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ACCESS EBS – Specialized Software for

Footwear Industries


HALI -160055, PUNJAB.
PH: 0172-5002677, 5025577.
Access InfoTech is delighted to have the opportunity to respond your requirement for an integrated &
centralized manufacturing business solution that helps in scheduling and monitoring the organization wide
Current agenda on growth & development in industrial business, demands that all of business information
systems be integrated into a single technology platform utilizing a common database and common application
The suggested strategy here is particularly focused on implementing a corporate-wide Enterprise Resource
Planning package or system, and we propose ACCESS-EBS 5.0 an Integrated ERP system, featured as follows:
Feature Benefit
Web Enabled Independent information access anytime and from anywhere.
Fully Integrated Data flows through automated & indigenous system, interlink & collaborate
across total business process.
Modular System configured through modules mimics a functional area facilitate im-
plementation and accommodate with rollouts.
Compliance to Statuary Regulations Software complies with all the statutory regulations & government policies.
User Level Security Users defined access rights enables it multi tier solution management.
Seamless Linking with other databases EBS seamlessly link with any databases (attendance machines, Tally etc.)
Dynamic Reporting Tool This module is an effective MIS tool for analyzing “what If” situation.
Cost Effective EBS implementation policy ensures a lower TCO.
Scalable EBS is designed to accommodate, as your business grows.


ERP is a Gate way to Manage Business Operations through single Business Information System; Today’s
businesses are spread across multiple layers of operations, different departments and employee levels, is a
challenge for real time operation’s data & effects critical business decision making.
In this scenario, management often struggle with answers of simple What, When, Where and How questions,
What are stocks of a product at a location, in progress or an expected FG availability?
What is the status of a production orders? If a management interventions required?
How is status of movement across supply chains? Inter plant or supply or delivery?
How to minimize leakage of revenue at resource utilization in manufacturing system?
What are the receivables of a client, accounts or the entire company? How aged are they?
Manual or other Tailor made reporting outputs are other challenges on its accountability, compliance and
Access EBS 5.0 ERP indigenously takeover these challenges in business management & is exclusively configured
To setup a system of online or offline connectivity across all departments or locations & is accessible through
internet connections by “N” number of concurrent users at any location.

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In manufacturing Industry, production planning & execution activities are critical to control costing of
production, it requires focus of all level of management, generally it has to deal High machine & manpower
utilization, Raw material realization with minimum wastage & disruption at processes & high production
efficiency. Any production system inefficiency leads to higher cost of productions and challenge the survival of
industry by shrinking profit margin.
So, it is essential to develop business information base where all processes are better defined, scheduled and
all resources of organization are interlinked. So that it facilitate management to analyze operational data for
effective decision making and operation control.
Access EBS ERPs provides a Production Planning engine where a manufacturing industry i.e. discrete or lien
manufacturing or process manufacturing can plan various combinations of products, work order for production
planning to generate a most efficient material, machine, manpower & capital utilization plan.
Production planning executes material (Raw, vendor item & consumables) requisitions w.r.t. to individual product’s
Bill of material, process flow, man hour per process & engineering design specification and a procurement plan is
generated to be efficient at investment in raw material, material in process w.r.t. present stocks in hand & verify
the actual workable plan & scheduling.
Production planning manages Lot assignment to production batches and maintain linkage between order execution
plan and production lot no., hence linkage between sales order and finished goods availability, helps marketing to
view production execution at plant and provide correct feedback to customer regarding the delivery of goods.
At all production phases & various production analytic reports helps user to monitor machine utilization, Production
efficiency, wastage etc. Critical process operation data like at heavy-duty machines, precision machining activity etc.
recording and standardization provide insight of costing & control overall cost of product.
Our ERP System also facilitates to create quality inspection records of product at required stages of production.
Our ERP System also provides a machine maintenance module that facility to maintain Preventive / Predictive /
Breakdown maintenance records with machine parts replacement history & fuel or energy consumption logs.
Sale Module system can be best mold to provide typically requirement of domestic or export business oriented
industry through an indigenous domestic & export invoicing system taking care of all compliance, documentation &
customer management as well etc.
Inventory module deal with Raw Material, Finished Goods, Waste Inventory and Store inventory management.
Procurement module automate all process of Indent, approval, Budget, Quotation comparison with purchase
history, PO generation, Purchase rejection and monitoring Job work etc.
HR module takes care of manpower requisition, approvals, applicant information, screening, interview and selection
& employee master - salary records, Training, Loan, Leave, Attendance records will be maintained.
Salary & wages linked with Bio matrix system & all statuary requirements of ESI, PF etc are in built feature of this

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Financial Module provide a autonomous facility record all type of vouchers – Purchase, Sales, Cash, Bank, Journal
and links commercial module of sale and purchase to generation and approval to avoid any duplicate entry of
All statuary requirements of organization – VAT, Excise, TDS, Service Tax are inbuilt capability of our ERP.
Multi tier security architecture protects data and information, access to authentic users only.


