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BSNED1-2 Sir, Fabrigar

My Teaching Profession
Teaching isn't really for everyone it takes a lot of courage and effort for someone
to become a teacher and be able to teach someday. Honestly speaking, becoming a teacher
isn't what I really want, but I chose BSNED as my last choice, since I'd notice that there
are only few students that wanted to become a SPED teacher someday, I realized that
maybe this is part of His plan, so that someday I'll be able to help those who are in needs
especially those person with special needs. In our past discussion one of my Professor said
that BSNED graduates can be able to teach a normal students but not all EDUC graduates
can teach a special child, after hearing that, I said to myself, that I'm bless to part of
this department, that even if I never see myself as a teacher I still ended up taking this
course. Now, if someone's going to ask me "Why do you teach?" I'll answer happily that, I
teach not because it is my job, but because It is my way to communicate and share my
knowledge to my learners and I, myself, as an Educator I'll be able to get something on my
learners experience that may help me to grow as an individual.

As a teacher, I won’t only teach what I am assigned to but also I’ll teach them how
to be good to everyone my job is for them to learn something that may help them to
become a good person in the future, I don’t think that being a teacher only ends once you
teach the whole lesson but also it requires us to teach them something that they will
remember once they grew up. My teaching style will be fun since I’ll be teaching a person
with special needs, I want them to have fun and at the same time they are also learning. I
want them to learn in a fun and creative way because I believe that in that way they will be
more attentive and eager to learn since they will no longer notice that they are in school
because they are having fun. I think that my teaching is effective when a my student is
having fun while learning and I can see progress in my student’s learning capacity that’s
when I think my teaching style will be effective.

As a future educator my task is to serve as a role model to my future learners

aside from the lessons I want them to remember something that may help them to grow as
individual and something that they might use in the future and that’s what I want to
achieve once I already became a teacher.

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