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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)

Volume 5 Issue 6, September-October 2021 Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

Chagaladya Ghrita; A – Drug Review

Dr. Prabhakar H. Kannalli1, Dr. Bishnupriya Sethi1, Dr. Shankara Gowda2, Dr. Ravi R Chavan3
PG Scholar, 2PG Professor, 3PG Professor and Head,
Department of Rasashastra & Bhaishajya Kalpana,
Taranath Govt Ayurvedic Medical College and Hospital, Ballari, Karnataka, India

ABSTRACT How to cite this paper: Dr. Prabhakar H.

Chagamamsa has been used as both as Ahara well as Aushadha. The Kannalli | Dr. Bishnupriya Sethi | Dr.
concept of Nutraceutical is gaining a lot of importance in the recent Shankara Gowda | Dr. Ravi R Chavan
few days. People are exhausted taking medicines which are difficult "Chagaladya Ghrita; A – Drug Review"
to take and also have lot of side effects. They prefer to take Published in
something which is easily available and also that which can be a part
Journal of Trend in
of food to treat their ailments. Nutraceutical have been defined a food Scientific Research
or a part of food that provides medicinal or health benefit including and Development
prevention and treatment of diseases. Chagamamsa is a Mamsa (ijtsrd), ISSN:
which is taken as a part of food it can be considered a Nutraceutical. 2456-6470, IJTSRD47600
There are a lot of medicinal value attributed of the Chagamamsa and Volume-5 | Issue-6,
other Dravyas which are included for the Chagaladya Ghrita. The October 2021, pp.1180-1187, URL:
Chagaladya Ghrita content mainly Chaga mamsa(Goats meat),
Ashwagandha, Vasapanchanga, Chagadugdha, Goghrita and other
Prakshepaka dravyas. Copyright © 2021 by author (s) and
International Journal of Trend in
KEYWORDS: Chagamamsa, Ashwagandha, Vasapanchanga and Scientific Research and Development
other dravyas Journal. This is an
Open Access article
distributed under the
terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution License (CC BY 4.0)

Rasashastra and BhaishajyaKalpana is the unique and of this Aja-mamsa can restore the Mamsa dhatu
inseparable applied branch of Ayurveda which deals kshaya (Mamsena mamsa vruddhihi), also Increases
with herbo-mineral preparations with safety body weight (meda-karaka), Ojoskara
processing technologies. Chagaladya ghrita[1] is one
(Immune-booster) indicated in the management of
such classical, potent, unexplored, herbal preparation Rajayakshma presenting with predominant of Shwasa
having properties of Jwara-prashamana (Anti-pyretic
and Kasa. It contains mainly Chagamamsa(goat’s
action), Dhatu-vruddhikara (Nourishesh the Body meat), Ashwagandha, Vasapanchanga, Chagadugdha
tissues), improves mainly Mamsa dhatu, where dhatu
and Goghrita and other Prakshepaka dravyas.
kshaya is noticed in Rajayakshma rogi by consuming
Table no1: Different references of the yoga named Chagaladya ghrita along with their ingredients,
method of preparation, indications & dose[1] & [2]
SI. Ingredients& Method
Name Prakarana Indications Dose
no of preparations
Rajayakshma 8-10ml
Chagashakrit rasa,chaga
chikista & With
Ajapanchaka mutra,chaga dugdha, Kasa, shwasa,
1. Chakradatta 10th Ushna
ghritam chaga dadhi, chaga ghrita Rajayakshma.
Adhyaya Jala &
-16 ser each
Rajayakshma Milk
Chagala 14thAdhyaya Aja mamsa-1 tula, Rajayaskshma, k ½ to1 pala
ghritam Rajayakshma Astavaragas-each4 tola, Pancha kasa, With luke