Challenges faced by Footwear industry EBS 5.0 ERP Role to assist overcome
Product data management
Product data management is a major challenge in footwear, gar- With EBS 5.0, the customer is enabled with an adaptive
ment & fashion industry, as there are numerous product classifica- product data management system that
tions, sizes & style variants, different designs, market specific & Standardizes the definitions of complex Product BOM &
season specific products, which makes it really complex to efficient- respective alternatives.
ly define each of the product, its BOM, components, design data & Facilitates with item masters, define style classifications
production data. & its associated components for all its variants.
Moreover changes are frequent in trends, styling, designing & ma- Product attributes for defining collection, gender & sea-
terial, that leads to numerous other alternatives to each BOM. sons as well.
And this ultimately asks for immediate changes in manufacturing Size / scale master.
planning, production execution, stocks & supply chains planning. Defining size based production plan.
Order management
Order management is the primary function that drives planning EBS 5.0, here focused to facilitate order configuration re-
activity of the Footwear industries which in turn is driven by mar- spective to the industry scenario like
ket trends, styles & season. For make to order, allow modifying BOM, production
Management is effective if the orders received enable cashing the routing as per individual order requirement as well the
stocks in hand, defining mix production patterns, trading business order profitability analytics for budgeting, material pro-
models for better cash flow in markets & supply chains manage- curement plan & process costing etc.
ment. And for make to stock scenario, order configuration as
Either it is Make-to-Order or Make-to-stock scenario, order man- per Sales forecast allow you to enter quantity by colour,
agement drives the elements of stocks planning, manufacturing size with on hand & available quantity, that allows to
planning, production execution planning & delivery management work out with the desired production plan, material plan
respective to products, styles, product combinations, markets & & execution.
costing. Stocks in FG store are tagged as per Order Matrix and
hence facilitates traceability
Manufacturing planning
Manufacturing planning drives the production profitability in any EBS 5.0, provides automated manufacturing planning.
industry and specifically speaking for Footwear industries it be- Based on the outputs of order matrix & product matrix, it
comes cumbersome in the absence of an efficient system. allows to review BOM, various attributes and required /
We already discussed the challenge with product data management available quantities of all the components.
& scenario in managing production orders, it become immensely Its gets you the material summary to be issued for the
difficult to generate accurate material requisitions, material sche- specific production orders & reviewing / changing pro-
duling to the processes & material issue to work orders / sub- duction routing and processes as per individual order re-
contractors. quirement, material scheduling as per process in produc-
tion routing.

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Monitoring and controlling Production Execution
Manufacturing execution and controlling is obvious the execution Here EBS 5.0, provides a production system to let your
& performance phase of all planning activity, manufacturing setup perform operations as per the fina-
As the products, product tree, production routing are typically lized production routing.
complex & it requires constant monitoring of : Here routing defines the combination of all operation to
production productivity measures, disruption due to process failure produce the final product and monitoring each process,
or component failure in processes, accurate on time line in its standard rate, linking sub-contractors if to be con-
processes, quality assurance at each process, work orders outward tracted or run parallel & time required to each process.
/ inward from sub-contractor processing & consumptions tracking Production control allow to track various orders in pro-
as per BOM / material issue. ductions, filtering on jobs, track on the material issue to
the processes / sub-contractor, transacting system of
completion of each process or from work order, quality
check at required stages and posting challan for sub-
contractor process charges.
Plant Maintenance Scheduling & Control
Planned maintenance is desirable to run smooth manufacturing Here EBS 5.0, provides you with a plant maintenance sys-
and avoiding any losses due to machine breakdown or other disrup- tem to let you plan your maintenance activity to schedule
tions. and attain predictive and preventive maintenance.
It allows you to record all machine data, recording main-
tenance logs and servicing schedules. Moreover it also
allows you to record with the fuel consumptions or pow-
er consumption logs specific to machine, a work center
or process line.
Raw material planning & inventory management

