City Hall

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City Hall also known as the Rastriya

Sabha Griha. sits today as a very
strange urban landmark, primarily
owing to its highly accurate
interpretation of the principles of the
International style. It is one of the
renowned architectural building
located in Kathmandu, Nepal.
‘Gangadhar Bhatta’ also known as
‘Halabe’ was the architect to design
this architectural building. It is one of
the International styled architectural
building of Nepal.
City Hall is famous as it is one of the international styled building of Nepal which the traditional
Nepalese architecture has ever seen in that era. The lighting and the acoustic facilities are also
carefully designed by making it aesthetically as well as functionally attractive. The ground floor
is all covered by the official department and has separate entrance for all visitors, staffs and VIP
for easy circulation pattern. Various national programs are being conducted in this building.


Mostly there is ample amount of penetration of natural lighting in all the rooms and entrance
areas and has use of artificial lighting arrangement in the main hall area.

 After the spectators entrance in the main lobby, there is double height ceiling which
provide natural light and proper ventilation in the lobby area.

Double ceiling height in the lobby for natural lighting

 The bathroom are also properly provide with both artificial as well as natural methods of
lighting systems.

Proper natural lighting

 Use of proper natural lighting in the VIP waiting areas.

 Stage lighting is very important as it is essential in setting the time and place. Basically,
light is a form of energy which makes objects visible to our eyes. Stage lighting is the
craft of lighting as it applies to the production of theatre and other performance arts.
Visibility is an important aspect of the stage light.
 Lighting for the stage involves manipulating the four major Controllable Qualities of
light; Intensity, Color, Direction and Movement; to influence the four functions of stage
lighting which are Mood, Selective Focus, Modeling and Visibility.
 Lighting is a very technical area and there are many types of lights (or lanterns). Colored
gels can be added to the front of some lanterns so that they throw colored light onto
the stage. ... Spot - has a hard-edged effect, used to light characters or elements on the
stage. Colored filters can be used with this lamp.
 The follow spot (also called a spotlight, track spot, lime (uk), or dome) is a lighting
instrument that is moved during a performance by an operator or by DMX control to
provide emphasis or extra illumination and usually to follow a specific performer moving
around the stage.

Use of spot light, track spot etc.

 Usually the kind of light used in halls is called recessed lighting, whereas lights retract

back into the ceiling itself.

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