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
chikista In sugar, arochaka, Warm
Bhaishajya Ratnavali -8 pala, madhu-16 tola. swarabhanga, Water
Murchita ghrita is using Kshaya,
and procedure same as parshwasula.
ghrita Kalpana.
5 ser chaga mams rasa, 2 parshwasula,
Rajayakshma 8-10ml
Chagaladya drona jala, 1 prasta yakshma, heart
chikista In With
3. ghritam(2) jeevaninya gana diseases,
Bhaishajya Ratnavali Luke
Dwitiyam procedure same as ghrita Atimaithuna
& Chakradatta 10th Warm water
Kalpana. janya kshaya
also cures.
All vatavadhies,
50 pala aja mamsa laghu Ardita,
& Brihat panchamula Karnasula,
equal to mamsa, 2 Badhirya,
prastha murchita ghrita, Mukata, 8-10ml
Chagaladya 26th Adhyaya
4. Asta varga kalka each ½ Minminata, With
ghrita Vatavyadhi chikista
prastha and dugdha 2 pangu, khanja, warm milk
prastha, shatavari rasa 2 Kubja,
prsatha, as per the ghrita Apatanaka,
preparation. Apatantraka,
Chaga mamsa 5 ser (1
tula), Dashamula,
Ashwagandha, Bala
panchanga, each- 2
drona, Murchita Go-
ghrita Dugdha and
Hridaya shula,
shatavari rasa- 2 prastha
Ardita, Linga
Brihat 26th Adhyaya Kalka dravyas- jivanti, 1 tola
5. Chagaladya vatavyadhi yasthimadhu, draksha, Ushna
(stiffness of
ghrita Chikista kakoli, ksheera kakoli, Jala
nila kamala, musta, rakta
Chandana, rasna
,mudga&masha parni,
Sarvanga vata,
sariva, Astavarga,
Shosha, Kshee
Triphala, Trikatu,
nata, Bhagna,
Chaturjata, Dadima,
vidanga, Dhanyaka,
spandana, Nasta
Manjista, Devadaru.
veeerya and etc.
4ser Go-ghrita, 1 tula
Ashwagandha, 10-20ml
Brihat Dashamula, Same With ushna
74th Adhyaya
5. Chagaladya Vatyalaka(Bala) indications of Jala and
ghrita ,Shatavarya & Dugdha above Luke
each-4 ser, Tamra vessel Warm water
is used to prepare ghrita
paka, and same as above.
Chagaladyam Chakradatta 10th 400 tola of Chaga mamsa All types of 4 tola pratha
6. ghritam Adhyaya is taken, 1024 jala should Kasa, kala with
(As per C.D) Rajayakshma be taken and cooked well Rajayakshma, ushna jala.

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
Adhikara and after 1/4th. Then 64 Kstaksheena,
tola of cows ghee taken Aruchi,
added in this jeevaniya Swarabheda,
drugs cooked well as per Parshwashula.
the ghrita Kalpana after
swangashita added 32
tola sugar candy, 16 tola
madhu mixed well stored
in airtight container jar.