Raw material & inventory management is another key activity of Here EBS 5.0, provides a purchase and inventory manage-
manufacturing business as it tends to control the investment in the ment system that allows you to track every procurement,
business, performance of funds invested and net return on invest- goods receipts, item inventory parameters, qualified sup-
ment through the adaptive business processes. pliers and efficient issuance and reordering.
Considering challenge here at raw material management & invento- Batch management at the GRN facilitates material is-
ry are again linked to the complexity of the BOM, numerous trans- suance to process to department or to the contractor
actions of issuance & receipt back of material from processes, work work order.
orders and batch management at all stages of material transactions. Material issuance respective to the process planned
quantity is FIFO based. Provisions for issuing material to
subcontractors for in-process job work is also feasible.
Feature for Monthly physical stock reconciliation is avail-
able to ensure complete accuracy
Delivery & FG stock management
Delivery & Finished goods stock management is a key activity for EBS 5.0, provides you autonomous system of dispatch
better performances in markets as it tends to influence the per- management execute best at orders to dispatch,
formance of supply chains, product distribution in markets & trade Order matrix referred above provides you with the order
partners performance. quantity for each product, styles, colour & attributes
with the control of subjected product combinations, to
track down with FG availability i.e. in at make to order /
make to stock post manufacturing, Post FG – quality
checks (Rejection / rework handling) & standard packag-
ing instructions.
Dispatch advice automatically duplicate order matrix
data to auto-allocate the FG to be executed to delivery.

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Workforce management and wages
Workforce management is critical cost center of manufacturing EBS 5.0, facilitates to keep worker records with all types of
industrial business. information, information regarding their work schedule &
Challenge is to manage manpower availability, leave and allocation planning workforce as per absentees, rest days, leave etc.
to shifts, facility management & recruitment of worker, daily Managing daily transaction of biometric attendance, man-
records of man hours, overtime etc. hours, labour-contractor work evaluation, training & skill
development, managing tour & travel allowances. Auto-
mated salary generation, deductions, loans or advance
reconciliations etc.
Taking care of statutory compliance of ESI, EPF, Income tax
assessments & TDS etc.
Financial Management
Financial management is always the key function of any business EBS 5.0, provides you a efficient system of financial plan-
organization, as smooth finance flow only ensures the performance ning & execution, with a facility of autonomous voucher
of the total industrial business function. A good accountancy system entry recording, ledger management, Account trial bal-
so it shall provide accurate and on time cash flows, fund flows, ances, drill down the account heads, transaction tracking,
Track recurring expense heads, monitor investment heads, measur- auto generated massages, emails and pop ups as per de-
ing costing & efficiency of manufacturing systems, efficient budget- fined thresholds of notifications, other compliance & taxa-
ing & fund allocations. tion tracking, and reports generating.


Access ERP Footwear offers the following business benefits:
 The comprehensive and reliable software solution is highly economical.
 Access Footwear software solution covers all the core functions necessary to run your business successfully.
 The Access Footwear software ensures that the phases are not disturbed. It does not require much modifications
and it can be implemented soon.
 Integrate data from many different departments, automate processes, control costs, and respond efficiently to
 The Access Footwear software is fully delivered in accordance with the flow of the Leather Industry combined with
production management concepts and materials tracking, which assist every business process in the Footwear
Manufacturing Industry.


Access EBS Footwear software allows Top management and employees to access and use information more
effectively so they can take profitable business decisions.
ACCESS ERP offers certain unique Features for Footwear Industries
 Category, Size, Pattern, and Color Matrices for the footwear industry.
 Matrix Driven transaction (throughout the business process from customer orders to orders / requisitions)
o Production
o Inventory
o Purchase
o Sales
o Machine Maintence
 Single Bill of Material for multiple shoe sizes.
 Effective Production Tracking.
 Availability of multi-dimensional reports to track the raw material consumption, daily production, detail sheet of
profitability and stock report.

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Functions performed by Access ERP for Footwear Industry
Item master form is used to describing the special / essential things of particular item, and that item create under
Respective category.

Colour Master is the form used in the creation of item master. Create a colour by specifying the colour name.

Finish Master
Finish Master is the form used in the creation of Item Master. Further Finish code /finish name used in the item master

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Size Master
Size Master is the form used in the creation of Item Master.

