIDENT The following students are the
memories were hidden, private had at least a year to go. JJ. RichToland |. Freshman Representatives to the
things but^my jeans wore^their Teachers College, Columbia B|J— John Cousort Representative Union oi
The operation was a slow. University is offering 125 tuition Jeff Davern is Vict^ President Students: Debi DAlessandris,
memories openly § like medals. Peggy i Flocos, Mary Anne
The only difference was that the (Continued on Page 2) scholarships to minority group of the Freshman Class.
students |for the 1973-74 year. Congratulations! | Gavrile, Elisa Guida, Sammy T.
Each scholarship covers up to 32 Johnson, Ray Korzeniowski,
points of tuition having a value of For SECRETARY Daun Miller, Lynn Neiderlander,
THE MERCIAD $3,000. Recipients are eligible to
apply for re-awards to a
Kathy Piechrchi
i Nancy Peutak, Frank P. Sirot-
nak, Sue Yockey.
maximum of two additional
Years of Service years.* f i > ' W- M>

Published weekly during the college year/ except Thanksgiving, in-

To encourage well-qualified
tercession, Christmas and Easter vacations, and examination periods and eligible students whose at- West 1120 Street, Box 302, New Lodges, Cabins, Gilt Shops, etc.
by the students of Mercyhurst College, Erie, Pa., 16$OI. Mailing ad- tendance; at Teachers College, York, New York;?. 1.10027. within the ^Nation's oldest and
dress: Mercyhurst MailroonvP££*tao Hall, Box 34. Columbia University for 1973-74 is Prospective applicants are urged largest National Park. f
dependent on financial aid. '•• to take early action to obtain and |f Applications must be submitted
Editor Bob Parks file the applications; and sup- prior to February 1st, and all
Assistant Editor a? ELIGIBILITY applicants must be available for
w Tom Heberle porting j materia
ig.Open only to United States Completed applications areIs required.
Editorial Board work until September 4th or later.
News J. to

Cathy Stevenson citizens. The Hocus of the required by February 1, 1973 to

Feature Editor CT: r.
Al Belovarac program is to attract to the receive consideration for ^1973-74
Sports | Oario Cipriani college Black and Puerto Rican scholarships. * Awards f will be
Layout. $M
Assistant Layou
Jon DeGeorge
Terri Grzankowski
students and others who. have announced in April.
been educationally disad- JH FILMjl
Business Manager
| SueWeiner |
Marlene Smith
vantaged and are members of
other minority groups.
Faculty Advisor
Barry McAndrew
|& . Application I FORMING
".rajV Procedures '-M
Staff Writers: Pat Lyon, DaVfcftta&alhT Bob Gearhart, Al Belovarac,
Gary Bukowski, Judy Smith, Andrea Kupetz, Chris Lytle, Joan
Instructions on how to apply for Employment .. interested students and
faculty are asked to attend
Bucher, Rattle Back, Sharon Wsrntr, A. J. Adams.Bob Beck Paul admission and financial aid, in- an organization and planning
Hanes. cluding special * instructions for .. 1973 Summer Employment . meeting, Tuesday January
minority group scholarship —Yellowstone National 30.J1973 at 3:00 p.m. in the
Staff!Tom Frank, Nancy Parks, Paul Ooran, Carol Alco, Sophie applicants, are included with
Geret Kathy Holmes, Cookie Cebula, Rosie Schiava, M*vrpp Park Wyoming, i *• Faculty Lounge in]Preston
Hunt, Marie Kanicki, Mary Griswold, Margot Lestrange,>Gaii each application for admission. Hall* Discussion will concern
Stevens. Tom Rictor f Applications for admission may The Placement Office has organization, planning, types
be obtained from Teachers applications for students /in- of film and funding. $ |1
College Office of Admissions, 525 terested in working in Hotels,
ttwmw* •„«..»• -
•'•' '- V !
f b t t
Frostburg State Tonight
— — ^ _

Mercy hurst College added two lead and stretched, it to 13 points
big wins to its record this past at 61 - 48 and again held sway at 75
week and will take an 11-4 log into - 62 before a late flurry by the
Friday night's contest with Frost- visitors rallied to cut the gap to
burg State in Frostburg, Md. six a t the fina 1 buzzer. f
The Bobcats, who have Jwon J.C. Carter led Mercyhurst
four of their first ten games, will with 24 points, Steve Albert had 20
play Towson State before? their and Albert and Jesse Campbell
meeting with the Lakers. * i split 28 rebounds between
The first win of the past week themselves. M Sj.
for the Lakers, 78 - 72 over Point The 58 - 54 win over Lock Haven
Park, could go a long way in State this past Friday, the second
determining if the Mercyhurst win over the Bald Eagles f this
squad will get a bid to the year, again wasn't as close as the
N.A.I.A. District 18 playoffs. It final score may seem. •>
also made up for a defeat the Mercyhurst came out from a 30
Lakers suffered to the same - 24 halftime advantagerand led
Pioneers earlier in the year in by about ten*throughout the
Pittsburgh. I | second canto. But again the
The game was close throughout Lakers saw their lead drop from
the first half with the score being 11 points, 56 -445, to the final
tied six \ times and the lead margin of four. I f §
changing another five times. The Albert led the scoring parade
Lakers led* 38 - 36 atf the in- for the Lakers with 24 points and
termission. he added 13 rebounds, one more
Point Park spotted the count at than teammate Campbell. { 'f. Jesse Campbell goes sky-high for a basket'against point ipark.
40 - 40 early in the second half but
that was as close as the Pioneers
were to get. The Lakers took the