Etymological derivation of the word “DRUG” is from the French word “DROGUE”.
It may be defined as “any substance which when taken by a living organism may modify one or more functions”.
W.H.O has given a more comprehensive definition as “Drug is any substance or product that is used or intended
to be used to modify or explore physiological systems or pathological status for the benefit of the recipient”.
Ayurveda describes four basic factors, which are most essential for advocating proper treatment. Among these
four factors dravya (drug) comes next to bhishak that is the second important thing to treat the diseases. The
drug review is very much essential in Ayurveda.
Under this heading Chagaladya Ghritam along with the drugs used for the preparation is reviewed.
A.Majordrugs:1.Chagamamsa,2.Vasapanchanga,3.Ashwagandha,4.Go-ghrita& 5.Chagadugdha.
B.Associated drugs: Astavargas, Brihat panchamula, Triphala, Trikatu, Chaturjata, and other prakshepaka
Chaga mamsa
The term Mamsa is commonly used to denote muscle, flesh or meat. In Ayurveda literature synonyms of
Mamsa[3] includes Pishita, Taras, Palala, Rakta-Teja, Medaskuta, Kravyam, Aamisha etc.
According to Acharya Charaka quantitative measure of vasa (Mamsa Sneha) in human body is three Anjali
pramana. Mamsa is nourished and maintained by sara Bhaga of Rasa and Rakta Dahtu. Mamsa dhatu possesses
Rakta varna and predominant of pruthvi mahabhuta. During metabolic transformation, Rakta dhatu is converted
into Mamsa dhatu. In the process upadhatu, vasa and twacha being upadhatu of Mamsa dhatu covers the whole
body. Lepana (covering) and meda pushti (nourishment of medodhatu) are primary important functions ascribed
to Mamsa dhatu, Sira (veins), snayu (ligaments), Asthi (bones), and uttaotara dhatu (tissue) development.
Aja Aja Chagala
Chagi Bushka Chedhaka
Sarvabhakshya Lambakarna Bastha
Shubha Shubhachagi Barkara
Manja Sthava Pashu
Ajamamsa properties [5]
Dosa: Tridosha shamaka
Guna: guru, slaskhna, kinchit sheeta evum snigdha, sharira dhatu vardhaka and Anabhishyandhi.
Vipaka: laghu
Rogaghanta: peenasa, kshyaya.
MATERIALS AND METHOD [6](Individual of each drug properties)
Drug name Rasa Guna Veerya Vipaka Karma
Chaga mamsa Madhura, Balya, Brihmhanakarak,
01 slaskna, Ushna Madhura
rasa kashaya mamsa dhatu vruddhi.

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
Ruksha, Kasahara, shwasahara,
02 Vasapanchanga[6] Tikta, kashaya Ushna Katu
laghu Raktasthambaka.
Tikta katu Laghu,
03 Ashwagandha[7] Ushna Madhura Balya, Rasayana, Vajikaraka.
madhura snidgha
04 Goghritam[8] Madhura Sheeta Madhura Rasayana, balya, brimhana.
Madhura, snigdha, Jeevana, balya, Kasahara,
05 Chagadugdha[9] Sheetra Madhura
kashaya laghu, mridu, vrushya.
06 Shatavari[10] Madhura, tikta Sheeta madhura Shukrala, brihmanakarak
07 Sweta mushali Madhura, tikta Sheeta madhura Shukrala, brihmanakarak
Tikta, kashaya,
08 Guduchi Ruksha, guru Ushna Katu Rasayana, jwarahara.
Madhura, Laghu,
09 Vamsalochana Sheeta Madhura Kasahara, shwasahara.
kashaya ruksha
10 Bala Madhura Sheeta Madhura Rasayana, brimhanakarak.
11 Shunthi Katu Ushna Katu Peenasa, Kasahara.
12 Maricha Katu Laghu, rukha Ushna Katu Kasahara, jwarahara.
Madhura, katu, Laghu, Anushna
13 Pippali Madhura Tridosha shamaka.
tikta snigdha shita
pradhana lavana Laghu,
14 Haritaki Ushna Katu Rasayana, Vatanulomaka.
varjita ruksha
15 Vibhitaki Kashaya, tikta Ushna Katu Deepana, pachana, Kasahara
Amla pradhana
Snigdha, Rasayana, Tridosha shamaka,
16 Amalaki lavana varjita Sheeta Madhura
laghu Brimhanakarak.

Katu, tikta
17 Twak vikasi, Ushna Katu Vishaghna, kaphahara.
Laghu, Kasahara, Ruchya, chardi
18 Ela Madhura, katu Ushna Madhura
ruksha nihanti.
19 Patra Katu, madhura laghu, Ushna Katu Kasahara, Aruchi.
20 Nagakeshara Kashaya, tikta Ushna Katu Kasahara.kaphahara.
21 Yashtimadhu Madhura Sheeta Madhura Kanthya, aruchi, medhya.
Madhura Guru, Shukrala, balya,
22 Viadarikanda Sheeta Madhura
Kashaya snigdha brimhanakaraka.
23 Shalmalimoola Madhura.kashaya snigdha, Sheeta Madhura Sthambhaka, Grahi.
24 Vacha Katu tikta Ushna Katu Vedanasthapana, krimighna.