Product master is the base of any sale and production processes so it is necessary to fill the information in this form
carefully product master contain the following information which need to fill before sale order making. Various parameters
are required for footwear industry
 Product description and their attribute.
 Product Design and their design details (including process details and assembly details)
 Tax details and rate of product.

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Sales order (As per Footwear industrial requirement)
Sales order process for Footwear industry is start from sales order filling mostly parts of information block of the sales order
refer to the following master setting.

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Order Acceptance:-
This screen is used to approve the sale order we received from the Customer. The Sales order will be considered for the
production. When it is approved by the five designated people authorized by management.

Packing Instructions:
It will contain packing information against particular sales invoice.

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Production control system (For footwear industry):
Job card creation size run wise
 This is used for Production without SO. Contains complete product description size run wise and no of pairs.
 Contains total quantity to be produced
 Generates a unique Production/Job Order number

Job position creation

 Automatic Lot Creation
 Contains complete LOT description/Size details.
 Manual Lot Creation

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In Footwear Industry this form is used for daily transactions, Form contains processes info, product details, and product pair
detail and process observation.
 Contains daily production target achieved
 Tells the total manpower involved
 Describes Process Observation and various tests done
 Contains Operator wise hours worked and various machine parameters.

Production Stock (Work in process)

In footwear Industry this form is used to update the production stock quantity wise.

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Finished goods stock size run wise.
Footwear Industry would not only like to maintain the quantity of stock on the basis of sizes, but it will also maintain the
quantity in different status. Company may want to maintain stock in accepted status as well as rejected status.
Stocks can be in four status .They are accepted, rejected, held and allocated. Any item which has acceptable quality stan-
dards falls in the category of accepted items .When the item gets rejected for quality reasons or because of aging it is in the
rejected status. Held status is an intermediary stage which the user may put the item into held status so that no inventory
transactions take place on that particular item .If the user department wants to make sure that the item is available for
consumption they can hard allocate a particular item quantity ,in such a case the status changes to allocated .

Dispatch Advice
Dispatch is performing against Job order for particular party. It will describe the product and their quantity and
their packing information against particular sales invoice.

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Dispatch Advice Size Wise

SALES Export
Proforma Invoice (Size run wise)
Sales export process is start from sales order filling mostly parts of information block of the sales order refer to the
following master setting.

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Sales order booking

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Leather description (Annexure –VII)

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 The ERP Event Manager with Heads‐Up Alerts allows ERP users to communicate instantly with system prompt by
instant mobile messaging, desktop event notifications and email alerts.
 Users can select conditions that can be delivered to their desktop, email or mobile device.
 Users can control & respond where and when receive Heads Up alerts.
 Administrators can also create subscriptions and modify existing subscriptions for users.
*The scope of this facility shall be discussed at the pre-implementation phase for the number users subject to this
facility as well as the respective Events / Conditions for these alerts per user.


 Tune to your business any time, any place – with the one mobile app at your smart
 Configured for event notifications, indeed approvals & BI reporting.
 Sales; daily & till date sales – party wise, product wise, daily dispatch & invoices, FG
 Inventory; Stock register, Items at min/ max/ reorder level, daily MRN & dispatch ad-
 Purchase; daily PO & WO, MRN supplier wise, PV.
 Production; daily transactions produce to plan, job wise, product wise, WIP.
 HR; Daily attendance/ absenteeism / leave department wise.
 Finance; Cash flow daily, bank & cash, Sales & Purchase register, daily AR / AP state-
It is customizable & extendable to business specific requirements, so stay head at your busi-

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 Automated and streamlined business operations leads to greater adaptability and resources aligned to value
 Quick to Manufacturing changes to specific product, product mix, compliance to regulatory.
 360 degree visibility leads to better operational efficiency & insight into cost efficiency as well as supports
technology adaption and skill development.
 Increased visibility & simplified Supplier management, improve to be quick & accurate estimations / quotations,
forecast resource scheduling, collaboration with trading partners.
 Improved scheduling and reliability of accomplishing work orders & tracking immediate inventories to reduce
costs & improved dispatch management.
 Since Unified EBS5.0 software has uniformity in GUI’s across all functions, leads to Operations efficiency
 A unified and single reporting system to analyze the statistics / status in real-time, across all
functions/departments support Business Intelligence.
 High revenues through Identifying and create KPI’s (Key Performance Indicators) reduce administration costs for
control & operations.
 It supports to integrate other devices / instrumentations and control systems (bar-code reader, for example) to
the ERP system through an API (Application Programming Interface).
 There are other various modules extendable in Access EBS ERP system like Supply Chain Management, Export
Management, C R M – Marketing, Service & Project Management etc.
 EBS 5.0 ERP systems facilitate planning marketing aspects like sales forecasting, market communications,
promotions and related activities.
 Since Access EBS ERP is implemented with robust Oracle Database system on the backend, enables centralized
storage always an advantage at administrations, security and back-up of all enterprise data.
 An EBS 5.0 system takes you to Web size i.e. take your business across globe managing dispersed enterprise
operations from any location.


