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ENVIRONMENTAL ETHICS – is that the portion of Special ethics which deals with
man’s responsibility to conserve the environment and the natural order of things as we
make use of them to satisfy our daily needs.

MORAL EXTENSIONISM – holds that “The environment and creatures have meaning
and in and of itself beyond mere utility.

THE EARTH; A HOME TO MAN – The earth is a man’s natural paradise or home.
There man is born; there he lives; and the he dies. Earth is part of man, and man is part
of earth. Man and earth are like likos (home) to one another. For this symbiotic relation,
man has to protect earth, lest it becomes a paradise lost. We are children of nature, the
flesh and blood of Mother Nature.

THE ENVIRONMENT - The environment refers to all of the surrounding things,

conditions and influences affecting the growth or development of living things.
Environment Is a natural process called ecosystem.

GLOBAL ENVIRONMENTAL DESTRUCTION – The most common and large-scale

environmental destruction is deforestation. Deforestation renders the earth “hairless” or
bald as a result of unthoughtful activities of a rapidly growing population around the

MAN’S MORAL OBLIGATION – It has now become clear that it is man’s moral duty
and responsibility to protect and save Mother Earth. This is a global task. All nations
must be involved and work together in the fight against the wanton destruction of the



 An act to impose the death penalty on certain heinous crimes, amending

for that purpose the revised penal code, as amended, Other special penal
laws, and for other purposes.
 The law was signed by then President Fidel V. Ramos on December 13,
1993, Manila, Philippines. It was the Estrada administration that started
imposing it on hardened crimes.
 The law is being implemented to criminals who commit the following
heinous crimes:
1. Treason
2. Qualified Piracy
3. Qualified Bribery
4. Parricide
5. Murder
6. Infanticide
7. Kidnaping and serious illegal detention
8. Robbery with violence against or intimidation of persons
9. Destructive arson
10. Rape
11. Plunder
12. Importation of prohibited drugs
13. Sale, administration, delivery, distribution and transportation
of prohibited drugs
14. Maintenance of den, dive or resort for prohibited drug users
15. Manufacture of prohibited drugs
16. Possession or use of prohibited drugs
17. Cultivation of plants which are sources of prohibited drugs.

 The law applies also to crimes related to regulated drugs. Depending upon
the gravity of the crime committed, the court sentence to be imposed to the
guilty criminal ranges from reclusion Perpetua to death penalty according
to the law.

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