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25 Shankhapushpi Tikta Sheeta Madhura Medhya, Kasahara.
26 Chavya Katu Ushna Katu Peenasa, Kasahara. Aruchi.
27 Kapikacchu bija Madhura, tikta Ushna Katu Shukrala, vajikaraka.
Deepana, pachana,
28 Chitraka moola Katu teekshna, Ushna Katu
29 Khadira Kashaya Sheeta Katu Sthambhaka, vranaropaka.
Laghu, Deepana, Ruchya,
30 Jeeraka Katu Ushna Katu
ruksha shoolaprashamana.
Laghu, Deepana, Ruchya,
31 Krishna jeeraka Katu Ushna Katu
ruksha shoolaprashamana.krimighna.
Laghu, Deepana, Ruchya,
32 Ajamoda Katu, tikta Ushna Katu
ruksha vatanulomana.
33 Methika Tikta Ushna Katu Jwarahara, deepana.
Tikta, katu, Laghu, Kasa shwasahara,
34 Bharangi Ushna Katu
kashaya ruksha Rajayakshma.
(References of Drug number 6 to 34 were taken from Database text book]
DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION This has been told in our classics as like (Guru
Ajamamsa: slaskhna Sheetakinchitevumsnigdha).
Among all the mamsavarga, Ajamamsa considered as
It has high content of Myoglobin these are good for
best one, especially in shosha condition. Its
blood health & also improves Iron deficiency
doshaghnata being Tridoshashamaka, Guna: guru,
slaskhna, kinchit sheet aevum snigdha,
sarvadhatuvardhaka and Anabhishyandhi, Vipaka: It has good levels of Vit-B12, and this is one of the
Madhura, veerya-ushna, Rogaghnata: peenasa, reasons it will reduces Anxiety disorders, depression
kshaya. and stress. And due to present of Selenium it prevent
It is easy for the digestion improves muscle bulk
of shosha patient in classics they have mentioned Chaga dugdha:
‘mamsenamamsavrudhi’ where dhatu kshayais Chaga dugdha having Rasa: Madhura Kashaya,
noticed in Rajayakshmarogi by consuming of this Guna: Laghumridugrahislaskshna, veerya: Sheeta,
Ajamamsa we can restore the mamsa dhatu Vipaka: Madura, Karma: Grahi, Deepaniya,
kshaya. Jeevaniya, Brihmaniya, Ojovruddhikara. And
Doshaghnta: Tridoshashamaka.
It is not only improves mamsa dhatu also improves
Rogaghnta: Peenasa, Shwasaroga, kasaroga,
sarvadhatukshaya, it will act as bacteriostatic of
Atisara, kshayaroga hara.
tuberculi bacteria in the body.
Again question arises why only Goat milk is safe in
Goat meat is high protein healthy red meat full of
tubercular diseases??
vitamins & minerals. Not only is it a great source of Protein is Essential for growth, development And
protein, but Goat meat is also full of vitamins B6, repair of the body. So it has Alpha-S1-Casein is
B12, C, E, A, & K, as well as Iron, Calcium, significantly low as compared to other’s milk like
Phosphorus, Zinc, Copper, Selenium, Manganese, cow etc. and it has Anti-allergic properties those
Potassium & sodium. who arehaving allergy to consuming of milk.
Why goat meat is most superior in Tubercular Goat milk is highly Nutritious, contains essential
patients? Is because of – while red meat is
Vitamins & minerals (higher amounts of
known to be high with saturated fat that increases Potassium, Iron & Vitamin Athan cow’s milk).
cholesterol levels and leads to heart disease, Goat
meat is said to have very low of saturated fat and It has plenty of Calcium is essential for development
will pose no harm to heart health& goat meat is & maintenance of bones and teeth, helps support
leaner than other meats. It has very low calories. normal muscle function and normal blood clotting.