Access Info Tech has long standing and reputation in providing customized ERP solution to different industrial segments &
has approximate 4000 user base across the ERP industry. We are capable of running our ERP system in single organization
to more than 200 users.
Domain expert of specific industry & exposure of implementation of business systems (ERP) are available to understand the
core & specific requirement of industry and capable to translate requirements to design System effectively.
Highly qualified professional of relevant functional experience like Production & industrial engineers, CA’s, HR Admin, IT
infrastructure consultants & EDP managers are available to assist in system design & implementation process.
We also provide service for computer hardware, LAN / WAN connectivity through expertise knowledge to assist to create a
robust, futuristic & cost effective IT infrastructures.
We are locally available ERP system providers with cost effective & convenient to implement solutions. Our ERP cost
generally paybacks within a span of 30 to 36 months of its implementation.

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a. Share the project execution plan with the client.
b. Understanding the requirement of the customer i.e. detailed system study.
c. Identifying the major gaps in the existing processes which are acting as a limitation for the organization to
align with the business requirements.
d. Sharing Check List for temporary site preparation required to perform testing with the client.
a. Prepare functional design documentation.
b. Prepare database design document.
a. Detailed Test case for all the major processes of the ERP System.
b. List down tests to validate the process functionalities.
c. Document detail test case for all the ERP modules.
d. Prepare the draft for the Acceptance Test Certificate. The document shall contain the mandatory list of
observation w.r.t the key processes of the all the modules. Acceptance level for the test results need
to be specified in this Document


a. Development of the processes as per the deliverables.
b. Updating/preparation of User manual and System documentation; Entity relationship diagram, as may be
c. System testing shall be performed to verify and validate the overall operational & functional as-
pects of the software.
a. All the reports/Forms to be validated in this Step.
b. System testing to be performed in presence of the user. This process shall include verifying and validating
the overall operational & functional aspect of the software.
c. Modification of the respected programs / processes based of the feedback obtained during testing.
a. We imparted training/on the job training to core group members.

Brief Overview
Access Info tech Pvt. Ltd has evolved as a diversified IT Solution Providers over the period of last two decades.
• Founded in 1995, partnered with WIPRO for all IT infrastructure & related services.
• Established & managed by a team of hardcore IT professionals, we are one of fastest growing IT organization in
Northern India.
• Started DBA service in 2005 as Certified Partner of ORACLE & Certified Partner of Microsoft for entire range of
products & services.
• An ISO 9001 : 2008 certified for quality services, Access Info tech has a customer-oriented approach with reliable,
flexible & comprehensive business solutions to diverse Industrial segments.
• Highly Ethical Organization with a Culture of integrity and excellence
• CIO 2015 rated us amongst the top 20 most promising Oracle technology solutions providers.
• Recommended by customers, rewarded by resource partners & complimented by our employees.

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Our Business portfolio includes…
• Software Development
• Access-EBS5.0 ERP Customized Application Development Project
• Application Migration, Conversion & Integration, Database design and maintenance.
• Database Administration Services
• Operating system & Database: AMC for Sales & Service; Windows, Linux, Oracle, My SQL.
• Enterprise Communication Services
• Enterprise communication services for voice, broadband, cloud & web services.
• IT Consultancy Services
• IT Infrastructure: Sales, Service & AMC for Servers, Desktops, Peripherals & Power Backups.

Our Enterprise business partners includes

• • •
Client References

Liberty Trends Limited Yamuna Power Infrastructure Deepak Spinners Limited

Forge India Pvt ltd Preet Tractors Swaraj Automotive

Crystal Sanitary Pvt Ltd Empire Packages Pvt Ltd Punjab Alkalis & Chemicals Ltd

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Turbo Scaffoldings Pvt Ltd Interwood Mobel (P) Ltd. CAG India.

And many more ... the journey to Excellence in Quality and Services is constant...

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