Eulogy • | .
2LAXS& q FGfl-jffiA,,, PCO;. FTil-pTA J?0T. JG3& AV'J. TO pr AVE.
(Continued f Page 1)
painstaking procedure, but the Carter
final stitch proved a success and Campbell 11
my jeans had once again been Jones 166 - 2
reborn. \ M Bukowski
Having almost lost my jeans Eraick*-?
once, I am more considerate of MoConnell
them now and let them rest often. WIeczorek
My Mother is happy with my Brandon
new assorted friends and is not Rcpko
ashamed to be seen in public with Jacobs
Mahoney 0-
me anymore, but my friend lives Chojnaoki 0- 1
on awaiting the day when they
will once again be reborn. . . as Team Rebounds
cutoffs. £ ?
LAKERS p 2jJ|i|.-1086"«l|.09 1 31 -rZZZ 1029
c OPPONENTS lj.10- 980 JJ.18 15k-2kl 9714-

Points: Steve Albert Roberts Wesleyan i-10-73 (ill. pa, 0

Peild Goals: Steve Albert Roberts Wesleyan 1-10-73 (17 a t t )
:* 1FROZEN AND Free \ Throws: Stgvo Albert Alliance (7 a t t )
I -13-73
Rebounds: Josse Cumpbell Point Park 13-72
GarliJonea Roberts Wosloyon
f r E X T . 281
Car 1 i Jones Point Parle
DAYS* vrz—wr.

SUNDAY 9.30 - Steve Albert, Top Laker

MONDAY Pri., Jan, 26 — Erostburg State (at Frostburg, Ild»)
II. 30P.M.
Scorer and Rebounder

Sponsored by
Intramural^ Basketball League
by Tom Frank
Cheerleaders The big guns of the M.B.A. last 2jjwas Rich Zambrycki with 10 Guess What 73-65. §
Tuesday/ January 16 Thursday were Tom Monaghan, markers. | f | H f With a seven point half-time
The Family • 65; Four Rats on a "Turkey" Johnf Mishanec and The second game at the arena advantage Guess What whittled it
Rainy Night-42 t Tom Heberle. I ii had John Mishanec pop in 19 down to two points at least three
BEER BLAST Original Over the Hill Gang 58;
I* Guess What 48 ;'
In the! first game off a
tripleheader at the Mercyhurst
points and John Crupi adding 16
as the Speed Boys beat %,the
times during the second half, but
the Knicks behind Mark Piliewski
I Thursday/January 18 "Arena", \ Tom I Monaghan Nimrods 62-45 in the only B" and Dan Laird's*hot hands, and
I Saturday Original Over the Hill Gang-74;
Vet Set 31 ag. J
sparked the Original Over the League Game of the evening. Bob Parks'! outstanding! defense
against Tod Allen were the*
Hill Gang with 20 points as they Players injjdouble figures lor ingredients necessary for the
January 27 Speed Boys-62; Nimrods-45
Knicks-73; Guess What 65 humiliated the Vet Set 74-31.
While Monaghan was the
the Nimrods, now 1-1 were Ron Knicks to hold out and win 73-65.
Korzeniowski with 16, Bob Amen High man for Guess What was
consistent scorer for the old men,
POLISH FALCONS Gene Fahey 19 and Bill Bryan 16
10, and Terry Frontio io. Kent Williamson pumping in 21
combined for 28 of the Faculty's In a thrilling night cap to please John Holt with 13 and big Tod
19th ft Ash §A League
Original Over the Hill Gang 2-0 35 points in the second half. the fans the Knicks, paced with Allen adding another 14 markers
Foxes 1-0 High man for the Vet Set now 0- Tom Heberle's 24 markers beat foT the Losers.
^Losers 1-1
(Tlusic by ||Tulsa Counts Cougars 1-0


Knicks | f.
Nosmos Kings
Guess What
Vet Set f
n 0-2
B League .£• -, •
Family *i 2-0 i Beer
2-0 1
Guys 2.00 Speed Boys i Blast

G i r l s • ' 1 - 5 0
Nimrods g
Four Rats On a
Rainy Night
January, 1973 Polish Falcons 19
& Ash; Featuring
Red, JWh!te£ &
Kinnane's Cadets 0-1 Blueberry J
Over the Hill Gang (B) 01
College I.D. 01
February, 1973
T- Bailers i

Required.? This Week's Schedule:

i Tuesday January 30
7:00 Nosmos Kings vs Losers
SPONSORED 8:00 Family vs. Speed Boys
9:00 Vet Set vs. Tulsa County

Mercyhurst & Friday February 2

7:00 ? vs. Over the Hill Gang
Ain't Nothing Happening!
8:00 Guess What vs. Foxes 7 8,9
Yearbook 9:00 4 Rats vs T- Bailers. >

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