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
Also it has Zinc and Selenium, strong Anti-oxidants, It is considered as Immune-modulator, Immune-
vital for the maintenance of the immune system booster, may increase muscle mass and strength,
balance. So recommending in Anemia condition. Adaptogenic effect/ Anti-stress and Anti-bacterial
It contains oligosaccharides which have Anti-
inflammatory properties. The withaferin A&withanoloides play a major role in
its ability to boost and improves Antibody
productions resulting Anti-oxidants, Anti-bacterial,
it is considered best remedy for Respiratory
Anti-inflammatory & Immuno-modulating properties.
system it acts as Bronchodilator, Expectorant,
Anti-bacteriral and Respiratory stimulant. It reduces Cortisol level in the body- Cortisol is
known as a stress hormone given that your
The phytochemical constituents of Vasa having-Main
adrenal glands release it in response to stress, as
alkaloids are- Vasicinone, Vasicine, Vasicol and in
well when your blood sugar levels get too low.
the part of leaves content-Vasicoline, Adhatodine,
showed Anti- tussive & Broncho-dialator activities It has Rasa:Tiktakatumadhura,
where Tubercular patient is continuous cough was Guna:laghusnigdha, Veerya:Ushna, Vipaka: Katu,
complaining this constituents can cures the cough. Dosaghnata: kaphavatashamaka,
Karma:Dourbalyahara, Rasayana, Vajikara,
Also even heavy coughing can cause bleeding by
breaking the blood vessels in the lungs, leading to the
red phlegm (Haemoptysis)/ Raktastheevanacures by Guna Karma of Goghrita: Rasa – Madhura,
this constituents of Bromhexine & Ambroxol. Guna–Snigdha, Virya -Sheeta, Vipaka- Madhura,
Dosha Karma - Pitta Shamaka.
Bromhexine – is a mucolytic drug. It was
originally derived as an extract derivates called (Ajanmyasatmyankurute) Since it is used from birth
vasicinone from Adathodavasica. (It was one will be acquainted to it, it is considered as best
patentented in 1961), used to breakup excessive Rasayana , Ghrita is said to be Nector(Amruta) to the
or thick phlegm associated with a chest cough. body.
On Digestive System- In Vitro studies showed It will enhances the Jatharagni, Balya, Brimhana,
that Adhatodavasica stimulate the digestive Shukrala, Saptadhatuvruddhikara and Oajaskara.
process by activating trypsin enzyme when
treated with decoction of Leaves.(Bhattarcharya, Murchana of ghrita is processed with drugs like
pandit, Jana, sen& son, 2005). triphala, musta, haridra, matulungaswarasa. Murchana
The major chemical component of Vasicinone is give a good colour and aroma to the ghrita and it is
present in the whole plant (leaves, Bark, amopadoshahara and at the same time increases the
Flower&Root) which is used to treat Anti- virya of the ghrita.
allergic, Anti-inflammatory, Anti-microbial, Shatavari: Rasa: Madhura, Tikta, Guna: Guru,
Expectorant& Mucolytic action.
Snigdha, Virya: Sheeta, Vipaka: Madhura,
It having tiktha Kashaya rasa, ushnaveerya, Karma: Sukrala, Balya, Rasayana, Vrshya,
katuvipakaand kapha-pittashamaka, Kasahara, Kaphavatghna, Agnipushtikara
shwasahara, Rakthambhaka, Shlemshmahara.
It hasAnticancer, Anti-dysenteric, Antifungal,
Ashwagandha: Antibacterial, Anti-oxytoxic, Antiviral, diuretic
The root of Withania Somnifera has more than 35 properties.
chemical constituents. (Rastogi & Mehrotra, Triphala: It includes Haritaki, Vibhitaki and
1998).Steroidal alkaloids & lactones,
Amalaki. Haritaki is having lavanavarjitapancha
withanolides, withaferin, Somniferinine, rasa, laghurukshaguna, ushnaveerya,
withanolides, withaferin A & withanolide D.
madhuravipaka. It is tridoshashamaka,
Alkaloids of Ashwagandha have muscle relaxant & Anulomaka, Rasayana.
Anti-spasmodic effect against several spasmogens on
Vibhitaki is having kashaya rasa,
bronchial, blood vascular & Tracheal muscles. Where
rukshalaghuguna, ushnaveerya, madhuravipaka.
continuous coughing leading to Bronchial muscle
Does kaphapittahara. It helps in
spasm & Chest pain occurring in the patient which
Margavaranajanya Shwasa.
can subsides by this component of Alkaloids. (Cures
Parshwashoola, Swarabhedaand Kasa). Amalaki is amla pradhanapancha rasa, sheeta and
laghuguna, sheetaveerya, madhuravipaka.

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Tridoshahara, Rasayana. As Haritaki and Amalaki Shukrala, Balya, Pittahara, Rasayana, Svarya,
are Tridoshara it can be used in all Kasa, Vatahara, Varnya, Jivaneeya, Brhmaniya
Shwasaroga. It has Spasmolytic, hypoglycaemic, Anti-
Trikatu: It includes Shunti, Maricha and Pippali. inflamotory, Progestrogenic properties.
All the 3 drugs has Katu rasa, laghu, rukshaguna,
Yashtimadhu: Rasa-Madhura, Guna - Guru,
Pippali has anushnasheetaveerya and
Snigdha, Virya - sheeta, Vipaka - Madhura,
madhuravipaka whereas Shunti and Maricha has
Karma - Balya, Chakshushya, Vrushya,
ushnaveerya and Katuvipaka.
Vatapittahara, Raktaprasadana.
All the drugs have the property of
It contains Glycyrrhizin, glycyrrhizic acid,
Kaphavatashamaka and acts as Agni deepaka and
glycyrrhetinic acid, asparagine, sugars, resin and
Chaturjata: containing Twak, Ela, Tamalapatra, Kapikacchubeeja: having madhuratikta rasa,
and Nagakeshara are having properties like Katu,
guru snigdhaguna, madhuravipaka, ushnaveerya,
Madhura rasa, Ushna Virya, Ruksha, sukrala & vajikara.
Teekshnaguna, Kaphavata hara, Vishaghna,
Deepana, Varnya karaka, kasa and Shwasa hara. It has chemical constituents like-mucadine,
mucunin, pruiendine, oleic acid it does where
Guduchi:Rasa: Tikta, Kashaya, Guna: Laghu,
seminal fluid has been reduced it will promote to
Virya: Ushna, Vipaka: Madhura, Karma: Balya,
increasing the tissue level of semen.
Deepana, Rasayana, Sangrahi, Tridoshamaka,
Raktashodhaka, Jvaraghna It has CNS depressant, Vacha: It having katutikta rasa,
Anti-bacterial, Anti- microbial, Anti-pyretic, laghutikshnaguna, katuvipaka, ushnaveerya,
Hepato protective, Analgesic, Immuno kaphavatashamaka & vedanasthapaka it reduced
suppressive, immune stimulant, anti stress, malaise.
Adaptogenic. Chavya: It has katu rasa, laghurukshaguna,
Vamsalochana: having madhura Kashaya rasa, katuvipaka, ushnaveerya, kaphavatahara, it does
laghutikshnarukshnaguna, maduravipaka, jatharagnivruddhi and pachana.
sheetaveerya and kaphapittahara. Sweta Jeeraka:It has katu rasa, laghurukshaguna,
Having cholin, oxalic acid, lysine and protein ushnaveerya, katuvipaka, kaphavatashamaka it
which helps to reduced bacterial level of does vatanulomana, krimighna,
tuberculi, and does antipyretic, analgesic and anti- shoolaprashamana, deepana and pachana.
inflammatory action. Khadira:It has tikta Kashaya rasa,
Bala:Madhura rasa & vipaka, sheetaveerya, laghurukshaguna, sheetaveerya, it does
pittashamaka properties. raktapittashamaka, ruchivardhaka,
It has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant,
antispasmodic, hepatoprotective, CNS inhibitory, Methika: It has tikta rasa, laghusnigdhaguna,
immune-stimulatory action. ushnaveerya, katuvipaka, vatakaphashamaka, it
does subsides the Jwara&Angamardaprashamana,
Mushali: having madhuramadhurasheeta guru
snidghaguna and vatapittahara, shukrala.
Bharangi:It has Tiktakatu Kashaya rasa,
It has antioxidant, immune modulatory, anti stress katuvipaka, ushnaveerya, kaphavatashamaka, it
properties. does Anti-histaminic, Bronchoconstrictor,
Chitraka:Guna karma of chitraka is Rasa: Katu, Antibiotic, CNS depressant activities.
Guna: Laghu, Ruksha, Teekshna, Virya: Ushna,
Chagaladya Ghritam is a Ghritakalpana where in
Vipaka: Katu. It has the properties like,
etymology states that the drug contain as a main
shothahara, Deepana, Grahi, Pachana, Kaphavata
Ingredient Ghrita, Chaga mamsa, Chaga dugdha,
hara. It contains constituents like, Plumbagin, Ashwagandhakashaya, Vasapanchanga Kashaya and
plumbagic acid, Plumbazeylanone, Chitranone,
other Prakshepakakalka dravyas which does
Chitraka shows Antipyretic, Appetizer, Anti Tridoshashamana, Balya karaka (gives strength to the
bacterial, Anti fungal, Hepato protective. body), Kasa hara (Cough suppressor), Jwarahara
Vidarikanda: Rasa Madhura, Guna Guru, (anti-pyretic action), Dhatu pushtikara (Nutritional
Snigdha, Viryasheeta, Vipaka: Madhura, Karma supplement for the Body tissues), which is Rasayana

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
in nature. Which is most important in the vighatana of [5] TripatiIndradeva. Raja Nighantu,
the Samprapti. Dravyagunaprakashika Hindivyakyopethana,
It is used in mainly Rajayakshma and Shosha/ kshaya krishnadasaAyurvedaseriesno: 5, 3rdedition,
Varanasi: Chaukhambakrishnadasacademy;
conditions. There are various Other Yogas in the
name of Chagaladya Ghrita which contains different 2003, Mamsavarga 38-39thverses, 566pp.
Ingredients, Indication and Dose. [6] P . C. sharma, M. B. Yelne, T. J. Dennis.
Database on medicinal plants used in Ayurveda
&Siddha. CCRAS: New delhi ; 2005, volume
[1] ShriGovind Das. Bhaisajya Ratnavali.
1, 496pp.
shrikavirajEdited by Siddinand Mishra. Edition
-2013. Varanasi: [7] Ibid. vol3, 88pp.
Chaukambhasurabharatiprakashana; 2013; 15th
[8] Vriddavagbhata. AstangaSangraha. Edited by
chapter, verses188-195, 455pp.
Dr. Shivaprasad Sharma. Varanasi:
[2] Chakradatta. Text with English translation, A Chowkambha sanskrit series ; 2006, 6thchapter,
treatise on principles andpractice of Ayurveda 43th verse, 41pp.
medicine, kashi Ayurveda series no: 17, by PV
[9] Tripathi hariprasad pandit. Haritasamhita hindi
Sharma. Varanasi: chaukhamba publishers; 10th translated by. Varanasi: Chaukhambha sanskrit
chapter, 67-75thverses, 131-132pp.
series office: Edition: 2005, 9th chapter, 19th
[3] Bhavaprakasha. Bhavamishra. translatedbyProf. verse, 61pp.
K. R. Shrikantamurthy. Varanasi:
th [10] P . C. sharma, M. B. Yelne, T. J. Dennis.
Krisnadasacademy ; 2000, 11 chapter, 73-
Database on medicinal plants used in Ayurveda
79thverse, 409-410pp. &Siddha. CCRAS: New delhi ; 2005, volume
[4] Sharma Priyavratha, Sharma guru Prasad. 1, 418pp.
Kaiyadevanighantu. Varanasi: Chaukhamba
Orientalia; mamsavarga, 55-57th verse, 445pp.

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD47600 | Volume – 5 | Issue – 6 | Sep-Oct 2021 Page 1187

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